632 research outputs found

    Teatro, locus e Comunidade

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    A praxis em teatro e comunidade opera e mobiliza diferentes ciências e metodologias em viés transversal. Seu movimento busca contribuir para projetos artísticos e sociais que agregam fenômenos que instauram a compreensão de quadros de referências - estéticas e comunitárias. Para que se efetivem, há a necessidade de determinação dos espaços nos quais ocorre o ato teatral. A proposta desse artigo é, a partir da compreensão fenomenológica, investigar o uso de espaços públicos e comunitários como lócus para a ação teatral em contextos específicos. Nos exemplos das pesquisas no Brasil e Portugal dá-se conta de como essas práticas dialogam com seus grupos de interesse. A partir dos resultados, indicam-se possíveis contribuições metodológicas na formação de “Artistas Pedagogos” e sua atuação em contextos socio-educacionais

    Fraseología y lexicografía: análisis y propuestas

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    Phraseology and lexicography: analyses and proposals.Fraseología y lexicografía: análisis y propuestas.Fraseoloxía e lexicografía: análises e propostas

    Microbiological monitoring of influent and effluent of an wastewater treatment plant : treatment efficiency

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    Resumo apresentado em Environmental 2010 : Situation and Perspectives for the European Union, 6-10 May 2003, Porto, Portugal

    Measuring the differences in productivities of Nations : a stochastic frontier approach

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    It is broadly accepted that differences in efficiency and productivity growth greatly contribute to the enormous differences in income across countries. Inefficiency levels were estimated for a panel of 40 countries, 34 of which are OECD-members and the remaining 6 are emergent economies, for the period of 2001-2011, using a stochastic frontier model based on the Battese and Coelli (1995) time-varying inefficiency model. Environmental variables were found to have an important role in explaining differences in technical efficiencies across countries. In particular, a high contribution of the agricultural sector and of natural resources rents to the economy, impediments to free trade such as tariffs, a bad business environment, a high number of patents, a high level of government debt and the financial crisis contribute negatively to technical efficiency. On the other hand, a good health status and good institutions help countries to be located closer to the frontier. Afterwards, productivity growth was decomposed using the Kumbhakar and Lovell (2000) primal frontier approach. The results showed that differences in TFP growth between developed and developing countries are the main drivers of the differences in the growth rates of GDP per worker, although differences in the factor accumulation also play an important role. Over the 2001-2011, we observed a general improvement in the technical efficiency of countries, which was outweighed by a downward shift in the stochastic production frontier

    Two elementary cellular automata with a new kind of dynamic

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    Finite elementary cellular automata (ECAs) are studied, considering periodic and the four types of fixed boundary conditions. It is shown that two of these automata, rules 26 and 154, have particularly interesting dynamics. Both these rules are in Wolfram’s class 2 when subject to periodic boundary conditions but have chaotic dynamics, typical of Wolfram’s class 3, when we consider fixed boundary conditions a ℓ = 1 and a r = 0. The same rules, when fixed null boundary conditions a ℓ = 0 and a r = 0 are used, show complex dynamics with a mixture of order and disorder completely different from the one identified with Wolfram’s class 4: it grows in complexity in order to reach, in just a few time steps, an extremely simple, almost homogeneous configuration, from which the complexification starts again.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Design and development of a microfluific paper-based analytical device ( μPAD) for magnesium determination in saliva

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    De todos os catiões presentes no corpo, o magnésio é o segundo mais importante catião e o quarto mais prevalente. Doenças que envolvem o magnésio são classificadas em dois grupos: hipomagnesemia (défice de magnésio) e hipermagnesemia. Desta forma, a determinação de magnésio despertou grande interesse, porque auxilia no contexto clínico e em pesquisas epidemiológicas. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um dispositivo microfluídico analítico em papel (μPAD) para quantificar magnésio em amostras salivares. Neste caso em concreto, o μPAD baseia-se numa reação colorimétrica entre o magnésio e o eriocrómio de cianina, formando uma cor laranja/avermelhada intensa. Após a reação, é necessário utilizar um scanner de mesa para obter uma imagem de alta resolução da zona de deteção do μPAD para determinar a intensidade de cor laranja/avermelhada de cada unidade de teste, medida através do software Image J. Sob condições ótimas, o método para o μPAD proposto foi caracterizado por um intervalo de calibração para a concentração de magnésio entre 0.082 – 0.247 mmol/L. Os limites de deteção e quantificação foram 0.062 mM e 0.081 mM, respetivamente. O gasto dos reagentes, eriocrómio cianina, NH4Cl e NH4OH foram 0.043 mg, 1.62 mg e 13.0 mg por curva de calibração. O gasto da solução padrão/amostra foi 120 μl por cada determinação.Of all the cations in the body, magnesium is the second most important intracellular cation and the fourth most prevalent. Disorders involving magnesium are categorized into two groups: hypomagnesemia (magnesium deficiency) and hypermagnesemia. In this way, the determination of magnesium has aroused great interest, because it helps in the clinical context and epidemiological research. Therefore, the objective of this work was to develop a microfluidic paper-based analytical device (μPAD) for the quantification of magnesium in saliva samples. In this case, the μPAD is based on the colorimetric reaction between magnesium and eriochrome cyanine to form an intense orange/reddish dye. After the reaction, it is necessary to use a flatbed scanner to obtain a high-resolution image of the detection zone for determination the intensity of the orange/reddish colour within each detection zone measured with Image J software. Under the optimum conditions, the proposed μPAD method was characterized by a linear calibration range for magnesium concentration 0.082 – 0.247 mmol/L. The detection and quantification limits were 0.062 mM and 0.081 mM, respectively. The reagents, eriochrome cyanine, NH4Cl and NH4OH consumption were 0.043 mg, 1.62 mg and 13.0 mg per calibration curve and the sample consumption was 120 μl per eachdetermination

    Multimodal science communication across disciplines in virtual collaboration

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    In this paper, we present the results of a collaborative work experience between science students and humanities students at the University of Minho. The goal of this experiment was to introduce students to multimodal ways of communicating science in a space across disciplines. The methodology used was based on active learning scenarios, on the focus of multimodality as a pedagogical practice, and on the promotion of virtual means of collaboration that can be replicated in hybrid and distance learning contexts. Students carried out bibliographic research, planning through the use of the mind map technique, collaborative writing and the creation of science communication multimodal content, through the creation of a short animated video about one of the scientific themes covered. At the end a feedback questionnaire was applied which indicated that the methodology was well received among the students of both disciplines.This work was carried out within the scope of the “PortLinguE” project (PTDC/LLT-LIG/31113/2017) financed by FEDER under Portugal 2020 and by national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT,I.P.)

    Influence of Soil Chemistry and Plant Physiology in the Phytoremediation of Cu, Mn, and Zn

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    Different anthropogenic sources of metals can result from agricultural, industrial, military, mining and urban activities that contribute to environmental pollution. Plants can be grown for phytoremediation to remove or stabilize contaminants in water and soil. Copper (Cu), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) are trace essential metals for plants, although their role in homeostasis in plants must be strictly regulated to avoid toxicity. In this review, we summarize the processes involved in the bioavailability, uptake, transport and storage of Cu, Mn and Zn in plants. The efficiency of phytoremediation depends on several factors including metal bioavailability and plant uptake, translocation and tolerance mechanisms. Soil parameters, such as clay fraction, organic matter content, oxidation state, pH, redox potential, aeration, and the presence of specific organisms, play fundamental roles in the uptake of trace essential metals. Key processes in the metal homeostasis network in plants have been identified. Membrane transporters involved in the acquisition, transport and storage of trace essential metals are reviewed. Recent advances in understanding the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of Cu, Mn and Zn hyperaccumulation are described. The use of plant-bacteria associations, plant-fungi associations and genetic engineering has opened a new range of opportunities to improve the efficiency of phytoremediation. The main directions for future research are proposed from the investigation of published results

    Reviving käthe seidel’s legacy to University of Minho

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    Site da conferência internacional: http://www.wetconf10.adp.pt/home_p.htmIn the 80’s Prof. Käthe Seidel was in Portugal by invitation of the University of Minho (UM). The relationship established led to the donation of Seidel’s laboratory to UM, to create a Limnological Laboratory. Some institutional and personal reasons rendered this unviable and until now, Seidel’s legacy at UM is resumed to some German bibliography, equipment and unpublished work. Prof. Kickuth was Seidels’ disciple. His technology is based on a rooted emergent macrophyte system of horizontal subsurface flow that relied on optimized substrate planted with Phragmites. Aiming to determine the efficiency of Kickuth’s process and to understand the role of the biotic communities presented on these optimized substrates, mensal sampling campaigns were made in a Constructed Wetland (CW) located in the North of Portugal. The sampling campaigns began on January 2005. Inlet (IN) and outlet (OUT) wastewater simple samples and substrate samples were taken from one of the two CW’s beds. In situ determinations of temperature, pH and redox potential were recorded, and IN and OUT wastewater samples were analysed for BOD5, COD and TSS; estimated densities of some microbiological communities were assessed by the recovery of colony formed units (CFU/ml) on solid culture media, using the spread technique. The results obtained show a very good efficiency on organic load removal (values of 80-90%) accompanied by higher values in percent removal of the estimated heterotrofics CFU/ml. The total and fecal coliforms removal was also high (90-100%). The substrate’s biodiversity characterized by optical microscopy allowed the identification of both protozoa and metazoa (mainly nematodes and annelids). The sampling and quantification methodologies of the biota taxa aren’t optimized. As the knowledge of this “black box” effective function may contribute to increase the credibility of these sustainable systems, it seems pertinent to proceed with these studies.Instituto da Água, Águas de Portugal, EPAL, Somague, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Alves Ribeiro S.A., Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Acciona, Câmaras Municipais de: Alcochete, Lisboa, Odemira, Évora, Beja, Sintra Loures; Serviços Municipalizados de águas e saneamento de: Loures e Sintra; Empressa Municipal de água e saneamento de Beja, Cafés Delta, Galp e EDP-energias de Portuga

    Characterization of the protozoa community observed in activated sludge of Braga wastewater treatment plant

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    Resumo apresentado em Environment 2010 : Situation and Perspectives for the European Union, 6-10 May 2003, Porto, Portugal