85 research outputs found

    Osjetljivost termo-mehanički modificiranog drva srži i bjeljike običnog bora (Pinus sylvestris L.) na promjenu boje pod utjecajem ultraljubičastog zračenja

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    The impact of ultraviolet radiation on the colour of thermo-mechanically modified sapwood and heartwood of pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) was examined in the study. Samples of wood were densified in a hydraulic press at unit pressure of 80 MPa, at three levels of temperature of the press platens: 100 °C, 150 °C and 200 °C, for 360 s. The parameters of wood colour were determined using the mathematical colour space models CIE L*a*b* and L*C*h. As a result of the modification of pine sapwood at the temperature of 200 °C, the change in wood colour ΔE was twice as substantial as the change in wood colour after modifications at lower temperatures. The total colour difference for pine heartwood, irrespective of the modification temperature, was at least twice as substantial as the change in the colour of pine sapwood. The most substantial changes in sapwood and heartwood lightness occurred after 20 h exposure to UV radiation. Changes in lightness occurring within 20 h, irrespective of the temperature of treatment, accounted for about 30 - 60 % of the total change. After 300 h of irradiation, the value of ΔE for sapwood densified at temperatures of 100 °C, 150 °C and 200 °C was, respectively, 15 %, 27 % and 34 % higher than the value of ΔE for heartwood densified at the same temperatures.U studiji je istražen utjecaj ultraljubičastog (UV) zračenja na boju termo-mehanički modificiranog drva bjeljike i srži običnog bora (Pinus sylvestris L.). Uzorci drva izloženi su procesu ugušćivanja u hidrauličkoj preši jediničnog tlaka 80 MPa i pri tri različite temperature: 100, 150 i 200 °C tijekom 360 sekunda. Parametri boje drva određeni su uz pomoć matematičkih modela prostora boja CIE L*a*b* i L*C*h. Kao posljedica modifikacije drva bjeljike običnog bora pri temperaturi 200 °C promjena boje drva bila je dvostruko veća nego pri modifikaciji na nižim temperaturama. Ukupna razlika u boji uzoraka od srži običnog bora, bez obzira na temperaturu modifikacije, bila je dva puta veća od promjene boje na uzorcima od drva bjeljike. Najveće promjene svjetline uzoraka od drva srži i bjeljike običnog bora nastale su nakon 20 sati izlaganja UV zračenju. Promjene svjetline koje se pojavljuju nakon 20 sati izlaganja UV zračenju, bez obzira na temperaturu modifi kacije, činile su oko 30 –60 % ukupne promjene svjetline. Nakon 300 sati UV zračenja vrijednost ΔE za uzorke od drva bjeljike podvrgnute procesu ugušćivanja pri temperaturama 100, 150 i 200° C bila je 15, 27 i 34 % veća od vrijednosti ΔE za uzorke od drva srži podvrgnute ugušćivanju pri jednakim temperaturama

    The influence of ultraviolet radiation on the colour of thermo-mechanically modified beech and oak wood

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    The study examined the influence of ultraviolet radiation on the colour of thermo-mechanically modified beech (Fagus sylvatica ) and oak (Quercus robur). The wood colour parameters were measured using the mathematical CIE L*a*b* and L*C*h colour space models. The higher the temperature of thermo-mechanical treatment, the least susceptible beech and oak wood was to a change in L*, a* and b* under the influence of light irradiation. The greatest changes in the colour of non-densified and densified beech and oak wood occurred after 20 h of light irradiation. The higher the temperature of thermo-mechanical treatment, the smaller were the total changes in the colour of beech and oak wood under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The total changes in the colour of beech densified at temperatures of 100°C and 150°C that took place under the influence of ultraviolet radiation were twice as high as in the case of densified oak wood. The colour of oak wood modified at a temperature of 200°C did not change significantly in 300 h of light irradiation


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    This article is devoted to the institution of enforcement refusal of the European order for payment pursuant to Article 22 of Regulation (EC) No. 1896/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 th December 2006 creating a European order for payment procedure. This question has not been developed in the Polish literature yet. In Polish law an application for enforcement refusal of the European order for payment is called a legal action for refusal of enforcement order under the enforcement clause of the European order for payment. This article has been written with a view to analyzing Union and national regulations pertaining to enforcement refusal of the European order for payment. This article consists of a comparative legal analysis of the following tasks: the legal basis for applying for enforcement refusal, the entity authorized in the application, the national judicature of a competent court to consider the application and proceedings in which a defendant shall be entitled to enforcement refusal of the European order for payment. What is more, the legal character of this remedy of defense of the rights of a debtor and his attitude towards other legal remedies of defense of a debtor under the Civil Procedure Code have been taken into consideration in this article. The final chapter concludes the detailed analysis of the thesis. It has been concluded that the introduction of a legal action for enforcement refusal to the Civil Procedure Code has not deprived a debtor of his right to other legal measures defined in the Code. This legal action is meant to eliminate so called “titles collision” which could not be prevented earlier by a debtor

    The properties of particles produced from waste plywood by shredding in a single-shaft shredder

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    The present work regards an attempt to obtain particles from the post-industrial pine plywood in a single-shaft shredder. A screen mesh size determines the wood particles characteristics. In the work 10–, 14–, 25– and 38–mm mesh size screens were used. The urea-formaldehyde (UF) and phenol-formaldehyde (PF) bonded plywood were shredded separately, so that the effect of the binder type could be analyzed. The determined fractional composition, bulk density, dimensions and surface area of the particles were compared to the industrial virgin pine particles dedicated to the core layer of particleboards. The results showed that the particles obtained from a 14–mm mesh screen exhibited properties closest to those found for the virgin particles

    Niegrzecznie czy nieetycznie? Kilka refleksji na temat wybranych reguł zachowań językowych

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    The presented article only touches upon issues related to observing or not observing the rules of linguistic behaviour. As the examples show, it happens that violation of one rule is a simultaneous violation of another. The examples illustrate different communication situations and the use of different types of language. More research on this issue would be usefu

    IV Sympozjum Dziejów Biurokracji

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    4th Symposium on History of BureaucracyIV Sympozjum Dziejów Biurokracj

    Towards a secure economic growth : development of a common European Union counter-terrorism policy

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    PURPOSE: The main objective of this paper is to examine the process of forming political and legal tools for counteracting and combating terrorism which has a significant impact on economic growth in the European Union.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: A mixed research method was used during the research work. To minimize the occurrence of irrelevant results and repetitions, during the systematic review of academic sources the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and MetaAnalysis (PRISMA) method was used. In the case of European Union source documents, the EurLex legal acts database was explored, considering strictly defined criteria. The selected collection of literature and EU source documents was analysed using the Qualitative content analysis method.FINDINGS: EU countries, despite the conflict of interest that often separates them, were able to jointly develop and implement a substantial package of regulations of a political and legal nature, which evolved from ad hoc activities to preventive measures. The areas that currently require special attention include cybersecurity, counteracting the sources of terrorism (radicalization of attitudes), combating social exclusion, proper physical protection of critical infrastructure and public spaces, as well as tightening international cooperation to cut off all sources of financing terrorism.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The study results seem to be particularly important in the context of developing an optimum and effective tool for the long-term European Union policy in the field of counteracting and combating terrorism phenomenon, which is one of the key factors ensuring the maintenance of a sustainable level of economic growth.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The study was conducted after the outbreak of the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic, which significantly remodelled the economy and safety environment in European Union countries. The article contains a critical analysis of undertakings performed at the EU forum to counteract and combat the phenomenon of terrorism. The research considers the latest EU legal regulations - the legal status of May 2021.peer-reviewe

    Expectations of young people towards their future work and career after the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic outbreak in Poland

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    PURPOSE: The main objective of the study is to identify the expectations of young people towards their future jobs and their career development after the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic outbreak in Poland.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The main study method was the survey method. The subjects were individuals born after 1990 (representatives of Generation Y) in full-time and part-time graduate and undergraduate programmes of the biggest private and state universities of technology and humanities in the Lublin region. The study was anonymous and encompassed a sample of 140 students. The surveys were conducted in the third quarter of 2020, after the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic outbreak.FINDINGS: The respondents would like their future, post-pandemic jobs to be interesting and consistent with their interests and competencies. A job must entail a decent salary that will allow them to live a prosperous life and pursue their hobbies. Good workplace atmosphere and a possibility of work-life balance are more important than promotions and classic career. Many students see opening their own business and self-employment to those ends.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The study results seem to be particularly important in the context of choosing an optimum method for managing young, qualified employees, such as (most likely) the future university graduates who are about to enter the new, reshaped labour market. Defining their expectations towards future jobs will allow employers to make sustainable, optimum and effective use of the potential of this unique generation.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The study was conducted right after the outbreak of the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic, which significantly remodelled the modern economy and labour market in Poland, and thus had a significant impact on the way young people perceive their future work.peer-reviewe

    Kvašenje površine drva iz tropskih i umjerenih zona polarnim i disperzivnim tekućinama

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    Wood species from Africa, South America and Europe, primarily used as a flooring and construction material, were acquired for the study. Wetabillity was determined using the measurement of the contact angle of wood with the reference liquids (water, diiodomethane) based on the sessile drop method. Surface free energy of wood on tangential sections within first 60 s after applying a drop was determined. Among the species from the tropical zone, the greatest hydrophobicity, similar to oak wood, was characteristic for courbaril wood. After 60 s, the value of the surface free energy for the heartwood of the studied species was between 60 and 70 mJ·m-2, while for the sapwood of pine and birch, it was about 80 mJ·m-2. The biggest changes in the work of adhesion, within 60 s after the application of a drop of water on the surface of the wood, was stated for pine sapwood, and the smallest one for tauari and courbaril wood.Istraživanje je provedeno na vrstama drva rasprostranjenima u Africi, Južnoj Americi i Europi, ponajprije na onima koje se upotrebljavaju kao materijal za podove i za gradnju. Kvašenje drva određeno je mjerenjem kontaktnog kuta drva s referentnim tekućinama (vodom, dijodometanom) postupkom kapanja. Utvrđena je površinska slobodna energija na tangencijalnom presjeku drva unutar prvih 60 s nakon nanošenja kapi. Među vrstama drva iz tropske zone najveću je hidrofobnost, sličnu onoj koju ima hrastovo drvo, pokazalo drvo jatobe. Vrijednost slobodne površinske energije za srževinu ispitivanih vrsta drva nakon 60 s bila je između 60 i 70 mJ·m-2, dok je za borovinu i brezovinu bila oko 80 mJ·m-2. Najveće promjene zbog djelovanja adhezije unutar 60 s od nanošenja kapljice vode na površinu drva zabilježene su za borovinu, a najmanje za drvo brazilskog hrasta i drvo jatobe

    Wiedza na temat padaczki wśród pacjentów objętych opieką środowiskową

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    Introduction. Insufficient knowledge and misconception about epilepsy causes the development of negative attitudes towards epilepsy patients, increases stigmatization and psychosocial problems, and consequently affects their quality of life.Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the state of knowledge of primary care patients on epilepsy.Material and Methods. The study included a group of 149 patients from three primary health care facilities in the city of Bydgoszcz. The study population consisted of 99 women (66%) and 50 men (34%). Adults predominated, the mean age of the respondents was 43.91 years (SD = 13.03). The research used the method of diagnostic survey, the research tool was the original questionnaire. The research was carried out in a correlation model. The non-parametric Spearman rank test was used to determine the significance of the relationship between demographic variables and knowledge about epilepsy. The significance level p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results. The bast majority of respondents (97%) have heard about epilepsy in their lives and believe that they have knowledge about this disease (90%) and know the main cause (76%). Moreover, most of the respondents (96%, 97%) know that during an attack, the patient should be safely positioned and their head protected against injuries. Unfortunately, only 47% of the respondents were ready to help the sick.Conclusions. Most of the respondents have heard about epilepsy in their lifetime and believe they have knowledge of epilepsy. More than half of the respondents witnessed an epileptic seizure. Readiness to provide first aid during an epileptic seizure is declared by nearly half of the respondents. The vast majority of respondents accept people with epilepsy in the work environment as well as in the social environment. There is a relationship between gender, age and education, and some aspects of knowledge about epilepsy and the presented opinion about the disease. (JNNN 2021;10(3):105–111)Wstęp. Niedostateczna wiedza i błędne wyobrażenie na temat padaczki powoduje rozwój negatywnych postaw wobec pacjentów z padaczką, zwiększa stygmatyzację i problemy psychospołeczne, a w konsekwencji wpływa na ich jakość życia.Cel. Celem przeprowadzonych badań było dokonanie oceny stanu wiedzy pacjentów Podstawowej Opieki Zdrowotnej na temat padaczki.Materiał i metody. Badaniami objęto grupę 149 pacjentów trzech placówek świadczących Podstawową Opiekę Zdrowotną na terenie miasta Bydgoszczy. Badaną populację stanowiło 99 kobiet (66%) oraz 50 mężczyzn (34%). Przeważały osoby dorosłe, średni wiek respondentów wynosił 43,91 lat (SD = 13,03). W badaniach zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, narzędziem badawczym był autorski kwestionariusz ankiety. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w modelu korelacyjnym. Do określenia istotności związku pomiędzy zmiennymi demograficznymi a wiedzą o padaczce wykorzystano test nieparametryczny rang Spearmana. Za istotny statystycznie przyjęto poziom istotności p < 0,05.Wyniki. Zdecydowana większość badanych (97%) słyszała w swoim życiu o epilepsji i uważa, że posiada wiedzę na temat tej choroby (90%), a także zna główną jej przyczynę (76%). Ponadto większość badanych (96%, 97%) wie, że podczas ataku należy zapewnić choremu bezpieczne ułożenie oraz zabezpieczyć jego głowę przed urazami. Niestety gotowość udzielenia pomocy choremu wyraziło zaledwie 47% respondentów.Wnioski. Większość badanych słyszała w swoim życiu o epilepsji i uważa, że posiada wiedzę na temat tej choroby. Ponad połowa respondentów była świadkami napadu padaczkowego. Gotowość do udzielenia pierwszej pomocy podczas napadu padaczkowego deklaruje blisko połowa ankietowanych. Zdecydowana większość badanych akceptuje osoby z padaczką w środowisku pracy, jak również w środowisku społecznym. Istnieje związek pomiędzy płcią, wiekiem i wykształceniem a niektórymi aspektami wiedzy na temat padaczki oraz prezentowaną opinią na temat tej choroby. (PNN 2021;10(3):105–111