90 research outputs found

    Proposed methods for estimating loss of saleable milk in a cow-calf contact system with automatic milking

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    Cow-calf contact (CCC) systems, although beneficial in many respects, introduce additional challenges to collect reliable data on milk production, which is important to assess individual cow efficiency and dairy farm profitability. Apart from weighing calves before and after each feeding, the amount of saleable milk lost due to calf suckling is practically impossible to measure. Here, we assess 2 indirect methods for estimating loss of saleable milk when housing cows and calves together in a robotic milking unit. In our study, treatment (CCC) cows and calves were kept together full time until the calves were 127 ± 6.6 d old (mean ± SD). Control cows were separated from their calves within 12 h of birth and then kept in the same unit as the treatment cows but with no access to either their own or treatment calves. Milk yield recording of both groups was performed from calving until pasture release at 233 ± 20 d in milk. The first estimation method relied on observed postseparation milk yield data, which were fed into a modified Wilmink regression model to determine the best-fitting lactation curve for the preseparation period. The second method was based on the cows' daily energy intake postseparation, calculated by measuring the daily feed intake and analyzing the energy content of the ration. The calculated energy intake was used to determine the average ratio between energy intake and the observed milk yield the following day for each individual cow, assuming constant rates of mobilization and deposition of body fat. The obtained ratio was then used to calculate the expected daily milk yield based on daily energy intake data during the preseparation period. In this paper, we analyzed data from 17 CCC cows kept together with their calves and 16 control cows; both groups calved from September to October 2020 and were followed up until release to pasture in May 2021. Saleable milk yield was lower in CCC cows than in control cows, both before and after separation. The 2 methods were used on data for control cows and showed milk yield loss using the lactation curve method (average of −3.4 ± 2.8 kg/d) and almost no loss using energy intake data (average of −1.4 ± 2.7 kg/d). Milk yield loss for CCC cows was estimated at average 11.3 ± 4.8 and 7.3 ± 6.6 kg milk/d, respectively. The proposed lactation curve estimation method tends to overestimate milk yield loss, whereas the method based on energy intake is more accurate. However, collecting detailed energy intake data per individual cow requires additional effort and equipment, which is not always feasible on commercial farms. Further research is needed to improve milk loss estimation and to better understand trade-offs in CCC systems

    Effect of light intensity, spectrum, and uniformity on the ability of dairy cows to navigate through an obstacle course

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    The most suitable light intensity for cows during nighttime has not been thoroughly investigated. Recommendations on the night-time lighting regimen on dairy farms differ between countries and range from light throughout the night to darkness to allow the animals a rest from artificial light. Commercial actors recommend red light for night-time lighting in cattle barns to facilitate livestock supervision with minimum disturbance for the animals. However, little is known about how light intensity, spectrum, and uniformity affect the ability of cows to navigate their indoor environment. Thus, in a change-over study with 12 pregnant, nonlactating dairy cows, we observed how the cows walked through an obstacle course under different light treatments. Obstacles were positioned differently for every run, to present a novel challenge for each light environment. Fourteen different light treatments were tested, involving intensity ranging from <0.01 (darkness) to 4.49 mu mol m(-2) s(-1), high or low uniformity, and white or red color. Light was characterized in terms of illuminance, photon flux density, spectral composition, and uniformity. Additionally, assessment of the environmental light field was used to describe each lighting condition from a bovine and human perspective. Data were analyzed in a generalized mixed model to assess whether lighting conditions affected cow walking speed or stride rate. Pair-wise post hoc comparisons showed that the cows walked at a slower speed in nonuniform red light compared with uniform white light or uniform red light. Interestingly, darkness did not alter walking speed or stride rate. The odds of different behaviors occurring were not affected by lighting conditions. In conclusion, darkness did not affect the ability of cows to navigate through the obstacle course, but medium-intensity, nonuniform red light affected their speed. Hence, cows do not necessarily need night-time lighting to navigate, even in a test arena with obstacles blocking their way, but nonuniform light distribution may have an effect on their movements

    Review: Linking animal health measures in dairy cows to farm-level economic outcomes: a systematic literature mapping

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    Farm animal health is an area of increasing interest to both the public and industry stakeholders. There is an ongoing debate on whether improving animal health, and thereby increasing welfare, is profitable or not. Improving animal health often requires investments in the farm or increases labour costs. As a result, the impact of animal health on farm economy is particularly interesting. This study systematically maps and assesses the available evidence in the published scientific literature regarding the link between farms' economic outcomes on dairy cow health, with the aim of identifying knowledge gaps in this field of research. In total, 59 peer-reviewed articles were included using a broad range of animal health variables and economic outcomes. We found a heterogeneous body of evidence in terms of both methods, animal health measures (AHMs) and economic outcome measures used. None of the included studies makes explicit causal claims between AHMs and economic outcomes. The results suggest that common production diseases such as clinical mastitis and lameness, which are painful and affect cow health and welfare, are costly for farmers. We found a knowledge gap and lack of evidence on the impact of animal health interventions on farms' economic outcomes, as well as the long-term effects of such interventions. Future research should aim to investigate the causal links between animal health and economic outcomes.(c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Animal Consortium. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    First-night effect on sleep time in dairy cows

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    In human sleep studies, the probability of discomfort from the electrodes and the change in environment usually results in first-night recordings being discarded. Sleep recordings from the first night in human subjects often differ in amount of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep and the overall sleep architecture. This study investigated whether recordings of sleep states in dairy cows also show a first-night effect. Non-invasive electrophysiological recordings were carried out on nine cows of the Swedish Red breed during three consecutive 24-hour periods (recording days 1–3). Overall, cows spent 12.9 ± 1.4 hours awake, 8.2 ± 1 hours ruminating, 57.2 ± 20.3 min drowsing, 44.1 ± 20.2 min in REM sleep and 64.3 ± 38.1 min in NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep (mean ± SD) and there were no significant differences between recording days in total duration for any of the sleep and awake states. However, the bouts of REM sleep and rumination were longer, and the awake bouts were shorter, at night time compared to daytime, regardless of recording day. The awake bouts also showed an interaction effect with longer bouts at daytime during day 1 compared to daytime on day 3. Data on sleep and awake states recorded in adult dairy cows during three consecutive 24-h periods showed great variation in sleep time between cows, but total time for each state was not significantly affected by recording day. Further and more detailed studies of how sleep architecture is affected by recording day is necessary to fully comprehend the first-night effect in dairy cows.Peer reviewe

    Sleep in dairy cows recorded with a non-invasive EEG technique

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    Sufficient sleep time is important for both an adequate metabolic system and the immune function. Sleep in animals is often estimated by behavioural observations, or recorded on restrained animals with invasive electroencephalogram (EEG) techniques, which might affect sleep patterns. Earlier studies on sleep in cows showed that they sleep about 4 h per day and drowse almost twice the time. The aim of this study was to record and differentiate between vigilance states in dairy cows using a non-invasive EEG method. Brain activity (electroencephalography, EEG), eye movements (electrooculography, EOG) and muscle activity (electromyography, EMG) were recorded for 6 h per animal using surface-attached electrodes to measure different vigilance states. Behaviour registrations from direct observations were combined with the EEG data in order to confirm the identification of different vigilance states from the EEG, EOG and EMG recordings. 8 dry dairy cows, lactation number 1–8 and age 3–11 years, of the Swedish Red breed from the research herd at Kungsängen Research Centre, Uppsala, Sweden, were used in the study. The EEG recordings showed that non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep displayed low frequency waves, sometimes with slow wave activity. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and alert wakefulness shared similar features of desynchronised waves with varying frequency and could be differentiated by reduced neck muscle activity during REM sleep. The main conclusion from this study is that it is possible to distinguish different vigilance states in dairy cows using surface-attached EEG electrodes.Peer reviewe

    Effects of achromatic and chromatic lights on pupillary response, endocrinology, activity, and milk production in dairy cows

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    Artificial light can be used as a management tool to increase milk yield in dairy production. However, little is known about how cows respond to the spectral composition of light. The aim of this study was to investigate how dairy cows respond to artificial achromatic and chromatic lights. A tie-stall barn equipped with light-emitting diode (LED) light fixtures was used to create the controlled experimental light environments. Two experiments were conducted, both using dairy cows of Swedish Red and light mixtures with red, blue or white light. In experiment I, the response to light of increasing intensity on pupil size was evaluated in five pregnant non-lactating cows. In experiment II 16h of achromatic and chromatic daylight in combination with dim, achromatic night light, was tested on pregnant lactating cows during five weeks to observe long term effects on milk production, activity and circadian rhythms. Particular focus was given to possible carry over effects of blue light during the day on activity at night since this has been demonstrated in humans. Increasing intensity of white and blue light affected pupil size (P<0.001), but there was no effect on pupil size with increased intensity of red light. Milk yield was maintained throughout experiment II, and plasma melatonin was higher during dim night light than in daylight for all treatments (P<0.001). In conclusion, our results show that LED fixtures emitting red light driving the ipRGCs indirectly via ML-cones, blue light stimulating both S-cones and ipRGCs directly and a mixture of wavelengths (white light) exert similar effects on milk yield and activity in tied-up dairy cows. This suggests that the spectral composition of LED lighting in a barn is secondary to duration and intensity

    Dairy cow longevity: Impact of animal health and farmers? investment decisions

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    A dairy farmer's decision to cull or keep dairy cows is likely a complex decision based on animal health and farm management practices. The present paper investigated the relationship between cow longevity and animal health, and between longevity and farm investments, while controlling for farm-sp ecific charac-teristics and animal management practices, by using Swedish dairy farm and production data for the period 2009 to 2018. We used the ordinary least square and unconditional quantile regression model to perform mean-based and heterogeneous-based analysis, re-spectively. Findings from the study indicate that, on average, animal health has a negative but insignificant effect on dairy herd longevity. This implies that cull-ing is predominantly done for other reasons than poor health status. Investment in farm infrastructure has a positive and significant effect on dairy herd longevity. The investment in farm infrastructure creates room for new or superior recruitment heifers without the need to cull existing dairy cows. Production variables that prolong dairy cow longevity include higher milk yield and an extended calving interval. Findings from this study imply that the relatively short longevity of dairy cows in Sweden compared with some dairy producing countries is not a result of problems with health and welfare. Rather, dairy cow longevity in Sweden hinges on the farmers' investment decisions, farm-specific characteristics and animal management practices

    Rapid eye movement sleep time in dairy cows changes during the lactation cycle

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    ABSTRACT The importance of rest and sleep is well established; we know, for example, that lack of sleep impairs immune function in rats and increases pain sensitivity in humans. However, little is known about sleep in dairy cows, but a lack of rest and sleep is discussed as a possible welfare problem in cattle. A first step toward a better understanding of sleep in dairy cows is to quantify the time cows spend awake and asleep in different stages of lactation. Using electrophysiological recordings on 7 occasions in wk −2, 2, 7, 13, 22, 37, and 45 in relation to calving, we investigated changes in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep time as well as non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, drowsing, awake, and rumination in 19 dairy cows of the Swedish Red breed kept in single pens with ad libitum access to feed and water. The recordings on wk −2 and 45 were conducted during the dry period, and all others during lactation. The PROC MIXED procedure in SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) was used to test for significant differences in REM, NREM, drowsing, awake, and rumination between the different stages of lactation cycle. Pairwise comparisons between all recording occasions showed that total REM sleep duration was shorter for cows in wk 2 relative to calving compared with wk −2, and the number of REM sleep bouts were fewer in wk 2 compared with wk −2. The REM sleep was recorded during both the day (0500–2100 h) and night (2100–0500 h), but predominantly performed at night compared with daytime, and the bout duration was longer during nighttime compared with daytime. A tendency was observed for time spent in NREM sleep to be shorter in wk 2 relative to calving compared with wk −2. The duration spent drowsing was shorter for cows in wk 2 and 13 relative to calving compared with wk −2. We found no effect of stage of lactation cycle on the duration of awake or ruminating. Our study is the first to assess sleep distribution during a lactation cycle, and our results show that stage of lactation is important to consider when moving forward with sleep investigations in dairy cows. The shortest REM sleep duration was found for cows 2 wk after calving and longest 2 wk before calving, and the difference was due a higher number of REM sleep bouts in the recording 2 wk before calving. The REM sleep and rumination predominantly occurred at night but were recorded during both day and night.Peer reviewe

    Dairy cow longevity and farm economic performance: Evidence from Swedish dairy farms

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    The longevity of dairy cows is mainly determined by farmers' subjective culling decisions and can be linked to the environmental impact of dairy production and to the social acceptance of the industry. Still, the economic impacts of dairy cow longevity are not well understood. The aim of this study was to examine how herd average dairy cow longevity is related to the farm economic outcome. We used 3 indicators of economic outcome: technical efficiency, profitability, and average milk yield per cow. We used 2 indicators of dairy cow longevity: average herd length of life and average herd length of productive life. The study was based on a unique and detailed dataset from Swedish dairy agriculture, where herd-management data from the national dairy herd recording scheme were combined with farm-level economic variables from the Swedish Farm Accountancy Survey, for a total of 1,959 observations from 2010 to 2018. The regression results highlight that both measures of average herd dairy cow longevity have an overall positive and significant association with farm-level economic performance. These associations had an inverted U-shape, which implies that the association is first positive and then declines. Descriptive statistics indicate that the point where the maximum economic performance is attained varied across the economic indicators. Our results are relevant for individual dairy farmers and their advisors, who are interested in understanding how herd average longevity relates to economic performance on the farms. Our results are also important from a greater sustainability perspective, because linking them to previous knowledge about the environmental and social sustainability benefits of keeping cows longer highlights longevity-associated trade-offs between those benefits and the farm economic outcomes

    Milk Yield and Milk Fat Production in Feed-Deprived Dairy Cows

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