51 research outputs found


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    Cortometraje en rotoscopia, técnica híbrido entre lo real y lo animado creando una sensación tintineante de movimiento. Consiste en dibujar fotograma a fotograma con el fin de transmitir la naturalidad y el dinamismo de los movimientos, luces, sombras etc de los diversos personajes, escenarios y objetos, dotando a la obra de cierto aire de cómic

    Estudio de las diferentes técnicas de producción en el olivar. Situación actual y perfectivas

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    The inadequate and incomplete use of handling technique for olive grove cultivate at Guadajoz river basin has caused a series of environmental which has been increased because of the changes in water erosion which is being produced in the cultivate system called «without exploitation», because of the infiltration decrease and the slippery increase.El uso inadecuado e incompleto de las técnicas de manejo de cultivo del olivar en la cuencia del río Guadajoz venía provocando una serie de problemas medioambientales que se han visto agravados a consecuencia de los cambios en la erosión hídrica que se están produciendo en el sistema de cultivo denominado no-laboreo, por el aumento de la escorrentía y el descenso de la infiltración. [fr] L'utilisation inapropiée et incomplete des techniques du culture de l'olivier dans le bassin du Guadajoz a provoqué des nombreaux problèmes pour l'environment. Les problèmes ont été aggravés a cause des changements dans l'érosion hydrique, produits dans le système de culture nomné non labouré, du á la diminution et l'augmentation dui ruissellenent

    A New Tool to Study Parkinsonism in the Context of Aging: MPTP Intoxication in a Natural Model of Multimorbidity

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    ©2021. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0/ This document is the Published version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in International Journal of Molecular Sciences. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/ 10.3390/ijms22094341The diurnal rodent Octodon degus (O. degus) is considered an attractive natural model for Alzheimer’s disease and other human age-related features. However, it has not been explored so far if the O. degus could be used as a model to study Parkinson’s disease. To test this idea, 10 adult male O. degus were divided into control group and MPTP-intoxicated animals. Motor condition and cognition were examined. Dopaminergic degeneration was studied in the ventral mesencephalon and in the striatum. Neuroinflammation was also evaluated in the ventral mesencephalon, in the striatum and in the dorsal hippocampus. MPTP animals showed significant alterations in motor activity and in visuospatial memory. Postmortem analysis revealed a significant decrease in the number of dopaminergic neurons in the ventral mesencephalon of MPTP animals, although no differences were found in their striatal terminals. We observed a significant increase in neuroinflammatory responses in the mesencephalon, in the striatum and in the hippocampus of MPTP-intoxicated animals. Additionally, changes in the subcellular expression of the calcium-binding protein S100 were found in the astrocytes in the nigrostriatal pathway. These findings prove for the first time that O. degus are sensitive to MPTP intoxication and, therefore, is a suitable model for experimental Parkinsonism in the context of aging

    Full L-1-regularized Traction Force Microscopy over whole cells

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    Background Traction Force Microscopy (TFM) is a widespread technique to estimate the tractions that cells exert on the surrounding substrate. To recover the tractions, it is necessary to solve an inverse problem, which is ill-posed and needs regularization to make the solution stable. The typical regularization scheme is given by the minimization of a cost functional, which is divided in two terms: the error present in the data or data fidelity term; and the regularization or penalty term. The classical approach is to use zero-order Tikhonov or L2-regularization, which uses the L2-norm for both terms in the cost function. Recently, some studies have demonstrated an improved performance using L1-regularization (L1-norm in the penalty term) related to an increase in the spatial resolution and sensitivity of the recovered traction field. In this manuscript, we present a comparison between the previous two regularization schemes (relying in the L2-norm for the data fidelity term) and the full L1-regularization (using the L1-norm for both terms in the cost function) for synthetic and real data. Results Our results reveal that L1-regularizations give an improved spatial resolution (more important for full L1-regularization) and a reduction in the background noise with respect to the classical zero-order Tikhonov regularization. In addition, we present an approximation, which makes feasible the recovery of cellular tractions over whole cells on typical full-size microscope images when working in the spatial domain. Conclusions The proposed full L1-regularization improves the sensitivity to recover small stress footprints. Moreover, the proposed method has been validated to work on full-field microscopy images of real cells, what certainly demonstrates it is a promising tool for biological applications.This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (TEC2013-48552-C2-1-R, TEC2015-73064-EXP and TEC2016-78052-R) (AMB, ASA) and (SAF2014-54705-R) (MVM, RAC), the European Research Council (ERC) under the EU-FP7/2007-2013 through ERC Grant Agreement n° 308,223 (HVO, AJP). ASA is supported by an FPI grant of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. MVM is supported by a Marie Curie Grant (CIG293719) and a Ramon y Cajal fellowship (RYC2010-06094) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

    A New Tool to Study Parkinsonism in the Context of Aging: MPTP Intoxication in a Natural Model of Multimorbidity

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    The diurnal rodent Octodon degus (O. degus) is considered an attractive natural model for Alzheimer's disease and other human age-related features. However, it has not been explored so far if the O. degus could be used as a model to study Parkinson's disease. To test this idea, 10 adult male O. degus were divided into control group and MPTP-intoxicated animals. Motor condition and cognition were examined. Dopaminergic degeneration was studied in the ventral mesencephalon and in the striatum. Neuroinflammation was also evaluated in the ventral mesencephalon, in the striatum and in the dorsal hippocampus. MPTP animals showed significant alterations in motor activity and in visuospatial memory. Postmortem analysis revealed a significant decrease in the number of dopaminergic neurons in the ventral mesencephalon of MPTP animals, although no differences were found in their striatal terminals. We observed a significant increase in neuroinflammatory responses in the mesencephalon, in the striatum and in the hippocampus of MPTP-intoxicated animals. Additionally, changes in the subcellular expression of the calcium-binding protein S100 beta were found in the astrocytes in the nigrostriatal pathway. These findings prove for the first time that O. degus are sensitive to MPTP intoxication and, therefore, is a suitable model for experimental Parkinsonism in the context of aging

    Transgenic Overexpression of Myocilin Leads to Variable Ocular Anterior Segment and Retinal Alterations Associated with Extracellular Matrix Abnormalities in Adult Zebrafish

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    Myocilin is an enigmatic glaucoma-associated glycoprotein whose biological role remains incompletely understood. To gain novel insight into its normal function, we used transposon-mediated transgenesis to generate the first zebrafish line stably overexpressing myocilin [Tg(actb1:myoc-2A-mCherry)]. qPCR showed an approximately four-fold increased myocilin expression in transgenic zebrafish embryos (144 hpf). Adult (13 months old) transgenic animals displayed variable and age-dependent ocular anterior segment alterations. Almost 60% of two-year-old male, but not female, transgenic zebrafish developed enlarged eyes with severe asymmetrical and variable abnormalities in the anterior segment, characterized by corneal limbus hypertrophy, and thickening of the cornea, iris, annular ligament and lens capsule. The most severe phenotype presented small or absent ocular anterior chamber and pupils, due to iris overgrowth along with dysplastic retinal growth and optic nerve hypertrophy. Immunohistochemistry revealed increased presence of myocilin in most altered ocular tissues of adult transgenic animals, as well as signs of retinal gliosis and expanded ganglion cells and nerve fibers. The preliminary results indicate that these cells contributed to retinal dysplasia. Visual impairment was demonstrated in all old male transgenic zebrafish. Transcriptomic analysis of the abnormal transgenic eyes identified disrupted expression of genes involved in lens, muscular and extracellular matrix activities, among other processes. In summary, the developed transgenic zebrafish provides a new tool to investigate this puzzling protein and provides evidence for the role of zebrafish myocilin in ocular anterior segment and retinal biology, through the influence of extracellular matrix organization and cellular proliferation.This research was funded by research grants from the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III/European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)” (PI19/00208 and RD16/0008/0019, OFTARED), the Regional Ministry of Science and Technology of the Board of the Communities of “Castilla-La Mancha” (SBPLY/17/180501/000404; http://www.educa.jccm.es/idiuniv/es, accessed on 3 March 2022) and research funds from Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (2019-GRIN-26945). A.T. was recipient of a predoctoral contract from Castilla-La Mancha University (Ref.: 2020-PREDUCLM-16605)

    Role of GUCA1C in Primary Congenital Glaucoma and in the Retina: Functional Evaluation in Zebrafish

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    Primary congenital glaucoma (PCG) is a heterogeneous, inherited, and severe optical neuropathy caused by apoptotic degeneration of the retinal ganglion cell layer. Whole-exome sequencing analysis of one PCG family identified two affected siblings who carried a low-frequency homozygous nonsense GUCA1C variant (c.52G > T/p.Glu18Ter/rs143174402). This gene encodes GCAP3, a member of the guanylate cyclase activating protein family, involved in phototransduction and with a potential role in intraocular pressure regulation. Segregation analysis supported the notion that the variant was coinherited with the disease in an autosomal recessive fashion. GCAP3 was detected immunohistochemically in the adult human ocular ciliary epithelium and retina. To evaluate the ocular effect of GUCA1C loss-of-function, a guca1c knockout zebrafish line was generated by CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated the presence of GCAP3 in the non-pigmented ciliary epithelium and retina of adult wild-type fishes. Knockout animals presented up-regulation of the glial fibrillary acidic protein in Müller cells and evidence of retinal ganglion cell apoptosis, indicating the existence of gliosis and glaucoma-like retinal damage. In summary, our data provide evidence for the role of GUCA1C as a candidate gene in PCG and offer new insights into the function of this gene in the ocular anterior segment and the retina.This research was funded by research grants from the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III/European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)” (PI15/01193, PI19/00208 and RD16/0008/0019, OFTARED), the Regional Ministry of Science and Technology of the Board of the Communities of “Castilla-La Mancha” (SBPLY/17/180501/000404; http://www.educa.jccm.es/idiuniv/es). SA-M was sponsored by the Regional Ministry of Science and Technology of the Board of the Communities of “Castilla-La Mancha” (PREJCCM2016/28)

    Free Form Deformation-Based Image Registration Improves Accuracy of Traction Force Microscopy

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    Traction Force Microscopy (TFM) is a widespread method used to recover cellular tractions from the deformation that they cause in their surrounding substrate. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is commonly used to quantify the substrate's deformations, due to its simplicity and efficiency. However, PIV relies on a block-matching scheme that easily underestimates the deformations. This is especially relevant in the case of large, locally non-uniform deformations as those usually found in the vicinity of a cell's adhesions to the substrate. To overcome these limitations, we formulate the calculation of the deformation of the substrate in TFM as a non-rigid image registration process that warps the image of the unstressed material to match the image of the stressed one. In particular, we propose to use a B-spline -based Free Form Deformation (FFD) algorithm that uses a connected deformable mesh to model a wide range of flexible deformations caused by cellular tractions. Our FFD approach is validated in 3D fields using synthetic (simulated) data as well as with experimental data obtained using isolated endothelial cells lying on a deformable, polyacrylamide substrate. Our results show that FFD outperforms PIV providing a deformation field that allows a better recovery of the magnitude and orientation of tractions. Together, these results demonstrate the added value of the FFD algorithm for improving the accuracy of traction recovery.Funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competividad (ES); url: http://www.mineco.gob.es/; RyC2010-06094, Fundación Ramón Areces (ES); url: http://www.fundacionareces.es/fundacionareces/, Ministerío de Economía y Competividad (ES); url: http://www.mineco.gob.es/; SAF2011-24953 (MVM); Ministerio de Economía y Competividad (ES); url: http://www.mineco.gob.es/; DPI2012-38090-C1, European Research Council (BE); url: http://erc.europa.eu/; 306751 (JMGA); European Research Council (BE); url: http://erc.europa.eu/; 308223 (HVO); Ministerio de Economía y Competividad (ES); url: http://www.mineco.gob.es/; DPI2012-38090-C3 (COS); and Ministerio de Economía y Competividad (ES); url: http://www.mineco.gob.es/; TEC2013- 48552-C2-1-R (AMB). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.European Community's Seventh Framework Progra