1,583 research outputs found

    Prison? A question instead of a statement

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    The study concerns the prison space and tries to investigate the main issues related to the detention space and concerning the social, philosophical, territorial, spatial and sensorial aspects of prison

    The Plain Feel Doctrine of \u3ci\u3eMinnesota v. Dickerson\u3c/i\u3e: Creatingan Illusion

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    Three-dimensional echocardiography: the virtual reality in cardiology: luxury or useful technique?

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    The Effects of International Diversification on Portfolio Risk

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    With the growing global economy, understanding international stock market correlations has become a vital instrument for investors wishing to diversify their portfolios on a global basis. For investors to have effective international portfolio diversification it is important to determine the countries whose stock prices move together, those whose stock prices move in opposite directions and those whose stock prices are unrelated all together. In order to analyze the impact of stock market correlations, this paper will focus on stock market indices in the U.S., Shanghai and the European Union. According to theory, maintaining portfolios primarily in highly positively correlated markets allows for unnecessary portfolio risk due to the presence of diversifiable risk in the portfolio. Through linear regression, results have shown that markets for the most part move together, especially in times of high volatility. However, diversification of international stock indices can reduce risk

    Un manoscritto equivocato del copista santo Theophilos († 1548)

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    ΕΝΑ ΛΑΝΘΑΝΟΝ ΧΕΙΡΟΓΡΑΦΟ ΤΟΥ ΓΡΑΦΕΑ ΘΕΟΦΙΛΟΥ († 1548)Ἡ μελέτη ἐπικεντρώνεται στὴν ἐπανόρθωση τῆς - ἕως τώρα ἐσφαλμένης - ἀπόδοσης τῆς ἀντιγραφῆς τοῦ ἁγιορειτικοῦ κώδ. Κωνσταμονίτου 48 (Εὐχολόγιο τοῦ ἔτους 1545/6). Μὲ βάση τὸ κωδικογραφικό του σημείωμα, ποὺ εἶχε διαφύγει τῆς προσοχῆς τῶν ἐρευνητῶν, τὸ χειρόγραφο αὐτὸ πρέπει νὰ ἀποδοθεῖ ὄχι στὸν Κύριλλο τὸν Ναυπάκτιο, ἀλλὰ στὸν διάσημο γραφέα καὶ ὅσιο Θεοδόσιο-Θεόφιλο, ποὺ ἐργάσθηκε κυρίως στὴ Μ. Ἰβήρων μεταξὺ τοῦ 1513 καὶ 1548. Ἀπὸ τὸ πλούσιο κείμενο τοῦ Βίου του διατρέχουμε τὶς κυριότερες φάσεις τῆς ζωῆς του, λαμβάνοντας ὑπόψιν τὶς συμβολὲς τοῦ Λίνου Πολίτη καὶ τοῦ Κρίτωνα Χρυσοχοΐδη, σὲ μία προσπάθεια νὰ κατανοήσουμε ὀρθὰ τὸν κώδικα, τοῦ ὁποίου δίνεται μία ἀκριβὴς περιγραφή, καὶ ἀπὸ τὸν ὁποῖο δημοσιεύεται, μεταξὺ ἄλλων, καὶ ἕνα ἐνδιαφέρον αὐτοβιογραφικὸ σημείωμα τοῦ ὁσίου. Ὁ κώδικας θέτει διάφορα προβλήματα, ποὺ συζητοῦνται, ἐνῶ καθίσταται φανερὴ ἡ ἀνάγκη μιᾶς παλαιογραφικῆς ἐξέτασης τῆς γραφῆς τοῦ Θεόφιλου ὑπὸ τὸ φῶς νέων στοιχείων.ΕΝΑ ΛΑΝΘΑΝΟΝ ΧΕΙΡΟΓΡΑΦΟ ΤΟΥ ΓΡΑΦΕΑ ΘΕΟΦΙΛΟΥ († 1548)Ἡ μελέτη ἐπικεντρώνεται στὴν ἐπανόρθωση τῆς - ἕως τώρα ἐσφαλμένης - ἀπόδοσης τῆς ἀντιγραφῆς τοῦ ἁγιορειτικοῦ κώδ. Κωνσταμονίτου 48 (Εὐχολόγιο τοῦ ἔτους 1545/6). Μὲ βάση τὸ κωδικογραφικό του σημείωμα, ποὺ εἶχε διαφύγει τῆς προσοχῆς τῶν ἐρευνητῶν, τὸ χειρόγραφο αὐτὸ πρέπει νὰ ἀποδοθεῖ ὄχι στὸν Κύριλλο τὸν Ναυπάκτιο, ἀλλὰ στὸν διάσημο γραφέα καὶ ὅσιο Θεοδόσιο-Θεόφιλο, ποὺ ἐργάσθηκε κυρίως στὴ Μ. Ἰβήρων μεταξὺ τοῦ 1513 καὶ 1548. Ἀπὸ τὸ πλούσιο κείμενο τοῦ Βίου του διατρέχουμε τὶς κυριότερες φάσεις τῆς ζωῆς του, λαμβάνοντας ὑπόψιν τὶς συμβολὲς τοῦ Λίνου Πολίτη καὶ τοῦ Κρίτωνα Χρυσοχοΐδη, σὲ μία προσπάθεια νὰ κατανοήσουμε ὀρθὰ τὸν κώδικα, τοῦ ὁποίου δίνεται μία ἀκριβὴς περιγραφή, καὶ ἀπὸ τὸν ὁποῖο δημοσιεύεται, μεταξὺ ἄλλων, καὶ ἕνα ἐνδιαφέρον αὐτοβιογραφικὸ σημείωμα τοῦ ὁσίου. Ὁ κώδικας θέτει διάφορα προβλήματα, ποὺ συζητοῦνται, ἐνῶ καθίσταται φανερὴ ἡ ἀνάγκη μιᾶς παλαιογραφικῆς ἐξέτασης τῆς γραφῆς τοῦ Θεόφιλου ὑπὸ τὸ φῶς νέων στοιχείων

    The Millennial generation: Howe and Strauss disputed

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    Researchers have attempted to untangle the complexity of a generation through four primary effects---time interval, cohort, period, and attitude---based on personal and societal attributes. The Millennial generation, born 1982-2000, has received considerable attention through the media, in educational institutions, and in the workplace. The seven persona characterization of the Millennials of Howe and Strauss (1991, 2000) has been extensively cited, yet not been widely scrutinized. Higher education personnel, in particular, have utilized Howe and Strauss\u27 theory to explain changes observed with the current college student population.;This case study sought to discover the relationship and interrelationship between the four-generation effects and to develop a more sophisticated understanding of the Millennial generation. This study explored the perceptions of twenty-eight, traditionally aged college students from two mid-Atlantic universities. The findings reveal that generations are more complex than the four-generation effects, and the Millennial portrait has been understated. The personal attributes, specifically related to the family, serve as the foundation for the values, attitudes, and beliefs the participants develop about the societal attributes. Generations have been examined only from the perspective of heterogeneity between and homogeneity within generations. This viewpoint is limited, and the converse is important to consider. Generations appear to develop as a kaleidoscope rather than in distinct groupings

    Indagine sugli effetti provocati da un eccesso di radiazione UV-B su foglie di Populus Alba L. mediante miscrospettrofluorimetria e microimaging di fluorescenza

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    .Foglie di Populus Alba L. (pioppo bianco) sottoposte a trattamento UV-B (280 nm < ? < 315 nm) sono state analizzate mediante tecniche di microscopia a trasmissione, di microspettrofluorimetria e di microimaging di fluorescenza e confrontate con analoghe foglie di controllo prelevate da piante mantenute a livelli standard di irraggiamento. I campioni fogliari impiegati per l\u27esperimento sono stati prelevati a partire dal quindicesimo giorno di accrescimento da piante fatte sviluppare in vivaio. Il trattamento UV (12 h al giorno) realizzato in camera di crescita si ? protratto per un massimo di 7 giorni a partire dal quindicesimo giorno di accrescimento. La radiazione UV-B applicata aveva una densit? di energia pari a 0.15 Wm-2 stimata con uno spettroradiometro a scansione SUV 100 (Biospherical Instruments, San Diego, CA). La strumentazione impiegata per le misure consisteva in un microscopio invertito a epifluorescenza (Diaphoto, Nikon, Japan) equipaggiato con una lampada a mercurio e filtri interferenziali di 10 nm (Andover Corporation, Salem, NH), dotato di ruota portafiltri e CCD per l\u27acquisizione delle immagini di fluorescenza. L\u27analisi dei dati ottenuti durante il periodo di trattamento si articola in tre punti principali: 1)studio delle modificazioni cellulari 2)analisi delle caratteristiche di fluorescenza 3)analisi dei valori di intensit? di fluorescenza a tempi crescenti di trattamento

    Covid-19 Vaccines in Italian public opinion: identifying key issues using Twitter and Natural Language Processing

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has changed society and people’s lives. The vaccination campaign started December 27-th 2020 in Italy, together with most countries in the European Union. Social media platforms can offer relevant information about how citizens have experienced and perceived the availability of vaccines and the start of the vaccination campaign. This study aims to use machine learning methods to extract sentiments and topics relating to COVID-19 vaccination from Twitter. Between February and May 2021, we collected over 71,000 tweets containing vaccines-related keywords from Italian Twitter users. To get the dominant sentiment throughout the Italian population, spatial and temporal sentiment analysis was performed using VADER, highlighting sentiment fluctuations strongly influenced by news of vaccines' side effects. Additionally, we investigated the opinions of Italians with respect to different vaccine brands. As a result, ‘Oxford-AstraZeneca’ vaccine was the least appreciated among people. The application of the Dynamic Latent Dirichlet Allocation (DLDA) model revealed three fundamental topics, which remained stable over time: vaccination plan info, usefulness of vaccinating and concerns about vaccines (risks, side effects and safety). To the best of our current knowledge, this one the first study on Twitter to identify opinions about COVID-19 vaccination in Italy and their progression over the first months of the vaccination campaign. Our results can help policymakers and research communities track public attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccines and help them make decisions to promote the vaccination campaign

    Twitter users perceptions of AI-based e-learning technologies

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    Today, teaching and learning paths increasingly intersect with technologies powered by emerging artificial intelligence (AI).This work analyses public opinions and sentiments about AI applications that affect e-learning, such as ChatGPT, virtual and augmented reality, microlearning, mobile learning, adaptive learning, and gamification. The way people perceive technologies fuelled by artificial intelligence can be tracked in real time in microblog messages promptly shared by Twitter users, who currently constitute a large and ever-increasing number of individuals. The observation period was from November 30, 2022, the date on which ChatGPT was launched, to March 31, 2023. A two-step sentiment analysis was performed on the collected English-language tweets to determine the overall sentiments and emotions. A latent Dirichlet allocation model was built to identify commonly discussed topics in tweets. The results show that the majority of opinions are positive. Among the eight emotions of the Syuzhet package, ‘trust’ and ‘joy’ are the most common positive emotions observed in the tweets, while ‘fear’ is the most common negative emotion. Among the most discussed topics with a negative outlook, two particular aspects of fear are identified: an ‘apocalyptic-fear’ that artificial intelligence could lead the end of humankind, and a fear for the ‘future of artistic and intellectual jobs’ as AI could not only destroy human art and creativity but also make the individual contributions of students and researchers not assessable. On the other hand, among the topics with a positive outlook, trust and hope in AI tools for improving efficiency in jobs and the educational world are identified. Overall, the results suggest that AI will play a significant role in the future of the world and education, but it is important to consider the potential ethical and social implications of this technology. By leveraging the positive aspects of AI while addressing these concerns, the education system can unlock the full potential of this emerging technology and provide a better learning experience for students