1,462 research outputs found
Creating a knowledge quiz in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (Duchenne Dystrophy Muscular Knowledge Questionnaire) uDDMKQ
Introdução: Pacientes com distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD) apresentam durante a evolucao natural da doenca dificuldades fisicas e funcionais progressivas. Ha dependencia de um cuidador, que geralmente e um familiar proximo. Todas as decisoes referentes a complexa rotina de tratamento e enfrentamento da doenca devem ser assumidas por esses familiares, por isso processos educativos sao importantes para aumentar o conhecimento sobre a doenca em suas diversas fases. Avaliar o grau de conhecimento dos familiares perante a doenca DMD pode ser uma boa estrategia para identificar os individuos que necessitem especialmente de intervencoes educacionais, aumentando a aderencia, e efetividade do tratamento e ainda podem contribuir para avaliar a efetividade dos programas de orientacao especificos da equipe interdisciplinar. Objetivo: Elaborar um questionario de conhecimento sobre distrofia muscular de Duchenne para familiares. Metodo: Foram entrevistados neste estudo 14 profissionais envolvidos no atendimento de pacientes com DMD (G1), 13 maes de pacientes com DMD (G2) e 10 pacientes com DMD (G3). O G1 recebeu uma pergunta aberta sobre quais informacoes da doenca DMD e seus tratamentos os familiares e pacientes de DMD deveriam ter acerca da doenca. Os G2 e G3 foram estimulados a relatar todo o conhecimento que possuem sobre DMD e seus tratamentos. Todos os discursos foram transcritos e organizados de acordo com quatro categorias pre-estabelecidas para elaboracao do conteudo do questionario: Genetica, Fisiopatologia, Tratamento e Atividades de vida pratica (AVP´s). Utilizou-se a tecnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSCÆs) para a analise dos dados, extrairam-se as expressoes chaves, as ideias centrais de cada grupo, em cada categoria e montaram-se os DSCÆs, tornando possivel a elaboracao das questoes. Resultados: Foram encontradas diferencas nos DSC´s dos tres grupos, que podem ser relacionados as caracteristicas sociodemograficas e nas diferencas da logica tecnico cientifica dos profissionais da area da Saúde e a logica da percepcao do senso comum da populacao alvo (familiares de paciente com DMD e pacientes com DMD). Elaboraram-se dez questoes de multipla escolha (duas questoes sobre genetica, tres sobre fisiopatologia, quatro sobre tratamento e uma sobre AVP´s). Conclusoes: O questionario de conhecimento sobre distrofia muscular de Duchenne foi elaborado e podera ser uma ferramenta de odialogo mensuravelo do nivel de informacoes pre-adquiridas por familiares de pacientes com DMD, fornecendo dados que poderao ser interpretados pela equipe envolvida, favorecendo estrategias de enfrentamento da doenca e promovendo maior aderencia ao tratamento proposto nas diversas fases da doenca. Necessita ser validadoIntroduction: Patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) in the disease
natural evolution present functional and progressive physical difficulties.
Dependence on the caregiver is observed who usually is a close family member.
All decisions to face the complex routine of therapy must be handled by these
family members, so educational processes are important to increase disease
awareness on the disease in its various phases. To assess the family’s degree of
knowledge related to the DMD disease can be a good strategy to identify
individuals who specially need educational interventions, increasing patient
adherence, effectiveness of treatment and contributing to assess effectiveness of
specific orientation programs of an interdisciplinary team. Objective: to develop a
questionnaire to obtain the knowledge about Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Methodology: this study interviewed fourteen professionals involved in the care of
patients with DMD (G1), thirteen mothers of patients with DMD (G2) and ten
patients with DMD (G3). The G1 received an open question about what
information family members and patients must know about the DMD disease and
its treatment. The G2 and G3 were also encouraged to report all the knowledge
they have about DMD and its treatment. All the answers were transcribed and
organized according to four pre-established categories to elaborate the
questionnaire content: Genetics, Pathophysiology, Treatment and Practical Life
Activities. For data analysis, the technique of Collective Subject Discourse (DSCs)
was used and key expressions, central ideas of each group, in each category,
were obtained to elaborate the DSCs allowing performing the questions. Results:
differences in DSCs were found in the three groups that can be related to sociodemographic
characteristics and in the differences regarding scientific technical
logic of healthcare professionals and the common sense perception of the target
population (DMD patient’s family members and patients with DMD). Ten multiplechoice
questions (two questions on genetics, three on Pathophysiology, four on
treatment and one on practical life activities). Conclusions: the questionnaire on
the knowledge about Duchenne muscular dystrophy was elaborated and it was
built to be a tool of "measurable dialog" regarding prior information of the DMD
patient’s family members, providing data that can be interpreted by the team
involved, favoring strategies to deal with the disease and promoting greater
adherence to the treatment proposed in the various stages of the disease. The
questionnaire has to be validated.BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertaçõe
Summary of the IADR Cariology Research, Craniofacial Biology, and Mineralized Tissue Groups Symposium, Iguaçu Falls, Brazil, June 2012: Gene-environment Interactions and Epigenetics in Oral Diseases: Enamel Formation and its Clinical Impact on Tooth Defects, Caries, and Erosion.
Characteristics of enamel may influence or modulate individual susceptibility to caries and erosion. These characteristics are defined during development, which is under strict genetic control, but can easily be modified in many ways by environmental factors. In the symposium, translational aspects of embryology, biochemistry, and genetics of amelogenesis were presented. The symposium provided unique insight into how basic sciences integrate with clinically relevant problems. The need for improved understanding of risks at the individual level, taking into consideration both environmental exposures and genetic background, was presented. The symposium was divided into four stepwise and interconnected topics as follows: 1) The Many Faces of Enamel Development; 2) Enamel Pathogenesis: Biochemistry Lessons; 3) Environmental Factors on Enamel Formation; and, 4) Genetic Variation in Enamel Formation Genes
Project Safe Flight: Making New York Safe for Migratory Birds
More than 100 species of migratory birds pass through New York City during spring and fall migrations. Located at the nexus of several migratory routes, New York City’s tall buildings and reflective glass pose a serious threat to over 100 species of migratory birds. Since 1997, NYC Audubon has led Project Safe Flight (PSF), a volunteer-based citizen-science project, with the goal of monitoring and mitigating bird collisions. We examined 16 years of PSF data, during which volunteers collected over 6,000 birds of 126 different species. The top two species, White-throated Sparrow and Common Yellowthroat, make up 23% of all collisions. The fall migration has a higher average number of collisions than spring. Distinct phenological trends in species composition are apparent, with American Woodcock making up the majority of early spring collisions and Dark-eyed Junco being the most common in late fall. Because birds may be overlooked by volunteers or be taken by scavengers or maintenance crews after collisions, we performed a persistence study and found that the recovery of bird carcasses was highly variable between sites. This ongoing study is important in developing a database of bird collisions to help elucidate and reduce the causes of urban bird collisions
Objective: A simple high-performace liquid chromatography method was developed and validated to determine 17-β estradiol in poly (ε-caprolactone) nanocapsules.
Methods: The chromatographic conditions were as follows: C18 GL column with a mobile phase of acetonitrile:water (92:8 v/v) at flow rate of 1.5 mL/min with detection at 280 nm. The evaluated parameters were specificity, linearity, limits of detection and quantification, precision, accuracy, and robustness.
Results: The method was specific and linear (r=0.9982). The limits of detection and quantification were 5.78 μg.mL-1 and 17.54 μg.mL-1, respectively. Suitable accurancy and robustness were obtained. The stability assay showed that pH variation occured after 120 days of storage, and no changes were observed regarding the size and polydispersion parameters. The applicability of the method was evaluated by determining the encapsulation efficiency of the E2 nanocapsules after 120 days of storage. The results showed values >99%.
Conclusion: The results demonstrated the applicability of the developed and validated analytical method
Propriedades qualitativas de cenouras submetidas a tratamento com ácido ascórbico
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a qualidade da cenoura em pós-colheita, submetida a tratamentos com e sem ácido ascórbico. As cenouras foram lavadas e cortadas em rodelas uniformes e divididas em três porções, sendo que uma porção foi avaliada como padrão colheita, e as outras duas foram avaliadas após 21 dias de armazenamento em ambiente controlado sob diferentes tratamentos. Parte das porções foram moídas e utilizadas para determinação do pH, grau brix e acidez titulável. Uma porção das rodelas foram imersas por 10 minutos em ácido ascórbico (1%), escorridas e embaladas em embalagens de polietileno, já a porção em que não foi realizada nenhum tratamento foi apenas embalada. As amostras foram pesadas e armazenadas em ambiente controlado por 21 dias. Os resultados mais próximos em relação ao ponto de colheita foram observados quando utilizou-se o ácido ascórbico
This article analyzes the trajectory of deaf movements and the implications of both school experiences and actions in the context of struggles of the deaf in Brazil, considering contributions of three investigations. We begin with a brief contextualization of mobilizations by the deaf community and the articulations between deaf movements and universities as driving forces of an epistemological twist in the educational, social, cultural and political field of the deaf. After, we present data from the investigations mentioned, in an attempt to understand how deaf experiences occur in school spaces as well as in social and political movements. We finish this text with problematizations of the conditions of possibility for the implementation of an educational policy for the deaf in the present context of an inclusive education policy.Este artigo analisa a trajetória dos movimentos surdos e as implicações de experiências escolares e de ações no contexto das lutas dos surdos no país, através de recortes de três investigações. Iniciamos com uma breve contextualização das mobilizações da comunidade surda e as articulações entre movimentos surdos e universidades como potencializadoras de uma virada epistemológica no campo educacional, social, cultural e político dos surdos. Após, apresentamos dados das investigações mencionadas, procurando entender como as experiências surdas se configuram nos espaços escolares e nos movimentos sociais e políticos. Finalizamos com problematizações sobre as condições de possibilidade para a implementação de uma política educacional para surdos no atual contexto de uma política de educação inclusiva
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