32 research outputs found

    The Outcomes of Surgical Treatment of Recurrent Lumbar Disk Herniation with Discectomy Alone and Discectomy with Posterolateral Interbody Fusion

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     Background: Recurrent lumbar disk herniation (RLDH) is one of the major causes of failure of standard discectomy. The optimal treatment method for RLDH is controversial. In the current study, we aimed to compare the clinical and functional outcomes of treating RLDH with discectomy alone and discectomy associated with posterolateral interbody fusion (PLIF).Material and Methods: There were 41 patients with RLHD after primary discectomy in the current retrospective study. Patients were assigned to 2 groups based on the surgical method: discectomy alone (17 patients) and discectomy with PLIF (21 patients). At the final visit the following variables were measured and compared between groups: the back and radicular pain intensity using visual analogue scale (VAS), functional outcome using oswestry low back pain disability scale (ODI), return to previous work and complication. Patients were followed for 13.9±2.8 and 15±3 months in discectomy alone and discectomy with PLIF groups, retrospectively.Results: Complete fusion was achieved in 24 patients of PLIF group. The back pain intensity was the same; however the radicular pain intensity was significantly lower in PLIF group (1.5±0.9 V.s 2.3±1; p=0.017). Also, the mean of ODI scale was the same. 82.3% of patients in discectomy group and 87.5% of patients in PLIF group returned to previous work and the difference was not significant. One patient in discectomy group and 2 patients in PLIF group developed temporary neurological deficit which disappeared after 3 months.Conclusions: Although both discectomy alone and discectomy with PLIF were associated with favorable mid-term results in treating patients with RLDH, however, the authors recommend using discectomy with PLIF for lower radicular pain

    Nitro group reduction and Suzuki reaction catalysed by palladium supported on magnetic nanoparticles modified with carbon quantum dots generated from glycerol and urea

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    Glycerol and urea were used as green and cheap sources of carbon quantum dots (CQD) for modifying Fe3O4 nanoparticles (NPs). The obtained CQD@Fe3O4 NPs were used for the stabilization of palladium species and the prepared catalyst, Pd@CQD@Fe3O4, was characterized using various techniques. This magnetic supported palladium was applied as an efficient catalyst for the reduction of aromatic nitro compounds to primary amines at room temperature using very low palladium loading (0.008 mol%) and also for the Suzuki–Miyaura cross-coupling reaction of aryl halides as well as challenging heteroaryl bromides and aryl diazonium salts with arylboronic acids and with potassium phenyltrifluoroborate. This magnetically recyclable catalyst was recovered and reused for seven consecutive runs in the reduction of 4-nitrotoluene to p-toluidine and for ten consecutive runs in the reaction of 4-iodoanisole with phenylboronic acid with small decrease of activity. The catalyst reused in the Suzuki reaction was characterized using transmission electron microscopy, vibrating sample magnetometry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Using experiments such as hot filtration and poisoning tests, it has been shown that the true catalyst works under homogeneous conditions according to the release–return pathway of active palladium species.Iran National Science Foundation, Grant/Award Number: 95844587; the Generalitat Valenciana, Grant/Award Number: PROMETEOII/2014/017; the Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER, EU), Grant/Award Number: CTQ2016‐81797‐REDC and CTQ2016‐76782‐P; the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), Grant/Award Number: CTQ2014‐51912‐REDC and CTQ2013‐43446‐P

    Developing New Experimental Techniques to Understand Neuronal Networks

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    Studying the propagation of action potentials across neuronal networks and how information is stored and accessed in their dynamic firing patterns has always been the essence of neuroscience. Emerging evidence shows that information in the brain is encoded in the simultaneous or avalanche-like firing of multiple, spatially separated groups of neurons. Thus, understanding the collective behavior of neurons is essential for understanding how the brain processes information and encodes memory. Since its discovery, the advent of optogenetics has brought upon a revolution in neuroscience, where individual neuronal circuits are able to be selectively probed and their connections decoded. This ability has been used by many groups to great effect, with some groups even using optogenetic stimulation to create phantom sensations, which are typically encoded in the functional activity of distinct neuronal populations. However, in-vivo optogenetic excitation relies inherently on the quality and accuracy of the stimulation method, with many problems arising due to biological effects such as animal motion, the scattering nature of brain tissue, and cell health. Typically, groups either use digital micromirror arrays or spatial light modulators, with the former lacking transmission efficiency and the latter having a high technical skill barrier due to its propensity to induce artifacts into intended patterns of light. This dissertation attempts to reduce the barrier towards the use of spatial light modulators in optogenetics by improving targeting accuracy, reducing the effects of unmodulated light and related artifacts, and developing new methods of stimulation which reduce the power density directed at neurons. To accomplish the first step, improving targeting accuracy, I created and demonstrated a real-time capable particle-based motion tracking algorithm to correct for animal motion. To reduce the effects of optical artifacts, I developed and patented a method of using Fresnel lenses convolved with intended light patterns to project higher orders of diffraction and un-diffracted light axially away from the object plane. To improve cell health during stimulation, I researched the use of optical vortices to stimulate neurons, allowing for ion channel activation with reduced power per unit area. Finally, I set the stage for new science by creating neuroimaging platforms integrating these techniques and capable of imaging activity across multiple scales. Other avenues for improvement are outlined as well in this dissertation, as well as new scientific questions that can be asked, leveraging these developments contained within

    Particle Tracking Facilitates Real Time Capable Motion Correction in 2D or 3D Two-Photon Imaging of Neuronal Activity

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    The application of 2-photon laser scanning microscopy (TPLSM) techniques to measure the dynamics of cellular calcium signals in populations of neurons is an extremely powerful technique for characterizing neural activity within the central nervous system. The use of TPLSM on awake and behaving subjects promises new insights into how neural circuit elements cooperatively interact to form sensory perceptions and generate behavior. A major challenge in imaging such preparations is unavoidable animal and tissue movement, which leads to shifts in the imaging location (jitter). The presence of image motion can lead to artifacts, especially since quantification of TPLSM images involves analysis of fluctuations in fluorescence intensities for each neuron, determined from small regions of interest (ROIs). Here, we validate a new motion correction approach to compensate for motion of TPLSM images in the superficial layers of auditory cortex of awake mice. We use a nominally uniform fluorescent signal as a secondary signal to complement the dynamic signals from genetically encoded calcium indicators. We tested motion correction for single plane time lapse imaging as well as multiplane (i.e., volume) time lapse imaging of cortical tissue. Our procedure of motion correction relies on locating the brightest neurons and tracking their positions over time using established techniques of particle finding and tracking. We show that our tracking based approach provides subpixel resolution without compromising speed. Unlike most established methods, our algorithm also captures deformations of the field of view and thus can compensate e.g., for rotations. Object tracking based motion correction thus offers an alternative approach for motion correction, one that is well suited for real time spike inference analysis and feedback control, and for correcting for tissue distortions

    Combination of fluorescence microscopy and nanomotion detection to characterize bacteria.

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    Antibiotic-resistant pathogens are a major health concern in everyday clinical practice. Because their detection by conventional microbial techniques requires minimally 24 h, some of us have recently introduced a nanomechanical sensor, which can reveal motion at the nanoscale. By monitoring the fluctuations of the sensor, this technique can evidence the presence of bacteria and their susceptibility to antibiotics in less than 1 h. Their amplitude correlates to the metabolism of the bacteria and is a powerful tool to characterize these microorganisms at low densities. This technique is new and calls for an effort to optimize its protocol and determine its limits. Indeed, many questions remain unanswered, such as the detection limits or the correlation between the bacterial distribution on the sensor and the detection's output. In this work, we couple fluorescence microscopy to the nanomotion investigation to determine the optimal experimental protocols and to highlight the effect of the different bacterial distributions on the sensor

    Nanomotion Detection Method for Testing Antibiotic Resistance and Susceptibility of Slow-Growing Bacteria.

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    Infectious diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms and are often severe. Time to fully characterize an infectious agent after sampling and to find the right antibiotic and dose are important factors in the overall success of a patient's treatment. Previous results suggest that a nanomotion detection method could be a convenient tool for reducing antibiotic sensitivity characterization time to several hours. Here, the application of the method for slow-growing bacteria is demonstrated, taking Bordetella pertussis strains as a model. A low-cost nanomotion device is able to characterize B. pertussis sensitivity against specific antibiotics within several hours, instead of days, as it is still the case with conventional growth-based techniques. It can discriminate between resistant and susceptible B. pertussis strains, based on the changes of the sensor's signal before and after the antibiotic addition. Furthermore, minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations of clinically applied antibiotics are compared using both techniques and the suggested similarity is discussed