109 research outputs found


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    The main asumption of this study for beginning based on interesting problem which be expressd in Pabrik (Factory) novel. This novel express societies reality that describe laborer phenomena. Laborer are tricked in powerful conflict that content class competition. A competition among capitalist that try to collect model with laborers as victim. In Pabrik novel, there are class of powerful and in covered. Class who have powerful is entrepreneur actors who in story along with loborer class as covered. This study constituted descriptive result of analysis about powerful hegemony in Pabrik novel by Putu Wijaya that mirrored by relationship among actors. There are problem which be observed are (1) How description to coercive power and incentives power to Pabrik novel by Putu Wijaya? (2) How function of powerful coercive power and incentive power to Pabrik novel by Putu wijaya? (3) how meaning of powerful in coercive power and incentive power to Pabrik novel by Putu Wijaya? To express how form, function and meaning, previously it is analyzed who actor have powerful in this novel story. Next to identify what form of powerful dominant. The powerful form are expressd based on the five form of French and REven. There are two power form that dominant in this novel story namely coercive power that powerful that force and incentive power that powerful based on present or incentive. After identify powerful form, for next analysis function and meaning of powerful form. Based on the analysis to Pabrik novel, powerful form that described by Tirtoatmojo and Joni actors (1) coercive power form such as force of work in out of time for work to servants. Incentive power, may be understood by incentive that not balance with laborer’s work. (2) Coercive power have function to create afraid. The function of incentive power may such as persuade laborer in order to they may be covered by stakeholder. (3) the coercive power meaning such as obedient to laborer which be wanted of powerful stakeholder. Coercive power form and incentive power give influence to actor life in Pabrik novel by Putu Wijaya

    Hubungan Asupan Serat dan Vitamin E dengan Kadar Kolesterol Total pada Penderita Penyakit Jantung Koroner Rawat Jalan di RSUD Dr. Moewardi

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    Coronary heart disease belongs to the group of cardiovascular diseases which are the leading causes of death in Indonesia. High cholesterol level is a risk factor for coronary heart disease. Intakes of fiber and vitamin E that suit our needs can help lowering cholesterol level. This study aimed to determine the correlations between fiber and vitamin E intakes with total cholesterol levels in coronary heart disease outpatients at Dr. Moewardi hospital. The research was an observational study with cross-sectional design. The subjects were 30 coronary heart disease patients aged 30-65 years. Sampling technique used consecutive sampling. Data on fiber and vitamin E intakes were obtained through Semi Quantitative Food Frequency Quesionnare (SQFFQ) method. Data on total cholesterol level were obtained from medical record at Dr. Moewardi hospital. The statistic test used Pearson Product Moment tests. Most respondents had low fiber intake (83,3%). All respondents had low vitamin E intake (100%). The number of respondents who had normal cholesterol levels was 66,7%. The number of respondents who had low fiber intake and had normal cholesterol levels was 68%. The number of respondents who had low intake of vitamin E and had normal cholesterol levels was 66,7%. Statistical analysis showed that there was no correlation between fiber intake and total cholesterol levels with p=0,655. Also, there was no correlation between intake of vitamin E and total cholesterol levels with p=0,615. There was no association between fiber and vitamin E intakes and level of cholesterol in coronary heart disease outpatients at Dr. Moewardi hospital


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    Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara efikasi diri dengan stres pada mahasiswa yang sedang mengerjakan skripsi. Hipotesis yang diajukan pada penelitian ini adalah, ada hubungan negatif antara efikasi diri dengan stres pada mahasiswa yang mengerjakan skripsi. Responden yang digunakan pada penelitian ini merupakan mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Unika Soegijapranata Semarang yang sedang mengerjakan skripsi yang berjumlah 93 mahasiswa. Alat ukur yang dipakai ada dua macam, yaitu skala stres pada mahasiswa yang mengerjakan skripsi dan skala efikasi diri. Kedua skala tersebut sudah teruji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah teknik korelasi dari Speaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ada hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara efikasi diri dengan stres pada mahasiswa yang mengerjakan skripsi dengan koefesien korelasi sebesar -0,485 (p < 0,01). Maka hipotesis yang diajukan diterima

    Perbandingan Algoritma Naïve Bayes dan C4.5 untuk Prediksi Kelulusan Mahasiswa Studi Kasus: STABN Sriwijaya

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    Industri kreatif telah menjadi salah satu sektor yang semakin berkembang pesat dalam perekonomian global. Secara umum, industri kreatif mencakup berbagai bidang seperti seni, desain, media, teknologi informasi, periklanan, film, musik, penerbitan, dan sebagainya. Di tengah pertumbuhan industri ini, banyak mahasiswa jurusan komunikasi yang tertarik untuk berpartisipasi dalam program magang di berbagai perusahaan dan organisasi yang bergerak di sektor industri kreatif. Melalui penelitian ini, peneliti ingin mengetahui pengalaman mahasiswa komunikasi yang magang di industri kreatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, metode penelitian fenomenologi, dan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara dengan 4 orang mahasiswa komunikasi yang sedang menjalani proses kerja magang di industri kreatif. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa meskipun merasa adanya ketidaksesuaian antara gaji yang diterima dengan effort yang dikeluarkan selama kerja magang, para mahasiswa tetap merasa bahwa mereka perlu memenuhi tanggung jawab mereka karena magang merupakan salah satu syarat kelulusan yang harus dipenuhi. Selain itu, lingkungan dan perlakuan karyawan setempat mempengaruhi proses komunikasi di lingkungan kerja. Ditemukan juga sebuah pemaknaan unik salah seorang partisipan yang mengatakan bahwa ada perusahaan yang menyamaratakan beban kerja serta kedudukan karyawan magang dengan karyawan tetap

    A systematic review and meta-analysis of trypanosome prevalence in tsetse flies

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    Background: The optimisation of trypanosomosis control programs warrants a good knowledge of the main vector of animal and human trypanosomes in sub-Saharan Africa, the tsetse fly. An important aspect of the tsetse fly population is its trypanosome infection prevalence, as it determines the intensity of the transmission of the parasite by the vector. We therefore conducted a systematic review of published studies documenting trypanosome infection prevalence from field surveys or from laboratory experiments under controlled conditions. Publications were screened in the Web of Science, PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Using the four-stage (identification, screening, eligibility and inclusion) process in the PRISMA statement the initial screened total of 605 studies were reduced to 72 studies. The microscopic examination of dissected flies (dissection method) remains the most used method to detect trypanosomes and thus constituted the main focus of this analysis. Meta-regression was performed to identify factors responsible for high trypanosome prevalence in the vectors and a random effects meta-analysis was used to report the sensitivity of molecular and serological tests using the dissection method as gold standard. Results: The overall pooled prevalence was 10.3% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 8.1%, 12.4%) and 31.0% (95% CI = 20. 0%, 42.0%) for the field survey and laboratory experiment data respectively. The country and the year of publication were found to be significantly factors associated with the prevalence of trypanosome infection in tsetse flies. The alternative diagnostic tools applied to dissection positive samples were characterised by low sensitivity, and no information on the specificity was available at all. Conclusion: Both temporal and spatial variation in trypanosome infection prevalence of field collected tsetse flies exists, but further investigation on real risk factors is needed how this variation can be explained. Improving the sensitivity and determining the specificity of these alternative diagnostic tools should be a priority and will allow to estimate the prevalence of trypanosome infection in tsetse flies in high-throughput

    Seroprevalence and participatory epidemiology of camelpox in Afar region of Ethiopia

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    Camelpox is endemic in most camel rearing regions of the world, causing significant economic losses. However, its epidemiology is not extensively investigated. We conducted a cross sectional seroprevalence study of camelpox in Amibara and Awash Fentale districts in Afar region of Ethiopia from November 2014 to May 2015. In addition, participatory epidemiology (PE) was conducted to identify seasonal occurrence of the disease in the study districts. Blood samples were collected from 384 dromedary camels from 31 herds distributed in five pastoral associations (PAs) in the two districts. Serum samples were separated from the blood samples and tested for the presence of viral antibodies using virus neutralization test. Seroprevalence data were analyzed using multilevel mixed effects logistic regression models accounting for the 4-level hierarchical data structure (camels nested in herds-herds in PA, and PA in district). For the participatory data, Kendall’s coefficient of concordance was used to assess agreements between the informants in identifying seasonal occurrences of the top five camel diseases. Camelpox antibodies were detected in 19.3% of camels (n = 384), 81% of herds (n = 31), and in all five PAs from the two districts in the Gabi Rasu zone of Afar region, Ethiopia. The seroprevalence did not significantly vary between herds, PAs or districts suggesting the widespread occurrence of the disease. Estimated age stratified basic reproduction number (R0) was 1.25 (95% CI: 0.62–2.19). Camelpox was identified as one of the top five common camel diseases in the area. The widespread occurrence of the disease can be attributed mainly to the commingling of camels from many herds during seasonal migration in search of feed and water, a practice very common under pastoral production systems. Although the PE informants indicated the clinical disease to be more common in young animals, seropositivity was higher in older animals. Camelpox commonly occurs during the minor and major rainy seasons. In conclusion, camelpox is found to be endemic in Afar pastoral region with sporadic outbreaks occurring during rainy seasons. Vaccination and improved camel management practices particularly during the high-risk period can be viable strategies to reduce the burden of the disease


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa seberapa besar pengaruh kualitas pelayanan jasa terhadap tingkat kepuasan yang dirasakan oleh pelanggan yang menggunakan jasa EMKL PT. Selena Cahaya Gemilang. Model yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode observasi, wawancara, kuesioner, dan studi kepustakaan dengan menggunakan skala likert dan metode penentuan sampel yang digunakan adalah aksidental sampling sebanyak 100 sampel. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode regresi linear berganda (multi linear regression). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas pelayanan yang terdiri atas Realibility (X1), Responsiveness (X2), Assurance (X3), Emphaty (X4), dan Tangible (X5) secara bersama- sama memiliki pengaruh yang positif. Di mana persamaan regresi Y = 196.7 X1 + 213.2 X2 + 158.2 X3 + 183.8 X4 + 198 X5. Selain itu, dengan uji validasi dilihat bahwa kualitas pelayanan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dengan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,000 atau 0%.

    Prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in beef cattle at slaughter and beef carcasses at retail shops in Ethiopia

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    Background: There is paucity of information regarding the epidemiology of Escherichia coli O157: H7 in developing countries. In this study, we investigated the occurrence of E. coli O157: H7 associated with beef cattle at processing plants and at retail shops in Ethiopia. Methods: Various samples were collected from beef cattle at slaughter/processing plants, carcass at retail shops and humans at health centers. E. coli O157: H7 was isolated, identified and characterized for antimicrobial resistance, using standard microbiological methods. Results: At the processing plants E. coli O157: H7 was detected in 1.89% of fecal, 0.81% of intestinal mucosal swab, 0.54% of skin swab and 0.54% of carcass internal swab samples. At retail shops it was detected in 0.8% of carcass and 0.8% of cutting board swab samples, while all samples from utensils, hands from workers, and fecal and stool samples were negative. All isolates were resistant to Amoxicillin, moderately resistant to Cefoxitine and Nitrofurantoins but susceptible to other antimicrobials tested. Conclusions: E. coli O157: H7 occurs at low prevalence in beef cattle, and the current sanitary dressing procedures in the processing plants and storage conditions in the retail shops are effective against E. coli O157: H7

    Assessment of hygienic practices in beef cattle slaughterhouses and retail shops in Bishoftu, Ethiopia : implications for public health

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    Understanding the potential drivers of microbial meat contamination along the entire meat supply chain is needed to identify targets for interventions to reduce the number of meatborne bacterial outbreaks. We assessed the hygienic practices in cattle slaughterhouses (28 employees) and retail shops (127 employees) through face-to-face interviews and direct personal observations. At the slaughterhouses, stunning, de-hiding and evisceration in vertical position, carcass washing and separate storage of offal were the identified good practices. Lack of hot water baths, absence of a chilling room, infrequent hand washing, insufficiently trained staff and irregular medical check-up were practices that lead to unhygienic handling of carcasses. At the retail shops, cleaning equipment using soap and hot water (81%), storing unsold meat in refrigerators (92%), concrete floors and white painted walls and ceilings were good practices. Adjacently displaying offal and meat (39%), lack of a cold chain, wrapping meat with plastic bags and newspapers, using a plastic or wooden cutting board (57%), infrequent washing of equipment and floors, and inadequately trained employees were practices that could result in unhygienic handling of beef. Our study identified unhygienic practices both at the slaughterhouses and retail shops that can predispose the public to meatborne infections, which could be improved through training and implementation of quality control systems

    Murui - Naie Jiyakɨno - El lugar de origen

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    This narrative tells the story of the place of origin of the Murui people. The Murui live in the Caquetá-Putumayo River Basin, which straddles the border of southern Colombia and northern Peru. Their language, Murui (also called bue), belongs to the Witotoan language family. A major theme of the narrative is one of the internal division within the Murui-Muina people (also known as ‘Witoto’) into the Murui and the Mɨnɨka. This story is shared by all the Murui-Muina clans of the Caquetá- Putumayo region. It refers to a common place of origin, the ‘Hole of Humanity’, out of which the groups emerged and became human beings. ---DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31513/linguistica.2018.v15n1a25563Esta narración cuenta la historia del lugar de origen del pueblo Murui. Los Murui viven en la región del interfl uvio Caquetá-Putumayo, entre el sur de Colombia y el norte de Perú. Su idioma, Murui (también denominado bue), pertenece a la familia lingüística Witoto. Uno de los temas principales de esta historia es la división de los Murui-Muina (o Uitoto) entre Murui y Mɨnɨka. Esta historia es compartida por todos los clanes Murui-Muina de la región del Caquetá-Putumayo, la cual hace referencia a un sitio mitológico, llamado ‘Hueco de la humanidad’, del cual emergieron y se volvieron personas humanas. ---DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31513/linguistica.2019.v15n1a2556