312 research outputs found

    Genética de la conservación en islas el caso del alimoche canario

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Departamento de Zoología y Antropología Física, leída el 29/04/2011.Depto. de Genética, Fisiología y MicrobiologíaFac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEProQuestpu

    Juventud y emprendimiento en Internet

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    Partiendo de la generalidad de la actividad emprendedora, los autores analizan la especificidad del emprendimiento en Internet. Se parte de la definición de un marco teórico basado en cuatro componentes genéricos -emprendedor, financiación, internacionalización e innovación-, que se particularizan para Internet como escenario sociotécnico con características propia. El análisis se completa con la ilustración de estas dimensiones básicas a través de cuatro casos de estudio que sirven de base para la extracción de algunas conclusiones útiles en términos de la elaboración crítica de esos cuatro elementos como parte de un modelo genérico para la creación de empresas de base tecnológica en Internet en el que las consideraciones sociodemográficas aplican de forma directa sobre la variable de "emprendedor" e indirectamente, en mayor o menor grado, sobre las demás: los procesos de internacionalización, la búsqueda de financiación y los tipos de innovación introducidas en los procesos de creación de la empresa

    Evaluating the Performance of a Regional-Scale Photochemical Modelling System: Part I Ozone Predictions

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    We present a detailed evaluation of the seasonal performance of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modelling system and the PSU/NCAR meteorological model coupled to a new Numerical Emission Model for Air Quality (MNEQA). The combined system simulates air quality at a fine resolution (3 km as horizontal resolution and 1 h as temporal resolution) in north-eastern Spain, where problems of ozone pollution are frequent. An extensive database compiled over two periods, from May to September 2009 and 2010, is used to evaluate meteorological simulations and chemical outputs. Our results indicate that the model accurately reproduces hourly and 1-h and 8-h maximum ozone surface concentrations measured at the air quality stations, as statistical values fall within the EPA and EU recommendations. However, to further improve forecast accuracy, three simple bias-adjustment techniques mean subtraction (MS), ratio adjustment (RA), and hybrid forecast (HF) based on 10 days of available comparisons are applied. The results show that the MS technique performed better than RA or HF, although all the bias-adjustment techniques significantly reduce the systematic errors in ozone forecasts

    The role of humans in the diversification of a threatened island raptor

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Anthropogenic habitat modifications have led to the extinction of many species and have favoured the expansion of others. Nonetheless, the possible role of humans as a diversifying force in vertebrate evolution has rarely been considered, especially for species with long generation times. We examine the influence that humans have had on the colonization and phenotypic and genetic differentiation of an insular population of a long-lived raptor species, the Egyptian vulture (<it>Neophron percnopterus</it>).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The morphological comparison between the Canarian Egyptian vultures and the main and closest population in Western Europe (Iberia) indicated that insular vultures are significantly heavier (16%) and larger (about 3%) than those from Iberia. Bayesian and standard genetic analyses also showed differentiation (<it>F<smcaps><sub>ST </sub></smcaps></it>= 0.11, <it>p </it>< 0.01). The inference of changes in the effective size of the Canarian deme, using two likelihood-based Bayesian approaches, suggested that the establishment of this insular population took place some 2500 years ago, matching the date of human colonization. This is consistent with the lack of earlier fossils.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Archaeological remains show that first colonizers were Berber people from northern Africa who imported goats. This new and abundant food source could have allowed vultures to colonize, expand and adapt to the island environment. Our results suggest that anthropogenic environmental change can induce diversification and that this process may take place on an ecological time scale (less than 200 generations), even in the case of a long-lived species.</p

    Quality-Certified Hotels: The Role of Certification Bodies on the Formation of Customer Behavioral Intentions

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    This study attempts to explore the role of certification bodies on the formation of customer behavioral intentions. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from hotel customers in Spain. The results of the structural equation modeling indicate that a certified hotel's image will positively influence stay intention and willingness to pay a premium. At the same time, awareness of, and trust in, certification bodies both have a positive effect on a certified hotel's image. Finally, awareness of certification bodies also exerts a positive effect on trust in certification bodies. The results offer hoteliers potential strategies for customer behavioral intentions enhancement

    The structure of a protein primer-polymerase complex in the initiation of genome replication

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    Picornavirus RNA replication is initiated by the covalent attachment of a UMP molecule to the hydroxyl group of a tyrosine in the terminal protein VPg. This reaction is carried out by the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (3D). Here, we report the X-ray structure of two complexes between foot-and-mouth disease virus 3D, VPg1, the substrate UTP and divalent cations, in the absence and in the presence of an oligoadenylate of 10 residues. In both complexes, VPg fits the RNA binding cleft of the polymerase and projects the key residue Tyr3 into the active site of 3D. This is achieved by multiple interactions with residues of motif F and helix α8 of the fingers domain and helix α13 of the thumb domain of the polymerase. The complex obtained in the presence of the oligoadenylate showed the product of the VPg uridylylation (VPg-UMP). Two metal ions and the catalytic aspartic acids of the polymerase active site, together with the basic residues of motif F, have been identified as participating in the priming reaction. © 2006 European Molecular Biology Organization | All Rights Reserved.Work in Barcelona was supported by Grants BIO2002-00517 and BFU2005-02376/BMC. Work in Madrid by Grants BMC 2001.1823.C02-01, BFU2005-00863/BMC and Fundación R Areces. CF and AA were supported by I3P fellowships from Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. RA was supported by an FPI fellowship from Comunidad de Madrid. The financial support was provided by the ESRFPeer Reviewe

    A performance evaluation of MM5/MNEQA/CMAQ air quality modelling system to forecast ozone concentrations in Catalonia

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    We examine the ability of a modelling system to forecast the formation and transport of ozoneover Catalonia, at the NE of the Iberian Peninsula. To this end, the Community MultiscaleAir Quality (CMAQ) modelling system developed by the United States Environmental ProtectionAgency (US EPA) and the PSU/NCAR mesoscale modelling system MM5 are coupled to a newemission model, the Numerical Emission Model for Air Quality (MNEQA). The outputs of themodelling system for the period from May to October 2008 are compared with ozone measure-ments at selected air-monitoring stations belonging to the Catalan Government. Results indicatea good behaviour of the model in reproducing diurnal ozone concentrations, as statistical valuesfall within the EPA and EU regulatory frameworks

    Magnetic resonance imaging changes in pediatric temporomandibular joint: literature review

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    Magnetic resonance imaging is effective to diagnose some diseases that affect the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) of children. The images allow the detection of early stages of juvenile idiopathic arthritis, cases of joint ankylosis and is currently considered the most reliable exam for an objective and noninvasive assessment of intracapsular soft tissues. The objective of this literature review was to assess some of the temporomandibular joint changes in children using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The assessment of TMJs of children performed through MRI make the diagnosis more accurate and objective. Detecting alterations during the early stages of juvenile idiopathic arthritis using 3T MRI devices is possible utilizing contrast tools, which as a result, provides better prognosis and treatment.A ressonância magnética é eficaz para diagnosticar algumas doenças que afetam a articulação temporomandibular (ATM) de crianças. As imagens permitem a detecção dos estágios iniciais da artrite idiopática juvenil, casos de anquilose articular, sendo atualmente considerado o exame mais confiável para avaliação objetiva e não invasiva de tecidos moles intracapsulares. O objetivo desta revisão da literatura foi avaliar algumas das alterações da ATM em crianças por meio de imagens de ressonância magnética (IRM). A avaliação das ATM de crianças por meio de IRM torna o diagnóstico mais preciso e objetivo. A detecção de alterações durante os estágios iniciais da artrite idiopática juvenil usando aparelhos de RM de 3T (Tesla) é possível pela utilização de ferramentas de contraste, que, como resultado, proporcionam melhor prognóstico e tratamento

    Tetralogia de Fallot e comorbidades associadas - deteção e abordagem terapêutica

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    A Tetralogia de Fallot é uma doença congénita cuja reparação dos seus defeitos deve ser realizada o mais cedo possível. Os exames complementares de diagnóstico apresentam-se fundamentais na caracterização desta. A cirurgia corretiva deve ser executada no timing recomendado e utilizar a técnica de circulação extracorporal a fim de manter o doente estável e garantir as condições ideais ao cirurgião. No presente caso clínico apresenta-se um doente com Tetralogia de Fallot à qual estavam associadas outras comorbidades não esperadas e evidenciadas durante a cirurgia, com destaque para a rara persistência da veia cava superior esquerda e ausência da veia cava superior direita. Estas comorbidades são normalmente detetadas em exames e cirurgias, referidas em casos clínicos pontuais com mais exemplos na população adulta, têm impacto no outcome e na execução da técnica de circulação extracorporal. O doente estudado revela-se um caso a abordar, considerando os achados e relevância científica, por se tratar de um doente em idade pediátrica.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation (tSCS) is a non-invasive technique for neuromodulation with therapeutic potential for motor rehabilitation following spinal cord injury (SCI). The aim of the present study was to analyze the feasibility of a program of 20 sessions of 30-Hz tSCS combined with robotic-assisted gait training in incomplete SCI. The results of the present work partially belong to a randomized clinical trial that is in progress