21 research outputs found


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    This text intends to discuss some dimensions of research in online media, considering the communicational and social changes since the emergence of the Internet and the new interrelationships that started to be established between the subjects; the modes of human interaction mediated by technologies, and the resulting resignification of ways of being and living in an increasingly technological and connected world. A contemporary world that comprises relativizations in the processes of production and propagation of human knowledge, cultural and media content. It is also intended to put into perspective a methodological approach to research that seeks to meet these socio-cultural specificities previously listed: virtual ethnography or as it is called Robert V. Kozinets: netnography, presented and described in the book “Performing online ethnographic research”.   KEYWORDS: Ethnography, Virtual Ethnography, Netnography, Internet, Convergence Culture.El presente texto pretende discutir algunas dimensiones de la investigación en los medios en línea, considerando los cambios comunicacionales y sociales desde la aparición de Internet y las nuevas interrelaciones que comenzaron a establecerse entre los sujetos; los modos de interacción humana mediados por las tecnologías y la resultante resignificación de formas de ser y vivir en un mundo cada vez más tecnológico y conectado. Un mundo contemporáneo que comprende relativizaciones en los procesos de producción y propagación del conocimiento humano, el contenido cultural y mediático. También tiene la intención de poner en perspectiva un enfoque metodológico para la investigación que busca cumplir con estas especificidades socioculturales mencionadas anteriormente: etnografía virtual o como se le llama Robert V. Kozinets: netnografía, presentada y descrita en el libro "Realización de investigación etnográfica en línea".   PALABRAS CLAVE: Etnografía, Etnografía virtual, Netnografía, Internet, Cultura de convergencia.O presente texto pretende discorrer sobre algumas dimensões da pesquisa em meios online, considerando as mudanças comunicacionais e sociais desde o surgimento da Internet e das novas inter-relações que passaram a se estabelecer entre os sujeitos; os modos de interação humana mediada pelas tecnologias, e a proveniente ressignificação de modos de estar e de viver em um mundo cada vez mais tecnológico e conectado. Um mundo contemporâneo que compreende relativizações nos processos de produção e propagação de conhecimentos humanos, conteúdos culturais e midiáticos. Pretende-se ainda colocar em perspectiva uma abordagem metodológica de pesquisa que busca atender essas especificidades sócio-culturais elencadas anteriormente: a etnografia virtual ou como denomina Robert V. Kozinets: netnografia, apresentada e descrita na obra “Realizando pesquisa etnográfica online”.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Etnografia, Etnografia virtual, Netnografia, Internet, Cultura da Convergência.     RESUME This text intends to discuss some dimensions of research in online media, considering the communicational and social changes since the emergence of the Internet and the new interrelationships that started to be established between the subjects; the modes of human interaction mediated by technologies, and the resulting resignification of ways of being and living in an increasingly technological and connected world. A contemporary world that comprises relativizations in the processes of production and propagation of human knowledge, cultural and media content. It is also intended to put into perspective a methodological approach to research that seeks to meet these socio-cultural specificities previously listed: virtual ethnography or as it is called Robert V. Kozinets: netnography, presented and described in the book “Performing online ethnographic research”.   KEYWORDS: Ethnography, Virtual Ethnography, Netnography, Internet, Convergence Culture.     RESUMEN El presente texto pretende discutir algunas dimensiones de la investigación en los medios en línea, considerando los cambios comunicacionales y sociales desde la aparición de Internet y las nuevas interrelaciones que comenzaron a establecerse entre los sujetos; los modos de interacción humana mediados por las tecnologías y la resultante resignificación de formas de ser y vivir en un mundo cada vez más tecnológico y conectado. Un mundo contemporáneo que comprende relativizaciones en los procesos de producción y propagación del conocimiento humano, el contenido cultural y mediático. También tiene la intención de poner en perspectiva un enfoque metodológico para la investigación que busca cumplir con estas especificidades socioculturales mencionadas anteriormente: etnografía virtual o como se le llama Robert V. Kozinets: netnografía, presentada y descrita en el libro "Realización de investigación etnográfica en línea".   PALABRAS CLAVE: Etnografía, Etnografía virtual, Netnografía, Internet, Cultura de convergencia

    A narrativa moderna das fanfictions : em foco a comunidade virtual nyah

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    O presente trabalho propõe estabelecer um olhar sobre a construção narrativa que acontece em uma comunidade virtual denominada Nyah Fanfiction1 – Histórias Reais de Realidades Alternativas visando entender como se dão os processos de leitura e escrita neste determinado veículo midiático. A partir do diálogo estabelecido com teóricos que fazem parte do campo semântico e referencial dos temas abordados pelo presente, tais como: modelos pedagógicos, semiótica, linguagem, narrativa, virtualização, rede do conhecimento, cibercultura, autoria, grupo social, interconexão, interação, comunicação síncrona e assíncrona, etc; buscou-se traçar um perfil dos usuários, entender como eles se relacionam com a língua oral e escrita, quais seus hábitos de leitura e de interação, como percebem a leitura no computador e no ato concreto com o livro impresso. E desta forma, ter condições de propor algumas alternativas e caminhos para os professores que atuam em escolas de ensino fundamental e que recorrentemente sentem-se insatisfeitos com as produções apresentadas por seus alunos na sala de aula. Trazer para a escola um modelo pedagógico outro, re-significado, que busque práticas pedagógicas legítimas e significativas para uma escola contemporânea

    Phylogenetic analysis and genotype distribution of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) in Roraima, Brazil

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a serious global health problem. HBV has a high viral genetic diversity, with 10 genotypes recognized. In Brazil, the Roraima State is the third in the Northern region regarding the number of hepatitis B cases. On the other hand, few data on HBV genotyping and phylogenetic analysis are available. The purpose of this study is to characterize the HBV genotypes circulating in Roraima State. Of the 113 chronic hepatitis B patients enrolled in this study, 40 were HBV-DNA positive. A fragment of 280 bp (S gene) was amplified by PCR and submitted to nucleotide sequencing. A dataset containing the viral sequences obtained in this study, plus 130 obtained from GenBank was used for genotyping by phylogenetic analysis. The HBV subgenotype distribution found was A1 (62.5%), A2 (7.5%), D2, D3, D4 (2.5%), F2a (12.5%), and F3 (10%). We characterized the genotypes and subgenotypes of HBV circulating among patients in the State of Roraima. In addition, our study shows for the first time the HBV/F3 genotype circulating in Brazil. In conclusion, our findings showed a high diversity of HBV genotypes in Roraima, which is also found in other Brazilian geographical regions

    Educomunicação e diversidade: tecendo saberes

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    Com esta publicação Educomunicação e Diversidade: Tecendo Saberes, a Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores e Profissionais de Educomunicação socializa uma importante contribuição para o aprofundamento e aprimorando de estudos e práticas educativas e comunicativas numa perspectiva de respeito às diversidades. A publicação está estruturada em quatro partes, a saber: I. Educomunicação e Políticas para a Cidadania; II. Práxis Educomunicativa: o principio da indissociabilidade entre ensino-pesquisa-extensão; III. Educomunicação e Formação em EAD; IV – Mediação Tecnológica. Trata-se, assim, de um trabalho coletivo que contém 19 capítulos onde contribuem 35 autores e coautores. Eis uma publicação que se destina não somente aos educomunicadores, mas a todos os que assumem o desafio de pensar numa outra forma possível de educar e de comunicar, mais colaborativa, intercultural, criativa e emancipatória, menos colonizadora e arrogante. Desejamos à leitora-interlocutora, ou ao leitor-interlocutor, uma leitura prazerosa, crítica e problematizadora dessa publicação que se  apresenta como um ensaio, mas com a pretensão e o potencial de contribuir para o avanço dos estudos em torno do campo de interface entre Comunicação e Educação, sempre com o imprescindível respeito às diversidades

    The complete genome sequence of Chromobacterium violaceum reveals remarkable and exploitable bacterial adaptability

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    Chromobacterium violaceum is one of millions of species of free-living microorganisms that populate the soil and water in the extant areas of tropical biodiversity around the world. Its complete genome sequence reveals (i) extensive alternative pathways for energy generation, (ii) ≈500 ORFs for transport-related proteins, (iii) complex and extensive systems for stress adaptation and motility, and (iv) wide-spread utilization of quorum sensing for control of inducible systems, all of which underpin the versatility and adaptability of the organism. The genome also contains extensive but incomplete arrays of ORFs coding for proteins associated with mammalian pathogenicity, possibly involved in the occasional but often fatal cases of human C. violaceum infection. There is, in addition, a series of previously unknown but important enzymes and secondary metabolites including paraquat-inducible proteins, drug and heavy-metal-resistance proteins, multiple chitinases, and proteins for the detoxification of xenobiotics that may have biotechnological applications

    Phylogenetic analysis and genotype distribution of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) in Roraima, Brazil

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    ABSTRACT Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a serious global health problem. HBV has a high viral genetic diversity, with 10 genotypes recognized. In Brazil, the Roraima State is the third in the Northern region regarding the number of hepatitis B cases. On the other hand, few data on HBV genotyping and phylogenetic analysis are available. The purpose of this study is to characterize the HBV genotypes circulating in Roraima State. Of the 113 chronic hepatitis B patients enrolled in this study, 40 were HBV-DNA positive. A fragment of 280 bp (S gene) was amplified by PCR and submitted to nucleotide sequencing. A dataset containing the viral sequences obtained in this study, plus 130 obtained from GenBank was used for genotyping by phylogenetic analysis. The HBV subgenotype distribution found was A1 (62.5%), A2 (7.5%), D2, D3, D4 (2.5%), F2a (12.5%), and F3 (10%). We characterized the genotypes and subgenotypes of HBV circulating among patients in the State of Roraima. In addition, our study shows for the first time the HBV/F3 genotype circulating in Brazil. In conclusion, our findings showed a high diversity of HBV genotypes in Roraima, which is also found in other Brazilian geographical regions

    Simultaneous Bilateral Knee Valgus Stress Radiographic Technique

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    The medial collateral ligament is the most commonly injured knee ligament. Valgus stress radiographs are reported to be an effective way to quantify the medial compartment opening. However, most of the techniques require the presence of a physician in the radiograph room to apply a manual valgus stress force, and can only be performed in 1 knee at a time. These techniques, although extremely effective, increase radiation exposure to physicians, are time consuming, and require additional radiographs to compare the side-to-side difference. The purpose of this Technical Note is to describe our preferred valgus stress radiographic technique to evaluate medial side laxity, which offers several advantages compared with conventional manual techniques