79 research outputs found

    Automotive Cluster based on Raspberry Pi 3 B+

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    The automotive cluster is one of the most important devices in a car and is the interface between the car and the driver. However, the development of this Electronic Control Unit (ECU) used in the automotive industry is complex and expensive. The Raspberry Pi 3 is a lower cost board that can be used as an alternative board due to its versatility and ease of use. Therefore, the aim of the project is to develop an automotive cluster using the Raspberry Pi 3 as the main board, and be able to connect it to a CAN network. Buildroot was the main tool used in this project allowing to generate a customized Linux-based Operating System (OS). Furthermore, the project included the CAN-utils package and SocketCAN Application Programming Interface (API) to receive CAN messages, through a PiCAN2 module, and display the animation according to the message. Also, the interface was created using Qt5 IDE, so it was essential to add those Qt5 packages to the Raspberry Pi 3 as well. Finally, this project was configured to work with a baudrate of 100 Kbps. In conclusion, the proposed project is a practical choice for low cost hardware and free software automotive cluster, also it is user-friendly and interactive

    Molecular Context-Dependent Effects Induced by Rett Syndrome-Associated Mutations in MeCP2

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    Methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MeCP2) is a transcriptional regulator and a chromatin-binding protein involved in neuronal development and maturation. Loss-of-function mutations in MeCP2 result in Rett syndrome (RTT), a neurodevelopmental disorder that is the main cause of mental retardation in females. MeCP2 is an intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) constituted by six domains. Two domains are the main responsible elements for DNA binding (methyl-CpG binding domain, MBD) and recruitment of gene transcription/silencing machinery (transcription repressor domain, TRD). These two domains concentrate most of the RTT-associated mutations. R106W and R133C are associated with severe and mild RTT phenotype, respectively. We have performed a comprehensive characterization of the structural and functional impact of these substitutions at molecular level. Because we have previously shown that the MBD-flanking disordered domains (N-terminal domain, NTD, and intervening domain, ID) exert a considerable influence on the structural and functional features of the MBD (Claveria-Gimeno, R. et al. Sci Rep. 2017, 7, 41635), here we report the biophysical study of the influence of the protein scaffold on the structural and functional effect induced by these two RTT-associated mutations. These results represent an example of how a given mutation may show different effects (sometimes opposing effects) depending on the molecular context

    Hepatic hematoma following endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: overview and case report

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    Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a procedure with a high risk of complications. Hepatic subcapsular hematoma is an infrequent complication, with few cases reported in the international literature. Treatment can be conservative with the patient under close surveillance in an intensive care unit and surgical management is reserved for failure of conservative treatment and cases with hemodynamic instability. We present a case of subcapsular and intraparenchymal hepatic hematoma in an adult male who presented sudden hemodynamic instability, associated with hemoglobin decrease, which required surgical management. The challenge in the therapeutic decision due to sudden hemodynamic instability is clearly demonstrated; therefore, there was a need for surgical treatment as the best measure of hemorrhage control. Conservative management should be reserved for hemodynamically stable patients and invasive management by interventional radiology or surgery for cases of acute abdomen associated with hemodynamic instability

    Effectiveness of vaginal analgesic electrostimulation versus sacral electroacupuncture in chronic pelvic pain of myofascial origin

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    Background: Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) of myofascial origin is a condition that is difficult to control and with great repercussion on the quality of life for women who suffer from it. This study objective was to compare the effectiveness of two treatments for the management of this pathology; vaginal analgesic electrostimulation (VES) versus sacral electroacupuncture (EAS).Methods: Quasi-experimental comparative study of two treatments in patients with myofascial CPP. The sample was made up of women who presented this condition during the period 2016 to 2019. The main objective was to assess the effectiveness of the treatments in comparison in terms of the decrease in the VAS score, the secondary ones were: To know the effectiveness of the VES for pain chronic pelvic myofascial (MFPP), the effectiveness of EA for the same condition, complications of therapies, main urological dysfunctions and other chronic pelvic pain associated with myofascial CPP.Results: Thirteen thousand patient files were reviewed, of which 47 were diagnosed with myofascial CCP, with 38 patients eligible for our study. The VES was more effective than the EAS in decreasing the VAS in the twelfth session from 1.36 versus 2.62 p .001. Both therapies were effective for the management of myofascial DCP as they decreased the VAS score to more than 60% of the initial VAS. Vulvodynia (34%), mixed urinary incontinence (32%), and voiding symptoms (26%) were other pelvic floor dysfunctions that presented concomitantly to the MFPP.Conclusions: In patients with myofascial CPP, vaginal VES is better than AD for the treatment of this condition

    Blocking Nupr1 Protein, A Successful Approach for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Treatment

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    Background: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is the most common type of pancreatic malignancy. Nuclear protein 1 (NUPR1) is a recognized protein, over-expressed and involved in PDAC development. NUPR1 belongs to the special class of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) and it is implicated in cell signaling and regulatory functions. The multifunctional nature of NUPR1 renders it as an attractive target for drug design and development. Aim: Identify a small molecule inhibiting protein-protein interactions in NUPR1 and able to interfere with any of NUPR1 key oncogenic activities, thus, constituting a new chemotherapy strategy against PDAC. Methods: Ligand-induced stabilization against thermal denaturation (thermal-shift assay) was employed for identifying potential NUPR1-interacting compounds. An in vitro molecular screening based on thermal denaturation of NUPR1 in the presence of a variety of potential ligands was performed using a collection of 1120 compounds. All compounds are FDA-approved drugs for different therapeutic indications, exhibiting high chemical and pharmacological diversity, as well as good bioavailability and safety parameters in humans. Direct interaction of selected compounds with NUPR1 was assessed experimentally (calorimetry, fluorescence spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, and proximity ligation assay) and computationally (molecular dynamics simulations). Compound efficacy was determined in PDAC-derived cell-based assays and in vivo assays on xenografted PDACderived cells in mice. Comparisons of treatment outcome were tested for statistical significance by using the t-test, and statistical significance was assumed at a p-value lower than 0.05. Results: Fifteen candidates were selected, and their interactions with NUPR1 were characterized. In vitro experiments with MiaPaCa-2 cells treated using 10 µM of compounds for 6 days showed that two of the compounds (C13 and C15) were very efficient in diminishing cell viability (10 ± 3% and 26 ± 7%, respectively; assays in triplicates (n = ) p= 0.01). These values were similar to those obtained with oxaliplatin (10 ± 2%; p= 0.01). Also, they reduced cell migration (from 10-20% wound-healing ability compared to 50% in control assays; p= 0.05) and colony formation (completely suppressed in the presence of both compounds; p= 0.01). In addition, the most promising compound, C15, interfered with the interaction of NUPR1 with MSL1, one of the NUPR1 binding partners (Figure 1). The administration of a 10 mg/Kg dose of C15 promoted complete arrest of tumor development on xenografted PDAC-derived cells in mice (Figure 2). Conclusion: We report the discovery of a compound specifically active against PDAC and interfering with NUPR1. In addition, we demonstrate that it is possible to identify small molecules able to modulate the function of complex targets such as IDPs

    Diagnosis of warfarin in samples sent to CIESA during the period 2015-2018. A recurring problem

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    Estudio sobre casos de intoxicación por Warfarina en el CIESAEl objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar el número de casos diagnosticados de warfarina, empleada para el control o combate de “plagas” (roedores), con la finalidad de remarcar la importancia del adecuado uso y aplica ción de esta sustancia a nivel agropecuario e incluso doméstico. Un total de 21 muestras, las cuales correspondieron a: hígado, contenido gástrico y cebos preparados, enviados al área de Toxicología del Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal (CIESA), en el periodo 2015-2018, la determinación de warfarina se realizó a través de cromatografía en capa fina, y para el reporte de resultados se usó el método descriptivo. El porcentaje de positividad a warfarina en el periodo de estudio fue del 71.41 %. El mayor número de muestras fueron hígados (14 muestras), de las cuales 10 (47.61 %) resultaron positivas; seguidos del contenido gástrico con 3 positivas (14.28 %), y los cebos preparados (piezas de carne de pollo, salchichas y jamón) con 2 (9.52 %). En las solicitudes por año, en el 2017 y 2018 se incrementaron, con 6 y 9 casos, de los cuales 5 y 7 fueron positivos a warfarina (23.81 y 33.33 %), respectivamente, 3 muestras (hígados), fueron colectados y enviados del área de necropsias del CIESA, en donde se mostró la evidencia de lesiones sugestivas de intoxicación por warfarina. Bajo las condiciones de ocurrencia y presentación de los casos de intoxicación por warfarina es necesario regular la Comercialización no solo de rodenticidas, sino de todos los productos agropecuarios que se comercializan actualmente, con el objeto de minimizar el riesgo de intoxicación en las diferentes especies animales e incluso para evitar el efecto nocivo en salud pública y al ambiente

    Prevalence of bovine subclinical mastitis, its etiology and diagnosis of antibiotic resistance of dairy farms in four municipalities of a tropical region of Mexico

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    A region-wide survey was conducted in the tropical area of Tierra Caliente, State of Guerrero, Mexico to estimate the prevalence of subclinical bovine mastitis (SCM), distribution of mastitis pathogens, and in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility of different mastitis pathogens in dairy farms. In total, 1036 quarter milk samples were obtained from 259 cows at 87 different dairy farms. Collected quarter milk samples were submitted for California Mastitis Test (CMT), bacteriological examination, and testing for antimicrobial susceptibility. Overall prevalence of SCM in the studied area was 20.5 %. Prevalence in the different regions was as follows: 28 % in Arcelia municipality, 21 % in Tlalchapa municipality, 19.4 % in Pungarabato municipality, and 14.3 % in Finch Cutzamala municipality. Of all positive isolates, 97.5 % were Gram-negative bacteria. Moreover, of all positive isolates, 37.5 % were Proteus vulgaris, 25 % Salmonella spp., 12.5 % Enterobacter aerogenes, and 10 % Escherichia coli. Klebsiella pneumonia and E. coli were sensitive for netilmicin antimicrobial. However, E. coli was sensitive for pefloxacin and gentamicin with a sensitivity for pefloxacin for E. aerogenes, while Staphylococci were sensitive for gentamicin and dicloxacillin. It could be concluded that practices such as the implementation of mastitis control programs, improved milking hygiene together with an intramammary treatment with netilmicin, pefloxacin, and gentamicin antimicrobials should be considered for mastitis prevention in the study area of Tierra Caliente, in the tropical area of Guerrero, Mexico

    Caracterización clínico epidemiológica de pacientes con infarto agudo del miocardio

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    Introduction: the ischemic cardiopathies of 2016 in our country were 44,4 % and most of them were acute myocardial infarctions. Due to its high incidence in the population, it is important all professionals to develop the essential knowledge and skills for a proper assessment and timely intervention regarding this health problem. Objective: to characterize clinically and epidemiologically the patients suffering from acute myocardial infarction hospitalized in Coronary Intensive Care Unit at Abel Santamaría Cuadrado General Hospital during January 2013 - December 2017. Method: a descriptive and cross-sectional, observational study was carried out, analysis and synthesis methods were used, in addition to the empirical method. We studied 1427 patients admitted with a diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction, using descriptive statistics. Results: The most affected age bracket was 60-69 with 30 %, and male sex represented 63,7 %. Lower infarcts predominated in 54,9 % and hypertension was found in 65 % of patients. The electrical complications appeared in 34,3 % of the cases, mainly blocking of the left branch of their bundle in 12,4 %. Thrombolysis was applied (64,5 %) and 9,1 % of patients died. Conclusions: this disease is more common in male patients and in those over 50 years old. High blood pressure is among the fundamental risk factors for its development. Lower infarcts were more common. A high number of patients received thrombolytic therapy leading to low rate of mortality. Introducción: de las cardiopatías isquémicas del año 2016 en nuestro país, el 44,4 % fue por infarto agudo del miocardio. Por su alta incidencia en la población, es importante que todos los profesionales desarrollen los conocimientos y habilidades esenciales para una adecuada valoración e intervención oportuna en este problema de salud.Objetivo: caracterizar clínica y epidemiológicamente a los pacientes con infarto agudo del miocardio hospitalizados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Coronarios del Hospital General Docente “Abel Santamaría Cuadrado” en el período enero 2013 – diciembre 2017.Método: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo y transversal, se utilizaron métodos de análisis y síntesis, además del método empírico. Se estudiaron 1427 pacientes ingresados con diagnóstico de infarto agudo del miocardio, empleándose estadística descriptiva.Resultados: el grupo etario más afectado fue el 60-69 con un 30 % y el sexo masculino representó el 63,7 %. Predominaron los infartos inferiores en el 54.9 % y la hipertensión arterial se encontró en el 65 % de los pacientes. Las complicaciones eléctricas aparecieron en el 34,3 % de los casos, predominando el bloqueo de la rama izquierda de haz de His en el 12,4 %. Se aplicó trombolisis al 64,5 %.  Fallecieron el 9,1 % de los pacientes.  Conclusiones: Esta enfermedad es más común en el sexo masculino y en pacientes mayores de 50 años. Entre los factores de riesgo fundamentales para su desarrollo se encuentra la hipertensión arterial. Los infartos inferiores son más comunes. Un alto número de pacientes recibieron tratamiento trombolítico propiciando una baja mortalidad

    Self-acetylation at the active site of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PCK1) controls enzyme activity

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    Acetylation is known to regulate the activity of cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PCK1), a key enzyme in gluconeogenesis, by promoting the reverse reaction of the enzyme (converting phosphoenolpyruvate to oxaloacetate). It is also known that the histone acetyltransferase p300 can induce PCK1 acetylation in cells, but whether that is a direct or indirect function was not known. Here we initially set out to determine whether p300 can acetylate directly PCK1 in vitro. We report that p300 weakly acetylates PCK1, but surprisingly, using several techniques including protein crystallization, mass spectrometry, isothermal titration calorimetry, saturation-transfer difference nuclear magnetic resonance and molecular docking, we found that PCK1 is also able to acetylate itself using acetyl-CoA independently of p300. This reaction yielded an acetylated recombinant PCK1 with a 3-fold decrease in kcat without changes in Km for all substrates. Acetylation stoichiometry was determined for 14 residues, including residues lining the active site. Structural and kinetic analyses determined that site-directed acetylation of K244, located inside the active site, altered this site and rendered the enzyme inactive. In addition, we found that acetyl-CoA binding to the active site is specific and metal dependent. Our findings provide direct evidence for acetyl-CoA binding and chemical reaction with the active site of PCK1 and suggest a newly discovered regulatory mechanism of PCK1 during metabolic stress