7,263 research outputs found

    La influència dels jocs cooperatius en la millora de les relacions interpersonals i la cohesió d'un grup

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    Curs 2013-2014Actualment la tasca que desenvolupa l’escola és procurar que tots els infants es desenvolupin integralment, independentment de les característiques. En aquest marc sorgeix l’escola inclusiva, la qual ha d’estar preparada per atendre a tots i fer que aprenguin alumnes diferents al màxim de les seves possibilitats. Perquè això sigui real, l’escola ha de buscar noves maneres per a què els alumnes puguin aprendre no tan sols contingut sinó també valors, habilitats socials, cognitives, lingüístiques, entre moltes altres. Es per aquest motiu que la recerca vol portar a la pràctica i comprovar si mitjançant una eina lúdica, com són els jocs cooperatius, es milloren algunes habilitats socials i la cohesió d’un grup classe, en el qual també es té en compte la integració social d’una nena diagnosticada amb Trastorns Generalitzats del Desenvolupament (TGD) i, concretament, presenta trets autistes. Aquesta activitat educativa proporciona contextos nous on interactuar i desenvolupar bones pautes de relació per a tots així com també afavoreix la cohesió de grup, les relacions interpersonals i la integració d’infants amb dificultats en la interacció social.Currently, the work undertaken by the school is to ensure that all children develop integrally, regardless of features. In this context arises the inclusive school, which must be prepared to meet all different students learn and make the most of their chances. For this to be true, the school must find new ways for students to learn not only content but also values, social skills, cognitive, linguistic, and many others. It is for this reason that research into practice and want to check if using a playful tool, such as cooperative games can improve some social skills and cohesion of a group class, which also takes into account the integration social girl diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD), and specifically has autistic traits. This educational activity provides new contexts in which to interact and develop good relationship patterns for all as well as promotes group cohesion, interpersonal relationships and the integration of children with difficulties in social interaction

    Triangulation and Trustworthiness —Advancing Research on Public Service Interpreting through Qualitative Case Study Methodologies

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    Abstract: This paper discusses a research methods approach to investigate phenomena in interpreting studies based on a triangulation of qualitative methods. It discusses the concept of triangulation, as developed in the social sciences by Campbell and Fiske (1959), with an emphasis on the process of combining and integrating multiple methods. It reviews previous applications of triangulation in translation and interpreting studies and describes the advantages of systematic triangulation for empirical research. The implications of this approach for future research in public service interpreting concerning the trustworthiness of the interpretative nature of qualitative inquiry are also discussed. To demonstrate the practical application of triangulation in public service interpreting settings, this paper draws on a case study conducted by the author where triangulation of participant observation, focus groups and audio-recorded interaction was employed. The integration of the different research methods utilized, as well as the findings derived by triangulation, are illustrated through examples from this study.Resumen: Este artículo presenta un enfoque metodológico basado en la triangulación de métodos de investigación cualitativos y el cual facilita el estudio de fenómenos de la interpretación en los servicios públicos. Se analiza el concepto de triangulación desarrollado por Campbell y Fiske (1959) y se hace énfasis en el proceso de combinación e integración de múltiples métodos. Se revisan aplicaciones de la triangulación dentro los estudios de traducción e interpretación y se describen las ventajas de la triangulación sistemática para la investigación empírica. También se tratan las implicaciones que tiene este enfoque para futuras investigaciones en interpretación en servicios públicos con respecto a la confiabilidad de la tarea interpretativa que desarrolla el investigador en los estudios cualitativos. Para demostrar la aplicación práctica de la triangulación en este campo, este artículo se basa en un estudio de caso realizado por el autor en el que se utilizó la triangulación de observación participante, grupos focales y grabaciones en audio de eventos interpretados. La integración de los diferentes métodos de investigación utilizados, así como los resultados derivados de la triangulación, se ilustran a través de ejemplos de este estudi

    Institutional Capacity before the reduction of the disasters risk in Quintana Roo: Hyogo Framework for Action

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    El problema del riesgo de desastre en entornos urbanos o zonas costeras localizadas en franjas altamente propensas a la acción de fenómenos naturales es una de las temáticas prioritarias en la agenda global (ONU, 2000). La complejidad se presenta, principalmente, desde la perspectiva de la gestión pública para el manejo del riesgo por desastre y en el alcance de un desarrollo equilibrado.Evaluar el riesgo de desastres significa tener en cuenta no solamente el daño físico esperado, las víctimas o pérdidas económicas equivalentes, sino también factores sociales, organizacionales e institucionales. Actualmente, los avances logrados en la gestión del riesgo son diferentes para cada país. En México, tanto a nivel estatal como municipal existe una gran limitación en la información y carencias técnicas por parte de los responsables de estos procesos. El presente artículo tiene la finalidad de conocer la capacidad institucional ante la reducción del riesgo de desastres en el Estado de Quintana Roo aplicando una herramienta de evaluación cualitativa propuesta en el Marco de Acción de Hyogo (MAH)

    Quinua or Quinoa? Transformation, certification, and the contestation of the commodity chain on the Bolivian altiplano

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    The rise in popularity for quinua in the Global North, known as the quinua boom, has created an incredible transformation on Bolivia’s altiplano. Over a short period of time, quinua has transitioned from a subsistence crop to an international luxury commodity. By placing the boom in a wider historical context, and detailing two distinct commodity chains through which quinua might flow, I show that the “ecological harmony” championed by the organic commodity chain has not delivered all that it has promised. Despite the long list of standards designed to ensure that quinua is grown organically, the quinua boom has changed the metabolism of production, and produced new natures. Additionally, these standards, enforced by distant and powerful private actors in the Global North, create exclusions as producers are unevenly able to comply with norms, and cope with increasing pest populations and issues of soil degradation. Importantly, certain producers and other actors in Bolivia contest this commodity chain and assert an alternative one in the form of a Denomination of Origin. Placing these commodity chains side by side highlights the power asymmetries of transnational organic agriculture. As some producers, along with the state, reject the organic commodity chain, and envision a new system of governance in which local labor practices, ecology, and culture determine the metabolism between society and nature, these actors call into being the ways in which the organic commodity chain reproduces asymmetrical power relations

    Comparative analysis of the acquisition of syllabic structure and errors in preschool children with SLI

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    According to the “Implicit grammatical rule deficit hypothesis” (Crago & Gopnik, 1994) adapted by Fee (1995) to phonology, Consonant Vowel (CV) structure is universal and complex syllable structures are reduced to CV. Syllabic structures and their simplification processes were analysed in a group of children with SLI (N=5) and compared with those found in two control groups, one matched by age (N=5), and the other by MLU-w (N=5). The children with SLI were slower to acquire syllabic structures than the Age Controls, and maintained simplification processes that were not seen in their age-matched counterparts. Language Level Controls and the children with SLI presented differences in the first acquired structure, the CV. However, syllabic simplifications do not appear to be unique to the SLI; even though simplifications persist for longer in these subjects than in Age Controls, their prevalence is similar to that found in the MLU-w controls. Our results do not support Fee’s hypothesis

    El fondo antiguo de la biblioteca

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    En este curso se presentan los diferentes aspectos que presenta los fondos antiguos que se conservan en las bibliotecas, como un aspecto del patrimonio cultural de las sociedades. Por tanto se analizan las diversas problemáticas que afectan a los diferentes objetos patrimoniales que se consideran integran ese fondo antiguo.Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Méxic

    Latinas’ Access to Advanced Placement Courses: A Case Study of a Catholic Female Single-Sex High School

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    The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine Latinas’ access to Advanced Placement/ Honors courses in a Catholic female single-sex high school and to examine their experiences and perspectives when they are granted or denied access into an AP/Honors course. This study also aimed to explore how the Catholic single-sex high school is aligned with the Catholic, single-sex, and Advanced Placement advantage for Latina students who have been granted or denied access to an Advanced Placement/Honors course. The case study focused on one Catholic all-female high school in the Western United States and participants included Latina current students and alumnae (n=11), the high school principal (n=1), and teachers (n=2) from the school. Data was collected via document review, the gathering of descriptive data, as well as participant interviews. The theoretical framework used to analyze this data was a blend of Critical biculturalism, Chicana feminist theory, as well as the principles of Catholic social teaching. Findings highlight a fairly exclusive AP/Honors placement process with unclear guidelines to be followed in order to appeal a decision. Latinas’ experiences range from feeling like outsiders and being made to feel not good enough, to feeling competitive and being resilient. Their perspectives on why they decided to appeal the decision of their placement had to do with their feeling that they had the capacity for advanced work, their driven nature, and their desire to be exposed to more learning. Further, perspectives also emerged concerning the school’s sisterhood and its influence on issues of race and class. In regards to alignment with the Catholic, single-sex, and AP advantage the data illustrates that while participants seemingly agree that there are advantages, they are also cognizant of other factors that overshadow these advantages

    The Non-Parametric Luminosity Evolution of Long Gamma-ray Bursts and Star Rate Formation

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    In this research project the luminosity function of gamma-ray bursts was computed using the Efron- Petrosian method, which allowed us to find such properties an a non-parametric way. Data gathered from the Swift and Konus-Wind satellites was added for the first time by Fermi Satellite. The computation showed similar traces and patterns of the luminosity function compared to the ones of presented by Petrosian et al 2015. Further development needs to be performed for the display of the star formation rate

    Avances en Sistemas y Computación

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    Después de dos décadas de publicación masiva de contenidos digitales en la Web, ahora la comunidad científica se enfrenta al reto de aprovechar de forma fácil y eficiente toda la información valiosa disponible. Para ello entre otras estrategias se ha centralizado la producción académica en repositorios abiertos, los cuales representan la fuente de información de mejor calidad para el desarrollo de la educación y de la investigación científica pues en ellos se almacena todo tipo de documentos académicos sobre cualquier tema del conocimiento humano. En este trabajo se describe el software de licencia libre que permite la implementación de estos repositorios, haciendo un análisis comparativo de las herramientas de desarrollo disponibles, posteriormente se describe la situación actual de los repositorios abiertos en el mundo y finalmente se describe la situación de estos repositorios en Méxic