1,982 research outputs found

    Paranismo, movimento artístico do sul do Brasil no início do século XX

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    Este artigo trata sobre a diferença entre os termos paranismo e Movimento Paranista, inseridos no contexto das discussĂ”es sobre o regionalismo no Estado do ParanĂĄ, sul do Brasil. O ensaio estĂĄ dividido em trĂȘs partes. A primeira delas analisa a importĂąncia da obra intelectual de RomĂĄrio Martins (1874-1948) para a produção cultural paranaense. A segunda apresenta um balanço do desenvolvimento das artes plĂĄsticas e da mĂșsica no ParanĂĄ, relacionando-as com as manifestaçÔes regionais. A Ășltima trata sobre a bibliografia existente sobre o paranismo e fornece uma nova interpretação da definição dos termos atravĂ©s de uma releitura da produção intelectual de RomĂĄrio Martins, considerando ainda a importĂąncia da prĂĄtica e da produção artĂ­stica nesse contexto.This article discusses the difference between the terms paranismo and Paranista Movement, placed in the context of discussions on regionalism in the State of ParanĂĄ, in Brazil. The essay is divided into three parts. The first one examines the importance of intellectual work of RomĂĄrio Martins (1874-1948) for cultural production of ParanĂĄ. The second presents a review of the development of fine arts and music in ParanĂĄ, relating them to the regional events. The latest deals on the existing literature about paranismo and provides a new interpretation of the definition of the terms through a rereading of the intellectual output of RomĂĄrio Martins, considering the importance of practice and artistic production in that context

    The Paranista Movement in Brazil and the Illustração Paranaense Magazine

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    The Illustra o Paranaense mensario paranista de arte e actualidades was a magazine that circulated in Paran Brazil between 1927 and 1930 during which the Paranista Movement lived its heyday Counting practices of different fields this cultural movement developed to mobilize awareness and actions of artists and intellectuals in favor of a local identity The intention is to take as object of study the role of that magazine in the construction of both a speech as images they intended to set a paranaense identity The aim of this article is to understand how the periodic exercised its role as a vehicle for the dissemination of ideas and works of representatives of Paranista Movement the specificity of the visual arts Is taken as hypothesis that political interest is not excelled on the artistic and cultural interest because both followed the same direction Drawing on statistical data the intention is investigate the relationship network formed by the editorial staff of the magazine and its contributor

    The policy mix in the US and EMU: evidence from a SVAR analysis

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    We use a SVAR approach to the effects of fiscal and monetary policies, as well as their interactions (policy mix) for the US and the Euro Area (EMU). Overall, our results show that these two cases are different from each other. First, while in the case of the US there is evidence of Keynesian monetary policy, the same is not true in the case of the EMU. Second, considering the effects of the global economic and financial crisis, there is evidence of non-Keynesian fiscal policy in the case of the EMU (expansionary fiscal consolidation), while it does not hold in the case of the US. Third, there is evidence supporting the traditional inverse relationship between monetary policy interest rates and inflation in the case of the US, whereas in the case of the EMU there is a price puzzle (frequent in SVAR studies). Fourth, the baseline model seems to be robust in the case of the US, when considering the effects of the economic and financial crisis 2007–2009, while the opposite holds in the case of the EMU. However, in both cases, the policies seem to act as complements. Another similarity appears when analysing the relationship between public spending and taxation, where there is evidence supporting a fiscal retrenchment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Monetary developments and expansionary fiscal consolidations: evidence from the EMU

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    We provide new insights into the existence of expansionary fiscal consolidations in the Economic and Monetary Union, using annual panel data from 14 European Union countries, over the period of 1970–2013. Different measures were calculated for assessing fiscal consolidations, based on the changes in the cyclically adjusted primary balance. A similar ad hoc approach was used to compute monetary episodes. Panel estimations for private consumption show that, in some cases, when fiscal consolidations are coupled with monetary expansions, the traditional Keynesian signals are reversed in the cases of general government final consumption expenditure, social transfers and taxes. Keynesian effects prevail when fiscal consolidations are not matched by monetary easing. Panel probit estimations suggest that longer consolidations contribute positively to its success, whilst the opposite is the case for revenue-based ones.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Market power and fiscal policy in OECD countries

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    We compute average markups as a measure of market power throughout time and study their interaction with fiscal policy and macroeconomic variables in a VAR framework. From impulse-response functions, the results, with annual data for a set of 14 OECD countries, show that the markup (i) depicts a pro-cyclical behaviour with productivity shocks and (ii) a counter-cyclical behaviour with fiscal spending shocks. We also use a PVAR, increasing the efficiency in the estimations, which confirms the country-specific results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ex-ante methods to assess the impact of social insurance policies on labor supply with an application to Brazil

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    This paper solves and estimates a stochastic model of optimal inter-temporal behavior to assess how changes in the design of the unemployment benefits and pension systems in Brazil could affect savings rates, the share of time that individuals spend outside of the formal sector, and retirement decisions. Dynamics depend on five main parameters: preferences regarding consumption and leisure, preferences regarding formal versus informal work, attitudes towards risks, the rate of time preference, and the distribution of an exogenous shock that affects movements in and out of the social insurance system (given individual decisions). The yearly household survey is used to create a pseudo panel by age-cohorts and estimate the joint distribution of model parameters based on a generalized version of the Gibbs sampler. The model does a good job in replicating the distribution of the members of a given cohort across states (in or out of the social insurance / active or retired). Because the parameters are related to individual preferences or exogenous shocks, the joint distribution is unlikely to change when the social insurance system changes. Thus, the model is used to explore how alternative policy interventions could affect behaviors and through this channel, benefit levels and fiscal costs. The results from various simulations provide three main insights: (i) the Brazilian social insurance system today might generate unnecessary distortions (lower savings rates and less formal employment) that increase the costs of the system and can induce regressive redistribution; (ii) there are important interactions between the unemployment benefits and pension systems, which calls for joint policy analysis when considering reforms; and (iii) current distortions could be reduced by creating an actuarial link between contributions and benefits and then combining matching contributions and anti-poverty targeted transfers to cover individuals with limited or no savings capacity.Pensions&Retirement Systems,Emerging Markets,Labor Policies,Labor Markets,Debt Markets

    Exchange Market Pressure in African Lusophone Countries

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    This paper explores the credibility of exchange rate arrangements for the five African Portuguese-speaking (PALOP) countries. Our working hypothesis is that credibility necessarily implies low mean exchange market pressure (EMP), low EMP conditional volatility and low-severity EMP crises. In addition, economic fundamentals must account for EMP dynamics. We also seek evidence of a risk-return relationship for mean EMP and of “bad news” (negative shocks) having a greater impact on EMP volatility than “good news” (positive shocks). Using our econometric models, we are able to rank PALOP countries’ conditional volatility in ordinal terms. Our main conclusion is that countries with currency pegs, such as Guinea-Bissau (GB) and Cape Verde (CV), clearly have lower volatility when compared to those with managed floats and are therefore more credible. Moreover, EMP crises episodes under pegs are much less severe. We find that economic fundamentals correctly account for mean EMP in all countries and that the risk-return relationship is much more favourable for investors under currency pegs, as the increase in volatility is lower for the same rate of return. The exception to this finding is Mozambique (MOZ), which apparently has a risk-return profile akin to that enjoyed by countries with pegs. A plausible reason is that MOZ has the only managed float in our sample implementing monetary and exchange rate policy within the confines of an IMF framework, which establishes floors for international reserves and ceilings for the central bank’s net domestic assets. This intuition needs to be tested, however. EMP conditional volatility is generally driven by changes in domestic credit (lowers it) and foreign reserve changes (raises it). The first effect is more pronounced under currency pegs, but also under MOZ’s managed float. “Bad news” increases volatility more that “good news” only in the case of CV’s currency peg, which we take to be another sign of its credibility. A few striking cross-country comparisons also emerge in our analysis. Among countries with managed floats, we find that Angola (ANG) has the most severe EMP crises whilst MOZ has the least severe. SĂŁo TomĂ© & PrincĂ­pe (STP), meanwhile, lies between these two extremes but its EMP crises behaviour is clearly much closer to that of MOZ. STP’s credibility may also be improving since its volatility has declined as of 2002 and its level is now much closer to that of MOZ, whose managed float has lowest volatility of such arrangements.

    EDMS Use in Local E-Government: Extent of Use and Overall Performance Mediated by Routinization and Infusion

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    This study analyzes the effects of several post-adoption behaviors (extent of use, routinization and infusion) on overall performance in using an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS). Furthermore, we test whether the routinization and infusion variables mediate the influence of the extent of use on overall performance. This research collects data from a survey answered by 2,175 employees (EDMS users) of Portuguese municipalities. The Partial Least Squares technique is applied to test the model. The results showed that routinization is directly predicted by the extent of use, whereas infusion is directly affected by the extent of use and also by routinization. Consequently, such post-adoptive behaviors are interrelated not only in a sequential process, but also in parallel. In addition, overall performance is directly influenced by routinization and infusion. Finally, an indirect effects analysis shows that routinization and infusion mediate the relationship between extent of use and overall performance

    The first detection of Leishmania major in naturally infected Sergentomyia minuta in Portugal

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    Phlebotomine sandflies of the genus Sergentomyia are widely distributed throughout the Old World. It has been suggested that Sergentomyia spp are involved in the transmission of Leishmania in India and Africa, whereas Phlebotomus spp are thought to be the sole vectors of Leishmania in the Old World. In this study, Leishmania major DNA was detected in one Sergentomyia minuta specimen that was collected in the southern region of Portugal. This study challenges the dogma that Leishmania is exclusively transmitted by species of the genus Phlebotomus in the Old World.EU/FEDER [PTDC/CVT/112371/2009]; EU [FP7-261504 EDENext]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
