603 research outputs found

    Le point sur l'ergométrie en 2012 dans le diagnostic de la maladie coronarienne.

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    Background In patients presenting with acute cardiac symptoms, abnormal ECG and raised troponin, myocarditis may be suspected after normal angiography. Aims To analyse cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) findings in patients with a provisional diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in whom acute myocarditis was subsequently considered more likely. Methods and results 79 patients referred for CMR following an admission with presumed ACS and raised serum troponin in whom no culprit lesion was detected were studied. 13% had unrecognised myocardial infarction and 6% takotsubo cardiomyopathy. The remainder (81%) were diagnosed with myocarditis. Mean age was 45615 years and 70% were male. Left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) was 58610%; myocardial oedema was detected in 58%. A myocarditic pattern of late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) was detected in 92%. Abnormalities were detected more frequently in scans performed within 2 weeks of symptom onset: oedema in 81% vs 11% (p<0.0005), and LGE in 100% vs 76% (p<0.005). In 20 patients with both an acute (<2 weeks) and convalescent scan (>3 weeks), oedema decreased from 84% to 39% (p<0.01) and LGE from 5.6 to 3.0 segments (p¼0.005). Three patients presented with sustained ventricular tachycardia, another died suddenly 4 days after admission and one resuscitated 7 weeks following presentation. All 5 patients had preserved EF. Conclusions Our study emphasises the importance of access to CMR for heart attack centres. If myocarditis is suspected, CMR scanning should be performed within 14 days. Myocarditis should not be regarded as benign, even when EF is preserved

    The grey partridge in the UK: population status, research, policy and prospects

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    La perdiz pardilla en el Reino Unido: estado de la población, investigación, gestión y perspectivas Durante los últimos cincuenta años, los efectivos de la perdiz pardilla (Perdix perdix) han descendido catastróficamente en el Reino Unido. Por el contrario, el Programa de Recuento de la Perdiz de la GWCT (Fundación para la Conservación de la Caza y la Fauna Salvaje) presenta un 81% de aumento desde el año 2000 en los lugares del Reino Unido en que interviene. En este estudio exploramos los antecedentes y las razones de estos resultados tan contradictorios. Las investigaciones de la GWCT han tenido como consecuencias recomendaciones científicamente demostradas para la mejora del medio ambiente de la perdiz en el Reino Unido, desde los requerimientos del hábitat hasta la densidad de depredadores. Dichas investigaciones han influido en la política gubernamental del Reino Unido, que ahora incluye uno de los proyectos de Europa más orientadas hacia la conservación y más flexible en cuanto a hábitat y agricultura, lo que permite a los gestores del territorio recuperar gran parte del hábitat costero de la perdiz pardilla. Actualmente, los proyectos sobre agricultura y medio ambiente no abarcan la selección de los depredadores más comunes, de manera que son principalmente los cotos de caza con guardabosques privados los que han aplicado todas las medidas de gestión. El futuro de la perdiz pardilla en el Reino Unido reside en el equilibrio entre la economía de la producción agrícola, las medidas agro–medioambientales, y la caza.La perdiz pardilla en el Reino Unido: estado de la población, investigación, gestión y perspectivas Durante los últimos cincuenta años, los efectivos de la perdiz pardilla (Perdix perdix) han descendido catastróficamente en el Reino Unido. Por el contrario, el Programa de Recuento de la Perdiz de la GWCT (Fundación para la Conservación de la Caza y la Fauna Salvaje) presenta un 81% de aumento desde el año 2000 en los lugares del Reino Unido en que interviene. En este estudio exploramos los antecedentes y las razones de estos resultados tan contradictorios. Las investigaciones de la GWCT han tenido como consecuencias recomendaciones científicamente demostradas para la mejora del medio ambiente de la perdiz en el Reino Unido, desde los requerimientos del hábitat hasta la densidad de depredadores. Dichas investigaciones han influido en la política gubernamental del Reino Unido, que ahora incluye uno de los proyectos de Europa más orientadas hacia la conservación y más flexible en cuanto a hábitat y agricultura, lo que permite a los gestores del territorio recuperar gran parte del hábitat costero de la perdiz pardilla. Actualmente, los proyectos sobre agricultura y medio ambiente no abarcan la selección de los depredadores más comunes, de manera que son principalmente los cotos de caza con guardabosques privados los que han aplicado todas las medidas de gestión. El futuro de la perdiz pardilla en el Reino Unido reside en el equilibrio entre la economía de la producción agrícola, las medidas agro–medioambientales, y la caza.Numbers of grey partridges (Perdix perdix) have declined catastrophically over the last 50 years in the UK. By contrast, the Partridge Count Scheme of the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) shows an 81% increase on participating UK sites since 2000. We explore the background and reasons for this conflicting picture. GWCT research has led to scientifically proven recommendations for improving the UK partridge environment, ranging from habitat requirements to predator density. The research has influenced UK government policy, which now includes one of the most conservation–oriented and flexible agri–environment schemes in Europe, allowing land managers to recover much of the cost of grey partridge habitat creation. Culling common predators is not covered by agri–environment schemes, so it is primarily shooting estates with private gamekeepers that have implemented the full package of management measures. The future fate of the grey partridge in the UK rests on the balance between the economics of agricultural production, agri–environment measures and shooting

    Restoration of a wild grey partridge shoot: a major development in the Sussex study, UK

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    Restauración de la caza de la perdiz pardilla: un importante progreso en el estudio de Sussex, Reino Unido Desde hace una generación se conoce la base científica de la gestión de la perdiz pardilla. Ésta incluye el control de los depredadores de nidos, la provisión de material para la nidificación, tener suficientes insectos para alimentar a las crías, y un control adecuado de la caza. Más recientemente también se ha considerado importante proveer alimento para las aves adultas y y hábitats para protegerlas de las aves rapaces. El abastecimiento del hábitat puede ser caro, pero en el Reino Unido los costos pueden recuperarse parcialmente mediante proyectos agro-medioambientales. El propietario de la tierra aún tiene que pagar por los servicios de los guardabosques. Desde 2003/2004, una parte del área de estudio de Sussex de la GWCT ha puesto en práctica estos principios de gestión ambiental, con la intención de restaurar la caza de la perdiz pardilla en esta zona del sur de Inglaterra. Los resultados han sido impresionantes, con un aumento de la densidad de parejas en primavera de 0,3/100 ha en 2003 hasta casi 20 parejas/100 ha en el 2010, en un área total de más de 10 km2. Durante los últimos dos años se ha practicado la caza de la perdiz pardilla y los propietarios de las tierras y sus equipos se han ganado el reconocimiento nacional por su labor conservacionista.Restauración de la caza de la perdiz pardilla: un importante progreso en el estudio de Sussex, Reino Unido Desde hace una generación se conoce la base científica de la gestión de la perdiz pardilla. Ésta incluye el control de los depredadores de nidos, la provisión de material para la nidificación, tener suficientes insectos para alimentar a las crías, y un control adecuado de la caza. Más recientemente también se ha considerado importante proveer alimento para las aves adultas y y hábitats para protegerlas de las aves rapaces. El abastecimiento del hábitat puede ser caro, pero en el Reino Unido los costos pueden recuperarse parcialmente mediante proyectos agro-medioambientales. El propietario de la tierra aún tiene que pagar por los servicios de los guardabosques. Desde 2003/2004, una parte del área de estudio de Sussex de la GWCT ha puesto en práctica estos principios de gestión ambiental, con la intención de restaurar la caza de la perdiz pardilla en esta zona del sur de Inglaterra. Los resultados han sido impresionantes, con un aumento de la densidad de parejas en primavera de 0,3/100 ha en 2003 hasta casi 20 parejas/100 ha en el 2010, en un área total de más de 10 km2. Durante los últimos dos años se ha practicado la caza de la perdiz pardilla y los propietarios de las tierras y sus equipos se han ganado el reconocimiento nacional por su labor conservacionista.The scientific basis of wild grey partridge management has been known for a generation. This includes controlling nest predators, providing nesting cover, having sufficient insect food for chicks and appropriate rates of shooting. More recently, measures such as providing food for adult birds and habitats for protection from birds of prey have also been considered important. Habitat provision can be expensive, but in the UK costs can be partially recovered through governmental agri–environment schemes. The landowner still needs to pay for the essential gamekeeper. Since 2003/04, one part of the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust’s (GWCT) Sussex Study area has put these principles of environmental management into practice with the aim of restoring a wild grey partridge shoot to this part of Southern England. Results have been impressive, with the spring pair density increasing from 0.3 pairs/100 ha in 2003 to nearly 20 pairs/100 ha in 2010 on an area of just over 10 km2. Over the past two years a wild grey partridge shoot has taken place, and the landowner and his team have gained national recognition for their conservation work

    Nonequilibrium Approach to Bloch-Peierls-Berry Dynamics

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    We examine the Bloch-Peierls-Berry dynamics under a classical nonequilibrium dynamical formulation. In this formulation all coordinates in phase space formed by the position and crystal momentum space are treated on equal footing. Explicitly demonstrations of the no (naive) Liouville theorem and of the validity of Darboux theorem are given. The explicit equilibrium distribution function is obtained. The similarities and differences to previous approaches are discussed. Our results confirm the richness of the Bloch-Peierls-Berry dynamics

    Complete and long-term rescue of lesioned adult motoneurons by lentiviral-mediated expression of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor in the facial nucleus.

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    To date, delivery of neurotrophic factors has only allowed to transiently protect axotomized facial motoneurons against cell death. In the present report, long-term protection of these neurons was evaluated by continuously expressing the neurotrophic factor glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) within the facial nucleus using a lentiviral vector system. The viral vector was injected unilaterally into the facial nucleus of 4-month-old Balb/C mice. In contrast to axotomy in other adult rodents, facial nerve lesion in these animals leads to a progressive and sustained loss and/or atrophy of >50% of the motoneurons. This model thus represents an attractive model to evaluate potential protective effects of neurotrophic factors for adult-onset motoneuron diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. One month after unilateral lentiviral vector injection, the facial nerve was sectioned, and the animals were killed 3 months later. Viral delivery of the GDNF gene led to long-term expression and extensive diffusion of GDNF within the brainstem. In addition, axotomized motoneurons were completely protected against cell death, because 95% of the motoneurons were present as demonstrated by both Nissl staining and choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity. Furthermore, GDNF prevented lesion-induced neuronal atrophy and maintained proximal motoneuron axons, despite the absence of target cell reinnervation. This is the first evidence that viral-mediated delivery of GDNF close to the motoneuron cell bodies of the facial nucleus of adult mice can lead to complete and long-term protection against lesion-induced cell death

    Lentiviral-mediated delivery of mutant huntingtin in the striatum of rats induces a selective neuropathology modulated by polyglutamine repeat size, huntingtin expression levels, and protein length.

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    A new strategy based on lentiviral-mediated delivery of mutant huntingtin (htt) was used to create a genetic model of Huntington's disease (HD) in rats and to assess the relative contribution of polyglutamine (CAG) repeat size, htt expression levels, and protein length on the onset and specificity of the pathology. Lentiviral vectors coding for the first 171, 853, and 1520 amino acids of wild-type (19 CAG) or mutant htt (44, 66, and 82 CAG) driven by either the phosphoglycerate kinase 1 (PGK) or the cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoters were injected in rat striatum. A progressive pathology characterized by sequential appearance of ubiquitinated htt aggregates, loss of dopamine- and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein of 32 kDa staining, and cell death was observed over 6 months with mutant htt. Earlier onset and more severe pathology occurred with shorter fragments, longer CAG repeats, and higher expression levels. Interestingly, the aggregates were predominantly located in the nucleus of PGK-htt171-injected rats, whereas they were present in both the nucleus and processes of CMV-htt171-injected animals expressing lower transgene levels. Finally, a selective sparing of interneurons was observed in animals injected with vectors expressing mutant htt. These data demonstrate that lentiviral-mediated expression of mutant htt provides a robust in vivo genetic model for selective neural degeneration that will facilitate future studies on the pathogenesis of cell death and experimental therapeutics for HD

    Endovascular treatment of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations in hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia.

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    PRINCIPLES: To assess the efficiency and complication rates of vaso-occlusion of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs) in Rendu-Osler-Weber disease (hereditary haemorrhagic telangectasia; HHT). METHODS: Seventy-two patients were investigated in our institution for HHT between March 2000 and November 2011. Sixteen presented PAVMs (22.2%), and 11 (68.8%) were treated with vaso-occlusion for a total of 18 procedures. Procedures included coils, plugs and combined approaches. Immediate success and recurrence rate, complication were recorded, as well as persistent and new PAVMs during clinical and computed tomography (CT) follow-up. RESULTS: Eighteen procedures were performed and a total of 37 PAVMs were treated, 19 with coils, 16 with plugs and 2 with combined treatment. Mean CT follow-up time was 41 months (1‒164). No major complication was observed. One distal translocation was treated during the same intervention. Two PAVMs persisted after treatment (5.7%), both treated by means of plug embolisation. One new PAVM was observed during follow-up CT. PAVMs with an afferent artery of less than 3mm or asymptomatic PAVMs were not treated. CONCLUSION: Recent studies have demonstrated that vaso-occlusion has become the gold standard treatment for PAVM. This study is in accordance with previous results and shows a minimal complication rate and little recurrence, whether by coils, plugs, or combined treatments

    Dielectric catastrophe at the magnetic field induced insulator to metal transition in Pr1-xCaxMnO3 (x=0.30, 0.37) crystals

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    The dielectric permittivity and resistivity have been measured simultaneously as a function of magnetic field in Pr1-xCaxMnO3 crystals with different doping. A huge increase of dielectric permittivity was detected near percolation threshold. The dielectric and conductive properties are found to be mutually correlated throughout insulator to metal transition evidencing the dielectric catastrophe phenomenon. Data are analyzed in a framework of Maxwell-Garnett theory and the Mott-Hubbard theory attributed to the role of strong Coulomb interactions.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Genetic Diversity of the Flavohemoprotein Gene of Giardia lamblia: Evidence for High Allelic Heterozygosity and Copy Number Variation

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    Purpose: The flavohemoprotein (gFlHb) in Giardia plays an important role in managing nitrosative and oxidative stress, and potentially also in virulence and nitroimidazole drug tolerance. The aim of this study was to analyze the genetic diversity of gFlHb in Giardia assemblages A and B clinical isolates. Methods: gFlHb genes from 20 cultured clinical Giardia isolates were subjected to PCR amplification and cloning, followed by Sanger sequencing. Sequences of all cloned PCR fragments from each isolate were analyzed for single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and compared to genomic Illumina sequence data. Identical clone sequences were sorted into alleles, and diversity was further analyzed. The number of gFlHb gene copies was assessed by mining PacBio de novo assembled genomes in eight isolates. Homology models for assessment of SNV’s potential impact on protein function were created using Phyre2. Results: A variable copy number of the gFlHb gene, between two and six copies, depending on isolate, was found. A total of 37 distinct sequences, representing different alleles of the gFlHb gene, were identified in AII isolates, and 41 were identified in B isolates. In some isolates, up to 12 different alleles were found. The total allelic diversity was high for both assemblages (> 0.9) and was coupled with a nucleotide diversity of < 0.01. The genetic variation (SNVs per CDS length) was 4.8% in sub-assemblage AII and 5.4% in assemblage B. The number of non-synonymous (ns) SNVs was high in gFIHb of both assemblages, 1.6% in A and 3.0% in B, respectively. Some of the identified nsSNV are predicted to alter protein structure and possibly function. Conclusion: In this study, we present evidence that gFlHb, a putative protective enzyme against oxidative and nitrosative stress in Giardia, is a variable copy number gene with high allelic diversity. The genetic variability of gFlHb may contribute metabolic adaptability against metronidazole toxicity.Peer Reviewe