46 research outputs found

    Modelos de negocio en revistas digitales deportivas: Cinco casos de estudio: Kaiser Magazine, Spanish Player GO, Élite Sports, Marca Plus y AS Color

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    Las revistas digitales nacieron como una evolución de las revistas impresas. En la actualidad, los magazines en papel compiten con medios nativos digitales capaces de transformar con altas dosis de creatividad sus aparentes desventajas: menos recursos y menos anunciantes quedan compensados con mayor presencia en redes sociales e interacción con los usuarios. La expansión de Internet y el auge de los Smartphones y aplicaciones móviles ha obligado a las revistas a una transformación online, teniendo que adaptarse a este formato con características propias. Lo que comenzó siendo una mera copia en digital de la versión impresa, poco a poco, ha evolucionado colocando al usuario en el centro del proceso. Así, se crean contenidos exclusivos para la versión digital pero además se innova con la experiencia de usuario (UX en inglés) como mantra.Este trabajo reflexiona sobre la influencia del modelo de negocio, el uso de redes sociales, el apoyo de grandes cabeceras o el formato de presentación y visualización de cada ejemplar en la rentabilidad de una revista online.Digital magazines were born as an evolution of printed magazines. Currently, paper magazines compete with native digital media which are capable of transforming their visible disadvantages with plenty of creativity: fewer resources and advertisers are rewarded with an improved presence in social networks and better interaction with users. The expansion of the Internet and the growth of Smartphones and mobile applications has forced magazines to an online transformation, making adaptations to this format with its own characteristics. What began as a mere digital copy of the printed version has gradually evolved by placing the user at the center of the process. Thus, they create exclusive content for the digital version but also innovates the user experience (UX) as a mantra. This work reflects on the influence of the business model, the use of social networks, the support of large headers or the format of presentation and visualization of each copy in the cost effectiveness of an online magazine

    Factores determinantes de la IED emitida por China: un análisis aplicado

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    The current work analyzes the characteristics of Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment (OFDI), focusing on aspects such as top countries and sectors, main firms and public companies, or push factors behind this new investment wave. Additionally, the work analyzes the main determinants of Chinese through a panel of 20 economic indicators for 32 countries during 2004-2013. El presente trabajo analiza, a partir de las principales teorías de internacionalización empresarial cuáles son las características de la IED china en el exterior, como los países y sectores de destino, grupos empresariales o factores de impulso que están detrás de la emergencia de China como inversor en el mundo. Además, se ha analizado cuáles son los determinantes principales de la IED china mediante un panel de 20 indicadores económico en 32 países a lo largo del periodo 2004-2013

    Análisis de accidentes e incidentes marítimos en España

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    Grado En Náutica Y Transporte MarítimoEn este Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) se llevará a cabo un análisis de los accidentes e incidentes marítimos en España, para posteriormente realizar una investigación de las diferentes causas más relevantes, y así, poder estudiar las formas de prevención y actuación ante futuros accidentes e incidentes. Para esta recopilación de datos se han empleado los informes procedentes de la Comisión de Investigación de Accidentes e Incidentes Marítimos (CIAIM), concretamente informes comprendidos entre los años 2014-2017. Además, se ha optado por hacer dicha recopilación con los buques pertenecientes a la Marina Mercante, excluyendo así a los buques pesqueros y embarcaciones recreo. En esta investigación se analizan los factores que intervienen en estos sucesos, como la falta de mantenimiento del propio buque y el error humano. Debido a la gran variabilidad de este último, se ha decidido profundizar en el factor humano, lo que implica principalmente el incumplimiento del Reglamento Internacional para Prevenir Abordajes (RIPA), siendo el factor clave la vigilancia. Por ello, en esta investigación se analiza la eficacia y el cumplimiento de la Convención Internacional en Estándares de Formación, Certificación y Vigilancia para gente de mar (STCW) en lo referente a las guardias de navegación. Además, se estudia si existe una eficaz conciencia situacional del entorno de trabajo, como elemento fundamental para evitar accidentes e incidentes marítimos. La finalidad de este TFG es averiguar el motivo por el que se siguen produciendo dichos accidentes, pese a la cantidad de medios tecnológicos cada vez más avanzados, con los que cuentan a bordo los marinos y a pesar de que las normativas actuales se cumplen. Por lo tanto, se podría llegar a decir que las normativas que están en vigor puedan resultar insuficientes para evitar que se produzcan los accidentes.In this Final Degree Project (TFG), an analysis of maritime accidents and incidents in Spain will be carried out. Following, it will be investigated the most relevant causes, and then to study the forms of prevention and action against future accidents and incidents. For this data collection, it has been used the appropriate reports of the Maritime Accident and Incident Investigation Commission (CIAIM), specifically reports between 2014-2017. In addition, it has been chosen to make this compilation with Merchant vessels, in this way, it has been excluded fishing vessels and recreational vessels. This research analyzes the factors involved in these events, such as the lack of maintenance of the vessel and human error. Due to the great variability of the last one, it has been decided to delve into the human factor, which mainly implies non-compliance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs), with look-out as key factor. Moreover, this investigation analyzes the efficacy and compliance the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) regarding navigation guards. Furthermore, it is studied if there is an effective situational awareness of the work environment as a fundamental element to avoid accidents and maritime incidents. The purpose of this TFG is to discover the reason why these accidents remain, despite the amount of increasingly advanced technological on board and in spite of compliance with current regulations. Therefore, it could be said that the regulations in force may be insufficient to prevent accidents

    Estudio del manejo de la actividad turística en la reserva ecológica el Ángel

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    Establecer las estrategias de manejo turístico en la Reserva Ecológica El Ángel, mediante una investigación de campo, para implantar una propuesta que contribuya al desarrollo turístico.El presente trabajo de investigación consiste en el estudio del manejo de la actividad turística en la Reserva Ecológica el Ángel, parroquia la Libertad del cantón Espejo provincia del Carchi; el problema está verificado en la alteración que están sufriendo dos atractivos potenciales del Área Protegida, a pesar de poseer una extensa variedad de recursos naturales y turísticos. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se determinó el campo de estudio y universos como: población, turistas, organizaciones y autoridades; además, se realizó una investigación de campo intensa; la investigación documental formó parte de este trabajo, utilizando libros y artículos relacionados; a estos se añadió técnicas adecuadas de investigación para generar un desarrollo positivo del proyecto; mediante el análisis de estos métodos se comprobó que el manejo inadecuado de la actividad turística se debe a la deficiente gestión, a la falta de promoción y escasa propuesta turística, para el equilibrio del turismo, estas son las principales causas que generan un impacto negativo para la Reserva Ecológica El Ángel. Pero también los resultados indicaron la enorme fortaleza natural que posee esta Área Protegida; una oportunidad para el diseño del circuito turístico que se elaboró como propuesta alternativa, éste se convierte en un nuevo sistema estratégico que vincula lo administrativo y operativo generando el valor turístico y ecológico que se le debe acreditar al Área Protegida, creando un producto diversificado; para finalizar, es necesario, afirmar que la Reserva se convierte en un destino potencial alternativo porque vincula naturaleza y cultura; lo más importante es que gracias a la investigación se logró consolidar a las cuatro comunidades de acceso principal al área protegida como un punto de encuentro grandioso entre ser humano y la bondad de la naturaleza.Ingenierí

    Análisis de la eficiencia del biogás generado por el biodigestor Solar Cities en el campus CEASA, Período 2021-2022.

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    The objective of this research report was to determine the efficiency of the bio-gas (methane) generated by a Solar Cities bio-digester located at the CEASA Campus. For which an initial diagnosis of the bio-digester was carried out. Subsequently, pig manure was used as a substrate for its operation, which was obtained from the CEASA Campus hatchery. The methodology for the generation of bio-gas was established concerning the time of permanence, temperature, and substrate type; the bio-gas's characterization was determined by employing a gas chromatography study, and its efficiency was determined based on research carried out on the flame color test. This bio-digester is designed to utilize the waste energetically and nutritionally, employing anaerobic decomposition. For its operation, a bibliographic investigation was carried out, and it was established as an initial load of 300 L of the substrate, with an input pH of 7.8, Nitrogen 25.69 %, Total Solids 42.44%, Volatile Solids 23.12 %, data obtained from the analysis of the manure. Within the results obtained in the gas chromatography in 56 days, 18% of methane was obtained, which is the gas that favors combustion; in the flame test, a yellow flame was obtained, which denotes the poverty of the bio-gas. In the second analysis, a percentage of 21.12% of methane was established; it was also concluded that the bio-gas generated does not comply with the necessary characteristics to supply the LPG applications. Finally, it is recommended to redesign the bio-digester model and periodically analyze the substrate's pH.El presente informe de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la eficiencia del biogás (metano) generado por un biodigestor de tipo Solar Cities ubicado en el Campus CEASA. Para lo cual, se realizó un diagnóstico inicial del biodigestor, posteriormente, para su funcionamiento se utilizó estiércol porcino como sustrato, mismo que se obtuvo del criadero del Campus CEASA; se estableció la metodología para la generación del biogás, en relación al tiempo de permanencia, temperatura, tipo de sustrato; la caracterización del biogás se determinó mediante un estudio de cromatografía de gases y su eficiencia en torno a investigaciones realizadas sobre la prueba del color de la llama. Este biodigestor está diseñado para aprovechar los desechos de manera energética y nutricional, por medio de la descomposición anaerobia, para su funcionamiento se realizó una investigación bibliográfica y se estableció como carga inicial 300 L de sustrato, con un pH de entrada de 7.8, Nitrógeno 25.69 %, Sólidos Totales 42.44%, Sólidos Volátiles 23.12 %, datos arrojados del análisis del estiércol. Dentro de los resultados obtenidos en la cromatografía de gases en 56 días, se obtuvo un 18% de metano que es el gas que propicia la combustión, en la prueba de la llama se obtuvo una llama amarilla que denota pobreza del biogás, en el segundo análisis se estableció un porcentaje de 21.12% de metano; además se concluyó, que el biogás generado no cumple con las características necesarias para suplir las aplicaciones del GLP. Finalmente, se recomienda rediseñar el modelo del biodigestor, además de analizar periódicamente el pH del sustrato

    Walking Recognition in Mobile Devices

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    Presently, smartphones are used more and more for purposes that have nothing to do with phone calls or simple data transfers. One example is the recognition of human activity, which is relevant information for many applications in the domains of medical diagnosis, elderly assistance, indoor localization, and navigation. The information captured by the inertial sensors of the phone (accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer) can be analyzed to determine the activity performed by the person who is carrying the device, in particular in the activity of walking. Nevertheless, the development of a standalone application able to detect the walking activity starting only from the data provided by these inertial sensors is a complex task. This complexity lies in the hardware disparity, noise on data, and mostly the many movements that the smartphone can experience and which have nothing to do with the physical displacement of the owner. In this work, we explore and compare several approaches for identifying the walking activity. We categorize them into two main groups: the first one uses features extracted from the inertial data, whereas the second one analyzes the characteristic shape of the time series made up of the sensors readings. Due to the lack of public datasets of inertial data from smartphones for the recognition of human activity under no constraints, we collected data from 77 different people who were not connected to this research. Using this dataset, which we published online, we performed an extensive experimental validation and comparison of our proposalsThis research has received financial support from AEI/FEDER (European Union) grant number TIN2017-90135-R, as well as the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria of Galicia (accreditation 2016–2019, ED431G/01 and ED431G/08, reference competitive group ED431C2018/29, and grant ED431F2018/02), and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It has also been supported by the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte of Spain in the FPU 2017 program (FPU17/04154), and the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad in the Industrial PhD 2014 program (DI-14-06920)S

    Design of a surface plasmon resonance immunoassay for therapeutic drug monitoring of amikacin

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    The therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of pharmaceutical drugs with narrow therapeutic ranges is of great importance in the clinical setting. It provides useful information towards the enhancement of drug therapies, aiding in dosage control and toxicity risk management. Amikacin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic commonly used in neonatal therapies that is indicated for TDM due to the toxicity risks inherent in its use. Current techniques for TDM such as high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) are costly, time consuming, and cannot be performed at the site of action. Over the last decades, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensors have become increasingly popular in clinical diagnostics due to their ability to detect biomolecular interactions in real-time. We present an SPR-based competitive immunoassay for the detection of the antibiotic amikacin, suitable for TDM in both adults and neonates. We have obtained high specificity and sensitivity levels with an IC value of 1.4 ng/mL and a limit of detection of 0.13 ng/mL, which comfortably comply with the drug's therapeutic range. Simple dilution of serum can therefore be sufficient to analyze low-volume real samples from neonates, increasing the potential of the methodology for TDM. Compared to current TDM conventional methods, this SPR-based immunoassay can provide advantages such as simplicity, potential portability, and label-free measurements with the possibility of high throughput. This work is the foundation towards the development of an integrated, simple use, highly sensitive, fast, and point-of-care sensing platform for the opportune TDM of antibiotics and other drugs in a clinical setting

    Analysis of injury patterns in men’s football between the English league and the Spanish league

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    Background: Injuries in professional football lead to reduced team performance and large financial losses. The aim of this study was to analyse injuries in the two best team competitions in the world (LaLiga and Premier League), establishing similarities and differences, as well as determining injury causation patterns. Methods: A total of 277 on-field injuries requiring a substitution were analysed (142 in the Spanish league and 135 in the English league). The analysis was performed using traditional statistical tests (frequency analysis, chi-square test) with SPSS 25 and a T-Patterns sequence analysis with THEME 5.0. Results: In the Spanish league, there were a similar number of injuries in the first part of the season as in the second part of the season, while in the English league, they are more frequent in the first part of the season. In the Spanish league, injuries are more frequent in the first half of the match, while in the English league, they are more frequent in the second half. The type of player most frequently injured was the defender. Most of the injuries occurred without the presence of an opponent. The accumulated minutes during the season affect injuries of the muscular type. Conclusions: The most common type of injury in both leagues was a strain, followed by a sprain and a contusion. Although common injury patterns can be established between the two leagues, there are notable differences. One of the factors is determined by the English league calendar (many matches at Christmas). In Spain, there were more muscular injuries that were not caused by the opponent, while in England there were more tackling injuries. Age is a risk factor in the Spanish league. In this league, there is a moderately significant relationship between the number of injuries and the points won