1,192 research outputs found

    Promocijas darbs

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusAgris Upenieks. Jauno izglītības iestāžu vadītāju sagatavošana un adaptācija darbam izglītības iestādēs. Anotācija. Ir veikts pētījums par jauno izglītības iestāžu vadītāju vadošās darbības sākumposmu, to ietekmējošiem faktoriem, raksturīgākajām problēmām un to risinājumiem. Noteiktas izglītības iestāžu vadītāju kompetences jaunās ekonomikas laikmetā. Izstrādātas izglītības iestāžu vadītāju izglītības konceptuālās nostādnes un konceptuālais modelis, kā arī organizēta modeļa ekspertu vērtēšana un dažu tā moduļu aprobācija. Izstrādāti ieteikumi Izglītības un zinātnes ministrijai, Izglītības pārvaldēm jauno izglītības iestāžu vadītāju atlasei, izglītošanai un sagatavošanai vadošā darba uzsākšanai, speciālistu atbalsta organizēšanai, kā arī ieteikumi izglītības iestādes vadītāja amata pretendentiem un jaunajiem izglītības iestāžu vadītājiem.Agris Upenieks. The training and adaptation of new principals of educational institutions for work in educational establishments. Annotation. The research focuses on the beginning of the career of principals of educational institutions, its implicative factors, the most characteristic problems and their solutions. As a result, a set of competencies for principals in the era of new economics have been formulated, a conceptual statements and model of principals’ education have been formed, an evaluation of the model by experts has been conducted. The author has developed suggestions for state institutions for the selection, training and grooming of new principals of educational institutions, for organising support for them, as well as suggestions for pretenders to the post of a principal and for new principals of educational establishments

    Robot Control Using Inductive, Deductive and Case Based Reasoning

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    The paper deals with a problem of intelligent system’s design for complex environments. There is discussed a possibility to integrate several technologies into one basic structure that could form a kernel of an autonomous intelligent robotic system. One alternative structure is proposed in order to form a basis of an intelligent system that would be able to operate in complex environments. The proposed structure is very flexible because of features that allow adapting via learning and adjustment of the used knowledge. Therefore, the proposed structure may be used in environments with stochastic features such as hardly predictable events or elements. The basic elements of the proposed structure have found their implementation in software system and experimental robotic system. The software system as well as the robotic system has been used for experimentation in order to validate the proposed structure - its functionality, flexibility and reliability. Both of them are presented in the paper. The basic features of each system are presented as well. The most important results of experiments are outlined and discussed at the end of the paper. Some possible directions of further research are also sketched at the end of the paper

    Predictions by non-invertible ARMA models

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    In the time series analysis one of the most used predicting models are of so called auto regressive moving average (ARMA) type. These models are well studied in numerous monographies and research papers. One of the basic assumptions used in the derivation process of the prediction equations is the invertibility of the underlying process. Usually invertibility is assumed as a prerequisite and very little attention is paid to the forecasting of non-invertible processes. Recent papers [1, pp. 227-229.] shows that nowadays more and more researchers consider and examine the case when the underlying process does not satisfy invertibility condition. Non-invertible processes have been studied also quite a long time ago, but they have become the object of interest due to new applications in sciences (signal detection, nancial analysis) also the rapid development of computer sciences and computation possibilities take part in the growing interest of such processes. In basic time series course non-invertible processes usually are discussed very briefly, but globally the interest in such processes is increasing, therefore the aims of this thesis are: 1) to investigate theoretically the questions related to predicting further values of non-invertible ARMA processes; 2) to do the computer simulations and compare di erent methods. To cover these aims both theoretical and simulation studies are provided. Therefore in the beginning we give a very short introduction and necessary background of stationary ARMA processes needed to give the de nition of the non-invertibility of ARMA process. We proceed with another natural assumption used in the derivation process of the prediction equations. The assumption of Gaussian distributed random variables (innovations) gives some prerogatives and simplifies the derivation of the prediction equations also in case of non-invertible process. We briefly discuss the gains which are represented as a useful collection of consecutive theorems that leads to the minimum mean square error predictor in case of non-invertible process with Gaussian distributed data. To extend our studies of non-invertible processes we continue with studies of non-Gaussian, non-invertible process. This situation requires more specific analysis which is provided by a case study of a non-invertible moving average MA(1) process with uniformly distributed innovations (error process). The thesis consists of 3 main sections with suitable subsections. In the first section the basic concept of a non-invertibility is given. The second section is dedicated to the forecasting of an ARMA process. In this section the derivation of prediction equations in case of invertible process is given, then the derivation of the forecast of a non-invertible process with Gaussian distributed data is described and the sections concludes with the derivation of the minimum mean square error predictor in case of the non-invertible process with uniformly distributed innovation series. Results are illustrated with computer simulations and corresponding graphs. In the last section a real world application is considered and corresponding results are given. Since all sections require some computational work and appropriate programming, the collection of suitable codes written in the R language [2] and scripts of the open-source mathematical software system Sage [3], which provides the symbolic calculations needed for this thesis, can be found in the appendix

    Knowledge-based Robot Control

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    The paper is related with the problem of developing autonomous intelligent robots for complex environments. In details it outlines a knowledge-based robot control architecture that combines several techniques in order to supply an ability to adapt and act autonomously in complex environments. The described architecture has been implemented as a robotic system that demonstrates its operation in dynamic environment. Although the robotic system demonstrates a certain level of autonomy, the experiments show that there are situation, in which the developed base architecture should be complemented with additional modules. The last few chapters of the paper describe the experimentation results and the current state of further research towards the developed architecture

    A Proposed Structure of Knowledge-Based Hybrid Intelligent Systems for Sophisticated Environments

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    The paper deals with a problem of intelligent system’s design for complex environments. There is discussed a possibility to integrate several technologies into one basic structure. One possible structure is proposed in order to form a basis for intelligent system that would be able to operate in complex environments. The basic elements of the proposed structure have found their implemented in software system. This software system is shortly presented in the paper. The most important results of experiments are outlined and discussed at the end of the paper. Some possible directions of further research are sketched


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    The paper is aimed at provision of legal assessment of the Latgalian language as a variant of Latvian, using mainly the analytical and historical method.Notwithstanding the fact that the Official Language Law recognizes that the Latgalian language is a variant of the Latvian language, there is no absolute clarity with regard to the status of this language and its practical use in formal communication. Also the attitude from public authorities is inexcusably inappropriate – as far as declaring the Latgalian language to be a foreign language. However, from historical point of view the Latgalian language was recognised and applied in official communication, including also judicial proceedings, in Latgale.Positive evaluation has to be given to the discussion, which has been opened with regard to the Latgalian language and its legal status. It should be noted with satisfaction, that their significant contribution is provided also by Latvians from other regions, and edition of „Jurista Vārds” („Lawyer’s Word”), dated 25 October 2011, is a good confirmation. However, the practice is indicative that there is no clarity with regard to legal status of the Latgalian language and its practical use in formal communication. Currently existing approach of the approved establishments on Latvia results from historical prejudices and ignorance.Existence of a number of languages as official state languages is nothing exceptional, and also the dialects or vernaculars may be constitutionally protected and their use can be defined. In evaluation of the constitutional framework also in other countries, a conclusion should be drawn that proper normative strengthening and daily use of the Latgalian language constitutes no threat to the official language. On the contrary, it could be a basis for raising confidence in Latgale, as well as in other regions. Linguistic diversity is the national cultural and historical heritage, which is worth a special appreciation and protection.Although nomenclative designation of the Latgalian language (language of Latgale) should be specified, it is much more important to come to understand the content of this concept in order to clearly denote the language, which is spoken not only in the region of Latgale of the contemporary Latvia, but also beyond, preserving for the language its historic roots.The Latgalian language was recognized to be one of the cornerstones in foundation of the Latvian state when the Latvian state was founded, and it was consistently respected also after the Republic of Latvia was proclaimed. In the normative field forgetting or disregarding of the Latgalian language has started to be present only after K. Ulmanis’ coup, while depriving the Latgalian language of its legal status and regulation.With the Official Language Law the Republic of Latvia in a normative way has demonstrated its special attitude towards the Latgalian language. The State has determined not only to protect and at the same time to regulate the Latgalian language, but has assumed even larger active obligation to maintain and to develop the Latgalian language.There are neither legal nor linguistic or logical grounds to declare the Latgalian (Latgale) language (not to say the dialect!) to be a foreign language. The claim that the Latvian literary language is the only one to be recognized as the official language would have to be considered erroneous, because it has no normative basis. Latgalian language meets all requirements for a literary language, i. a., it has approved orthography rules in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia.Conclusions made by the decision of Senate in case No. A42571907 S–596/2009, dated 18 August 2009, cannot be construed to be legitimate, because these are not only discrepant with legal method, but also clearly contrary to the logic. Declaring the Latgalian language, as well as any dialect to be a foreign language causes great damage to statehood of Latvia, first of all, to the local self-confidence.There is no legal basis to prevent contacts with governmental and local authorities in any vernacular or dialect of Latvian, still less there is a legal basis to limit communication in officially recognised variant of the official language – Latgalian (of Latgale) language.The State in the nearest future should enforce in practice the obligation undertaken by the Official Language Law – „maintenance, protection and development of the Latgalian written language as a historic variant of the Latvian language”. Including practical use of the Latgalian language as a variant of the Latvian language should be ensured in communication with governmental and local authorities in the Republic of Latvia according to the existing law. The State should ensure obligations undertaken by the Official Language Law and should guarantee possibilities to apply to the authorities with a document, drawn up in Latgalian. However, the State should not confine itself only to provision of the document circulation in Latgalian, but it should also carry out a series of other real activities, including allocation of necessary funds from the State budget in order to maintain, to protect and to develop the Latgalian language


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    Vīns nu nūtureiguokajim Latgolys kūpejuos kulturvidis komponentim ir viesturiski izaveidovušuos socialetniskuos grupys. Pietejumūs leidz šam moz izmontuoti 1590., 1712., 1738. i 1765. goda Rēzeknis starastejis krūņa muižu inventari ar tymūs aizraksteitim saiminīku vuordim i uzskaitis īspiejom, kas labi paruoda etnosocialūs grupu veiduošonuos dinamiku. Savukuort 1772. goda rudinī veiktuos Rēzeknis starastejis dvieseļu revizejis akti ir vacuokais olūts, kurā snāgtys zinis par kuruos naviņ Latgolys plotuokys dalis vysim dzeivuotuojim, jūs vacumu, dzeivis vītom i radnīceibys saitom. Mynātuo olūta informaceja raksturoj jau izaveidovušuos, ilgtspiejeigys etnosocialūs grupu kulturtelpys i jūs strukturu. Piec garūs karu i politiskūs juku perioda 1590. godā Rēzeknis starastejis inventarā septeņūs pogostūs fiksātys tikai 104 saimisteibys. Par sveša etnosa kluotbyutni līcynoj atseviški zemnīku nalatvyskī uzvuordi – Litvils, Hanekenons, Gadpians, kas vāluokūs dokumentūs vaira napasaruoda. Nu latvīšu zemnīku uzvuordu fiksāti septeni, kas konkretajuos vītuos aizraksteiti i vāluokūs godu symtūs – pīmāram, Laizāns, Greidāns, Stylba, Špuņģāns. 1712. goda inventarā fiksātys 232 apdzeivuotys saimisteibys. Itaids skaits piec Zīmeļu kara i Leluo miera pūstejumu viertejams kai augsts. Šymā godā Krīvānu, Rāznys i Osyunis voitistēs aba pogostūs mynātys atseviškys personys ar pūliskim uzvuordim – Dukaļskis, Borkevičs, Lipskis, Harasimovičs. Pyrmūreiz nūsaukts nazcik žeidu – krūgu rentnīki. 1738. godā jau beja pastuojs mīra i politiskuos stabilitatis laiks. Saimisteibu skaits beja pīaudzs da 291. Apmāram 34 saimisteibys Krīvānu, Lobuoržu, Rāznys i Osyuna pogostūs apdzeivuojuši pūli. Jūs leluokuo daļa bejuši vaļsts dīnasts ļauds – tai sauktī Bruņu bojuori ci personiski breivī zemis eipašnīki. Pīmynāti i divi saiminīki ar apzeimiejumu „moskali“. Juoatzeimej, ka 1712. i 1738. godā registrātys ari atseviškys latvīšu leimaņu i zemis eipašnīku saimis: Laizāni, Rudbuorži, Jūrdži. Krīvu staraveru leluoka īceļuošona ir nūtykuse leidz 1765. godam. Itymā godā nu vysu 119 cīmu ar videji pīcom saimisteibom kotrā jau fiksāts 20 krīvu i pūļu apdzeivuotu cīmu. Svešūs etnosu dzeivis vītys koncentrējuos nūteiktuos teritorejuos: pīci krīvu cīmi Rāznys pogostā, ostoni – Cyskoda pogostā. Bez jūs beja vēļ desmit krīvu i latvīšu jaukti apdzeivuotu cīmu. Teirī pūļu – Bruņu bojuoru i zemis eipašnīku cīmi beja septeni Krīvānu pogostā, seši Osyuna pogostā, jaukti pūļu i latvīšu – ostoni cīmi Osyuna, Rāznys i Krīvānu pogostūs. 1772. godā dvieseļu revizejis dokumenti aproksta 42 krūņa i pryvatuos muižys. Kotrā nu jom beja 7–38 cīmi. Leluokuos dzeivis vītys beja seši mīsti i slobodys, storp tim Rēzekne, Varakļuoni, Viļāni, Tiskādu sloboda, Latvīšu Sloboda natuoli nu Tiskādim, Sloboda natuoli nu Osyuna. Vairums dzeivuotuoju beja krīvi i pūli – īguojieji nu Krīvejis, Boltkrīvejis i Reigys. Leluokys pūļu – zemis eipašnīku – grupys aizraksteitys divejuos krūņa muižuos, seikūs šļahtiču grupys – četruos muižuos. Pūli beja sociali vysdaudzveideiguokuo grupa – i lelī muižnīki, i mīstu dzeivuotuoji, i seikī zemis eipašnīki, taipat kolpuotuoji muižuos. Žeidi, kas beja krūgu rentnīki ci tierguotuoji, atrūnami 34 muižuos. Tei beja sociali vysorganizātuokuo etniskuo grupa. Vysi Rēzeknis starastejis žeidi pīdarēja pi Kruoslovys kahala, kas beja jūs pošpuorvaļdis vīneiba ar religiskom, fiskalom i tīsys funkcejom. Žeidim 1772. godā rakstureigys mozuos saimis – pracātais puors i bārni. Rēzeknis starastejis zemnīku socialū grupu veidova treis nūrūbežuotys etniskuos grupys: latvīši, staraveri (krīvi), boltkrīvi. Cīš bīži pi krīvu i boltkrīvu zemnīku vuordim ci cīmu nūsaukumim pīmynāts, ka tī ir īguojieji voi aizbāgušī zemnīki nu Boltkrīvejis ci Krīvejis. Zemnīku cīmūs dzeivova videji 2–10 saiminīki. Vysu etniskūs grupu zemnīkim 1772. godā rakstureigys leluos saimis, kuruos dzeivova treju paaudžu pīdareigī: vacuoki, napracātī bārni, 1–2 pracātūs bārnu puori ar mozbārnim i audžubārnim. Saimē īguoja i bobuļnīki – kolpi, kas struodova par dzeivis vītu. Tikai ratūs gadejumūs tī nabeja saiminīka tyvi radinīki. Kūpumā viertejūt, cīmi beja vīnys dzymtys dzeivis vītys, i jūs nūsaukumi beja identiski ar dzeivuotuoju uzvuordu. 1772. goda dvieseļu revizeja atkluoj kotrys etniskuos grupys nūslāgtu dzeivis telpu pastuoviešonys faktu. Latvīšim, krīvim i boltkrīvim tuos beja atseviški cīmi i slobodys, pūlim – muižys i slobodys, žeidim – muižys. Šuos dzeivis telpys leidz pat 20. godu symtam izaglobuoja i kai kulturtelpys, kuramuos tyka praktizātys i nūdūtys tuoļuok kotram etnosam rakstureiguos tradicejis

    Stress-Strain Response Material Polymer Poly Lactid Acid dengan Experimental Measurements dan Numerical Simulations

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    Teknologi simulasi dan additive manufacture berdampak luar biasa karena kemudahannya dalam menciptakan model dan purwa rupa 3 dimensi lebih efisien dibanding dengan membuat model secara konvensional. Filament PLA (Polylactide Acid) akan  memudahkan para  pelajar bidang kedirgantaraan dalam mendesain dan membuat prototipe bagian UAV maupun pesawat yang selama ini dibuat dengan cara konvensional. PLA merupakan jenis plastik yang termasuk dalam golongan α-liphatic polyester yang secara umum dibuat dari α-hydroxy acid dan bersifat biodegradable. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1). Mendapatkan  hasil model simulasi stress-strain,  2). Mendapatkan data numerical sifat mekanis dari model. Numerical modeling  3 dimensi yang kemudian dalam simulasi memerlukan proses meshing dan constrain antara node displacement, Rapid Prototyping (RP) adalah sebuah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan teknologi yang dapat membuat benda tiga dimensi dalam satu proses secara langsung melalui CAD Rapid Prototyping menyederhanakan kompleksitas proses pembuatan 3D. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen yaitu pengujian tarik material PLA dengan standar ASTM D68 Tipe 4 dicetak menggunakan  3D Printer dengan parameter proses mesin yaitu print speed 50 mm/s dan temperatur extruder 220 °C. Proses modeling menggunankan software Abaqus 6.11. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan : 1). Spesimen uji tarik mempunyai nilai rerata kekuatan tariknya sebesar 27,76 MPa. Nilai rerata σYS yaitu sebesar 25,38 Mpa. 2). Tegangan maksimum model spesimen uji tarik/ S.Max. Principal setelah pengujian adalah 9.611e-27 pada elemen 129. Maximum Stress Pressure distribution  pada element 415 sebesar  4,29E-25