79 research outputs found

    Aerated chocolate

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    A process for preparing an aerated chocolate which comprises incorporating a solvent component into a gas by bubbling the gas through a reservoir containing the solvent to give a gas phase, and injecting the gas phase into tempered liquid chocolate. Patent EP 2793598 A1 (text from WO2013092643A1)

    Syngraph: An application for graphic display and interactive use of synonym lists

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    Multiple names that refer to a single species (synonyms) and more than one species being referred to by the same name (homonyms) bedevil taxonomy. They produce ambiguity about the entity under discussion. Syngraph is a computer application that organizes information about synonyms and homonyms. It can track different names that potentially have been applied to the same species, or identical names that have been applied to different species. It can create a list of synonyms in conventional format for use in publication, as for a taxonomic monograph. It can also display and print names so they are linked, thereby providing information on the conceptual basis of a name and the action taken in a publication. In the display, each name is imposed on a color-coded rectangle; all names on rectangles of the same color refer to records that stem from a single description. This allows quick visualization of the taxonomic history. When linked to a geographical information system application, the color can be used for points plotted on a map that displays the geographical locality of specimens referred to in each record. This visualization of the geographic distribution of the nominal species can provide tests of the hypothesis that the names are, indeed, synonyms. Syngraph is available for download; help files accompany the executable files

    Morphological and molecular characterization of powdery mildew on watermelon plants in São Paulo state

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    Powdery mildew is one of the most commom foliar diseases of cultivated and wild cucurbits worldwide. Six different fungal species have been reported to be associated with powdery mildew of cucurbits, such as Podosphaera xanthii and Golovinomyces cichoracearum. The aim of the study was to identify the causal agent of the disease in watermelon plants (Citrullus lanatus) cultivated in greenhouses of the State of São Paulo. DNA total was extracted using Chelex method and the ITS region was amplified via standard PCR reaction using the specific primers PMITS1 and PMITS2. A fragment of 700pb was amplified and the sequence showed 99% of identity with P. xanthii (accession number JQ728480). Morphological observation showed that the conidia were ellipsoidal-ovoid, had fibrosin bodies and a bifurcated germinative tube in the lateral position. These characteristics and the molecular analyses confirmed P. xanthi as the etiological agent of powdery mildew in watermelon plants in São Paulo State. Morphological and molecular characterization of powdery mildew on watermelon plants in São Paulo statePowdery mildew is one of the most commom foliar diseases of cultivated and wild cucurbits worldwide. Six different fungal species have been reported to be associated with powdery mildew of cucurbits, such as Podosphaera xanthii and Golovinomyces cichoracearum. The aim of the study was to identify the causal agent of the disease in watermelon plants (Citrullus lanatus) cultivated in greenhouses of the State of São Paulo. DNA total was extracted using Chelex method and the ITS region was amplified via standard PCR reaction using the specific primers PMITS1 and PMITS2. A fragment of 700pb was amplified and the sequence showed 99% of identity with P. xanthii (accession number JQ728480). Morphological observation showed that the conidia were ellipsoidal-ovoid, had fibrosin bodies and a bifurcated germinative tube in the lateral position. These characteristics and the molecular analyses confirmed P. xanthi as the etiological agent of powdery mildew in watermelon plants in São Paulo State

    Application of GA3 and harvest season interfere in pineapple yield and fruit quality

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of GA3 (gibberellic acid) application on growing pineapple ‘Pérola’ fruits, and also the harvest season on yield, and fruit quality. The experimental design used was randomized blocks in 5×2 factorial design, being the first factor the application of GA3, and the second the harvest season, totaling in 10 treatments with four replicates, in split-plot plots. The treatments tested were: 1) GA3 application after the appearance of the first flower open on the inflorescence; 2) application of GA3 after the closing of the flowers in the inflorescence; 3) application of GA3 45 days before the first harvest; 4) two applications of GA3: one after the closing of flowers and another 45 days before the first fruits harvest; and 5) without application of GA3. Two harvest seasons were evaluated: 150 and 180 days after the floral induction. The phytoregulator Pro-Gibb® in a concentration of 200 mg L-1 of GA3 was adopted. The variables assessments were: fruit length with crown and without, crown length and mass, crownless fruit mass, average fruit mass and yield, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, and pH of the juice. The harvest of pineapple fruits held 180 days after floral induction, combined with an application of GA3 45 days before the harvest, provided greater yield while maintaining and improving the quality of pineapple ‘Pérola’ fruits. The use of GA3 did not influence the pineapple yield when the harvest is performed early, i.e. 150 days after flower induction

    Soil hydro-physical characteristics after maize cultivation intercropped with Urochloa brizantha cultivars.

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    The intercropping of maize with forage plants is a farming technique aimed at producing grains and grazing, with beneficial results for the sustainability of production. Most of the research carried out with maize (Zea mays) intercropped with palisadegrass (Urochloa brizantha) has evaluated the agronomic performance of the crops. Therefore, there is a lack of research on the effects of this technique on the soil hydro-physical characteristics. For this reason, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the cultivation of maize intercropped with U. brizantha on the soil hydro-physical characteristics. The study was conducted in an experimental area at Faculdade Católica of Tocantins, in Palmas/Tocantins, Brazil; using a randomized complete block design, in a 4x2 factorial scheme, with three repetitions. The study comprised four types of intercropping: i) maize with U. brizantha cv. Marandu sown by broadcast; ii) maize with U. brizantha cv. Marandu sown between the maize rows; (iii) maize with U. brizantha cv. Piatã sown by broadcast; iv) maize with U. brizantha cv. Piatã sown between the maize rows; and two implantation periods: v) simultaneous sowing; vi) sowing 20 days after the maize. The hydro-physical properties evaluated were soil density, total soil porosity and soil water holding capacity. There was a significant interaction between the type of intercrop and the sowing time in the soil density and total soil porosity, but no significant differences in soil water holding capacity. Results show that the intercropping of maize with U. brizantha sown simultaneously improves the physical properties of the soil such as density and porosity, in comparison to the U. brizantha implantation 20 days after sowing maize. The intercrop of i) maize with U. brizantha cv. Marandu sown between the maize row and ii) maize with U. brizantha cv. Piatã sown by broadcast between the maize row (in simultaneous sowing) improved the soil physical attributes

    Utilização de óleos vegetais em dietas para juvenis de piava (Leporinus obtusidens)

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    This study aimed to evaluate the response of piava (Leporinus obtusidens) after the use of vegetable oils in the diet, under performance, nutrient deposition and activity of digestive enzymes. Over 35 days five treatments were tested, with the inclusion of 3% of corn oil, soy, canola, linseed, and a control treatment without the inclusion of oil. Fish with an average initial weight of 1.78±0.07 g were randomly assigned in a water recirculation system consisting of 15 tanks, with suitable water quality parameters throughout the trial period. At the end of biometrics experiment data was collected. The experimental design was completely randomized, with five treatments and three replicates; the data was submitted to normality test and analysis of variance. The averages, when significant, were compared by Tukey test (p<0.05). Fish fed diets containing canola oil showed higher weight and length and protein deposition when compared to the control treatment. Higher chymotrypsin activity was observed in the fish fed the diet containing soya oil and lower with linseed oil. It is concluded that the use of oils in the diet is essential for best performance of the fish, and canola oil as indicated by optimizing the deposition of body protein for animals.Objetivou-se avaliar a resposta de piavas a utilização de óleos vegetais nas dietas, sob o desempenho, deposição nutricional e atividade de enzimas digestivas. Durante 35 dias foram testadas cinco dietas, com a inclusão de 3% dos óleos de milho, soja, canola, linhaça e um tratamento controle sem inclusão de óleo. Peixes com peso inicial médio de 1,78±0,07 gforam distribuídos ao acaso em um sistema de recirculação de água composto por 15 tanques. Ao final do experimento realizou-se biometria para coleta de dados. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos e três repetições, os dados obtidos foram submetidos a teste de normalidade e análise de variância. As médias obtidas, quando significativas, foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (P<0,05). Os peixes alimentados com dietas contendo óleo de canola apresentaram maior peso e comprimento total e deposição de proteína, quando comparados ao tratamento controle. Maior atividade de quimotripsina foi observada nos peixes alimentados com a dieta contendo óleo de soja.  Conclui-se que o uso de óleos na dieta é indispensável para melhor desempenho dos peixes, sendo o óleo de canola o mais indicado por otimizar a  deposição de proteína corporal pelos animais

    Soil hydro-physical characteristics after maize cultivation intercropped with Urochloa brizantha cultivars.

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    The intercropping of maize with forage plants is a farming technique aimed at producing grains and grazing, with beneficial results for the sustainability of production. Most of the research carried out with maize (Zea mays) intercropped with palisadegrass (Urochloa brizantha) has evaluated the agronomic performance of the crops. Therefore, there is a lack of research on the effects of this technique on the soil hydro-physical characteristics. For this reason, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the cultivation of maize intercropped with U. brizantha on the soil hydro-physical characteristics. The study was conducted in an experimental area at Faculdade Católica of Tocantins, in Palmas/Tocantins, Brazil; using a randomized complete block design, in a 4x2 factorial scheme, with three repetitions. The study comprised four types of intercropping: i) maize with U. brizantha cv. Marandu sown by broadcast; ii) maize with U. brizantha cv. Marandu sown between the maize rows; (iii) maize with U. brizantha cv. Piatã sown by broadcast; iv) maize with U. brizantha cv. Piatã sown between the maize rows; and two implantation periods: v) simultaneous sowing; vi) sowing 20 days after the maize. The hydro-physical properties evaluated were soil density, total soil porosity and soil water holding capacity. There was a significant interaction between the type of intercrop and the sowing time in the soil density and total soil porosity, but no significant differences in soil water holding capacity. Results show that the intercropping of maize with U. brizantha sown simultaneously improves the physical properties of the soil such as density and porosity, in comparison to the U. brizantha implantation 20 days after sowing maize. The intercrop of i) maize with U. brizantha cv. Marandu sown between the maize row and ii) maize with U. brizantha cv. Piatã sown by broadcast between the maize row (in simultaneous sowing) improved the soil physical attributes.Título alternativo do periódico: AGRIE

    A new species, *Adamsia obvolva* (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniaria), from the Gulf of Mexico, and a discussion of the taxonomy of carcinoecium-forming sea anemones

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    Asterisks (*...*) surround words or phrases that are to be italicized.*Adamsia obvolva* is a new species of sea anemone (order Actiniaria, family Hormathiidae) from the Gulf of Mexico, symbiotic with the hermit crab *Parapagurus pictus* (Smith, 1883). The pedal disc of the anemone enwraps the gastropod shell in which the hermit crab lives, and secretes a thin, chitinous carcinoecium that lies between the pedal disc ectoderm of the anemone and the gastropod shell. The description of *A. obvolva* n. sp. highlights many of the problems confounding the systematics of actiniarians symbiotic with hermit crabs. *Adamsia obvolva*, which has been misidentified as *Paracalliactis involvens* (McMurrich, 1893), presents a suite of attributes that blur the distinction between the genera *Adamsia* Forbes, 1840, and *Calliactis Verrill*, 1869. We review definitions of these genera and emend *Adamsia* to include only those species that form a carcinoecium and have a lobed pedal disc. To better differentiate between *A. obvolva* and *P. involvens*, we investigate the syntypes of *Adamsia involvens* McMurrich, 1893, which had been transferred to *Paracalliactis*, and of its putative synonym *Urticina consors* Verrill, 1882; we redescribe the species as *Paracalliactis consors* (Verrill, 1882). *Adamsia obvolva* and *P. consors* can be distinguished by tentacle number, the cinclides on the lower column of specimens of *A. obvolva*, and cnidae distribution and size. The taxonomic changes we propose are summarized in a diagnostic key to actiniarian families and genera that live attached to gastropod shells

    Extração de DNA e identificação molecular de Olivea neotectonae (T.S. Ramakrishnan & K. Ramakrishnan) isoladas de folhas de teca (Tecto-na grandis L.f)

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    Phytosanitary problems can pose a threat in different crops. And, for this, the first step is to identify and know the main diseases and their impacts on forest stands, such as teak (Tectona grandis L.f). Currently, the rust caused by Olivea neotectonae  (T.S. Ramakrishnan & K. Ramakrishnan) is one of the main fungal diseases that affect the species. The objective of this work was to characterize O. neotectonae isolated from teak leaves in the state of Tocantins. The urediniospores of O. neotectonae were collected from naturally infected teak leaves in the city of Gurupi-TO. Three different methods were tested, to verify the one that best provided obtaining DNA with sufficient quantity and adequate quality for the correct identification of the pathogen. The method that resulted in the best quantity and quality of DNA from isolates was that described by Alessio and collaborators. The extracted DNA was subjected to amplification of the ITS region and sequenced. The nucleotide sequence of O. neotectonae shared a similarity of about 70% with sequences from the ITS region of other fungi deposited in the GenBank, since until now there are no available sequences of the species O. neotectonae.Problemas fitossanitários podem representar uma ameaça em diferentes cultivos. E, para isso, o primeiro passo é identificar e conhecer as principais doenças e seus impactos nos povoamentos florestais, como no cultivo da teca (Tectona grandis L.f). Atualmente, a ferrugem causada por Olivea neotectonae (T.S. Ramakrishnan & K. Ramakrishnan) é uma das principais doenças fúngicas que acometem a espécie. Objetivou-se com este trabalho realizar a caracterização do fungo O. neotectonae isolado de folhas de teca no estado do Tocantins, Brasil. Os urediniósporos de O. neotectonae foram coletados em folhas de teca infectados naturalmente, na cidade de Gurupi-TO. Foram testados três diferentes métodos, para verificar o que melhor proporcionasse obtenção de DNA com quantidade suficiente e qualidade adequada para a correta identificação do patógeno. O método que resultou em melhor quantidade e qualidade de DNA de isolados foi o descrito por Alessio e colaboradores. O DNA extraído foi submetido a amplificação da região ITS e sequenciados. A sequência de nucleotídeos de O. neotectonae compartilhou uma similaridade de cerca de 70% com sequências da região ITS de outros fungos depositados no GenBank, visto que até o momento não se encontra sequencias disponíveis da espécie O. neotectonae

    Crop coeficient and pot evaluation of the hydric defficiency of two upland rice genitypes

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    Diante das restrições socioambientais do cultivo do arroz irrigado é necessário maior incentivo no seu cultivo em sistema de terras altas, que sofre limitação da produção devido à deficiência hídrica. Para reverter tal situação é necessário adotar irrigação suplementar ou tornar a cultura mais tolerante à seca, através da identificação de características de tolerância à deficiência hídrica, talvez encontrada em genótipos tradicionais de arroz de terras altas. Assim sendo, o presente estudo teve como objetivos: 1 - avaliar a evapotranspiração potencial e calcular o coeficiente da cultura de dois genótipos de arroz de terras altas, moderno e tradicional, numa tentativa de verificar diferenças na tolerância à seca; 2 - com a mesma intensão, avaliar a relação do coeficiente da cultura dos genótipos com seus respectivos índices de área foliar; 3 - avaliar a deficiência hídrica em características morfológicas e bioquímicas dos genótipos; 4 - e avaliar a deficiência hídrica com posterior reidratação nas características produtivas. Os ensaios foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação, utilizando os genótipos: \'Batatais\', arroz tradicional, e \'BRS-Primavera\', arroz moderno. Foram realizados três experimentos. No experimento I avaliou-se a evapotranspiração potencial da cultura (ETc), o coeficiente da cultura (Kc), o índice de área foliar (IAFest) e a relação Kc x IAFest. No experimento II foram avaliadas as características morfológicas e bioquímicas dos genótipos submetidos aos tratamentos: AS - análises antes da suspensão da irrigação; CD - tratamento com deficiência hídrica após três dias de suspensão da irrigação; e SD - tratamento sem suspensão da irrigação. No experimento III avaliou-se as características produtivas dos genótipos submetidos aos tratamentos: CD - com deficiência hídrica após três dias de suspensão da irrigação, seguido de reidratação e com a irrigação mantida até o final do ciclo; e SD - tratamento sem deficiência, irrigado até o final do ciclo. O genótipo BRS-Primavera apresentou maior evapotranspiração por índice de área foliar. A deficiência hídrica não afetou a peroxidação de lipídeos em \'Batatais\', porém, aumentou em \'BRS-Primavera\', que teve maior esterilidade das espiguetas devido ao estresse hídrico, de tal forma que \'Batatais\' apresentou-se com maior tolerância à deficiência hídrica em relação ao \'BRS-Primavera\'.Face to the sócio-environmental restrictions of irrigated rice cultivation a greater incentive is due to upland rice cultivation, which suffers productivity limitations caused by hydric defficiencies. To reverse this situation it is necessary to adopt supplementary irrigation, or better to identify characteristics of plant tolerance to hydric deficiency, which could be found in upland traditional rice genotypes. Based on this, the present study had as objectives: 1. Evaluate the potential evapotranspiration and calculate the crop coefficient of two highland rice genotypes, modern and traditional, in order to verify differences in relation to hydric resistence; 2. With the same intention, evaluate the relation between the crop coefficient and the respective foliar indices; 3. Evaluate hydric deficiency in morphologic and biochemical characteristics of the genotypes; and 4. Evaluate the effect of hydric deficiency after a later re-hydration on productivity characteristics. Essays were carried out in a greenhouse, using the genotypes: \'Batatais\', a tradicional rice variety, and \'BRS-Primavera\', a modern rice varity. Three experiments were made: I. evaluation of the crop potential evapotranspiration (ETc), of the crop coefficient (Kc), the foliar area index (IAFest) and the relation Kc x IAFest ; II evaluation of the morphologic and biochemical characteristics of the genotypes submitted to the treatments: AS - analysis before irrigation stop; CD - hydric deficieny after three days of irrigation stop; and SD - withour irrigation stop. Experimento III evaluated the productive characteristics of the genotypes submitted to: CD - with hydric defficiency after three days of irrigation stop, followed by re-hydration and with irrigation maintained up to the end of the cycle; and SD - without hydric deficiency, irrigated up to the end of the cycle. The genotype BRS-Primavera presented greater ETc and IAF. The hydric deficiency did not affect the peroxidation of lipids in \'Batatais\', increased however in \'BRS-Primavera\', that presented the greatest sterility of spikelets due to hydric stress, so that \'Batatais\' was the genotype that presented the best tolerance to hydric defficieny in relation to \'BRS-Primavera\'