1,777 research outputs found

    Merleau-Ponty on Intersubjectivity, Subjectivity, and Husserlian Phenomenology

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    UID/FIL/00183/2019 SFRH/BPD/97288/2013 DL 57/2016/CP1453/CT0035publishersversionpublishe


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    UIDB/00183/2020 UIDP/00183/2020publishersversionpublishe

    Schopenhauer’s Theory of Agency in Light of His Account of the Affirmation and Negation of the Will

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    DL 57/2016/CP1453/CT0035 UIDB/00183/2020 UIDP/00183/2020In this paper, I focus on Schopenhauer’s account of agency. I propose a distinction between a narrow and a broader account. According to the former, Schopenhauer emphasizes the extent to which our actions are fully determined by our cognition of motives and our character, leaving only a negative role for freedom. The broader account, on the other hand, reveals a very different picture of Schopenhauer’s account of agency, one that is characterized by his emphasis not only on a positive sense of freedom but also on action as an expression of existential cognition and insight.publishersversionpublishe

    Actividade lectiva supervisionada como forma de aprender a ser Professor de Matemática

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    O presente documento consiste numa reflexão sobre a importância das várias actividades e orientação ao longo período de actividade lectiva na formação de professores de Matemática do 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico e do Secundário. É feita uma revisão de literatura para dar a conhecer alguns trabalhos realizados por outros autores, trabalhos estes que abordam a importância do ensino e a forma como deve ser encarado para que seja adequado às necessidades da sociedade actual. Nesta revisão foram abordados temas como: a Matemática, o seu contributo e importância na sociedade; o papel do professor de Matemática e trabalhos que foram desenvolvidos sobre a formação de professores. São descritas também as actividades desenvolvidas com as turmas em estudo do 8º e 9º ano de escolaridade. Por fim é feita uma análise sobre todo o percurso desenvolvido, tendo especial atenção à forma como foram elaboradas as planificações, ao facto de estarem presentes quatro professores dentro da sala de aula, as reflexões feitas após as aulas e a realização de actividades extra aula.Orientadora: Elsa Fernande

    Phantasy-Ego, Image Consciousness and Aesthetic Experience: Phenomenological Approaches

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    UID/FIL/00183/2019 DL 57/2016/CP1453/CT0035publishersversionpublishe

    Evolution of the production systems of the endangered cattle breed Mirandesa: threats and alternatives for family-farm systems

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    Family-farm systems are largely dominant in the rural communities of northeastern Portugal. Familiar farming systems can be organized based on the interrelations and the diversity of its characteristics such as farmer's age, farm dimension, external resources, productive orientation, or livestock type and number. A significant number of the regional family-farm systems raise Mirandesa cows, a local cattle breed classified as endangered in 1994. Since 1995 the Mirandesa veal enjoys a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) in northeastern Portugal. The carcasses of weaning calves, that aren’t PDO, are currently paid 4 €/kg. The PDO producers receive 5,25€/Kg, a 31% higher premium price. During the past 15 years, the number of family-farms decreased 64% (from 1465 in 1996 to 501 in 2008), and the number of breeding cows decreased 3.7% (4358 in 1996, to 4198 in 2008). The most resilient farms, practice a traditional production mode, with 3 to 10 cows average per farm. On these farms the gross margin for calf was in 1999, 50% higher than in more specialized farms (>10 cows). However, the number of more intensive is rapidly growing. The PDO success is associated to the recent cereal prices collapse. It provided an opportunity to increase the livestock density and specialization in beef production, hanging the cow feeds on oat forage. A density of 0.3 - 0.5LSU/ha on the pasture areas, increased to 1.5-2LSU/ha. The intermediate consumptions of the production system, concentrated feeding, fertilizers and diesel had an inflation rate between 40% and 70%, in the period 2006-2011. These agriculture systems now give signs of rupture. Competitiveness of the Mirandesa cattle production system in the future depends on the conversion of former cultivated areas into pastures and on the introduction of a new land management that promotes a higher cooperation/integration of the family-farm systems

    Mirandesa meat PDO: the strategies of family-farm systems for their governance

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    Mirandesa Meat has been a PDO since 1995, which originated from a small area in the northeast of Portugal, far away from the large consumption centers. It involves 316 producers, from which 180 are organized in a cooperative that manages the PDO. All producers practise small scale family-farm systems. The majority of the producers of Mirandesa Meat are already retired or benefit from multiple sources of income, and only have a small number of cows (average of 8 cows) in a policulture production system. More than 90% of the Mirandesa meat production is sold in large population centers, with a higher social stratification, located more than 250 km away from the production region. The spatial separation between production and consumers forced the Mirandesa meat producers to adopt three main governance strategies: interactive communication with the consumers through promotion and direct sales in fairs, progression in the value chain via product differentiation and the valuation of the certified dimension of the PDO, and the recognition of Mirandesa meat derivatives like Mirandesa sausage, a Slowfood Presidium. The interactive communication between producers and consumers, in this context, becomes vital since, due to distance, the consumers lose direct control in the production and the sale of meat. For small producers, the utilization of different kinds of certification is crucial, because through its utilization they have the possibility to positively stand out in the market. The Mirandesa Meat PDO’s production has been sold out every year since 1998. In the year 2010 it sold 268 t of meat, from 1960 carcasses. On a national scale it is the meat PDO that provides the highest prices to producers (5.25€/Kg). In the production region, non-PDO carcasses of the same type command an average price of only 4€/Kg (a 31% difference)

    A ameaça da OTAN e a sobrevivência da Europa

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (especialização)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Relações Internacionais, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Relações Internacionais, XVII Curso de Especialização em Relações Internacionais, 2015.O presente trabalho objetiva analisar como a sobrevivência da Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte (OTAN) no pós-Guerra Fria constitui a maior ameaça aos interesses e mesmo à segurança da própria Europa. A análise desenvolvida percorre toda extensão do processo de integração da Europa na área de defesa desde o imediato pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial até os dias atuais, na tentativa de lançar luz sobre como a situação se desdobrou até o cenário atual. O ensaio segue com a descrição de como os europeus percebem a Aliança Atlântica no período após 1991 e como a organização suplantou, já no inicio deste século, a União da Europa Ocidental (UEO), autêntico instrumento de defesa do Velho Continente. Então, é apontado como a OTAN se converteu de ferramenta de defesa a instrumento exclusivamente a serviço das políticas emanadas de Washington e como tal realidade representa uma ameaça aos interesses dos povos da Europa e à sua própria viabilidade e sobrevivência como civilização. Por fim, é proposta uma solução à problemática apresentada. São analisadas as atuais e as necessárias capacidades de defesa da União Europeia, como esta é capaz de garantir plenamente sua segurança e como somente assim a Europa pode ser plenamente livre na defesa dos seus cidadãos, interesses e valores.This paper aims to analyze how the survival of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in the post-Cold War era constitutes the greatest threat to Europe´s interests and security. It analyses all the extension of Europe´s integration process in the defense field since the immediate post-World War II to the present day in an attempt to understand how the situation has been unfolded so far. It also describes how the Europeans perceive the Atlantic Alliance after 1991 and how the organization supplanted, in the beginning of this century, the Western European Union (WEU), which was the authentic instrument of defence of the Old Continent. So, it is appointed how NATO was converted itself from a defence tool to an exclusive instrument of Washington´s policy and how this reality poses a threat to the interest of the peoples of Europe and its own viability and survival as a civilization. Finally, a solution to the problems is presented. The current and the necessary Europe´s defence capabilities are analyzed, how it´s fully able to guarantee its own safety and how it´s the only way Europe can be fully free to defend its citizens, interests and values
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