17 research outputs found

    Daur Ulang Limbah Cair CPO Menjadi Sabun Cuci

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    Kelapa sawit adalah salah satu tanaman penghasil minyak nabati yang sangat penting. Semakin banyaknya proses pengolahan minyak kelapa sawit menyebabkan jumlah limbah yang dihasilkan akan semakin meningkat juga. Limbah cair dari hasil pengolahan minyak kelapa sawit terdapat kandungan organik cukup tinggi. Melalui penelitian ini dilakukan pemanfaatan limbah (waste re-use) dengan menjadikan limbah CPO sebagai bahan baku dalam pembuatan sabun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik sabun. Parameter analisis mutu sabun meliputi kadar air, alkali bebas, lemak tak tersabunkan, minyak dan bilangan penyabunan. Dilakukan juga pengukuran pH, konduktivitas dan tegangan permukaan menggunakan pHmeter, konduktometer dan metode plat. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, sabun memiliki karakteristik: kadar air 21,9779%(b/b), alkali bebas 0,7443%(b/v), lemak tak tersabunkan 3,8438%(b/v), kadar minyak 9,2856%(b/b) dan bilangan penyabunan 89,7549 (mg KOH/g minyak). Konsentrasi optimum sabun adalah 4,5 %(b/v), dengan selisih tegangan permukaan sebesar 0,01092 dyne/cm. PH optimum sabun sebesar 12,62 dan konduktivitas optimum sabun sebesar 18,28-1m-1

    Pyrolysis of Puspa Wood Sawdust and Sugarcane Bagasse into Biochar

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    Puspa wood sawdust and sugarcane bagasse are abundantly available but have low carbon content and nutrients. The carbon content and nutrients could be increased by converting biomass into biochar through pyrolysis. The independent variables of pyrolysis were essential to investigate because those inherently influence biochar quality. In this study, the effect of pyrolysis temperature (300, 350, 400, 450, and 500 ËšC) and time (30, 60, 90 mins) on the biochar characteristic such as pH, yield, and proximate compositions were determined. The total nitrogen, P2O5, and K2O content at optimum condition biochar were also investigated. The data analysis showed that the pyrolysis temperature and time increment positively correlated to the pH, ash content, and carbon content. At the same time, the yield and volatile matter were vice versa. Both biochar's optimum pyrolysis temperature and time were achieved at 500 and 90 minutes. The carbon content and nutrient of biochar were also increased compared to the biomass. The pyrolysis method has enhanced biomass quality, and the biochar may be used as a growing media and soil amendment. It can be concluded that the sugarcane bagasse biochar was more likely favorable than puspa wood sawdust biochar due to its higher fixed carbon and nutrient conten

    Uji Aktivitas (Pt,Pd)-Ce/Zeolit Alam sebagai Katalis Konventer dalam Gas Buang Motor Berbahan Bakar Bensin

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    Telah dilakukan uji aktivitas katalitik (Pt,Pd)-Ce/Zeolit alam dengan kandungan 1% Pt, 1% Pd dan 5% Ce untuk oksidasi hidrokarbon ringan (HK) dan karbon monoksida (CO).Katalis dibuat dengan cara mengimpregnasikan larutan garam klorida dari logam aktif platinum dan palladium, serta garam sulfat dari cerium ke dalam pengemban zeolit alam. Uji aktivitas katalitik oksidasi karbon monoksida dan hidrokarbon ringan dilakukan terhadap gas buang mobil datsun pada beban 20 kg dan dengan variasi perputaran mesin permenit (RPM). Analisis hasil secara kuantitatif dilakukan dengan CO dan HC analyzer IR non dispersif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin meningkatnya RPM, oksidasi CO semakin menurun, sedangkan HK semakin meningkat

    Study of Effect of Weight Ratio on Copolymerization of Chitosan and Acrylamide

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    The use of chitosan as adsorbent in wastewater treatment has received a lot of attention. This is because the price of chitosan is cheap and easy to obtain. The application of chitosan as an adsorbent has the disadvantage of being soluble in acidic medium (pH <6.5), insoluble in water and organic solvents. Other disadvantages of chitosan are low adsorption capacity, and lack of selectivity. In this research, chitosan copolymer synthesis with acrylamide has been carried out by varying chitosan and acrylamide, namely 1:1, 2: 3 and 3: 2 using a microwave oven. The copolymers were characterized using FTIR, XRD, SEM and TGA/DTA. The results of the synthesis of chitosan copolymer with acrylamide were obtained the largest percentage of grafting at a ratio of 2: 3.  From the results of FTIR analysis showed that the copolymer had been successfully synthesized. XRD analysis showed that the copolymers synthesized have amorphous properties compared to chitosan. The results of SEM analysis, the copolymers had a porous structure. Thermal analysis showed that the copolymers have better thermal stability than chitosan. The chitosan-acrylamide copolymer which was synthesized in a ratio of 2: 3 has better properties

    Formation of Hydroxyl-Amide Solid Dispersion Involving Azithromycin and Chitosan-Alginate Biopolymer to Increase the Dissolution Rate of Azithromycin

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    Research to increase the solubility of active pharmaceutical ingredients is usually conducted by reducing the particle size. This research is one side that used the solid dispersion systems to increase solubility, especially on macrolide antibiotics for which there is still little information. The co-grinding technique on azithromycin-chitosan-alginate was chosen to produce a solid dispersion system. The parameters observed were changes in crystal structure, FTIR spectral patterns, morphological changes, and dissolution profile changes. The results of this research showed a change in the pattern of X-diffraction of azithromycin, physical interaction between azithromycin and the polymer, changes in the image of surface of solid dispersions, the solubility of solid dispersions in simulated-intestinal-fluid (SIF) solutions, and an increase in the dissolution rate of azithromycin indicating that the co-grinding technique to produce solid dispersions can increase the solubility of azithromycin

    Pengaruh Perbandingan Berat Aktivator Zncl2: Batubara terhadap Porositas Karbon Aktif dari Batubara Subbituminus

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    Penelitiantentang pengaruh perbandingan berat aktivator ZnCl2 : batubara terhadap porositas karbon aktif batubara subbituminus asal Tanjung Enim dilakukan dengan metode aktivasi fisika dan aktivasi. Zat yang dilakukan sebagai aktivator dalam aktivasi kimia adalah ZnCl2. Perbandingan berat ZnCl2 : batubara dalam penelitian ini adalah 0 : 1; ),5 : 1; 1 : 1; 1,75 : 1 dan 2,5 : 1. Proses karbonisasi dilakukan pada temperatur tetap yaitu 500°C. Produk karbon aktif dianalisa porositasnya dengan menggunakan alat Gas Sorption Analizer NOVA-1000. Porositas karbon aktif yang dikukr tersebut meliputi luas permukaan, total volume pori dan rata-rata jari-jari pori dengan metode adsorpsi gas. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa luas permukaan maksimum pada perbandingan 1 : 1, sebesar 831,37 m2/g, kemudian total volume pori maksimum dicapai pada perbandingan 1,75 : 1, sebesar 460,74x10-3 cm3/g. Rata-rata jari-jari pori terendah pada karbon aktif dengan perbandingan 0,5 : 1, sebesar 9,56 Å

    Water Geochemical Analysis Within Penantian Geothermal Area In Pasema Air Keruh Kabupaten Empat Lawang

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    Geochem ical analyzes have been conducted on several samples of water geothermal manifestations are located in the Penan tian village, Pasema Air Keruh subdistrict, Empat Lawang district, South Sumatra. Water Geochemical analysis use geothermometer, ion balance and geoindicator methods to determine the temperature and the characteristics of the reservoir. From the data processing obtained that the composition of Penantian geothermal wa ter is the sulfate and carbonate types. This indicates that the hot water corning from the volcanic and heat sources are not too deep below the surface. While the estimated reservoir temperatures above 300°