285 research outputs found

    Food Safety Risks Associated with Hepatitis E Virus Detection in Wild Boar Liver

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    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) has significantly impacted humans due to its potential to cause acute viral hepatitis. Discovery of hepatitis E virus in domestic pigs and wild boars worldwide and the realization that it is highly prevalent, raised concerns of the implications for food-borne transmission of HEV in Europe. Present work focusses on molecular detection of hepatitis E virus in wild boar liver samples, underlining the possible role of wildlife as a source of HEV transmission to humans. During hunting season 2016-2017, liver samples were collected from 37 wild boars in Iași and Suceava County. All tissues samples were submitted for RNA isolation followed by nested RT-PCR. Genetic characterization of wild boar HEV targeted the structural gene in the ORF2 region of hepatitis E virus genome. After specific amplification by nested RT-PCR of a 348 nt fragment from HEV ORF2, five liver samples positive for hepatitis E virus genotype 3 RNA were identified. In the present study HEV detection in Romanian fresh liver from wild boars highlights the importance of swine as a possible source of foodborne transmission. Moreover, our results along with the reviewed literature data emphasize the necessity of efficient food safety control measures implementation

    Integração e identidade étnica

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    Soybean fruit development and set at the node level under combined photoperiod and radiation conditions

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    In soybean, long days during post-flowering increase seed number. This positive photoperiodic effect on seed number has been previously associated with increments in the amount of radiation accumulated during the crop cycle because long days extend the duration of the crop cycle. However, evidence of intra-nodal processes independent of the availability of assimilates suggests that photoperiodic effects at the node level might also contribute to pod set. This work aims to identify the main mechanisms responsible for the increase in pod number per node in response to long days; including the dynamics of flowering, pod development, growth and set at the node level. Long days increased pods per node on the main stems, by increasing pods on lateral racemes (usually dominated positions) at some main stem nodes. Long days lengthened the flowering period and thereby increased the number of opened flowers on lateral racemes. The flowering period was prolonged under long days because effective seed filling was delayed on primary racemes (dominant positions). Long days also delayed the development of flowers into pods with filling seeds, delaying the initiation of pod elongation without modifying pod elongation rate. The embryo development matched the external pod length irrespective of the pod's chronological age. These results suggest that long days during post-flowering enhance pod number per node through a relief of the competition between pods of different hierarchy within the node. The photoperiodic effect on the development of dominant pods, delaying their elongation and therefore postponing their active growth, extends flowering and allows pod set at positions that are usually dominated.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Experiencias emocionales de los estudiantes en clase de matemáticas: problemas relacionados con la función logaritmica

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    El objetivo de esta propuesta de investigación cualitativa en enseñanza de álgebra, es identificar las experiencias emocionales de los estudiantes en la clase de matemática de una escuela secundaria chilena. Para eso, con un grupo de 27 estudiantes, se hará entrevistas en la modalidad grupos focales y reportes diarios de dos talleres de función logarítmica que implican: a) la resolución de problemas contextualizados y b) la representación la función por medio del software Winplot. El análisis de datos se basa en la teoría de la estructura cognitiva de las emociones OCC (Ortony, Clore, y Collins, 1988), que especifica provocar situaciones para cada tipo de emoción y las variables que afectan a la intensidad de estas. Con este estudio se espera que los alumnos proporcionen respuestas con mayor detalle en relación a lo experimentado en la clase de matemáticas y que hablen de sus experiencias emocionales en términos de la situación desencadenante

    Od redakcji

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    Introduction to the issue of the journal dedicated to the imagination in the research on translation after Translation Turn.Wstęp redakcji do tomu zatytułowanego Wyobraźnia w przekładzie

    Chemistry for Cultural Heritage

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    Chemistry finds its applications in a variety of fields, ranging from the pharmaceutical industry to the environmental cause. A chemist is an essential figure in the field of heritage science, due to the need to both understand and preserve our cultural heritage via chemical means. Heritage science, a relatively recent research area, focuses on the analysis and the conservation of historical artefacts, and that relies on interdisciplinary contributions from the humanities as well as the physical sciences. In my project, the discovery and impact of what is considered to be the first synthetic dye, mauveine, by the chemist Sir William H. Perkin in 1856, is used as an example to highlight the importance of conservation chemistry. Perkin’s mauveine became so fashionable during the 19th century, even Queen Victoria wore dresses dyed in the famous purple shade, and several stamps of the same colour were issued. However, the chemical structure of mauveine remained unknown until 1994, when chemists were able to determine its components thanks to modern analytical methods. The research focused on developing an outreach teaching unit for Advanced Higher Chemistry students with a focus on science communication and public engagement. My talk is aimed at highlighting this fascinating area of research that links the arts and the sciences together and the possible careers paths it provides for chemists

    Do/O outro lado da rodovia

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    We propose reflections in the field of psycology, with post-structuralist epistemological tools and interdisciplinary methodological tools from the Global South, working with a proposal of undisciplined methodologies designed by Jota Mombaça (2016), which allow us to carry out compositions with subaltern epistemologies, as Sofia Favero also proposes, in his dirty psychology. We will work accompanying the rhyme battles in the squares of Dourados, in Mato Grosso do Sul, during the night period, with a political intention to be able to affirm other modes of subjectivization and, for that, we will accompany an undisciplined city, questioned by the youth into that investigates the dirt, which will speak of the non-subjugation bodies disciplined by the violence committed by the different normalization practices. It is also about questioning the occupation of a city in which there is inequality in access to a space of culture, art, and sport, where the peripheral neighborhoods are helpless compared to the more central neighborhoods. We thus propose a reflection on social inequality in Brazilian youth, by working on a composition of analysis on/the other side of the road, by problematizing with a research experience with youth about places and no allowed places for the peripheral population of the city.Plantearemos reflexiones en el campo de la psicología con herramientas epistemológicas pos-estructuralistas y metodológicas interdisciplinarias del Sur Global, trabajando con una propuesta de metodologías indisciplinadas pensadas por Jota Mombaça (2016), que nos permiten efectuar composiciones con epistemologías subalternadas, como también propone Sofia Favero en su psicología sucia. Acompañamos las batallas de rimas en las plazas de la ciudad de Dourados, en Mato Grosso do Sul, durante el periodo nocturno, con una intención política para poder afirmar otros modos de subjetivización y, para ello, acompañaremos una ciudad indisciplinada, interrogada por la juventud en aquello que la interroga en la suciedad, que va a hablar de la no sujeción de cuerpos disciplinados por la violencia cometida por las diferentes prácticas de normalización. También se trata de interrogar sobre la ocupación de una ciudad en la que hay una desigualdad en el acceso a un lugar de cultura, de arte y de deporte, en la cual los barrios periféricos quedan desamparados en comparación a los barrios más céntricos, planteando una reflexión sobre la desigualdad social en la juventud brasileña, al trabajar una composición de análisis con el/del otro lado de la carretera, al problematizar en una investigación-experiencia frente a la juventud sobre lugares y no-lugares permitidos o precarios para la población periférica de la ciudad. Produziremos reflexões no campo da psicologia com ferramentas epistemológicas pós-estruturalistas e metodológicas interdisciplinares do Sul Global, trabalhando com uma proposta de metodologias indisciplinadas pensadas por Jota Mombaça (2016), que nos permitem fazer composições com epistemologias subalternizadas, como também propõe Sofia Favero em sua psicologia suja. Acompanhamos as batalhas de rima nas praças da cidade de Dourados, em Mato Grosso do Sul, no período noturno, com uma intencionalidade política para poder afirmar outros modos de subjetivação. Para isso, acompanharemos uma cidade indisciplinada, interrogada pela juventude naquilo que a interroga na sujeira, que vem falar do não assujeitamento de corpos disciplinados pela violência cometida pelas diferentes práticas de normalização. Também se intenciona interrogar sobre a ocupação de uma cidade em que há desigualdade no acesso a lugar de cultura, arte e esporte, na qual os bairros periféricos ficam desassistidos em comparação aos bairros mais ao centro, mobilizando uma reflexão sobre desigualdade social na juventude brasileira, ao trabalharmos uma composição de análise com o/do outro lado da rodovia, ao problematizar junto de uma pesquisa-experiência com a juventude sobre lugares e não lugares permitidos ou precarizados para a população periférica da cidade

    Spatial abilities and the gender gap in mathematics (Matabì)

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    Learning mathematics is a general problem in Italy, but it is more relevant for females. Male students typically outperform their female classmates in maths test scores from the earliest years of schooling, and the gap worsens as school grades progress. The different experiences and expectations about potential abilities of boys and girls are key to understanding the possible causes of the observed relative differences in education performance. Early life experiences are essential for developing a child’s cognitive capacities, and environmentally induced gender differences may arise when children are exposed to heterogeneous sources of development opportunities. One of the sources of gender inequalities in mathematics is related to differences in the acquisition of visuospatial abilities between girls and boys from a very young age. Existing works find that playing with specific toys facilitates learning in maths and science. Boys usually gain more experience than girls because of different parental and educators’ beliefs and behaviour regarding the gender-specific suitability of toys. Moreover, self-confidence and anxiety are not gender-neutral and can affect educational outcomes. The Matabì project aims to enhance spatial abilities and reduce the gender gap via construction play (i.e., by using building toys and Lego Duplo brick sets). Using the bricks should help students process abstract concepts, while the playful approach should reduce maths anxiety. Girls should benefit more from Matabì than males, who are (on average) able to develop these skills early on in life. The project started in October 2022, so we would present the overall structure and what has been accomplished so far. This should be engaging in three respects: the teachers' reinforcement of their spatial abilities, the instruments used to collect the outcomes, and the impact evaluation design conducted with Randomized Control Trial (RCT). Teachers’ training includes a pre- and post-standardised test, the mental rotation section of the Revised Purdue Spatial Visualization Test. The RCT involves around 60 classes in five schools in Torino (60 teachers and 1200 third and fourth grade pupils). Within each school, we randomly assigned a third of the teachers to the control group and two-thirds to the treatment group. The study will provide evidence of the effects of teaching methods exploiting construction play. The primary research questions are: 1- What is the impact on the spatial abilities of teachers? 2- What is the impact on the spatial abilities of pupils? 3- How does the impact differ by gender? 4- How does the treatment affect the gender gap in mathematics


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    Security for documents that contain confidential text and important for a company, institution, or organization from disorders irresponsible organisation is a necessity or a major requirement that must be done, so we need a software that can protect these vital documents. The combination of algorithms Chiper Feed-back (CFB), Chaos Skew Tent Map (CSTM), and the initial value generation techniques with Session Keys capable of encrypting the text properly. Tests conducted on 26 files doc, docx and txt where each test will be analyzed the correlation, standard deviation and variance, as well as the histogram. Testing is done to the file doc, docx, and txt with a size ≤ 35 kb, 30-60 kb, 61-80 kb and > 80 kb. The test results obtained by the value of the average correlation = 0.163326411, standard deviation = 1.068,070, variance = 1.550.358,492, and the ciphertext histogram that visually looks uniform, making it difficult to analyze the statistical analysis of the character or key