69 research outputs found

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) : refining the local galaxy merger rate using morphological information

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    KRVS acknowledges the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) for providing funding for this project, as well as the Government of Catalonia for a research travel grant (ref. 2010 BE-00268) to begin this project at the University of Nottingham. PN acknowledges the support of the Royal Society through the award of a University Research Fellowship and the European Research Council, through receipt of a Starting Grant (DEGAS-259586).We use the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey to measure the local Universe mass-dependent merger fraction and merger rate using galaxy pairs and the CAS (concentration, asymmetry, and smoothness) structural method, which identifies highly asymmetric merger candidate galaxies. Our goals are to determine which types of mergers produce highly asymmetrical galaxies and to provide a new measurement of the local galaxy major merger rate. We examine galaxy pairs at stellar mass limits down to M* = 108 M⊙ with mass ratios of 4:1) the lower mass companion becomes highly asymmetric, whereas the larger galaxy is much less affected. The fraction of highly asymmetric paired galaxies which have a major merger companion is highest for the most massive galaxies and drops progressively with decreasing mass. We calculate that the mass-dependent major merger fraction is fairly constant at ∼1.3–2 per cent within 109.5 < M* < 1011.5 M⊙, and increases to ∼4 per cent at lower masses. When the observability time-scales are taken into consideration, the major merger rate is found to approximately triple over the mass range we consider. The total comoving volume major merger rate over the range 108.0 < M* < 1011.5 M⊙ is (1.2 ± 0.5) × 10−3 h370 Mpc−3 Gyr−1.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Galaxy and mass assembly (GAMA) : The wavelength-dependent sizes and profiles of galaxies revealed by MegaMorph

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    We investigate the relationship between colour and structure within galaxies using a large, volume-limited sample of bright, low-redshift galaxies with optical-near-infrared imaging from the Galaxy AndMass Assembly survey.We fit single-component,wavelength-dependent, elliptical Sérsic models to all passbands simultaneously, using software developed by the MegaMorph project. Dividing our sample by n and colour, the recovered wavelength variations in effective radius (Re) and Sérsic index (n) reveal the internal structure, and hence formation history, of different types of galaxies. All these trends depend on n; some have an additional dependence on galaxy colour. Late-type galaxies (nr 2.5), even though they maintain constant n with wavelength, revealing that ellipticals are a superimposition of different stellar populations associated with multiple collapse and merging events. Processes leading to structures with larger Re must be associated with lower metallicity or younger stellar populations. This appears to rule out the formation of young cores through dissipative gas accretion as an important mechanism in the recent lives of luminous elliptical galaxies.Peer reviewe

    Pro-organic radical contrast agents (“pro-ORCAs”) for real-time MRI of pro-drug activation in biological systems

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    Nitroxide-based organic-radical contrast agents (ORCAs) are promising as safe next-generation magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tools. Nevertheless, stimuli-responsive ORCAs that enable MRI monitoring of prodrug activation have not been reported; such systems could open new avenues for prodrug validation and image-guided drug delivery. Here, we introduce a novel “pro-ORCA” concept that addresses this challenge. By covalent conjugation of nitroxides and drug molecules (doxorubicin, DOX) to the same brush-arm star polymer (BASP) through chemically identical cleavable linkers, we demonstrate that pro-ORCA and prodrug activation, i.e., ORCA and DOX release, leads to significant changes in MRI contrast that correlate with cytotoxicity. This approach is shown to be general for a range of commonly used linker cleavage mechanisms (e.g., photolysis and hydrolysis) and release rates. Pro-ORCAs could find applications as research tools or clinically viable “reporter theranostics” for in vitro and in vivo MRI-correlated prodrug activation

    Galaxy and mass assembly (GAMA): refining the local galaxy merger rate using morphological information

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    We use the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey to measure the local Universe mass dependent merger fraction and merger rate using galaxy pairs and the CAS structural method, which identifies highly asymmetric merger candidate galaxies. Our goals are to determine which types of mergers produce highly asymmetrical galaxies, and to provide a new measurement of the local galaxy major merger rate. We examine galaxy pairs at stellar mass limits down to M=108MM_{*} = 10^{8}M_{\odot} with mass ratios of 4:1) the lower mass companion becomes highly asymmetric, while the larger galaxy is much less affected. The fraction of highly asymmetric paired galaxies which have a major merger companion is highest for the most massive galaxies and drops progressively with decreasing mass. We calculate that the mass dependent major merger fraction is fairly constant at 1.32%\sim1.3-2\% between 109.5<M<1011.5M10^{9.5}<M_{*}<10^{11.5} M_{\odot}, and increases to 4%\sim4\% at lower masses. When the observability time scales are taken into consideration, the major merger rate is found to approximately triple over the mass range we consider. The total co-moving volume major merger rate over the range 108.0<M<1011.5M10^{8.0}<M_{*}<10^{11.5} M_{\odot} is (1.2±0.5)×103(1.2 \pm 0.5) \times 10^{-3} h703h^{3}_{70} Mpc3^{-3} Gyr1^{-1}

    The kinematics of fixed-seat rowing : a structured synthesis

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    Olympic-style sliding-seat rowing is a sport that has been extensively researched, with studies investigating aspects related to the physiology, biomechanics, kinematics, and the performance of rowers. In contrast, studies on the more classic form of fixed-seat rowing are sparse. The aim of this study is to address this lacuna by analysing for the first time the specific kinematics of fixed-seat rowing as practised by able-bodied athletes, thus (i) documenting how this technique is performed in a manner that is replicable by others and (ii) showing how this technique compares and contrasts with the more standard sliding-seat technique. Fixed-seat rowing was replicated in a biomechanics laboratory where experienced fixed-seat rowers, marked with reflective markers following the modified Helen–Hayes model, were asked to row in a manner that mimics rowing on a fixed-seat boat. The findings from this study, complimented with data gathered through the observation of athletes rowing on water, were compared to sliding-seat ergometer rowing and other control experiments. The results show that, in fixed-seat rowing, there is more forward and backward thoracic movement than in sliding-seat rowing (75–77° vs. 44–52°, p < 0.0005). Tilting of the upper body stems was noted to result from rotations around the pelvis, as in sliding-seat rowing, rather than from spinal movements. The results also confirmed knee flexion in fixed-seat rowing with a range of motion of 30–35°. This is less pronounced than in standard-seat rowing, but not insignificant. These findings provide a biomechanical explanation as to why fixed-seat rowers do not have an increased risk of back injuries when compared with their sliding-seat counterparts. They also provide athletes, coaches, and related personnel with precise and detailed information of how fixed-seat rowing is performed so that they may formulate better and more specific evidence-based training programs to meliorate technique and performance.peer-reviewe

    On the kinematics of the forward-facing Venetian-style rowing technique

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    This work presents a qualitative and quantitative pilot study which explores the kinematics of Venetian style forward-facing standing rowing as practised by able-bodied competitive athletes. The technique, made famous by the gondoliers, was replicated in a biomechanics laboratory by a cohort of four experienced rowers who compete in this style at National Level events in Malta. Athletes were marked with reflective markers following the modified Helen Hayes model and asked to row in a manner which mimics their on-water practise and recorded using a Vicon optoelectronic motion capture system. Data collected were compared to its equivalent using a standard sliding-seat ergometer as well as data collated from observations of athletes rowing on water, thus permitting the documentation of the manner of how this technique is performed. It was shown that this rowing style is characterised by rather asymmetric and complex kinematics, particularly upper-body movements which provides the athlete with a total-body workout involving all major muscle groups working either isometrically, to provide stability, or actively.peer-reviewe

    On the Kinematics of the Forward-Facing Venetian-Style Rowing Technique

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    This work presents a qualitative and quantitative pilot study which explores the kinematics of Venetian style forward-facing standing rowing as practised by able-bodied competitive athletes. The technique, made famous by the gondoliers, was replicated in a biomechanics laboratory by a cohort of four experienced rowers who compete in this style at National Level events in Malta. Athletes were marked with reflective markers following the modified Helen Hayes model and asked to row in a manner which mimics their on-water practise and recorded using a Vicon optoelectronic motion capture system. Data collected were compared to its equivalent using a standard sliding-seat ergometer as well as data collated from observations of athletes rowing on water, thus permitting the documentation of the manner of how this technique is performed. It was shown that this rowing style is characterised by rather asymmetric and complex kinematics, particularly upper-body movements which provides the athlete with a total-body workout involving all major muscle groups working either isometrically, to provide stability, or actively

    Defining Reference Sequences for Nocardia Species by Similarity and Clustering Analyses of 16S rRNA Gene Sequence Data

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: The intra- and inter-species genetic diversity of bacteria and the absence of 'reference', or the most representative, sequences of individual species present a significant challenge for sequence-based identification. The aims of this study were to determine the utility, and compare the performance of several clustering and classification algorithms to identify the species of 364 sequences of 16S rRNA gene with a defined species in GenBank, and 110 sequences of 16S rRNA gene with no defined species, all within the genus Nocardia. METHODS: A total of 364 16S rRNA gene sequences of Nocardia species were studied. In addition, 110 16S rRNA gene sequences assigned only to the Nocardia genus level at the time of submission to GenBank were used for machine learning classification experiments. Different clustering algorithms were compared with a novel algorithm or the linear mapping (LM) of the distance matrix. Principal Components Analysis was used for the dimensionality reduction and visualization. RESULTS: The LM algorithm achieved the highest performance and classified the set of 364 16S rRNA sequences into 80 clusters, the majority of which (83.52%) corresponded with the original species. The most representative 16S rRNA sequences for individual Nocardia species have been identified as 'centroids' in respective clusters from which the distances to all other sequences were minimized; 110 16S rRNA gene sequences with identifications recorded only at the genus level were classified using machine learning methods. Simple kNN machine learning demonstrated the highest performance and classified Nocardia species sequences with an accuracy of 92.7% and a mean frequency of 0.578. CONCLUSION: The identification of centroids of 16S rRNA gene sequence clusters using novel distance matrix clustering enables the identification of the most representative sequences for each individual species of Nocardia and allows the quantitation of inter- and intra-species variability

    Oocyte and ovarian tissue cryopreservation in European countries : statutory background, practice, storage and use

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    STUDY QUESTION: What is known in Europe about the practice of oocyte cryopreservation (OoC), in terms of current statutory background, funding conditions, indications (medical and ‘non-medical’) and specific number of cycles? SUMMARY ANSWER: Laws and conditions for OoC vary in Europe, with just over half the responding countries providing this for medical reasons with state funding, and none providing funding for ‘non-medical’ OoC. WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN: The practice of OoC is a well-established and increasing practice in some European countries, but data gathering on storage is not homogeneous, and still sparse for use. Ovarian tissue cryopreservation (OtC) is only practiced and registered in a few countries. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, AND DURATION: A transversal collaborative survey on OoC and OtC, was designed, based on a country questionnaire containing information on statutory or professional background and practice, as well as available data on ovarian cell and tissue collection, storage and use. It was performed between January and September 2015. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING AND METHODS: All ESHRE European IVF Monitoring (EIM) consortium national coordinators were contacted, as well as members of the ESHRE committee of national representatives, and sent a questionnaire. The form included national policy and practice details, whether through current existing law or code of practice, criteria for freezing (age, health status), availability of funding and the presence of a specific register. The questionnaire also included data on both the number of OoC cycles and cryopreserved oocytes per year between 2010 and 2014, specifically for egg donation, fertility preservation for medical disease, ‘other medical’ reasons as part of an ART cycle, as well as for ‘non-medical reasons’ or age-related fertility decline. Another question concerning data on freezing and use of ovarian tissue over 5 years was added and sent after receiving the initial questionnaire. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE: Out of 34 EIM members, we received answers regarding OoC regulations and funding conditions from 27, whilst 17 countries had recorded data for OoC, and 12 for OtC. The specific statutory framework for OoC and OtC varies from absent to a strict frame. A total of 34 705 OoC cycles were reported during the 5-year-period, with a continuous increase. However, the accurate description of numbers was concentrated on the year 2013 because it was the most complete. In 2013, a total of 9126 aspirations involving OoC were reported from 16 countries. Among the 8885 oocyte aspirations with fully available data, the majority or 5323 cycles (59.9%) was performed for egg donation, resulting in the highest yield per cycle, with an average of 10.4 oocytes frozen per cycle. OoC indication was ‘serious disease’ such as cancer in 10.9% of cycles, other medical indications as ‘part of an ART cycle’ in 16.1%, and a non-medical reason in 13.1%. With regard to the use of OoC, the number of specifically recorded frozen oocyte replacement (FOR) cycles performed in 2013 for all medical reasons was 14 times higher than the FOR for non-medical reasons, using, respectively, 8.0 and 8.4 oocytes per cycle. Finally, 12 countries recorded storage following OtC and only 7 recorded the number of grafted frozen/thawed tissues. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION: Not all countries have data regarding OoC collection, and some data came from voluntary collaborating centres, rather than a national authority or register. Furthermore, the data related to use of OoC were not included for two major players in the field, Italy and Spain, where numbers were conflated for medical and non-medical reasons. Finally, the number of cycles started with no retrieval is not available. Data are even sparser for OtC. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS: There is a need for ART authorities and professional bodies to record precise data for practice and use of OoC (and OtC), according to indications and usage, in order to reliably inform all stakeholders including women about the efficiency of both methods. Furthermore, professional societies should establish professional standards for access to and use of OoC and OtC, and give appropriate guidance to all involved. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S): The study was supported by ESHRE. There are no conflicts of interest.peer-reviewe