177 research outputs found

    Projeto de intervenção: prevenção do diabetes mellitus em pacientes pré-diabéticos e com história familar de diabetes na ESF Verde Vale, Sete Lagoas, MG

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    As doenças crônicas degenerativas têm uma evolução ascendente na incidência da morbidade, entre elas o Diabetes Mellitus pode ser considerado um dos principais problemas de saúde pública no mundo atual com difícil controle metabólico dos indivíduos com a doença em evolução e constitui a causa mais frequente de lesões incapacitantes. A alteração dos padrões nutricionais associadas a outros fatores de risco atualmente é uma epidemia mundial que causam graves danos a saúde e comprometem a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Após realizar o diagnóstico situacional da ESF Verde Vale encontramos uma alta incidência da Diabetes Mellitus na área de abrangência, por isso a prevenção deve ser uma preocupação para os profissionais de saúde. Esse trabalho tem por objetivo elaborar um Plano de intervenção para aumentar o conhecimento da doença na população de risco e a importância das mudanças no estilo de vida saudável para a prevenção primaria do Diabetes Mellitus. Foi realizada uma revisão da literatura, através de uma pesquisa online com acesso ao centro de informação da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), através da base de dados: Literatura Latino Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) sobre o tema de prevenção de diabetes mellitus. Para a seleção da amostra foi feita a revisão de artigos publicados no Brasil em língua portuguesa referente a diabetes mellitus, prevenção, fatores de risco e complicações. Foi observado em muitos casos o desconhecimento por parte da população dos fatores de risco e as causas que favorecem o desenvolvimento da doença. O plano de intervenção tem potencial para ser uma ferramenta importante no controle dessa doença na população assistida

    Educación híbrida y evaluación formativa en estudiantes de una universidad pública de Lima, 2022

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    Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la correlación entre educación híbrida y evaluación formativa en estudiantes de una universidad pública de Lima, 2022. Para la realización del estudio se trabajó según el modelo positivista y metodología cuantitativo con diseño no experimental, de tipo básica y el nivel fue descriptivo - correlacional. La técnica que se usó para la recolección de los datos fue la encuesta y se utilizó como instrumento dos cuestionarios, uno para la variable educación híbrida en escala Likert, con 24 ítems, dimensionada en planificación curricular, recursos tecnológicos disponibles y utilización de recursos, y el segundo cuestionario para la variable evaluación formativa en escala Likert, con 24 ítems y dimensionada en evaluación orientada a los procesos de aprendizaje, antievaluación, evaluación no planificada y evaluación basada en las asistencias. Ambos instrumentos fueron validados con un nivel de fiabilidad aceptable de 0,751 para la primera variable y 0,734 para la segunda variable. La unidad de estudio lo conformaron 118 estudiantes por medio de un muestreo probabilístico simple. Los resultados del trabajo arrojaron un nivel de correlación de Rho Spearman = 0,610 y con un valor de significancia=0,000; concluyendo que existe una correlación positiva moderada entre las variables en estudio

    Análisis del tratamiento periodístico de las noticias policiales en la prensa escrita formal (la República- el Comercio) y la prensa escrita sensacionalista (Ojo- el Popular) en el periodo de octubre a diciembre del 2013

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    La presente investigación descriptiva- analítica titulada “Análisis del tratamiento de las noticias policiales en la prensa escrita formal (La República-El Comercio) y en la prensa escrita sensacionalista (Ojo- El Popular) en el periodo de octubre a diciembre del 2013”, consiste en analizar de manera aleatoria dichos diarios. Asimismo, se aplicaron entrevistas a expertos en el área periodística. Con el objetivo de esclarecer cual es el tratamiento de las noticias policiales los diarios mencionados. Los datos de estas unidades de análisis nos ayudaron a comprobar la hipótesis planteada, concluyendo que los cuatro diarios emplean similares temas, fuentes e información colateral, sin embargo, presentan una marcada diferencia en cuanto al lenguaje y a los recursos de apoyo periodístico especialmente en las fotografías

    The importance of games in e – Learning.

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    Along last decades it has been developed didactic strategies. They have been helped with games’ computer by teaching- learning process. They have been diffused trough of TICs on Line with many educate viewpoints. In this case it has helped in social-cultural theories that have proposed starting and promoting of educative competences, trough e-Learning tools, which there have incorporate Social networks. Do a balance of e-Learning’s game be able to develop in open access, founded specially in 2015 years ago. Documental review with transversal cut which rescues pedagogical view points and research finding implies ludic activities and his relationship games-competences together. Proposing to apply social historic cultural theory in Learning’s game with competences activation trough Web 2.0.The game, imagination, fantasy, simulating, as part or entertainment, are unique aspects in humans learning throughout the lifeli ne. Constitute a part of the personality, start from the common sense knowledge and can be an engine of development to reach metacognition. Today, with the advancement of information and communication technologies, ICT and learning technology and knowledge, CT scans, there is a huge amount of games creations in differe nt platforms which accumulate thousands of them and new applications that allow people to transform themselves while they go away from their reality. The games are diverse, but in this article we are interested in talking about those which were made with a didacti

    Modificación superficial de nanotubos de carbono mediante un plasma de CO2

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    En el presente trabajo se estudió la funcionalización de nanotubos de carbono de pared múltiple (NTCPM) con un plasma de CO2, donde se determinó el efecto del tiempo de tratamiento por plasma sobre las propiedades de los NTCPM. Para determinar el cambio en la hibridación de los NTCPM se utilizó espectroscopia Raman y espectroscopia de infrarrojo para identificar los grupos funcionales. Adicionalmente se determinó el ángulo de contacto y se hicieron dispersiones en agua para corroborar el cambio de polaridad de los NTCPM. Se encontró que a medida que se incrementa el tiempo de exposición al plasma de CO2, se observan dos incrementos, uno en la banda de infrarrojo de 1070 cm-1 asociada al grupo C-O y otro en la relación de intensidades D/G del espectro Raman asociado a la hibridación sp3, los cuales corroboran el injerto de oxígeno en la superficie de los NTCPM

    Information Technology and Quality of Service during COVID-19 in a Health Center, ICA 2022

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    The use of health information technology allows  improving health care that could not be performed during the pandemic, in addition to controlling patients whose diagnoses are chronic can be treated remotely, so the research objective is to determine the Information Technology and quality of service during COVID-19 in a health center,  Ica 2022. It is a quantitative correlational study, with a total population of 206 workers who filled out a questionnaire with sociodemographic data and information and communication technology instruments; and the scale of quality of care of health services. In the results, 92.2% (n=190) of the participants always frequently use information and communication technologies; and 7.8% (n=16) sometimes use information and communication technologies. In conclusion, workshops should be held to promote the importance of the use of information and communication technologies, in order to improve care processes in the establishment

    Corrosion of galvanic pairs of Co-Cr alloys with high-copper silver amalgam using Mansfeld formulas

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    In the restoration of lost or damaged dental pieces, different alloys are frequently used, leaving the mouth exposed to electrical currents that circulate through saliva and dental fluids. In the present work, electrochemical methods are used to determine the corrosion rate of galvanic pairs of a high copper silver amalgam with Co-Cr dental alloys in artificial saliva. It is observed that when the difference in corrosion potentials of dissimilar alloys are small (less than 100 mVecs), Evans diagrams do not give good results, so the Mansfeld correction formulas must be used. Thus, it is found that the most resistant to corrosion is the pair formed between the amalgam and the bulk Co-Cr alloy (PG1,3) and that the corrosion products released in greater quantity to the electrolyte are those that contain ions of Co, Cr, Ag, Sr and Cu. Keywords: Corrosion, dental alloy, polarization curve, artificial saliva, galvanic pair

    Corrosion of galvanic pairs of dental alloys copper base with silver amalgams in artificial saliva

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    Galvanic corrosion is a metal dissolution process that occurs when two metals of different electrochemicalpotential are immersed in an electrolyte causing electrical currents between the metals through the conductingmedium. To restore lost or damaged teeth, different alloys are used, leaving the mouth exposed to electricalcurrents that circulate through saliva and dental fluids. In the present work, the potentials and densitiesof corrosion currents of galvanic pairs of silver amalgams and copper base dental alloys were determinedsimultaneously using potenciodynamic methods, finding that the most resistant to corrosion are the pairsformed by silver amalgams of high copper and Cu - Zn alloys, and that the corrosion products released ingreater quantity in the electrolytic medium are formed by Hg, Cu, Zn and Ni ions.Keywords. Corrosion, dental alloy, polarization curve, artificial saliva, galvanic pair

    Corrosion of galvanic couplings of Ni-Cr and Co-Cr alloys with Ti-6Al-4V in artificial saliva using electrochemical methods

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    In this work, the open-circuit corrosion potentials of the alloys studied in aerated artificial saliva were determined; in the same solution, the potentiodynamic polarization curves of said alloys have been drawn. The corrosion potentials and current intensities of the galvanic coupling of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy with the Co-Cr and Ni-Cr alloys were determined using the Evans method, finding that the galvanic couples more resistant to corrosion in the electrolytic medium considered are those formed between the Ti alloy and the Co-Cr alloys; the least resistant are those formed between Ti alloy and Ni-Cr alloys. The corroded surfaces of the seven alloys considered in this work were also studied, and by EDAX the corrosion products due to the ions detached in the electrolytic medium were analyzed. Keywords: Galvanic couplings, dental alloys, Co-Cr, Ni-Cr, corrosion