129 research outputs found

    Regenerasi Pemerolehan Seni Lais di Padepokan Lais Pancawarna Kampung Sayang Desa Cibunar Kecamatan Cibatu Kabupaten Garut

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    The purpose of this paper is to know the existence and acquisition Seni Lais from the older generation to the younger generation. In this study analyzed model of inheritance Seni Lais as a form of preservation. From the result of this research is expected to realize the mapping of inheritance model Seni Lais from the older generation to the younger generation and so it can be known synergic and continuous preservation efforts. Therefore, the mastery and understanding of Seni Lais must be imprinted in the soul and body of the older generation and the younger generation for socialization art in particular of Seni Lais can be done optimally and thoroughly within the scope of local, national, regional, and International. In addition, the regeneration is also a reflection of the identity of the Sundanese community which is one among the cultural treasures of Indonesian society. The method used in this paper is an ethnographic method that refers to qualitative research. Source of data used in this research is primary data and secondary data. The primary data source is data in the field through participant observation. Furthermore, for secondary data used literature sources. Keywords: Model of Inheritance, Regeneration, Seni Lai

    Evaluation of knowledge and attitude of Kerman residents about the usage of bottled water for drinking and cooking purposes

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    Use of bottled water for drinking and cooking purposes is common in many communities, particularly in places where there is no water of good quality. This type of water supply is an appropriate alternative in prevention of much investment in full-scaled water treatment and dual water distribution system. In Iran, where water is considered as a serious challenge, use of bottled water can be constructive. In this investigation a questionnaire considered of 17 questions was designed and distributed among different classes of Kerman community (N=500) selected by random cluster method in order to evaluate their level of knowledge and attitude about the usage of bottled water. According to the results 45% of the respondents had poor knowledge, 38.8% average, and only 16.2% had a high level of knowledge about the usage of bottled water. Attitudes of the respondents to the use of bottled water were positive, but the market price of the available bottles as well as authorities’ motive for promoting the use of bottled water were questioned by the respondents. It is necessary to take proper measure in order to improve peoples’ level knowledge in this respect, and to encourage people for using bottled water by lowering the price. Keywords: Bottled water, Knowledge, Attitude, Drinking water, Kerma

    Pulse compression with minimum uncertainty: An efficient microwave medical imaging technique

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    A pulse compression technique that gives an optimum contrast and visibility of targets in radar-based medical imaging is presented. A smoothing window for microwave beamforming technique which more properly alleviates the effect of abrupt truncation in finite length signals with the aid of the uncertainty principle is utilized. It is found that using a closer output signal shape to the Gaussian pulse results in a lower uncertainty and ambiguity in the reconstructed images. Hence, when the back-scattered signal passes through a window whose uncertainty is the least, the visibility of the target in the imaged domain will be the highest with high signal-to-noise ratio and fine resolution in microwave medical imaging. The accumulation of the above properties together increases the chance of detecting any abnormality in the human body at early stages and thus resulting in a higher chance of survival. The idea is tested on a real-sized head model surrounded by an array of dipoles operating across the band 1.3-1.4 GHz. The results are compared with the most commonly used beamforming techniques to show the achieved improvements in practice


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    Makna konsep matematis khususnya penjumlahan dan pengurangan pecahan dikontruksi melalui proses yang melibatkan pengalaman belajar. Namun, hal tersebut belum sepenuhnya menjamin pemahaman yang baik pada siswa. Proses kontruksi tersebut dapat dilatarbelakangadanya kesenjangan konsepsi pada saat pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri kemungkinan adanya hambatan belajar atau learning obstacles pada materi pecahan khususnya pada operasi hitung penjumlahan dan pengurangan pecahan berdasarkan pemaknaan dan pembelajaran (pengalaman belajar) dalam memperoleh pemaknaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan jenis fenomenologi hermeneutik yang melibatkan siswa SD kelas V, guru matematika dan matematikawan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara triangulasi dengan menggunakan instrumen, yaitu tes tertulis yang diberikan kepada siswa dan wawancara kepada setiap partisipan. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif yang secara umum dengan mereduksi data, menyajikan data, dan menarik kesimpulan. Temuan dan pembahasan pada penelitian ini adalah adanya inkonsistensi pemaknaan konsep pecahan, pemaknaan penjumlahan dan pengurangan pecahan, dan pemaknaan penjumlahan dan pengurangan pecahan dalam konteks keseharian. Pengalaman belajar siswa yang terungkap menunjukkan bahwa siswa memperoleh pemaknaan cenderung berasal dari guru, buku dan sumber lain. Berdasarkan pemaknaan dan pengalaman belajar dalam memperoleh pemaknaan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara umum terdapat hambatan belajar yang bersifat ontogenik, epistemologi dan didaktis pada penjumlahan dan pengurangan pecahan. Temuan tersebut dapat menjadi pertimbangan untuk pengembangan desain didaktis pada materi pecahan khususnya operasi hitung penjumlahan dan pengurangan. The meaning of the concept mathematical specifically on the addition and subtraction of the fractions is constructed through a process which involves a learning experience. But, it was no guarantee if the construction has a good impact on the student’s understanding. The contruction process was based on zone of concept image differencies of learning. This research was designed as a qualitative study with the type of phenomenology hermeneutics, which involves the elementary students of Grade V, mathematics teacher, and mathematician. The data were collected through the process of triangulation through a writing test (Respondent Ability Test) and interview as the research instrument. Data analysis was performed descriptively in general by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The findings showed that there is an inconsistency in understanding the meaning of the concept of fractions, the concept of addition and subtraction of fractions, and the addition and subtraction in daily context. The learning experience showed that the meaning of the fraction concept mostly came from teachers, textbooks, and various sources. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that in general there is a learning obstacles on the concept of on the addition and subtraction of the fractions which includes ontogenic obstacles, obstacles epistemological and didactical obstacles. These findings can be a consideration for developing didactic design of the teaching materials on fractions, especially in terms of the addition and the subtraction of the fractions

    Korelasi Antara Kadar Total Flavonoid Dan Fenolik Dari Ekstrak Dan Fraksi Daun Jati Putih (Gmelina Arborea Roxb.) Terhadap Aktivitas Antioksidan: Correlation Between Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Contents of Jati Putih (Gmelina Arborea Roxb.) Leaves Extract and Fraction Toward Antioxidant Activity

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    This experiment aims to determine the correlation of total phenolic and flavonoid content of jati putih leaves fraction (Gmelina arborea Roxb.) towards Antioxidant activity .  Sample was extracted by maceration method using ethanol 70% to obtain the ethanol extract (EE), followed by liquid-liquid extraction method to obtain fraction of ethyl acetate (EA) and n-Hexane (EH). The phytochemical screening  and determination of total phenolic and flavonoid content were done by colorimetric method. Antioxidant activity were done by DPPH, FRAP and ABTS methods. Phytochemical screening showed positive results for flavonoids, phenolic and saponins.  The largest total phenolic content was found on EA (11,59 µg/ml ± 0,3 %b/b EAG) and the largest total flavonoid content was on EA (3,88 µg/ml ± 0,02 %b/b EK). The total phenolic and flavonoid content of Jati putih leaves has a correlation with antioxidant activity. The coefficient correlation of activity on reducingDPPH radical was 56,7% (total of phenolic content) and 57,8% (total of flavonoid content) and on iron reduction power in FRAP method  was 99,9% (total of phenolics and flavonoids content). The relationship with the activity in reducing radical ABTS obtained coefficient correlation of 57,0% and 58,1% for total phenolic and flavonoids contents, respectively

    An Introduction to EEG Source Analysis with an illustration of a study on Error-Related Potentials

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    International audienceOver the last twenty years blind source separation (BSS) has become a fundamental signal processing tool in the study of human electroencephalography (EEG), other biological data, as well as in many other signal processing domains such as speech, images, geophysics and wireless communication (Comon and Jutten, 2010). Without relying on head modeling BSS aims at estimating both the waveform and the scalp spatial pattern of the intracranial dipolar current responsible of the observed EEG, increasing the sensitivity and specificity of the signal received from the electrodes on the scalp. This chapter begins with a short review of brain volume conduction theory, demonstrating that BSS modeling is grounded on current physiological knowledge. We then illustrate a general BSS scheme requiring the estimation of second-order statistics (SOS) only. A simple and efficient implementation based on the approximate joint diagonalization of covariance matrices (AJDC) is described. The method operates in the same way in the time or frequency domain (or both at the same time) and is capable of modeling explicitly physiological and experimental source of variations with remarkable flexibility. Finally, we provide a specific example illustrating the analysis of a new experimental study on error-related potentials

    Targeted kinase inhibition relieves slowness and tremor in a Drosophila model of LRRK2 Parkinson’s disease

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    Disease models: A reflex reaction A simple reflex in flies can be used to test the effectiveness of therapies that slow neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Christopher Elliott and colleagues at the University of York in the United Kingdom investigated the contraction of the proboscis muscle which mediates a taste behavior response and is regulated by a single dopaminergic neuron. Flies bearing particular mutations in the PD-associated gene leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) in dopaminergic neurons lost their ability to feed on a sweet solution. This was due to the movement of the proboscis muscle becoming slower and stiffer, hallmark features of PD. The authors rescued the impaired reflex reaction by feeding the flies l-DOPA or LRRK2 inhibitors. These findings highlight the proboscis extension response as a useful tool to identify other PD-associated mutations and test potential therapeutic compounds

    Differential Geometry for Model Independent Analysis of Images and Other Non-Euclidean Data: Recent Developments

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    This article provides an exposition of recent methodologies for nonparametric analysis of digital observations on images and other non-Euclidean objects. Fr\'echet means of distributions on metric spaces, such as manifolds and stratified spaces, have played an important role in this endeavor. Apart from theoretical issues of uniqueness of the Fr\'echet minimizer and the asymptotic distribution of the sample Fr\'echet mean under uniqueness, applications to image analysis are highlighted. In addition, nonparametric Bayes theory is brought to bear on the problems of density estimation and classification on manifolds
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