4,471 research outputs found

    A dynamical metric and its ground state from the breaking down of the topological invariance of the Euler characteristic

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    Quantum state wave functionals are constructed in exact form for the graviton-like field theory obtained by breaking down the topological symmetry of the string action related with the Euler characteristic of the world-surface; their continuous and discrete symmetries are discussed. The comparison with the so-called Chern-Simons state, which may be inappropriate as quantum state, allows us to conclude that the found wave functionals will give a plausible approximation to the ground state for the considered field theory

    New canonical analysis for higher order topologically massive gravity

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    A detailed Gitman-Lyakhovich-Tyutin analysis for higher-order topologically massive gravity is performed. The full structure of the constraints, the counting of physical degrees of freedom, and the Dirac algebra among the constraints are reported. Moreover, our analysis presents a new structure of the constraints and we compare our results with those reported in the literature where a standard Ostrogradski framework was developed

    Three-dimensional aspects of fluid flows in channels. II. Effects of Meniscus and Thin Film regimes on Viscous Fingers

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    We perform a three-dimensional study of steady state viscous fingers that develop in linear channels. By means of a three-dimensional Lattice-Boltzmann scheme that mimics the full macroscopic equations of motion of the fluid momentum and order parameter, we study the effect of the thickness of the channel in two cases. First, for total displacement of the fluids in the channel thickness direction, we find that the steady state finger is effectively two-dimensional and that previous two-dimensional results can be recovered by taking into account the effect of a curved meniscus across the channel thickness as a contribution to surface stresses. Secondly, when a thin film develops in the channel thickness direction, the finger narrows with increasing channel aspect ratio in agreement with experimental results. The effect of the thin film renders the problem three-dimensional and results deviate from the two-dimensional prediction.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Study soil analysis in Alamo, Temapache and Veracruz, to generate doses of fertilization in orange

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    A nivel mundial los cítricos son el principal frutal cultivado, en México la producción de naranja es de gran importancia económica, los principales municipios productores del estado de Veracruz se encuentran Álamo, Papantla, Martínez de la Torre, Tihuatlán, Chicontepec y Temapache. Estas zonas, mantienen un rendimiento promedio bajo en comparación con otros países productores y un factor que puede mejorar los rendimientos es la óptima fertilización la cual tiene que ser respaldada con análisis de suelos para poder definir una dosis. Se realizaron 646 muestreos de suelo a una profundidad de 30 cm, en el municipio de Temapache, Veracruz, mediante un muestreo aleatorio simple, el tamaño de la muestra se adaptó a las condiciones de cada comunidad. Los análisis fueron enviados a dos laboratorios. Se evaluaron el pH, materia orgánica, nitrógeno, fósforo, potasio. Los resultados se analizaron con estadística no paramétrica mediante un análisis de frecuencias para lo que se plantearon diez rangos, se utilizó R stadistic package versión 64 3.2.0. El pH en más del 70% de los suelos fue alcalino, la concentración de materia orgánica solo en el 34.44% se encontró en condiciones adecuadas, los macroelementos se encuentran en condiciones óptimas a excepción del nitrógeno el cual se presentó en niveles bajos

    Uses of Native Plant Species of a Communal Rangeland within ‘Sierra de Huautla’ Protected Area, México

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    Sustainability of communal rangelands has become a major concern at national and international levels because land use conflicts and associated social conflicts allows for over-utilization of selected species making a high pressure on them and given away their places to species with no use at all becoming lands degraded and unproductive. The objective of the study was to determine floristic composition and native plant uses by local peasants. The range surface is of 4262 ha, belongs to the communal land ‘El Limon’, in Tepalcingo, Morelos, Mexico, and it is within the Natural Reserve Area “Sierra de Huautla”. Native vegetation is mainly of deciduous shrubs, high temperatures year round and a rainy season of 4 months. Local peasants were surveyed on uses of the collected and previously identified plants. Number of species was 456, distributed in 266 and 76 botanical genders and families, respectively. Of the species identified 66, 22 and 12% had one, two or more than two uses according to local peasants. Among uses: 59% of the species were used as forage, 8% eatable, 7% firewood or ornamental, 6% medical herb, lumber or other use 4 %, construction material 3 % and for resin or handcraft 1%. The range showed a very high plant biodiversity, this feature allows for a high resiliency toward human activities

    Validation of the Satisfaction Scale of Basic Psychological Needs in Physical Education with the Incorporation of the Novelty in the Spanish Context

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    The purpose of the study was to validate to the physical education context, the Spanish version of the Scale of the Satisfaction of Psychological Needs toward the Physical Education classes of Menéndez and Fernández-Rio, with the incorporation of the novelty, since they contemplated its inclusion. In this study, 1444 students participated (mean = 15.34, standard deviation = 1.12) from several schools in Almeria. To analyze the psychometric properties of the scale, several analyses were carried out. The results offered support for both the four-factor structure and the higher-order model called satisfaction. The analysis of invariance with respect to gender showed that the factor structure of the questionnaire was invariant. The Cronbach alpha values were higher than 0.70 in the subscales. The results of this study demonstrated the reliability and validity of the Scale of the Satisfaction of Psychological Needs, with the incorporation of novelty in the Spanish context of Physical Education

    Influence of Quaternary Benzophenantridine and Protopine Alkaloids on Growth Performance, Dietary Energy, Carcass Traits, Visceral Mass, and Rumen Health in Finishing Ewes under Conditions of Severe Temperature-humidity Index.

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    Twenty Pelibuey×Katahdin ewes (35±2.3 kg) were used to determine the effects of the consumption of standardized plant extract containing a mixture of quaternary benzophenanthridine alkaloids and protopine alkaloids (QBA+PA) on growth performance, dietary energetics, visceral mass, and ruminal epithelial health in heat-stressed ewes fed with a high-energy corn-based diet. The basal diet (13.9% crude protein and 2.09 Mcal of net energy [NE] of maintenance/kg of dry matter) contained 49.7% starch and 15.3% neutral detergent fiber. Source of QBA+PA was Sangrovit RS (SANG) which contains 3 g of quaternary benzophenathridine and protopine alkaloids per kg of product. Treatments consisted of a daily consumption of 0 or 0.5 g SANG/ewe. Ewes were grouped by weight and assigned to 10 pens (5 pens/treatment), with two ewes per pen. The experimental period lasted 70 days. The mean temperature humidity index during the course of this experiment was 81.7±1.0 (severe heat stress). There were no treatment effects on water intake. Dry matter intake was not affected (p = 0.70) by treatments, but the group fed SANG had a numerically (11.2%) higher gain in comparison to the control group, SANG improved gain efficiency (8.3%, p = 0.04), dietary NE (5.2%, p<0.01) and the observed-to-expected NE (5.9%, p<0.01). Supplemental SANG did not affect (p≥0.12) carcass characteristics, chemical composition of shoulder, and organ weights (g/kg empty body weight) of stomach complex, intestines, and heart/lung. Supplemental SANG decreased liver weight (10.3%, p = 0.02) and increased visceral fat (16.9%, p = 0.02). Rumen epithelium of ewes fed SANG had lower scores for cellular dropsical degeneration (2.08 vs 2.34, p = 0.02), parakeratosis (1.30 vs 1.82, p = 0.03) and neutrophil infiltration (2.08 vs 2.86, p = 0.05) than controls. It is concluded that SANG supplementation helped ameliorate the negative effects of severe heat on growth performance of feedlot ewes fed high-energy corn-based diets. Improvement in energetic efficiency may have been mediated, in part, by anti-inflammatory effects of supplemental SANG and corresponding enhancement of nutrient uptake

    The exergy costs of electrical power, cooling, and waste heat from a hybrid system based on a solid oxide fuel cell and an absorption refrigeration system

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    This paper applies the Exergy Cost Theory (ECT) to a hybrid system based on a 500 kWe solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stack and on a vapor-absorption refrigeration (VAR) system. To achieve this, a model comprised of chemical, electrochemical, thermodynamic, and thermoeconomic equations is developed using the software, Engineering Equation Solver (EES). The model is validated against previous works. This approach enables the unit exergy costs (electricity, cooling, and residues) to be computed by a productive structure defined by components, resources, products, and residues. Most importantly, it allows us to know the contribution of the environment and of the residues to the unit exergy cost of the product of the components. Finally, the simulation of different scenarios makes it possible to analyze the impact of stack current density, fuel use, temperature across the stack, and anode gas recirculation on the unit exergy costs of electrical power, cooling, and residues

    Growth saturation of unstable thin films on transverse-striped hydrophilic-hydrophobic micropatterns

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    Using three-dimensional numerical simulations, we demonstrate the growth saturation of an unstable thin liquid film on micropatterned hydrophilic-hydrophobic substrates. We consider different transverse-striped micropatterns, characterized by the total fraction of hydrophilic coverage and the width of the hydrophilic stripes. We compare the growth of the film on the micropatterns to the steady states observed on homogeneous substrates, which correspond to a saturated sawtooth and growing finger configurations for hydrophilic and hydrophobic substrates, respectively. The proposed micropatterns trigger an alternating fingering-spreading dynamics of the film, which leads to a complete suppression of the contact line growth above a critical fraction of hydrophilic stripes. Furthermore, we find that increasing the width of the hydrophilic stripes slows down the advancing front, giving smaller critical fractions the wider the hydrophilic stripes are. Using analytical approximations, we quantitatively predict the growth rate of the contact line as a function of the covering fraction, and predict the threshold fraction for saturation as a function of the stripe width.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Physical Education Classes as a Precursor to the Mediterranean Diet and the Practice of Physical Activity

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    Physical activity and a healthy, balanced diet are remaining unresolved issues among young people. According to the World Health Organization, young people do not get enough exercise during the week, and physical education classes are the best way to promote healthy habits. This study aims to analyze how the role of the teacher influences the frustration of psychological needs, coping strategies, motivation, and the adoption of healthy eating habits through the Mediterranean diet and the regular practice of physical activity. The study involved 1031 boys and 910 girls between the ages of 13 and 18. To explain the relationships between the different variables included in this study, a model of structural equations has been developed. The results showed that autonomy support negatively predicted the frustration of four psychological needs. The failure to meet four psychological needs negatively predicted resilience. Likewise, resilience positively predicted autonomous motivation, and this positively predicted the Mediterranean diet and the practice of physical activity. Thus, the results obtained in the present study are in line with those of various studies wherein physical education classes were seen to help consolidate healthy living habits