98 research outputs found

    Inflation and Budget Deficit: What is the Relationship in Portugal?

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    The main causes of Portuguese inflation, based on annual data from 1954 to 1995, using the Johansen method, allows us to conclude that variation in Portuguese inflation is determined essentially by foreign inflation and by variation in the effective exchange rate of the Portuguese Escudo (PTE). In the long-term, the relationship between inflation rate and the growth rate of unit labour costs is almost unitary. However, the response of inflation change to the equilibrium error between inflation rate and changes in unit labour costs is slow and almost insignificant, while the response of unit labour costs to this disequilibrium is fast and significant, what suggests that the direction of causality is much more evident from the inflation rate on unit labour costs, than the reverse. The budget deficit as a percentage of GDP, are not significant in the short-term, in relation to variation in inflation as a dependent variable. However, it is significant in the relation to unit labour costs as a dependent variable, so we can have an indirect positive relation between inflation and lagged budget deficit.Inflation, Budget Deficit, Unit Roots, and Cointegration

    The Phillips Curve in Portugal

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    This paper estimates the Phillips curve in Portugal using the Johansen Method, with the wage inflation rate as a dependent variable, based on annual data from the period 1954-1995. The main conclusions are as follows. Firstly, in the long term, the wage inflation rate relates positively to the inflation rate and negatively to the unemployment rate, as expected. There is also a positive relationship between the wage inflation rate and the average labour productivity growth index. Secondly, in the short term, the variation of the wage inflation rate relates negatively and significantly to the error correction mechanism with a negative unitary coefficient; therefore, there is a quick and significant response to the equilibrium error between the wage inflation rate and its determinants. Besides this adjustment, the wage inflation rate responds positively to a lagged wage inflation rate. The variation in the unemployment rate and the average labour productivity growth present the expected signal, negative and positive respectively, but without significance in the short term. The dummy that refers to the April 1974 revolution is significant

    Inflação e Défice Orçamental: Que Relação em Portugal?

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    Os principais determinantes da variação da inflação no período 1954-95 parecem ser a inflação externa (ou a sua variação) e a variação da taxa de câmbio efectiva do escudo. Verifica-se uma relação de longo prazo entre a taxa de inflação e a taxa de variação dos custos unitários de trabalho quase unitária, mas a resposta da variação da inflação ao erro de equilíbrio entre a taxa de inflação e a variação dos custos unitários é lenta e quase insignificante ao passo que a resposta dos custos unitários de trabalho a esse desequilíbrio é rápida e significativa o que sugere que a direcção de causalidade é muito mais pronunciada da taxa de inflação para os custos de trabalho, do que ao contrário. Isto parece significar que os salários se ajustam imediatamente ao crescimento da inflação, enquanto a inflação se ajusta lentamente ao crescimento dos salários. O saldo do Sector Público Administrativo em percentagem do PIB (SPA) não é significativo na relação de curto prazo, na equação da inflação, no entanto, é significativo na equação dos custos unitários de trabalho, o que pode implicar relação positiva indirecta entre a variação da inflação e o défice orçamental desfasado

    Inflação Portuguesa: pelos custos ou monetária?

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    O estudo das causas da inflação portuguesa no período 1954-95 com base em dados anuais, através da abordagem de Johansen permite-nos concluir que a variação da inflação portuguesa é essencialmente determinada pela variação da inflação externa e pela variação da taxa de câmbio efectiva do Escudo. Em termos de longo prazo obtivemos uma relação entre taxa de inflação e taxa de crescimento dos custos unitários de trabalho quase unitária, mas a resposta da variação da inflação ao erro de equilíbrio entre taxa de inflação e variação dos custos unitários de trabalho é lenta e quase insignificante ao passo que a resposta dos custos unitários de trabalho a esse desequilíbrio é rápida e significativa. A variação do stock nominal de moeda corrigido pela taxa de crescimento real do PIB não se apresenta como variável significativa na relação de curto prazo como determinante da variação da inflação, o que nos leva a concluir que temos inflação determinada essencialmente pelos custos neste período da economia portuguesa. Os custos fortemente significativos na relação de curto prazo são a inflação dos produtos importados (traduzidos quer pela inflação externa, quer pela variação da taxa de câmbio efectiva)

    The Phillips Curve in Italy

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    The estimation of the Phillips curve in Italy, using the wage inflation rate as a dependent variable, based on annual data from the period 1961-2012, using the Johansen Method, allows us to conclude two things. Firstly, in the long term, there are two long-term relationships: the wage inflation rate relates positively to the inflation rate, negatively to the unemployment rate and positively to the average labour productivity growth index, as was expected; the inflation rate relates positively to the wage inflation rate, negatively to the unemployment rate and positively to the average labour productivity growth index, as was expected. Secondly, in the short term, the variation of the wage inflation rate relates positively and significantly to the error correction mechanism of the first long-term relationship; therefore, there is a significant response to the equilibrium error between the wage inflation rate and its determinants (inflation rate, unemployment rate, labour productivity growth index). Besides this adjustment, the variation of wage inflation rate responds significantly and negatively to the variation in unemployment rate and significantly and positively to the average labour productivity growth

    Inflation and Budget Deficit: What is the Relationship in Portugal?

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    The main causes of Portuguese inflation, based on annual data from 1954 to 1995, using the Johansen Method, allows us to conclude that variation in Portuguese inflation is determined essentially by foreign inflation and by variation in the effective exchange rate of the Portuguese Escudo (PTE). In the long-term, the relationship between inflation rate and the growth rate of unit labour costs is almost unitary. However, the response of inflation change to the equilibrium error between inflation rate and changes in unit labour costs is slow and almost insignificant, while the response of unit labour costs to this disequilibrium is fast and significant, what suggests that the direction of causality is much more evident from the inflation rate on unit labour costs, than the reverse. The budget deficit as a percentage of GDP, are not significant in the short-term, in relation to variation in inflation as a dependent variable. However, it is significant in the relation to unit labour costs as a dependent variable, so we can have an indirect positive relation between inflation and lagged budget deficit

    Dark Proteome Database: Studies on Disorder

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    There is a misconception that intrinsic disorder in proteins is equivalent to darkness. The present study aims to establish, in the scope of the Swiss-Prot and Dark Proteome databases, the relationship between disorder and darkness. Three distinct predictors were used to calculate the disorder of Swiss-Prot proteins. The analysis of the results obtained with the used predictors and visualization paradigms resulted in the same conclusion that was reached before: disorder is mostly unrelated to darkness. (c) 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Para que servem os inventários de fauna?

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    Inventários de fauna acessam diretamente a diversidade de uma localidade, em um determinado espaço e tempo. Os dados primários gerados pelos inventários compõem uma das ferramentas mais importantes na tomada de decisões a respeito do manejo de áreas naturais. Entretanto, vários problemas têm sido observados em diversos níveis relacionados aos inventários de fauna no Brasil e vão desde a formação de recursos humanos até a ausência de padronização, de desenho experimental e de seleção de métodos inadequados. São apresentados estudos de caso com mamíferos, répteis, anfíbios e peixes, nos quais são discutidos problemas como variabilidade temporal e métodos para detecção de fauna terrestre, sugerindo que tanto os inventários quanto os programas de monitoramento devam se estender por prazos maiores e que os inventários devem incluir diferentes metodologias para que os seus objetivos sejam plenamente alcançados.Inventories of fauna directly access the diversity of a locality in a certain period of time. The primary data generated by these inventories comprise one of the most important steps in decisions making regarding the management of natural areas. However, several problems have been observed at different levels related to inventories of fauna in Brazil, and range from the training of humans to the lack of standardization of experimental design and selection of inappropriate methods. We present case studies of mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fishes, where they discussed issues such temporal variability and methods for detection of terrestrial fauna, suggesting that both inventories and monitoring programs should be extended for longer terms and that inventories should include different methodologies to ensure that their goals are fully achieved