138 research outputs found

    Automatically Comparing Memory Consistency Models

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    A memory consistency model (MCM) is the part of a programming language or computer architecture specification that defines which values can legally be read from shared memory locations. Because MCMs take into account various optimisations employed by archi- tectures and compilers, they are often complex and counterintu- itive, which makes them challenging to design and to understand. We identify four tasks involved in designing and understanding MCMs: generating conformance tests, distinguishing two MCMs, checking compiler optimisations, and checking compiler mappings. We show that all four tasks are instances of a general constraint-satisfaction problem to which the solution is either a program or a pair of programs. Although this problem is intractable for automatic solvers when phrased over programs directly, we show how to solve analogous constraints over program executions, and then construct programs that satisfy the original constraints. Our technique, which is implemented in the Alloy modelling framework, is illustrated on several software- and architecture-level MCMs, both axiomatically and operationally defined. We automatically recreate several known results, often in a simpler form, including: distinctions between variants of the C11 MCM; a failure of the ‘SC-DRF guarantee’ in an early C11 draft; that x86 is ‘multi-copy atomic’ and Power is not; bugs in common C11 compiler optimisations; and bugs in a compiler mapping from OpenCL to AMD-style GPUs. We also use our technique to develop and validate a new MCM for NVIDIA GPUs that supports a natural mapping from OpenCL

    Parallel Programming Must Be Deterministic By Default

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    We examine the problem of providing a parallel programming model that guarantees deterministic semantics. We propose a research agenda focusing on the following questions: 1. How to guarantee determinism in a modern object-oriented language; 2. How to provide sound guarantees when parts of the program either cannot be proved deterministic or have "harmless" nondeterminism; 3. How to specify explicit non-determinism when needed; and 4. How to make it easier to port programs to the language

    Understanding the Propagation of Hard Errors to Software and its Implications for Resilient System Design

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    With continued CMOS scaling, future shipped hardware will be increasingly vulnerable to in-the-field faults. To be broadly deployable, the hardware reliability solution must incur low overheads, precluding use of expensive redundancy. We explore a co-designed hardware-software solution that treats most hardware faults as software bugs and leverages common mechanisms for hardware and software reliability, thereby amortizing some of the overhead. Fundamental to such a solution is a characterization of how hardware faults in different microarchitectural structures of a modern processor propagate through the application and OS. This paper aims to provide such a characterization, identify low-cost detection methods to intercept fault propagation, and to provide guidelines for a complete co-designed reliability solution. We focus on hard faults because they are increasingly important and have different system implications than the much studied transients. We achieve our goals through fault injection experiments with a microarchitecture level full system timing simulator
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