9 research outputs found
Readability of state-sponsored advance directive forms in the United States: a cross sectional study
- Author
- Publication venue
- BioMed Central
- Publication date
- 01/01/2010
- Field of study
Implementing a Pilot Program of Advanced Directives in Nursing Homes
- Publication venue
- 'Ammons Scientific'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Content of Advance Directives for Individuals With Advanced Dementia
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Evolution of Health Care Advance Planning Law and Policy
- Author
- Aging with Dignity
- Aging with Dignity
- Blumenauer
- Center for Practical Bioethics
- Colby
- Collins
- Commission on Law and Aging
- Commission on Law and Aging
- Commission on Law and Aging
- Commission on Law and Aging
- Coppola
- Degenholtz
- Dessin
- Fagerlin
- Fried
- Georgia Health Decisions
- Gillick
- Glick
- Green
- Hardin
- Hawkins
- Hickman
- Hickman
- Hickman
- Hoffmann
- IOM (Institute of Medicine) Committee on Care at the End of Life
- Iserson
- Karp
- Koenig
- Kolarik
- Kutner
- Kwak
- Larson
- Lo
- Lynn
- Meisel
- Morrison
- Pearlman
- President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research
- President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research
- President's Council on Bioethics
- Sabatino
- Sabatino
- Sabatino
- Sacramento Healthcare Decisions
- Schmidt
- Shalowitz
- Teno
- Teno
- Teno
- Tolle
- Tulsky
- Wilkinson
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Caring for Pediatric Patients’ Families at the Child’s End of Life
- Author
- Aging With Dignity
- Aging With Dignity
- Antonacci
- Back
- Basu
- Beckstrand
- Bonifazi
- Bowen
- Brooten
- Buxton
- Campbell
- Contro
- Contro
- Contro
- Curtis
- Curtis
- Davies
- Davies
- Deffner
- D’Agostino
- Finkbeiner
- Gilmer
- Gordon
- Griffie
- Heller
- Institute of Medicine
- Janzen
- Jennifer S. Larson
- Jodi E. Mullen
- Kubler-Ross
- Lehto
- Levetown
- Lipson
- Longden
- Lowey
- Macdonald
- Meert
- Meert
- Meert
- Meert
- Meert
- Melissa R. Reynolds
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Michelson
- Nielson
- O’Brien
- Peters
- Pinto
- Powaski
- Radziewicz
- Rosenbaum
- Rozdilsky
- Rushton
- Rushton
- Rushton
- Rushton
- Russell
- Serwint
- Sheetz
- Stanley
- Steele
- Stevenson
- Stone
- Tadmore
- Travaline
- Treece
- Wender
- Youngblut
- Publication venue
- 'AACN Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Barriers and facilitators for general practitioners to engage in advance care planning: A systematic review
- Author
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- Aging with Dignity
- Aline De Vleminck
- Brown M
- Chantal Van Audenhove
- Crombie IK
- Demarest S
- Dirk Houttekier
- Doukas DJ
- Hewitt M
- Hickey DP
- Hughes DL
- James PA
- Kelner M
- Koen Pardon
- Kohut N
- Luc Deliens
- Lynn J
- Reginald Deschepper
- Robert Vander Stichele
- Snyder S
- Steinberg MA
- Tee KH
- Toller CA
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Ethical capital: ‘What’s a poor man got to leave?’
- Author
- Abraham
- Abrahams
- Aging with Dignity
- Alabama Department of Public Health
- Allen
- Andrica
- Angel
- Baines
- Black
- Bourdieu
- Bragg
- Butler
- Byers
- Chochinov
- Chochinov
- Christakis
- Cohen
- Cohen-Mansfield
- Coyle
- Ellison
- Ethical Wills
- Folstein
- Gaquin
- Gessert
- Glaser
- Goetting
- Hinck
- Hsieh
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Janeway
- Johnson
- Karnofsky
- Kearl
- Klass
- Lin
- Marwit
- Massey
- McClement
- Münch
- Pausch
- Peterson
- Putnam
- Quadagno
- Roff
- Runyan
- Sakalys
- Sanders
- Seale
- Stack
- Swartz
- Timmermans
- Tracy
- Weil
- Wikipedia
- Williams
- Wolff
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Advance Care Planning: Contemporary Issues and Future Directions
- Author
- ACP Decisions
- Aging with Dignity
- American Bar Association
- Aw
- Barnato
- Belluck
- Bomba
- Burkle
- Byock
- Carr
- Carr
- Carr
- Carr
- Carr
- Carr
- Carr
- Carr
- Carr
- Chan
- Coppola
- Detering
- Ditto
- Doukas
- Edwards
- El-Jawahri
- El-Jawahri
- Federal Interagency Forum on Aging Related Statistics
- Garrido
- Gawande
- Hammes
- Hammes
- Hanchate
- Hickman
- Institute of Medicine (IOM)
- Iwashyna
- Jennings
- Johnson
- Kaiser Family Foundation
- Kelley
- Khandelwal
- Khodyakov
- Koss
- Koss
- Kramer
- Kramer
- Loggers
- Mack
- Matsui
- Moorman
- Moorman
- National POLST Paradigm
- National POLST Paradigm
- NHS Finance and Operations
- Nicholas
- Parks
- Patient Self-Determination Act of 1990
- Pew Research Center
- Pfeifer
- Porensky
- President’s Council on Bioethics
- Schmidt
- Shalowitz
- Sharp
- Silveira
- Stein
- Steinhauser
- Stewart
- Su
- Teno
- Teno
- The Conversation Project
- The Economist Intelligence Unit
- van Wijmen
- Volandes
- Waite
- Weathers
- West
- Yung
- Zettel-Watson
- Zhang
- Zive
- Publication venue
- 'Oxford University Press (OUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Achieving a High-Quality Cancer Care Delivery System for Older Adults: Innovative Models of Care
- Author
- Aging With Dignity
- Alecxih
- American Association of Colleges of Nursing
- American Cancer Society
- Anderson
- Bakitas
- Bakitas
- Cleeland
- Cooley
- Cox
- Drexel University College of Nursing and Health Professions
- Eng
- Esther Smith-Howell
- Extermann
- Fraher
- Fried
- Fried
- Friedman
- Gerrity
- Gillick
- Given
- Given
- Guiding principles for the care of older adults with multimorbidity: an approach for clinicians
- Heidrich
- Heintzelman
- Hewitt
- HHS.gov
- Hsu
- Hurria
- Institute of Medicine
- Institute of Medicine
- Institute of Medicine
- Institute of Medicine
- Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel
- Janet H. Van Cleave
- Katz
- Kirch
- Kroenke
- Landefeld
- Lawton
- Leach
- Leidy
- Li
- Maione
- Mariotto
- Mary D. Naylor
- Mason
- May
- McCorkle
- McGlynn
- Mukamel
- Murphy
- Nakaguchi
- National Cancer Institute
- National Cancer Institute
- National Comprehensive Cancer Network
- National Quality Forum
- Naylor
- Naylor
- Naylor
- Naylor
- Naylor
- Naylor
- Naylor
- Nevidjon
- Okuyama
- Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)
- Porter
- Prince
- Rao
- Reinhard
- Shin
- Sikorskii
- Smith
- Sprangers
- Sullivan-Marx
- Szanton
- Talarico
- Temel
- The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
- United States Census Bureau
- van den Beuken-van Everdingen
- Wieland
- Young
- Zarit
- Zimmermann
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study