53 research outputs found

    Evaluación de parámetros físicos y sensoriales de radicchios (Chichorium intybus L. var. foliosum) envasados en IV Gama

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    [SPA] El presente trabajo evalúa el comportamiento del radicchio (Chichorium intybus L. var. foliosum), procesado en IV gama. Los objetivos del ensayo fueron determinar la vida útil del radicchio, al ser envasado en dos tipos de bolsas (HYC y SJI) y en distintas concentraciones de gases (T0: 0,03% CO2-21% O2, T1: 25% CO2-10% O2 y T2: 16% CO2-12% O2). Los radicchios fueron primeramente lavados, picados y desinfectados por dos minutos en 50 ppm de Hipoclorito de Sodio, luego centrifugados por 2 minutos y envasados en bolsas de 150g en las bolsas HYC y SJI. Se efectuó una evaluación sensorial al final del almacenamiento de 20 días a 2°C y 95% HR para medir sus atributos organolépticos y la aceptabilidad del radicchio por 13 panelistas entrenados. Se analizaron los parámetros: peso de la bolsa, concentraciones de gases, color y aparición de patógenos. La evaluación sensorial se efectuó sobre el sabor, color, olor, textura, apariencia y aceptabilidad. Los resultados indican que el tratamiento T2, resultó el mejor para conservar el radicchio en IV gama, y en la evaluación de apariencia y aceptabilidad, obtuvo los mayores puntajes, indicando que a los panelistas les gustó moderadamente. Sin embargo, el tratamiento T1 fue mejor evaluado en los atributos organolépticos, y los panelistas identificaron y reconocieron los atributos sabor amargo, color púrpura, olor insípido y textura suave. En éste sentido, el tratamiento testigo T0 recibió la peor valoración. [ENG] This study evaluated the behavior of packaging of radicchio (Chichorium intybus L. var. foliosum), with the system of the IV range. This vegetable was donated by the Company Vital Berry S.A. and the packages by HYC. The study was completed in the Laboratories of the Universidad Católica del Maule, Curicó and the Universidad de Chile’s Center for Postharvest Studies, Santiago. The objectives of the study where to determine the shelf life of radicchio, which were to be packaged in two types of bags (HYC and SJI) and in different concentrations of gases (T0:0,03%CO2-21%O2, T1:25%CO2-10%O2 and T2:16%CO2-12%O2 ). A sensory evaluation at the end of the refrigerated storage with 2°C and 95% H.R. to measure different organic attributes and the acceptability of the packaged radicchio by 13 trained panelists. The following parameters were analyzed: Weight of the bags, concentration of gases, color of the vegetable, the appearance of pathogens. In the sensory evaluation, the following attributes were measured: Flavor, color, smell, texture, appearance, and acceptability. The results indicate that the treatment T2B1 with 16% CO2 and 12% O2, resulted to be the largest concentration to conserve the radicchio packaged with the IV range technique. In the sensory evaluation of appearance and acceptability, the panelist granted the best points to the T2B1 treatment, indicating that the sample was moderately pleasing. In the sensory evaluation of the organic attributes, the best evaluated treatment was T1B1 with 25% CO2 and 10% of O2, in which the panelists identified and favorably recognized the bitter flavor, purple color, bland smell, and smooth texture

    Elaboración de una guía didáctica del área nacional de recreacional el boliche para el área de campismo y recreación del laboratorio de interpretación turística para la carrera de ingeniería en ecoturismo de la UA-CAREN de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, (fase ii)

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    This research has been developed in preliminaries and three chapters which are: specialized literature, methodology of the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR), and to Develop a Didactic Guide of the el Boliche National Recreation Area; through the programming of graphic design for the knowledge and performance of students in the Tourism Interpretation Laboratory of Engineering Degree in Ecotourism, based on fieldwork, which allowed to fulfill the goals, becoming an educational multimedia program giving the facility of knowing attractives, physical and biological aspects, routes of the Boliche National Recreational Area through information, photos and interactive videos.La presente investigación se ha desarrollado en preliminares y tres capítulos siendo éstos: bibliografía especializada, metodología del Ministerio de Turismo (MINTUR), y Elaborar una Guía Didáctica del Área Nacional de Recreacional el Boliche; mediante la programación de diseño gráfico para el conocimiento y desempeño de los estudiantes en el Laboratorio de Interpretación Turística de la Carrera de Ingeniería en Ecoturismo, en base a un trabajo de campo, el cual permitió cumplir los objetivos plateados, convirtiendo en un programa educativo, multimedia dando la facilidad de conocer aspectos físicos y biológicos, atractivos, rutas del A.N.R.B a través de información, fotos y videos interactivos. Esta guía cuenta con el apoyo del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (administrador, guardaparque) y la comunidad de Romerillo

    Report of 2018 equine influenza outbreak in Chile

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    The present study reports an outbreak of equine influenza (EI) occurred in Chile in January 2018, with cases spread along the country, from the Atacama to the Magallanes Region. The virus identified corresponded to the H3N8 subtype, affecting equines, donkeys, and mules. Clinical signs ranged from mild to severe, with a higher mortality rate in donkeys

    Hippocampal Memory Recovery After Acute Stress: A Behavioral, Morphological and Molecular Study

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    Indexación: Scopus.Laboratory of Neuroplasticity and Neurogenetics, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 2Laboratorio Farmacología del Comportamiento, ICBM, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 3Department of Kinesiology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad Católica del Maule, Talca, Chile, 4Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Talca, Talca, Chile, 5Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 6Escuela de Química y Farmacia, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile.This study was supported by the following grants: Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDECYT) 1120528 (JLF), Fondo Central de Investigación, Universidad de Chile ENL025/16 (JLF).Several studies have shown that a single exposure to stress may improve or impair learning and memory processes, depending on the timing in which the stress event occurs with relation to the acquisition phase. However, to date there is no information about the molecular changes that occur at the synapse during the stress-induced memory modification and after a recovery period. In particular, there are no studies that have evaluated—at the same time—the temporality of stress and stress recovery period in hippocampal short-term memory and the effects on dendritic spine morphology, along with variations in N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor subunits. The aim of our study was to take a multidimensional approach to investigate concomitant behavioral, morphological and molecular changes induced by a single restraint stress exposure (2.5 h) and a recovery period of 6 and 24 h in rats. We found that acute stress elicited a reduced preference to explore an object placed in a novel position (a hippocampal-dependent task). These changes were accompanied by increased activity of LIM kinase I (LIMK; an actin-remodeling protein) and increased levels of NR2A subunits of NMDA receptors. After 6 h of recovery from stress, rats showed similar preference to explore an object placed in a novel or familiar position, but density of immature spines increased in secondary CA1 apical dendrites, along with a transient rise in GluA2 AMPA receptor subunits. After 24 h of recovery from stress, the animals showed a preference to explore an object placed in a novel position, which was accompanied by a normalization of NMDA and AMPA receptor subunits to control values. Our data suggest that acute stress produces reversible molecular and behavioral changes 24 h after stress, allowing a full reestablishment of hippocampal-related memory. Further studies need to be conducted to deepen our understanding of these changes and their reciprocal interactions.Adaptive stress responses are a promising avenue to develop interventions aiming at restoring hippocampal function impaired by repetitive stress exposure. © 2018 Aguayo, Tejos-Bravo, Díaz-Véliz, Pacheco, García-Rojo, Corrales, Olave, Aliaga, Ulloa, Avalos, Román-Albasini, Rojas and Fiedler.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnmol.2018.00283/ful

    Factors controlling plankton community production, export flux, and particulate matter stoichiometry in the coastal upwelling system off Peru

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    Eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUS) are among the most productive marine ecosystems on Earth. The production of organic material is fueled by upwelling of nutrient-rich deep waters and high incident light at the sea surface. However, biotic and abiotic factors can modify surface production and related biogeochemical processes. Determining these factors is important because EBUS are considered hotspots of climate change, and reliable predictions of their future functioning requires understanding of the mechanisms driving the biogeochemical cycles therein. In this field experiment, we used in situ mesocosms as tools to improve our mechanistic understanding of processes controlling organic matter cycling in the coastal Peruvian upwelling system. Eight mesocosms, each with a volume of ∼55 m3, were deployed for 50 d ∼6 km off Callao (12∘ S) during austral summer 2017, coinciding with a coastal El Niño phase. After mesocosm deployment, we collected subsurface waters at two different locations in the regional oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) and injected these into four mesocosms (mixing ratio ≈1.5 : 1 mesocosm: OMZ water). The focus of this paper is on temporal developments of organic matter production, export, and stoichiometry in the individual mesocosms. The mesocosm phytoplankton communities were initially dominated by diatoms but shifted towards a pronounced dominance of the mixotrophic dinoflagellate (Akashiwo sanguinea) when inorganic nitrogen was exhausted in surface layers. The community shift coincided with a short-term increase in production during the A. sanguinea bloom, which left a pronounced imprint on organic matter C : N : P stoichiometry. However, C, N, and P export fluxes did not increase because A. sanguinea persisted in the water column and did not sink out during the experiment. Accordingly, export fluxes during the study were decoupled from surface production and sustained by the remaining plankton community. Overall, biogeochemical pools and fluxes were surprisingly constant for most of the experiment. We explain this constancy by light limitation through self-shading by phytoplankton and by inorganic nitrogen limitation which constrained phytoplankton growth. Thus, gain and loss processes remained balanced and there were few opportunities for blooms, which represents an event where the system becomes unbalanced. Overall, our mesocosm study revealed some key links between ecological and biogeochemical processes for one of the most economically important regions in the oceans

    Interculturalidade e reconhecimento: o trabalho Social e as tensões éticomorais na atenção de saúde a imigrantes

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    This article provides a set of reflections that are part of a research project that seeks to explore ethical-moral tensions and conflicts generated between social workers and immigrants in the context of primary health care. Such conflicts emerge especially due to an antagonistic consideration of immigrants, either as mere users of health care or as subjects of rights. This reality is analyzed from the Chilean experience through four types of dilemmas and tensions: first, the immigrant is included in the health system, because he/she meets institutionally established standards for treatment versus a subject of law that must be recognized and legitimized as such. Second, the legal equality of immigrants ensures their patient care, responding to the laws in force, versus dialogic and procedural equality that transcends mere legal status. Third, the emphasis is on mere compliance with health objectives versus an individualized, comprehensive and quality care. Fourth, the health system seeks to homogenize the needs of immigrants versus respect and promotion of cultural diversity.El presente artículo brinda un conjunto de reflexiones que forman parte de un proyecto de investigación que busca explorar las tensiones y conflictos ético-morales que se generan entre los trabajadores sociales y los inmigrantes en el contexto de la atención primaria de salud. Dichos conflictos emergen especialmente al amparo de una consideración antagónica de los inmigrantes, ya sea como meros usuarios de atención o como sujetos de derechos. Tal realidad se analiza a partir de la experiencia chilena a través de cuatro tipos de dilemas y tensiones: primero, el inmigrante es incluido al sistema de salud, por cuanto cumple con las normativas establecidas institucionalmente para ser atendido versus un sujeto de derecho que requiere ser reconocido y legitimado en tanto tal. Segundo, la igualdad legal del inmigrante garantiza su atención, pues responde a las normas jurídicas vigentes versus una igualdad dialógica y procedimental que trasciende a un mero estatus legal. Tercero, el énfasis está puesto en el mero cumplimiento de las metas sanitarias versus una atención individualizada, integral y de calidad. Cuarto, el sistema de salud busca homogenizar las necesidades de los inmigrantes versus el respeto y promoción de su diversidad cultural.Este artigo oferece um conjunto de reflexões que formam parte de um projeto de pesquisa que busca explorar as tensões e conflitos ético-morais que se geram entre os trabalhadores sociais e os imigrantes no contexto da atenção primária de saúde. Estes conflitos emergem especialmente ao amparo de uma consideração antagônica dos imigrantes, seja como meros usuários de atenção ou como sujeitos de direitos. Tal realidade se analisa a partir da experiência chilena através de quatro tipos de dilemas e tensões: primeiro, o imigrante é incluído no sistema de saúde, em razão de que cumpre com as normativas estabelecidas institucionalmente para ser atendido versus um sujeito de direito que requer ser reconhecido e legitimado como tal. Segundo, a igualdade legal do imigrante garante a sua atenção, pois responde às normas jurídicas vigentes versus uma igualdade dialógica e procedimental que transcende a um mero status legal. Terceiro, o ênfase está posta no simples cumprimento das metas sanitárias versus uma atenção individualizada, integral e de qualidade. Quarto, o sistema de saúde busca homogeneizar as necessidades dos imigrantes versus o respeito e promoção de sua diversidade cultural

    Interculturalidad y reconocimiento: el trabajo social y las tensiones ético-morales en la atención de salud a inmigrantes

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    This article provides a set of reflections that are part of a research project that seeks to explore ethical-moral tensions and conflicts generated between social workers and immigrants in the context of primary health care. Such conflicts emerge especially due to an antagonistic consideration of immigrants, either as mere users of health care or as subjects of rights. This reality is analyzed from the Chilean experience through four types of dilemmas and tensions: first, the immigrant is included in the health system, because he/she meets institutionally established standards for treatment versus a subject of law that must be recognized and legitimized as such. Second, the legal equality of immigrants ensures their patient care, responding to the laws in force, versus dialogic and procedural equality that transcends mere legal status. Third, the emphasis is on mere compliance with health objectives versus an individualized, comprehensive and quality care. Fourth, the health system seeks to homogenize the needs of immigrants versus respect and promotion of cultural diversity.Este artigo oferece um conjunto de reflexões que formam parte de um projeto de pesquisa que busca explorar as tensões e conflitos ético-morais que se geram entre os trabalhadores sociais e os imigrantes no contexto da atenção primária de saúde. Estes conflitos emergem especialmente ao amparo de uma consideração antagônica dos imigrantes, seja como meros usuários de atenção ou como sujeitos de direitos. Tal realidade se analisa a partir da experiência chilena através de quatro tipos de dilemas e tensões: primeiro, o imigrante é incluído no sistema de saúde, em razão de que cumpre com as normativas estabelecidas institucionalmente para ser atendido versus um sujeito de direito que requer ser reconhecido e legitimado como tal. Segundo, a igualdade legal do imigrante garante a sua atenção, pois responde às normas jurídicas vigentes versus uma igualdade dialógica e procedimental que transcende a um mero status legal. Terceiro, o ênfase está posta no simples cumprimento das metas sanitárias versus uma atenção individualizada, integral e de qualidade. Quarto, o sistema de saúde busca homogeneizar as necessidades dos imigrantes versus o respeito e promoção de sua diversidade cultural.El presente artículo brinda un conjunto de reflexiones que forman parte de un proyecto de investigación que busca explorar las tensiones y conflictos ético-morales que se generan entre los trabajadores sociales y los inmigrantes en el contexto de la atención primaria de salud. Dichos conflictos emergen especialmente al amparo de una consideración antagónica de los inmigrantes, ya sea como meros usuarios de atención o como sujetos de derechos. Tal realidad se analiza a partir de la experiencia chilena a través de cuatro tipos de dilemas y tensiones: primero, el inmigrante es incluido al sistema de salud, por cuanto cumple con las normativas establecidas institucionalmente para ser atendido versus un sujeto de derecho que requiere ser reconocido y legitimado en tanto tal. Segundo, la igualdad legal del inmigrante garantiza su atención, pues responde a las normas jurídicas vigentes versus una igualdad dialógica y procedimental que trasciende a un mero estatus legal. Tercero, el énfasis está puesto en el mero cumplimiento de las metas sanitarias versus una atención individualizada, integral y de calidad. Cuarto, el sistema de salud busca homogenizar las necesidades de los inmigrantes versus el respeto y promoción de su diversidad cultural

    Nuevos registros de presencia para Arundo donax L. (Poaceae) en Chile.

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    Arundo donax L. es una gramínea altamente invasora, originaria de Asia y que está presente en Chile. El presente trabajo reporta nuevos registros de presencia para la especie en las regiones de O´higgins, Maule y Biobío. Se incluye una descripción morfológica y del habitat de la planta

    Retroceso glacial reciente en el Campo de Hielo Norte, región de Aysén, Chile: relación con variaciones climáticas

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    Abstract: We study the fluctuations seven North Ice Field glaciers and their relationship with decadal climatic variations post Little Ice Age, through bibliography, interpretation of cartographic documents, aerial photographs, satellite images and terrain surveys. Decadal climatic variations are obtained from the records of Puerto Aysén and Balmaceda meteorological stations. Widespread, continuous and synchronous glacial regression on both slopes of the icefield is observed, disturbed only by small advances in the 1920s and 1940s. Since 1972 precipitation has declined and temperatures have increased; simultaneously the rate of glacial retreat accelerates, culminating with a collapse of much of the glacial fronts in the 1990s. The geomorphological eff ects of the glacial retreat is setting a new proglacial geomorphology and danger zones associated with paraglacial processes.Resumen: Se estudian las fluctuaciones de siete glaciares del Campo de Hielo Norte y su relación con variaciones climáticas decadales post Pequeña Edad del Hielo, a través de bibliografía, interpretación de documentos cartográficos, fotografías aéreas, imágenes satelitales y levantamiento en terreno. Variaciones climáticas a escala decadal se obtienen de los registros de las estaciones meteorológicas de Puerto Aysén y Balmaceda. Se constata el retroceso generalizado, continuo y sincrónico en ambas laderas del Campo de Hielo, perturbado solo por pequeños avances en las décadas de los 1920s y 1940s. Desde 1972 las precipitaciones disminuyen y las temperaturas aumentan; simultáneamente el ritmo del retroceso glacial se acelera, culminando con un colapso de gran parte de los frentes glaciares en la década de los 1990s. Los efectos geomorfológicos de este repliegue glacial es la configuración de una nueva geomorfología en la zona proglacial y de zonas de peligro asociadas a procesos paraglaciales