2,278 research outputs found

    Paz : notas para um estudo

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    Apresenta um mapeamento de alguns aspectos que devem ser aprofundados no tratamento da paz. Comenta sobre a distinção entre paz ativa e paz passiva. Discorre sobre a paz e a natureza, a paz e as categorias de solidariedade, a paz e poder, a paz e política, paz e tecnologia, paz e sujeito, paz, tolerância e hospitalidade, paz e homens de palha, paz e violência, paz e justiça. Considera que para se refletir sobre a paz, o ser humano deve ser recolocado no interior da natureza, pois a prática histórica foi a de constituir um sujeito absolutamente separado dela. Finaliza observando que a construção da paz com o ambiente e a natureza são condições de um processo emancipatório da humanidade

    2022-8 Slutsky Matrix Symmetry: A New Behavioral Condition

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    The Slutsky matrix function encodes all the information about local variations in demand with respect to small (Slutsky) compensated price changes. When the demand function is the result of utility maximization the Slutsky matrix is symmetric. However, symmetry does not imply rationality. Here, we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for Slutsky symmetry. The new condition requires symmetric attention to compensated price-paths

    2022-9 A Rationalization of the Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference

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    Samuelson’s (1938) weak (generalized) axiom of revealed preference– WGARP–is a minimal and appealing consistency condition of choice. We offer a rationalization of WGARP in general settings. Our main result is an exact analog of the celebrated Afriat’s theorem, but for WGARP. Its ordinal rationalization is in terms of an asymmetric and locally nonsatiated preference function. Its cardinal rationalization uses a coalitional multi-utility (CMU) maxmin representation with a coherency restriction on the coalition structure. Effectively, the CMU representation aggregates piecemeal preferences within the decision maker (multiple rationales without preference reversals that allow for transitivity violations). Basic consumer theory and welfare analysis are also developed. Extensions to the weak axiom of revealed preference–WARP–and choices obeying the law of demand are included

    Origin of the universe: Speech by teacher graduates in physics

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    This presentation reports on work in the context of a Master's thesis whose research aims were to investigate and analyze the discourse of teachers, graduated in physics, on the theme "origin of the Universe", aiming at increased understanding of the processes of teacher training and their practice in the classroom regarding this subject. The data were collected through interviews with teachers who graduated from a physics course at the same public university, with the same curriculum. The research included questioning about the autonomy of teachers graduated in Physics to approach the theme "origin of the Universe" in the classroom, both in relation to the teacher's knowledge on the subject and in relation to the possible epistemological and cultural conflicts that may arise with the discussion. The semi-structured interviews were conducted through open questions that guided the dialogue in aspects of teacher training and practice. The theoretical premise of the research was based on authors who are a reference in the discussion of the nature of science, the most accepted theories about the origin of the Universe, and areas of knowledge and teacher training and practice (Bock et al., 1999; CERN, 2022; El-Hani & Bizzo, 1999; Freire, 1996; Sepulveda & El-Hani, 2004; Souza, 2007). The data analysis was performed based on the Pecheutian Discourse Analysis theory (Orlandi, 2015). The analysis of the interviewed teachers’ discourse allowed conclusions that are directly related to the research objectives. Most teachers showed a lack of approach to the theme “origin of the Universe” in their academic training, since they consider the approach to the topic in Basic Education interesting, and would need specific secondary training to plan the discussion with their students. In addition, it was possible to identify in the conversations with most teachers interviewed, the imminence of cultural and epistemological conflict in relation to the positioning of students, teachers and educational institutions, demonstrating insecurity in approaching the topic due to lack of knowledge and the need for skills that would provide conflict management. From the inferences on the interviewees' discourse, we can identify the search for impartiality of the teachers in the discussion of the theme and the care for the approach of different theories for the origin of the Universe, demonstrating the intention to allow space for different personal manifestations of the students. It is also worth mentioning the preference of most teachers for the approach of the theme focused on the epistemological discussion of science, and not just a specific scientific study on the physical aspects of the origin of the Universe. REFERENCES Bock, A. M. B. Furtado, O. Teixeira, M. L. T. (1999). Psicologias: uma introdução ao estudo de psicologia. Editora Saraiva, ed. 13, 1999. CERN (2022). Disponível em:<https://home.cern/>. Acesso em: Nov. 2022. El-Hani, C. N. Bizzo, N. (1999). Formas de construtivismo: Teoria da mudança conceitual e construtivismo contextual. In: Moreira, M. A. & Ostermann, F. (Orgs.) Atas do II Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências. Porto Alegre: ABRAPEC. Freire, P. (1996). Pedagogia da autonomia: saberes necessários à prática educativa. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra. Orlandi, E. P. (2015).  Análise de Discurso: Princípios & Procedimentos (12th ed.). Campinas: Pontes. Sepulveda, C. El-Hani, C. N. (2004). Quando visões de mundo se encontram: religião e ciência na trajetória de formação de alunos protestantes de uma licenciatura em ciências biológicas. Investigações em Ensino de Ciências, v. 9(2), p. 137-175. Souza, M. A. (2007). Criação e evolução: em diálogo com Teilhard de Chardin. Dissertação (Pós-graduação). Faculdade de Teologia/PUC. Porto Alegre

    Sistema de computación CEINCI: Espectro de capacidad espacial. Programa ESPACAP

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    Se presentan aspectos teóricos fundamentales del espectro de capacidad de una estructura espacial modelada como un sistema de tres grados de libertad, los mismos que están complementados con el desarrollo de un ejemplo y con un programa de computación denominados ESPACAP. Se destaca que los periodos de vibración que se obtienen al resolver el problema de valores y vectores propios con las matrices de rigidez y de masa, son los mismos periodos que se hallan al obtener la pendiente de la curva del espectro de capacidad. Finalmente se presentan los espectros de capacidad y los niveles de daño de acuerdo con lo estipulado por el Comité VISION 2000, y se indica la forma de construir estos gráficos que permiten visualizar en forma global el comportamiento de la edificación

    Agro-industrial byproducts as modification enhancers of the bacterial cellulose biofilm surface properties: an inverse chromatography approach

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    Bacterial cellulose (BC) has remarkable and excellent properties. However, the high-cost production and the use of chemicals for BC modification make its application unattractive. A simple approach to modify the properties of BC during biosynthesis, by using alternative low-cost carbon sources from agro-industrial byproducts, was studied. The carbon source (date syrup, mannitol, sucrose, food-grade sucrose, and glucose) significantly changed the BC network morphology and structure. Date syrup source induces the highest modifications in the surface properties of BC: smaller area (SBET = 4.04 m2 /g), higher hydrophobic (γd s = 45.79 mJ/ m2 ) and basic character (Kb/Ka = 1.10), at 25 ºC. Food-grade sucrose source resulted in the lowest yield of BC production (37% less), however caused an increase in the BC network reticulation and a high crystalline structure (IC = 82.3%). This sustainable and simple methodology presents a low-cost and efficient approach allowing the modulation of the surface properties of BC.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Le traitement de l'incompressibilité dans un matériau élastique

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    On présente une contributtion au traitement numérique de l'incompressibilité. On caractérise ce phénomène comme la préservation locale du volume d'un corps soumis à un état de déformation quelconque. Parmi les matériaux d'application industrielle qui présentent ce comportement, on note, en particulier, les caoutchoucs. Le traitement analytique par un modèle constitutive est déjà bien établi. Mooney et Riviin, [ 1940 ], proposent une loi constitutive simple pour un matériau incompressible,. Un accord du modèle et des résultats expérimentaux est obtenu pour une large échelle de déformation. Ogden, [1972] propose un modèle plus complexe dans lequel le matériau de Mooney et Rivlin est un cas particulier. Dès le travail de Helünger et Reissner, [1950], des formulations variationnelles ont été établies pour traiter des problèmes avec restrictions. On ne prend plus en compte la formuation classique basée sur le potentiel d'énergie d'un seul champ de variables. On traite les restrictions en rajoutant des champs de variables supplémentaires. Néanmoins, les principes obtenus de ces formulations introduisent un nombre excessif d'inconnus. Hermann, [1965] propose une forme plus simple dans laquelle le champ supplémentaire d'inconnus est une fonction scalaire. On obtient avec le Principe de Hennann une formulation mixte en éléments finies où les variables indépendantes sont le champ de déplacements et le champ de pression moyenne sur chaque élément. Malkus et Hughes, [1978], prouvent que ce principe est équivalent à la Technique d'Intégration Réduite avec Pénalisation. On traite le problème de l'incompressibilité avec un seul champ de variables, ce qui diminue le nombre total d'inconnus. On prend en compte l'incompressibilité par une intégration réduite des termes de pression. L'utilisation de cette technique dans t'Elasticitél Non-Linéaire Incompressible est directe. Malkua et Hughes présentent une extension du principe de Hennann pour l'Elasticité Non- Linéaire et son équivalente avec l'Intégration Réduite. De nouveau, il faut bien identifier les termes de pression pour qu'on puisse les intégrer de manière différente et adaptée. Le travail présenté concerne le traitement du problème de l'incompressibilité en Elasticité Non-Linéaire et Déformations Planes. Dans la section 2 on présente une étude bibliographique sur le sujet de l'incompressibilité. Dans la section 3, comme étape intermediaire, on traite le problème en petites déformations. On présente quelques exemples numériques pour tester l'efficacité de quelques éléments finis. On considère différents schémas d'intégration. Dans la section 4 on pose le problème d'équilibre non-linéaire incompressible. On présente une méthode itérative qui s'appuie sur les techniques de continuation pour le résoudre. On traite quelques problèmes avec gradient de pression pour lesquels on connaît la solution. Le but est de tester l'efficacité de la méthode itérative quand on rajoute la technique d'intégration réduite

    Factor de reducción de las fuerzas sísmicas en edificios de hormigón armado sin muros de corte

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    En este proyecto se obtuvo el factor de reducción de las fuerzas sísmicas, con el cual se pasa del espectro básico al inelástico, en edificios de hormigón armado conformado por vigas y columnas sin muros de corte. Es decir en una sola tipologí­a estructuras pero que en una sola tipologí­a estructural pero que tiene gran demanda. El objetivo principal fue contribuir a una futura Normativa Sismica de Ecuador, contribuir a quienes están estudiando y calculando edificios en Ibero América, para que conozcan la parte cuantitativa del factor de reducción de las fuerzas sísmicas ya que en algunas normativas se presentan los valores R para algunas tipologías estructurales y muy poco o nada se comentan sobre ellas y esto muy crítico ya que se puede estar subestimando la acción sí­smica por una elección inadecuada del factor R.Postprint (published version