3,666 research outputs found

    A noncooperative view on two consistent aiport cost sharing rules

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    This paper provides a noncooperative understanding of the nucleolus and the egalitarian allocation for airport cost problems. We find that every Nash equilibrium of the noncooperative game has the nucleolus as outcome while the egalitarian allocation is just one of the Nash outcomes.airport games, egalitarian allocation, nucleolus, Nash outcomes

    SFDL: MVC Applied to Workflow Design

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    Process management based on workflow systems is a growing trend in collaborative environments. One of the most notorious areas of improvement is that of user interfaces, especially since business process definition languages do not address efficiently the point of contact between workflow engines and human interactions. With that in focus, we propose the MVC pattern design to workflow systems. To accomplish this, we have designed a new dynamic view definition language called SFDL, oriented towards the easy interoperability with the different workflow definition languages, while maintaining enough flexibility to be represented in different formats and being adaptable to several environments. To validate our approach, we have carried out an implementation in a real banking scenario, which has provided continuous feedback and enabled us to refine the proposal. The work is fully based on widely accepted and used web standards (XML, YAML, JSON, Atom and REST). Some guidelines are given to facilitate the adoption of our solution

    A conceptual framework for the phylogenetically constrained assembly of microbial communities

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    Microbial communities play essential and preponderant roles in all ecosystems. Understanding the rules that govern microbial community assembly will have a major impact on our ability to manage microbial ecosystems, positively impacting, for instance, human health and agriculture. Here, I present a phylogenetically constrained community assembly principle grounded on the well-supported facts that deterministic processes have a significant impact on microbial community assembly, that microbial communities show significant phylogenetic signal, and that microbial traits and ecological coherence are, to some extent, phylogenetically conserved. From these facts, I derive a few predictions which form the basis of the framework. Chief among them is the existence, within most microbial ecosystems, of phylogenetic core groups (PCGs), defined as discrete portions of the phylogeny of varying depth present in all instances of the given ecosystem, and related to specific niches whose occupancy requires a specific phylogenetically conserved set of traits. The predictions are supported by the recent literature, as well as by dedicated analyses. Integrating the effect of ecosystem patchiness, microbial social interactions, and scale sampling pitfalls takes us to a comprehensive community assembly model that recapitulates the characteristics most commonly observed in microbial communities. PCGs' identification is relatively straightforward using high-throughput 16S amplicon sequencing, and subsequent bioinformatic analysis of their phylogeny, estimated core pan-genome, and intra-group co-occurrence should provide valuable information on their ecophysiology and niche characteristics. Such a priori information for a significant portion of the community could be used to prime complementing analyses, boosting their usefulness. Thus, the use of the proposed framework could represent a leap forward in our understanding of microbial community assembly and functionThis work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation grant BIO2016-80101-

    Proceso de recepción de los estudiantes de grado once del Colegio José Antonio Galán con relación a la postura que asumen frente a las noticias de la franja Prime Time de los canales nacionales

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    Este proyecto de investigación se centra en cómo se asume la información que la televisión muestra, que tan críticos son los jóvenes partiendo de un programa y un horario en específico de canales nacionales como son las noticias, como ellos se apropian de esa información y hacen un análisis de que tan veraz o falsa pueda ser asumiendo una postura en la cual ellos sean partícipes en la sociedad aprovechando esta tecnología. Se deriva de una investigación cualitativa en la que se ha recogido los puntos de vista de estudiantes de grado once, se encuentra que los estudiantes son participes de proceso de recepción donde de manera gradual forman su autonomía como receptores, lo que permite concluir que las noticias educan, haciendo parte de su realidad y su adquisición de conocimiento

    El futbol regional: De la passió a l'oblit

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    Treball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932. Curs acadèmic: 2014-2015Este reportaje audiovisual, que tiene como título “El Futbol regional: de la passió a l’oblit” (en castellano: “El Fútbol Regional: de la pasión al olvido”) es un proyecto donde se muestra la cara menos visible del fútbol más modesto de Castellón. En él se recogen testimonios de todos los ámbitos, dando voz y voto a todas las fuentes que lo componen (entrenadores, presidentes, jugadores, medios de comunicación, etc.), las cuales escenifican la situación actual que vive el fútbol regional, así como el cambio sufrido respecto a épocas anteriores y que han llevado a este tipo de deporte a la dramática etapa de hoy en día. Del mismo modo, también se muestran las opiniones de los entrevistados acerca de lo que le depara el futuro de este tipo de balompié

    Enhanced U and Th concentrations in soils from a wet marshland washed by contaminated riverwaters

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    A study of the presence of U and Th isotopes in soil samples from a saline wet Marshland located close to a phosphoric acid production factory is presented. The samples were collected during low tide in areas washed by water during high tide. The incoming Odiel riverwaters, which directly receive the wastes from this factory, provokes the enhancement of radioactivity in certain zones of the studied area. Comparison of radionuclide concentrations between the fine particle fraction (≤ 63.5 μm) and the total soil fraction has given some hint on the processes by which contamination takes place.European Union (UE) FI3P-CT92003

    Using a Deep Learning Model on Images to Obtain a 2D Laser People Detector for a Mobile Robot

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    Recent improvements in deep learning techniques applied to images allow the detection of people with a high success rate. However, other types of sensors, such as laser rangefinders, are still useful due to their wide field of vision and their ability to operate in different environments and lighting conditions. In this work we use an interesting computational intelligence technique such as the deep learning method to detect people in images taken by a mobile robot. The masks of the people in the images are used to automatically label a set of samples formed by 2D laser range data that will allow us to detect the legs of people present in the scene. The samples are geometric characteristics of the clusters built from the laser data. The machine learning algorithms are used to learn a classifier that is capable of detecting people from only 2D laser range data. Our people detector is compared to a state-of-the-art classifier. Our proposal achieves a higher value of F1 in the test set using an unbalanced dataset. To improve accuracy, the final classifier has been generated from a balanced training set. This final classifier has also been evaluated using a test set in which we have obtained very high accuracy values in each class. The contribution of this work is 2-fold. On the one hand, our proposal performs an automatic labeling of the samples so that the dataset can be collected under real operating conditions. On the other hand, the robot can detect people in a wider field of view than if we only used a camera, and in this way can help build more robust behaviors.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government TIN2016- 76515-R Grant, supported with Feder funds

    Detecting and tracking using 2D laser range finders and deep learning

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    Detecting and tracking people using 2D laser rangefinders (LRFs) is challenging due to the features of the human leg motion, high levels of self-occlusion and the existence of objects which are similar to the human legs. Previous approaches use datasets that are manually labelled with support of images of the scenes. We propose a system with a calibrated monocular camera and 2D LRF mounted on a mobile robot in order to generate a dataset of leg patterns through automatic labelling which is valid to achieve a robust and efficient 2D LRF-based people detector and tracker. First, both images and 2D laser data are recorded during the robot navigation in indoor environments. Second, the people detection boxes and keypoints obtained by a deep learning-based object detector are used to locate both people and their legs on the images. The coordinates frame of 2D laser is extrinsically calibrated to the camera coordinates allowing our system to automatically label the leg instances. The automatically labelled dataset is then used to achieve a leg detector by machine learning techniques. To validate the proposal, the leg detector is used to develop a Kalman filter-based people detection and tracking algorithm which is experimentally assessed. The experimentation shows that the proposed system overcomes the Angus Leigh’s detector and tracker which is considered the state of the art on 2D LRF-based people detector and tracker.This work was supported under Grant PID2019-104818RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ‘‘European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) A way of making Europe’’.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada / CBUA

    Radioactive impact of phosphate ore processing in a wet marshland in southwestern Spain

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    In this paper an extensive study of the presence of natural radionuclides in a marshland area located in the vicinity of a phosphoric acid production complex in southwestern Spain is presented. This marsh is a natural reservation where significant biological activity takes place. The marsh is highly affected by the inflow of water from the Odiel river which is enhanced with natural radionuclides from industries which use phosphate rocks as raw material for fertilizer production. Sediment samples, collected from the intertidal zone, showed that wastes from the phosphate industries have resulted in enhanced radioactivities in the marsh.European Union (UE) FI3P-CT92003

    Evaluación del programa de salud ocupacional para la empresa Su Moto de Ibagué S.A.

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    Desde hace algunos años, el mundo globalizado ha empezado a otorgar mayor importancia al recurso humano al interior de las organizaciones, evidenciándolo como factor fundamental para su desarrollo. En efecto, la Salud Ocupacional se convierte en un área de gran importancia para garantizar la salud y la seguridad de los trabajadores, utilizando como herramienta para su aplicación el Programa de Salud Ocupacional. Éste pretende mejorar las condiciones de trabajo lo cual genera dentro de la empresa un ciclo reforzante de causa y efecto: a mayor bienestar de los trabajadores, mayor será la competitividad de la compañía y viceversa. En pro del aumento de la competitividad, para mejorar su posicionamiento en el mercado, SU MOTO DE IBAGUÉ propone la evaluación de su Programa de Salud Ocupacional. Se encuentra frente a la necesidad de revisar dicho programa para garantizar a los trabajadores, de esta sede en particular, las condiciones necesarias para el desarrollo seguro de sus actividades. Todo lo anterior busca ser enmarcado en los parámetros definidos por la legislación vigente. La evaluación del Programa de Salud Ocupacional permite revisar su verdadero funcionamiento y la aplicación del mismo al interior de la empresa. Se obtiene un panorama en detalle de las condiciones de salud y bienestar que se presentan en las actividades desempeñadas por los colaboradores. Entonces, se logra la identificación de debilidades y fortalezas, para plantear recomendaciones que apunten al objetivo de mejoramiento continuo.Since some years ago, the globalized world has begun to give more importance to the human resources inside the organizations, showing it as a key factor for companies’ development. Indeed, the occupational health becomes an area of great importance to ensure the health and safety of workers, using as a tool the occupational health program. This aims to improve working conditions which generated inside the company a reinforcing cycle of cause and effect: the greater well-being of workers, greater competitiveness of the company and vice versa. In favor of increasing the competitiveness, to improve its market positioning, SU MOTO DE IBAGUÉ proposes the occupational health program evaluation. It overlooks the need to check the program to guarantee the necessary conditions for the secure activities development. The foregoing aims to be framed within the parameters defined by the legislation in force. Evaluation of occupational health program allows reviewing its real performance and its application inside of the company. Get a detailed vision of health and wellness conditions presented all over the activities performed by employees. Then, achieve the strengths and weaknesses identification to make recommendations, focus in the continuous improvement goal