41 research outputs found


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    Berbagai ancaman pada hutan mangrove baik secara alamiah seperti perubahan iklim dan kegiatan manusia seperti penimbunan, alih fungsi lahan dan penebangan semakin meningkatkan kerentanan ekosistem itu sendiri. Pengindraan jauh merupakan metode yang sangat efektif untuk digunakan dalam kegiatan pemantauan mangrove karena dapat dilakukan secara berkala dan mampu menjangkau area yang luas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan tutupan mangrove di Pulau Dompak Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Metode yang digunakan berupa klasifikasi citra satelit berbasis objek (OBIA) dengan algoritma support vector machine (SVM). Data citra satelit yang digunakan adalah SPOT 4 Tahun 2007 dan Sentinel 2B Tahun 2018 dengan resolusi spasial 10 x 10 m. Survei lapang dilakukan pada bulan September-Oktober 2018 dengan metode sampling secara acak. Hasil klasifikasi OBIA dengan algoritma SVM menghasilkan tingkat akurasi sebesar 89%, nilai kappa 0,86 dengan skala segmentasi optimum yang diperoleh adalah skala 3. Berdasarkan analisis perubahan tutupan lahan terjadi adanya penurunan luasan hutan mangrove sebesar 34,19% atau sekitar 46,61 ha sejak Tahun 2007 hingga 2018.The threats on mangrove forest, either naturally such as climate change or human activities such as landfill, land-use change, and deforestation, can increase the vulnerability of this ecosystem itself. Remote sensing is an effective method to use as mangrove monitoring activity because it can be done periodically and can reach a large area. This research aims to analyse mangrove coverage changes in Dompak Island, Kepulauan Riau Province. The method that was used is satellite imagery classification based on object (OBIA) with support vector machine (SVM) algorithm. Satellite imagery data that was used are SPOT 4 in 2007 and Sentinel 2B in 2018 with spatial resolution of 10 x 10 m. Ground check was conducted on September-October 2018 using random sampling method. The classification results of OBIA with SVM algorithm showed 89% accuracy level, 0.86 kappa values with optimum segmentation value of 3. Based on coverage land analysis, there was degradation of 34.19% mangrove area, or about 46.61 ha, since 2007 to 2018

    Analisis Kemampuan Literasi Sains Siswa SMA Terhadap Soal –Soal PISA Pada Materi Virus dan Bakteri

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang Analisis Kemampuan Literasi Sains Siswa Kelas X SMAN 1 Sakra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan literasi sains siswa SMAN 1 Sakra terhadap soal-soal PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) pada materi “Virus dan Bakteri”. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan purposive sampling yaitu teknik penentuan sampel dengan pertimbangan tertentu. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini adalah statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan literasi sains siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Sakra berdasarkan soal PISA tergolong kategori rendah dengan persentase rata-rata literasi sains yang didapatkan sebesar 46,26%. Berdasarkan gender, kemampuan literasi sains siswa laki-laki tergolong sangat rendah dengan persentase sebesar 42,38%, sedangkan kemampuan literasi sains siswa perempuan tergolong rendah dengan persentase sebesar 50,14%. Rendahnya kemampuan literasi sains siswa SMA Negeri 1 Sakra dalam menyelesaikan soal-soal PISA disebabkan karena kurangnya kemampuan siswa dalam mencermati soal, memahami isi bacaan, dan  kemampuan bernalar yang tinggi


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    Marine protected areas (MPAs) and no take zones (NTZs) are essential for the preservation of marine ecosystems. However, these important areas can be severely harmed by illegal fishing. All vessels above 30 gross tons are required to use vessel monitoring systems (VMSs) that enable vessel tracking by sending geographic data to satellites in each specific time period. The Visible Infrared Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) is a sensor on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)-20 satellite that can detect the light-emitting diode (LED) light used by fishing vessels from space during the night time. In this research, VMS and VIIRS fishery data were combined in order to identify fishing vessels that were detected by the VIIRS sensor of the NOAA-20 satellite. The research was focused on an area near the Aru Islands in the Arafura Sea in Indonesia. Data on LED light used by the fishing techniques of purse seine and bouke ami were obtained for the whole of 2018. The data were then processed using R software. An R package called LLFI (LED Light Fisheries Identifier) was created, containing several R-functions that calculate VMS vessel position during satellite overpass time and then combine the VMS and VIIRS data attributes, resulting in a dataset comprising vessels identified from the VIIRS dataset. Out of all the estimated VMS fishing vessel positions during the VIIRS satellite overpass, approximately 51% could be assigned to fishing vessels detected from the VIIRS dataset. For bouke ami, the identification rate was approximately 87%, while that for small purse seine was around 39%. Ultimately, the LLFI package created daily paths for each identified fishing vessel, displaying all its movements during the day of its’identification. These daily paths did not show any activity within MPA or NTZ. The LLFI package was successful in combining VMS and VIIRS data, estimating VMS vessel positions during the VIIRS satellite overpass, identifying a percentage of  the vessels, and creating a daily path for each identified vessel.

    Comparison of Satellite-Derived Bathymetry Algorithm Accuracy Using Sentinel-2 Multispectral Satellite Image

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    The utilization of satellite image data and image data processing techniques has become an efficient alternative to obtain bathymetric data in a broad and complicated area. This study aimed to determine the algorithm's performance in the waters of Lambasina Island. Atmospheric and radiometric correction using the Dark Object Subtraction (DOS) method for initial processing of Sentinel-2 images. The multispectral channel used, namely the blue, green, and red bands, was tested by regression using field observation data. The algorithms used to estimate bathymetry include Lyzenga, Stumpf, and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The test results of the three algorithms showed that the support vector machine algorithm was the best algorithm for estimating bathymetry after the Stumpf and Lyzenga algorithms. The correlation results of the SVM algorithm in the waters of the small Lambasina island got a correlation coefficient of determination R2 = 0.81 and the large Lambasina waters area R2 = 0.82. The second-best algorithm was Stumpf, with a correlation coefficient of determination of R2 = 0.79 in the waters of the small Lambasina island and R2 = 0.80 in the waters of the large Lambasina island. Lyzenga's algorithm got the correlation coefficient of determination R2 = 0.78 on small Lambasina Islands and large Lambasina Islands with a determination correlation coefficient value of R2 = 0.79

    Analysis of Rob Flood Risk on The Coast of East Luwu District Using GIS

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    Rob floods caused by rising sea levels are a natural disaster that can potentially threaten coastal areas, especially in Indonesia. Tidal floods seriously threaten coastal areas, especially East Luwu Regency. Environmental factors and rapid growth on the coast of East Luwu Regency influence the vulnerability and complexity of the environment. This research aims to identify the spatial distribution of tidal flood risk levels and predict tidal flood inundation in 2050 at the highest tide on the coast of Luwu Timur District. This effort is part of a disaster mitigation strategy due to rising sea levels. The modeling approach involves Geographic Information Systems (GIS) overlaying data and integrating DEM, HHWL, and SLR data for 28 years (1992-2020). The research results show that the coastal areas studied have a high risk related to tidal flooding, with locations closest to the coastline being at the highest risk. In contrast, the risk decreases as you move away from the coastline. Apart from that, the modeling results also estimate that in 2050, inundation will reach a height of 1,570 meters. The area affected by tidal flood inundation has increased in each sub-district. The inundation will spread evenly along the coastline and extend inland due to seawater intrusion. Coastal areas dominated by production land, such as ponds and agricultural areas, are predicted to experience the most extensive impact of inundation compared to other land uses. Emphasizes the need for mitigation efforts to minimize the impacts that may be caused by tidal floods in the future

    Kewenangan Notaris Dalam Mensertifikasi Transaksi Elektronik dalam rangka Cyber Notary

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang kewenangan Notaris dalam mensertifikasi transaksi yang dilakukan secara elektronik dalam Undang Undang Jabatan Notaris yang muncul akibat dari kemajuan teknologi. Pada umumnya, akta otentik yang dibuat dan/atau dihadapan notaris dicetak menggunakan kertas.  Namun, dengan perkembangan teknologi administrasi perkantoran sudah mulai tidak menggunakan kertas (paperless). Cyber Notary mempunyai fungsi utama dalam melakukan sertifikasi dan autentifikasi terhadap kegiatan transaksi elektronik. Transaksi Elektronik merupakan perbuatan hukum yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan Komputer, jaringan Komputer, dan/atau media elektronik lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaturan mengenai kewenangan notaris dalam mensertifikasi taransaksi elektronik, Siapa pihak penyelenggara sertifikasi transaksi elektronik kedepannya yang ditawarkan dalam bidang kenotariatan, dan tanggung jawab Ikatan Notaris Indonesia sebagai penyelenggara sertifikasi elektronik terhadap transaksi elektronik. Penelitian hukum ini adalah penelitian yang bersifat normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan sejarah, dan pendekatan konseptual. Tanggungjawab Ikatan Notaris Indonesia sebagai penyelenggara sertifikasi elektronik dapat ikut andil dalam menjaminan keamanan dan hadirnya kepastian hukum guna menjalankan transaksi yang dilakukan secara elektronik oleh para pihak yang melakukannya. Serta menjadikan Ikatan Notaris Indonesia sebagai wadah organisasi yang dapat mengambil peran sebagai suatu cara meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia para notaris agar tidak ketinggalan dalam kemajuan perkembangan teknologi. Abstract: This study examines the authority of the Notary in certifying transactions carried out electronically (Cyber Notary) in the Notary Position Act that arises due to technological advances. In general, authentic deeds are made and/or before a notary printed using paper. However, with the development of office administration technology has begun to use paperless. Cyber Notary has the main function of certifying and authenticating electronic transaction activities. Electronic Transactions are legal actions carried out using a computer, computer network, and/or other electronic media. This legal research is a normative study using a legislative approach, a historical approach, and a conceptual approach. However, it is regulated more clearly and completely based on the Information and Electronic Transaction Law (ITE). Meanwhile, the responsibility of the Indonesian Notary Association as an organizer of electronic certification can take part in guaranteeing security and the presence of legal certainty to carry out transactions carried out electronically by the parties who did it. As well as making the Indonesian Notary Association as a forum for organizations that can take a role as a way to improve the quality of human resources notaries so as not to miss the progress of technological development

    Pembuatan Sabun Mandi Padat Dengan Minyak Nilam Sebagai Anti Septik

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    Minyak kelapa sawit merupakan minyak nabati yang didapat dari buah kelapa sawit yang diolah menjadi sabun karena memiliki kandungan asam lemak jenuh tinggi yang merupakan komponen utama dalam pembuatan sabun mandi padat. Pembuatan sabun mandi padat dapat dilakukan dengan reaksi saponifikasi yaitu reaksi hidrolisa asam lemak dengan alkali (NaOH). Pada penelitian ini variabel yang diukur adalah pengaruh volume minyak kelapa sawit (20,25, 30, dan 35 ml) terhadap kualitas sabun mandi padat dengan penambahan minyak nilam. Kemudian di karakterisasi untuk mengetahui persen asam lemak bebas, kadar air, fraksi tak tersabunkan, pH, dan uji organoleptik sesuai dengan standar SNI. Dari hasil pengujian ternyata sabun dengan volume minyak kelapa sawit 20 ml dengan penambahan minyak nilam 3 ml memenuhi standar SNI yaitu asam lemak bebas 0,49%, kadar air 19.6%, pH 9,7


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    Fuel oil (BBM) is a very important needs to perform daily activities especially on motor vehicles. Fuel consumption , especially in Pontianak City have had a fall in change because the selling price of oil fuel which unstable. From these problems, this research will find which parameter that can produce the best training, and how to determine performance system best on a system prediction the number of fuel consumption premium by using the method Radial Basis Function. The purpose of this research is to search the parameters that produces best training and determine best performance of the system best system prediction on the number of premium fuel consumption using methods Radial Basis Function. The data used in this research was data number of motorcycles , large percent inflation kind of transport , the selling price of fuel oil and the number of fuel consumption in the Pontianak City. Based on the results of testing has been obtained the learning rate 0.01 capable of producing value mape of 6,2543 %.  Kata kunci— Fuel Oil, Radial Basis Function, MAPE


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    The human lungs are organs that are susceptible to disease. The high risk of death of lung disease patients shows that this type of disease needs to be taken seriously. This is due to a lack of public knowledge and awareness about lung health. The immense number of lung disease sufferers is inversely proportional to the availability of pulmonogists, in Pontianak City alone in 2016 only had 3 pulmonologists.To overcome these problems, in this study an expert system was built using the Certainty Factor method. The process of calculating Certainty Factor uses the trust value given by experts and also the user to produce a diagnosis of the disease, each symptom has an MB and MD value for a disease given by an expert to determine the results of a system diagnosis based on symptoms felt by the user. The CF method has a system performance that is able to run according to functional requirements and results in a high accuracy percentage.The expert system that has been built in this study is based on Android, by calculation based on the results of testing, all expert system functionality in diagnosing lung disease goes according to system requirements, and has an accuracy rate of 85.18%. of 27 test data.Keywords: Lung Disease, Expert System, Certainty Factor, Android


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    Diffuse attenuation coefficient, Kd(λ), has an empirical relationship with water depth, thus potentially to be used to estimate the depth of the water based on the light penetration in the water column. The aim of this research is to assess the relationship of diffuse attenuation coefficient with the water constituent and its relationship to estimate the depth of shallow waters of Air Island, Panggang Island and Karang Lebar lagoons and to compare the result of depth estimation from Kd model and derived from Landsat 8 imagery. The measurement of Kd(λ) was carried out using hyperspectral spectroradiometer TriOS-RAMSES with range 320 – 950 nm. The relationship between measurement Kd(λ) on study site with the water constituent was the occurrence of absorption by chlorophyll-a concentration at the blue and green spectral wavelength. Depth estimation using band ratio from Kd(λ) occurred at 442,96 nm and 654,59 nm, which had better relationship with the depth from in-situ measurement compared to the estimation based on Landsat 8 band ratio. Depth estimated based on Kd(λ) ratio and in-situ measurement are not significantly different statistically. Depth estimated based on Kd(λ) ratio and in-situ measurement are not significantly different statistically. However, depth estimation based on Kd(λ) ratio was inconsistent due to the bottom albedo reflection because the Kd(λ) measurement was carried out in shallow waters. Estimation of water depth based on Kd(λ) ratio had better results compared to the Landsat 8 band ratio