258 research outputs found

    Children’s Right to Participate: The Lundy Model Applied to Early Childhood Education and Care

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    Children have the right to express their views in all matters affecting them, and to have them considered and given due weight. Children’s participation is most meaningful when rooted in children’s everyday lives, and its promotion should be encouraged from the youngest ages, especially in early childhood education and care (ecec). In this paper we apply the Lundy model of participation, widely used in policy, practice and professional development initiatives, to the ecec context. Based on examples provided by ecec professionals from Belgium, Greece, Poland, and Portugal, we illustrate the implementation of the elements of space, voice, audience and influence, proposed by the Lundy model. We also discuss the interrelations among these elements and the need for organisational and contextual support to enhance children’s participation. This paper adds to existing literature, highlighting theoretical and practical issues associated with the promotion of children’s right to participate in ecec.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comportamentos interactivos das educadoras de infùncia em salas de creche em função do tipo de actividades e das características estruturais do contexto

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    O presente artigo pretende examinar a quantidade, qualidade e adequação dos comportamentos interactivos das educadoras em salas de creche, em actividades livres e estruturadas, investigando a sua relação com aspectos de estrutura destes contextos. Participaram neste estudo 30 responsĂĄveis por salas de creche da Área Metropolitana do Porto (incluindo 5 auxiliares de acção educativa). Os comportamentos interactivos das educadoras foram avaliados com a Escala de Interacção Educador-Criança (Farran, & Collins 1995). Os resultados obtidos sugerem que as educadoras exibem maior quantidade de comportamentos interactivos no decurso de actividades estruturadas (r = .65) e que a adequação destes comportamentos Ă© superior quando estes profissionais tĂȘm bacharelato ou licenciatura (rь=.57), quando auferem salĂĄrios superiores (r = .42) e quando despendem menos horas de trabalho directo com as crianças (r = -.37). A qualidade dos comportamentos interactivos estĂĄ relacionada com o salĂĄrio auferido (r = .43). As implicaçÔes prĂĄticas dos resultados obtidos sĂŁo discutidas com o objectivo de analisar formas possĂ­veis de alcançar nĂ­veis de excelĂȘncia em contextos de educação de infĂąncia.Abstract: This study aims to investigate the quality, quantity, and appropriateness of early childhood teachers’ interactive behaviors in toddler child care classrooms, during free play and structured activities, while also analyzing its relationship with classroom structural features. Participants were 30 lead teachers of toddler child care classrooms in the metropolitan area of Porto (including 5 teachers without a degree in early childhood education). Teachers’ interactive behaviors were measured with the Teacher/Child Interaction Scale (Farran, & Collins 1995). Results suggest early childhood teachers display a greater amount of interactive behaviors during structured activities (r = .65) and that the appropriateness of their behaviors is higher when teachers have a college level early childhood degree (rь=.57), when they earn higher wages (r = .42) and when they spend less hours in direct work with children (r = -.37). The quality of teachers’ interactive behaviors is associated with their monthly wage (r = .43). Practical implications are discussed considering possible ways of reaching excellence levels in early childhood education and care settings.RĂ©sumĂ©: Le prĂ©sent article vise Ă  examiner la quantitĂ©, la qualitĂ© et le niveau d’adĂ©quation des interactions des Ă©ducateurs de crĂšche avec les enfants, tant dans leurs activitĂ©s libres que structurĂ©es, tout en tenant compte des caractĂ©ristiques structurelles du contexte. Trente responsables de salle de crĂšche de la ville de Porto (dont 5 auxiliaires d’éducation) participĂšrent Ă  l’étude. Les interactions des Ă©ducatrices furent mesurĂ©es Ă  l’aide de «l’Échelle d’Interaction Éducateur-Enfant» (Farran, & Collins 1995). Les rĂ©sultats obtenus suggĂšrent que les Ă©ducatrices font montre d’une plus grande quantitĂ© d’interactions au cours des activitĂ©s structurĂ©es (r = .65) et que les comportements de ces professionnelles sont plus adĂ©quates quand elles ont Bac+3 ou Bac+5 (rь=.57), quand elles ont un salaire supĂ©rieur (r = .42) et quand elles ont moins d’heures de travail direct avec les enfants (r = - .37). Enfin, la qualitĂ© des interactions est liĂ©e au salaire (r = .43). Les implications pratiques des rĂ©sultats obtenus sont discutĂ©es avec comme objectif l’analyse d’alternatives possibles permettant d’atteindre un meilleur niveau d’excellence dans les contextes d’éducation infantile

    Comportamentos interactivos das educadoras de infùncia em salas de creche em função do tipo de actividades e das características estruturais do contexto

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    O presente artigo pretende examinar a quantidade, qualidade e adequação dos comportamentos interactivos das educadoras em salas de creche, em actividades livres e estruturadas, investigando a sua relação com aspectos de estrutura destes contextos. Participaram neste estudo 30 responsĂĄveis por salas de creche da Área Metropolitana do Porto (incluindo 5 auxiliares de acção educativa). Os comportamentos interactivos das educadoras foram avaliados com a Escala de Interacção Educador-Criança (Farran, & Collins 1995). Os resultados obtidos sugerem que as educadoras exibem maior quantidade de comportamentos interactivos no decurso de actividades estruturadas (r = .65) e que a adequação destes comportamentos Ă© superior quando estes profissionais tĂȘm bacharelato ou licenciatura (rь=.57), quando auferem salĂĄrios superiores (r = .42) e quando despendem menos horas de trabalho directo com as crianças (r = -.37). A qualidade dos comportamentos interactivos estĂĄ relacionada com o salĂĄrio auferido (r = .43). As implicaçÔes prĂĄticas dos resultados obtidos sĂŁo discutidas com o objectivo de analisar formas possĂ­veis de alcançar nĂ­veis de excelĂȘncia em contextos de educação de infĂąncia.Abstract: This study aims to investigate the quality, quantity, and appropriateness of early childhood teachers’ interactive behaviors in toddler child care classrooms, during free play and structured activities, while also analyzing its relationship with classroom structural features. Participants were 30 lead teachers of toddler child care classrooms in the metropolitan area of Porto (including 5 teachers without a degree in early childhood education). Teachers’ interactive behaviors were measured with the Teacher/Child Interaction Scale (Farran, & Collins 1995). Results suggest early childhood teachers display a greater amount of interactive behaviors during structured activities (r = .65) and that the appropriateness of their behaviors is higher when teachers have a college level early childhood degree (rь=.57), when they earn higher wages (r = .42) and when they spend less hours in direct work with children (r = -.37). The quality of teachers’ interactive behaviors is associated with their monthly wage (r = .43). Practical implications are discussed considering possible ways of reaching excellence levels in early childhood education and care settings.RĂ©sumĂ©: Le prĂ©sent article vise Ă  examiner la quantitĂ©, la qualitĂ© et le niveau d’adĂ©quation des interactions des Ă©ducateurs de crĂšche avec les enfants, tant dans leurs activitĂ©s libres que structurĂ©es, tout en tenant compte des caractĂ©ristiques structurelles du contexte. Trente responsables de salle de crĂšche de la ville de Porto (dont 5 auxiliaires d’éducation) participĂšrent Ă  l’étude. Les interactions des Ă©ducatrices furent mesurĂ©es Ă  l’aide de «l’Échelle d’Interaction Éducateur-Enfant» (Farran, & Collins 1995). Les rĂ©sultats obtenus suggĂšrent que les Ă©ducatrices font montre d’une plus grande quantitĂ© d’interactions au cours des activitĂ©s structurĂ©es (r = .65) et que les comportements de ces professionnelles sont plus adĂ©quates quand elles ont Bac+3 ou Bac+5 (rь=.57), quand elles ont un salaire supĂ©rieur (r = .42) et quand elles ont moins d’heures de travail direct avec les enfants (r = - .37). Enfin, la qualitĂ© des interactions est liĂ©e au salaire (r = .43). Les implications pratiques des rĂ©sultats obtenus sont discutĂ©es avec comme objectif l’analyse d’alternatives possibles permettant d’atteindre un meilleur niveau d’excellence dans les contextes d’éducation infantile

    Assessing the quality of portuguese child care programs for toddlers

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the quality of toddler child care classrooms in the district of Porto, in the north of Portugal. One hundred and sixty classrooms for children between 1 and 3 years of age participated in this study. Results suggested the existence of poor average quality and absence of good-quality classrooms. Child–adult ratio was a statistically significant predictor of overall child care quality (with lower ratios associated with higher quality). The results of this study provide information on the applicability of ITERS-R to a new cultural and linguistic context, suggesting the need to enhance the quality of Portuguese programs serving toddlers

    Escala de Avaliação das Estratégias Sociais: Um estudo de validação com crianças em idade pré-escolar

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    A Escala de Avaliação das EstratĂ©gias Sociais (EAES; Aguiar, 2007) destina-se a avaliar as estratĂ©gias sociais especĂ­ficas que as crianças em idade prĂ©-escolar utilizam nas tarefas sociais de entrada no grupo de pares, manutenção do jogo e resolução de conflitos. Neste estudo, avaliamos as caracterĂ­sticas psicomĂ©tricas dos dados obtidos com a EAES e com o Sistema de Avaliação das CompetĂȘncias Sociais (SSRS; Gresham & Elliott, 1990) em 349 crianças Portuguesas em idade prĂ©-escolar. Internamente consistentes, correlacionadas com uma medida estabelecida de competĂȘncia social, e com algumas variaçÔes em função do sexo e idade das crianças, as estratĂ©gias sociais de Manutenção do jogo, Iniciação harmoniosa, Iniciação ativa e Resolução de conflitos poderĂŁo relevar-se Ășteis para a investigação sobre relaçÔes entre pares

    La consistance de l’intervention Ă©ducative parentale : La qualitĂ© de l’environnement familial et les comportements interactifs de la mĂšre

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    L’intervention Ă©ducative parentale ne se manifeste pas seulement par des comportements Ă©ducatifs spĂ©cifiques mais aussi par la facžon dont les parents organisent l’environnement familial de l’enfant. L’objet de cette Ă©tude a consistĂ© Ă  identifier les dimensions de la qualitĂ© de l’environnement familial susceptibles d’ĂȘtre associĂ©es aux comportements interactifs de la mĂšre, une fois contrĂŽlĂ©e la variable relative au niveau d’études des mĂšres. Ont participĂ© Ă  cette Ă©tude 120 mĂšres d’enfants d’ñge compris entre 14 et 49 mois. La qualitĂ© de l’environnement familial a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© avec l’échelle HOME Inventory for Families of Infants and Toddlers (Caldwell et Bradley, 1984). Le comportement de la mĂšre en interaction avec son enfant, dans une situation de jeu libre, a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© sur bandes vidĂ©o en trois sĂ©ances de 15 minutes chacune. L’échelle d’évaluation des styles d’enseignement (Cruz, Aguiar et Barros, 2004 ; McWilliam et al., 1998) a Ă©tĂ© alors utilisĂ©e pour classifier le comportement interactif de la mĂšre. Les rĂ©sultats ont mis en Ă©vidence des associations positives entre la note globale de l’échelle HOME et les dimensions « responsivitĂ© » et « enseignement actif » du comportement interactif. Par ailleurs, il fut Ă©galement observĂ© une association nĂ©gative entre les valeurs de l’échelle HOME et le comportement en interaction « engagement dĂ©calĂ© ». Cette association s’accentuait lĂ©gĂšrement lorsqu’il Ă©tait procĂ©dĂ© au contrĂŽle de la variable relative au niveau d’études de la mĂšre. ------ ABSTRACT ------ Parental child rearing can be analysed through the observation of child-rearing behaviours and also through the way parents organize home environment. This study intends to identify the home environmental quality dimensions that are related to maternal interactive behaviours after accounting for maternal education level. The participants were 120 mothers of children aged 14 to 49 months. The quality of home environment was assessed with HOME Inventory for Families of Infants and Toddlers (Caldwell and Bradley, 1984). Interactive behaviours were collected, video registered and coded using the Mothers Teaching Styles Rating Scale (Cruz, Aguiar and Barros, 2004; McWilliam et al., 1996). Positive associations were found between HOME total score and the responsiveness and active teaching dimensions of maternal interactive behaviour; these associations decreased after accounting for maternal education level. Negative associations were found between home environment and non contingent involvement; but these associations slightly increased after accounting for maternal education level

    A Qualidade Observada em Salas de Berçårio

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    This study aimed to investigate the quality of center-based child care and education for infants. Thirty classrooms for infants from SetĂșbal and Palmela, in the south of Portugal, participated in this study. The overall quality of these classrooms was assessed with the Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale - Revised Edition and caregivers’ socialization practices were measured with the Caregiver Interaction Scale. Findings suggest that these classrooms present moderate overall quality and high-quality caregiving interaction behaviors. The associations between these process quality measures and selected classroom structural features suggest, among other implications, the need to ensure the presence of professionals with university degrees in early childhood education in these settings.Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a qualidade de estruturas formais de educação para crianças com menos de 12 meses de idade. Participaram 30 salas de berçårio de SetĂșbal e Palmela, no sul de Portugal. A qualidade global das salas foi avaliada com base na Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale - Revised Edition e as prĂĄticas de socialização, com base na Caregiver Interaction Scale. Os resultados revelam qualidade global mĂ©dia moderada das salas e elevada qualidade nas prĂĄticas de socialização. As associaçÔes entre essas medidas de processo e algumas caracterĂ­sticas estruturais das salas sugerem, entre outras implicaçÔes, a necessidade de assegurar a formação superior em educação de infĂąncia dos profssionais que trabalham nesses contextos de socialização

    AnĂĄlise comparativa entre a proficiĂȘncia em MatemĂĄtica dos alunos da rede estadual de Sergipe e da rede estadual do municĂ­pio de Lagarto - SE

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    -O presente artigo tem o objetivo de mostrar uma anĂĄlise da proficiĂȘncia em MatemĂĄtica dos alunos pertencentes aos anos finais do ensino fundamental, das escolas da rede estadual de Sergipe, como tambĂ©m dos estudantes da rede estadual do municĂ­pio de Lagarto – SE. O processo de anĂĄlise foi desenvolvido a partir de verificaçÔes das avaliaçÔes do Saeb, disponibilizadas pelo Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais AnĂ­sio Teixeira - Inep, referentes aos anos de 2013 a 2019, buscando evidenciar açÔes e formaçÔes, que a Secretaria Estadual propĂŽs para professores e gestores durante esse perĂ­odo, com a finalidade de compreender as dificuldades dos alunos sergipanos e com o objetivo de avançar na qualidade da educação bĂĄsica do Estado


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    We dedicate this paper to the memory of Professor Joaquim BairrĂŁo (1935BairrĂŁo ( -2007, outstanding scientist and mentor. Keywords: Quality Toddler child care ITERS-R Portugal a b s t r a c t The purpose of this study was to describe the quality of toddler child care classrooms in the district of Porto, in the north of Portugal. One hundred and sixty classrooms for children between 1 and 3 years of age participated in this study. Results suggested the existence of poor average quality and absence of good-quality classrooms. Child-adult ratio was a statistically significant predictor of overall child care quality (with lower ratios associated with higher quality). The results of this study provide information on the applicability of ITERS-R to a new cultural and linguistic context, suggesting the need to enhance the quality of Portuguese programs serving toddlers

    Study on residual behaviour and flexural toughness of fibre cocktail reinforced self compacting high performance concrete after exposure to high temperature

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    This paper analyzed the effect of different fibres on the residual compressive strength, the ultimate load and flexural toughness, the failure pattern and the fracture energy of self compacting high-performance concrete (SCHPC) after exposure to various high temperature. The micro polypropylene fiber (PP fiber) could mitigate the spalling of SCHPC member significantly, but did not show clear effect on the mechanic properties of concrete. The macro steel fiber (SF) reinforced SCHPC showed higher flexural toughness and ultimate load before and after high temperatures. The mechanical properties of hybrid fibre reinforced SCHPC (HFSCHPC) after heating were better than that of mono-fibre reinforced SCHPC. The failure mode changed from pull-out of steel fibers at lower temperature to broken down of steel fibers at higher temperature. The use of hybrid fibre can be effective in providing the residual strength and failure pattern and in improving the toughness and fracture energy of SCHPC after high temperature.Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT
