101 research outputs found

    Dinámica de sistemas aplicado en el análisis de cadenas productivas agroindustriales en el departamento de Bolívar

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    This article presents a networking model that allows to simulate the behavior of the of the principal productive agro-industrial chains belonging to the Department of Bolívar. The model was built by integrating in a single model the components of cost, production and utility of each of the actors in the different chains; the model of networks elaborated with the help of the software I Think. On having defined the principal variables that characterize the model raised different scenarios to determine the sensitivity of the same and as these changes affect productivity, employment, and the utility of the actors.En este artículo se presenta un modelo de redes que permite simular el comportamiento de las principales cadenas productivas agroindustriales pertenecientes al Departamento de Bolívar. El modelo fue construido integrando en una sola red los componentes de costo, producción y utilidad de los actores de las diferentes cadenas; se elaboró el modelo de redes con la ayuda del software I Think. Al definir las principales variables que caracterizan el modelo se plantearon diferentes escenarios para determinar la sensibilidad de las mismas y cómo estos cambios afectan la productividad, el empleo y la utilidad de los actores

    Cartagena de Indias como centro internacional de negocios

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    En la actualidad el mundo esta viviendo un proceso de globalización acelerado, el cual abarca a todos los países del mundo. Colombia y en especial Cartagena, como principal puerto del país, no puede ser indiferente a este proceso, ya que, si hacemos un análisis rápido nos damos cuenta que Cartagena aun no esta preparada para pertenecer a la elite de las grandes ciudades consideradas Centros Internacionales de Negocios como es el caso de Miami y Nueva York, entre otros. De aquí nace la necesidad de realizar un estudio donde analizaremos, cuales son los factores que posee Cartagena y cuales le faltan para llegar a ser un Centro Internacional de Negocios que contribuya al desarrollo económico y social del país y sobre todo de nuestra región

    Dynamics and effects of the port hinterland on mobility in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia)

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    This research analyses the configuration and activities of the area of influence of the port system of Cartagena de Indias and its impact on urban mobility during the period 2018-2020. The methodology describes the dimensions of geographical scope and territorial configuration, differentiating the spatial configuration linked to the logistical specialisation of the port, and then reviews the statistics on flows of cargo vehicles and passengers accessing the land corridor in the urban area. Next, a focus group is used to assess the conflicts in the face of port operations by analysing their impact on the uses and densities of flows. The results highlight the convergence and conflicts of port flows with those of daily urban mobility, validating the hypothesis of mobility difficulties due to the intensity and proximity of port activities. Finally, improvements to the governance of the city-port interface are recommended and road infrastructure interventions are proposed and assesse

    La casa ad útero. Una aproximación a la poiética germinal del espacio doméstico popular

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    El artículo se ocupa, de manera puntual, de la emergencia de la casa popular como la manera en que todo sujeto se autoreconoce establecido en el mundo y logra desde ese lugar fundacional, centrar su corporeidad para volcarse de vuelta al mundo. La investigación de corte cualitativo tiene el alcance de poner al servicio de la disciplina los esquemas generativos de comprensión y acción que subyacen en la urdimbre del hecho arquitectónico mismo que surgen del obrar cotidiano, no académico, pero que hace mundo y, por tanto, es transferible al tejido de la ciuda

    Range extension of the critically endambersngered true poison-dart frog, Phyllobates terribilis (Anura: Dendrobatidae), in western Colombia

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    The poison-dart frog Phyllobates terribilis is currently classified as endangered or critically endangered due to its extremely restricted geographic distribution and intensive smuggling by pet traffickers. Based on molecular data, we here report two new localities representing a 60 km northward extension of its previously recognized range. The identity of other Phyllobates populations in western Colombia is discussed, as well as the current morphological criteria used to distinguish P. terribilis and the similar P. bicolor

    First characterization of toxic alkaloids and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the cryptic dendrobatid Silverstoneia punctiventris

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    Background: Poison frogs are known for the outstanding diversity of alkaloid-based chemical defences with promising therapeutic applications. However, current knowledge about chemical defences in Dendrobatoidea superfamily has two sources of bias. First, cryptic, brown-colored species have been neglected in comparison to those conspicuously colored, and second, there has been little interest in characterizing metabolites other than alkaloids mediating defensive functions. In an effort to contribute to fill the gap of knowledge about cryptic species and broadening the spectrum of compounds analyzed we have applied head-space solid phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (HS-SPME/GC-MS) for extracting amphibian alkaloids and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from Silverstoneia punctiventris. Results: Using the skin from 8 specimens in 4 biological replicates we have found 33 different compounds. Twenty of them were classified as VOCs into 15 chemical classes including alkanes, alcohols, carbonyl compounds, methylpyridines, benzothiazoles, N-alkylpyrrolidines, pyrazines, and sesquiterpenoids, some of which were previously reported as repellents, defence compounds or defence pheromones in other organisms, and as sex pheromones in a treefrog. Interestingly, six of the remaining compounds were identified as alkaloids previously reported in other toxic/unpalatable dendrobatid frogs. Conclusions: This is the first report of alkaloids and VOCs found in the Silverstoneia genus, which has been assumed for decades as non-chemically defended. This study establishes HS-SPME/GC-MS as a new application for a simultaneous approach to amphibian alkaloids and VOCs in poison frogs while opens up new research questions to assess the co-occurrence of both type of compounds and to investigate the evolutionary significance of a defence gradient that includes olfactory avoidance, unpalatability, and toxicity in dendrobatids. In addition, our results show that amphibian alkaloids could have a dual function (olfactory at distance, taste by contact) never explored before neither in Silverstonaeia nor in any other dendrobatid species.Fil: Gonzalez, Mabel. Universidad de los Andes; ColombiaFil: Palacios Rodriguez, Pablo. Universidad de los Andes; ColombiaFil: Hernandez Restrepo, Jack. Universidad de los Andes; ColombiaFil: González Santoro, Marco. Universidad de los Andes; ColombiaFil: Amézquita, Adolfo. Universidad de los Andes; ColombiaFil: Brunetti, Andrés Eduardo. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasil. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas; ArgentinaFil: Carazzone, Chiara. Universidad de los Andes; Colombi

    Acoustic interference and recognition space within a complex assemblage of dendrobatid frogs

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    In species-rich assemblages of acoustically communicating animals, heterospecific sounds may constrain not only the evolution of signal traits but also the much less-studied signal-processing mechanisms that define the recognition space of a signal. To test the hypothesis that the recognition space is optimally designed, i.e., that it is narrower toward the species that represent the higher potential for acoustic interference, we studied an acoustic assemblage of 10 diurnally active frog species. We characterized their calls, estimated pairwise correlations in calling activity, and, to model the recognition spaces of five species, conducted playback experiments with 577 synthetic signals on 531 males. Acoustic co-occurrence was not related to multivariate distance in call parameters, suggesting a minor role for spectral or temporal segregation among species uttering similar calls. In most cases, the recognition space overlapped but was greater than the signal space, indicating that signal-processing traits do not act as strictly matched filters against sounds other than homospecific calls. Indeed, the range of the recognition space was strongly predicted by the acoustic distance to neighboring species in the signal space. Thus, our data provide compelling evidence of a role of heterospecific calls in evolutionarily shaping the frogs' recognition space within a complex acoustic assemblage without obvious concomitant effects on the signal

    Competitividad agroindustrial en El Carmen de Bolívar: Análisis de capacidades productivas según clases agrológicas y aptitud de suelos

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    In recent years, competition has been a hotly debated topic among the institutions responsible for formulating public policies to promote economic development, that due to the need to increase in the productive sectors of the regions. For this investigation there carried out an approximation to the agroindustrial potential of Carmen of Bolivar of agreement to the analysis of the productive capacities of the municipality according to the agrologic classes and aptitude of available land in the area. Likewise, a diagnosis of competitiveness was realized using the methodology of 5 forces of Porter (Rivalry between producers, clients, suppliers, substitutes, potential competition). The obtained results allowed to identify the implications of the variations of use in the mixture of disposition of lands for cultures on the added value and employment generated by every link of the chain.En los últimos años, la competitividad ha sido una temática muy debatida entre las instituciones encargadas de formular políticas públicas para el fomento del desarrollo económico, esto como consecuencia de la necesidad de incrementarla en los diferentes sectores productivos de las regiones. Para esta investigación se realizó un acercamiento al potencial agroindustrial de El Carmen de Bolívar de acuerdo al análisis de las capacidades productivas del municipio según las clases agrológicas y aptitud de suelos disponibles en la zona. Así mismo, se realizó un diagnostico de competitividad utilizando la metodología de las 5 fuerzas de Porter (Rivalidad entre productores, clientes, proveedores, sustitutos, competencia potencial). Los resultados obtenidos permitieron identificar las implicaciones de las variaciones de uso en la mezcla de disposición de tierras para cultivos sobre el valor agregado y empleo generado por cada eslabón de la cadena.

    Species richness under a vertebral stripe: integrative taxonomy uncovers three additional species of Pholidobolus lizards (Sauria, Squamata, Gymnophthalmidae) from the north-western Colombian Andes

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    The systematic study of biodiversity underlies appropriate inference in most other fields of biological research, yet it remains hampered by disagreements on both theoretical and empirical issues such as the species concept and the operational diagnosis of a species. Both become particularly challenging in those lineages where morphological traits are evolutionarily constrained by their adaptive value. For instance, cryptic organisms often conserve or converge in their external appearance, which hinders the recognition of species boundaries. An integrative approach has been adopted to study microgeographic variation in the leaf-litter lizard Pholidobolus vertebralis and test three predictions derived from the evolutionary species concept. Molecular data provided unambiguous evidence of divergence among the three recovered new clades and a common evolutionary history for each of them. The broadly sympatric clades were indeed diagnosable from externally visible traits, such as head scales, adult size, and sexually dimorphic ventral colouration. Also, they barely overlapped on the phenotypic space that summarised 39 morphometric and meristic traits. These clades are described as three species and an available name is suggested for a recovered fourth clade. The geographic distribution of the new and proximate species suggests a role for elevation on evolutionary divergence; it also raises interesting questions on the speciation pattern of an otherwise underestimated cryptic lineage

    Aplicación de la metodología de balances, interacciones y tensiones -Bit Pase- al análisis de la dinámica socio-económica de El Carmen de Bolívar

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    This article presents the results of the relevance and impact of agro-industrial competitiveness policies in the socioeconomic context of El Carmen de Bolivar, using the methodology developed by the Population Approach Population Fund (UNFPA) and the External University of Colombia (UEC), which identifies linkages (balance sheets, interactions and tensions) between the programs, plans and projects and actions with the most significant social and economic development of the municipality.Este artículo presenta los resultados de la pertinencia e incidencia de las políticas de competitividad agroindustrial en el contexto socioeconómico de El Carmen de Bolívar, utilizando la metodología de Enfoque Poblacional desarrollada por el Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA) y la Universidad Externado de Colombia (UEC), la cual permite identificar los encadenamientos (balances, interacciones y tensiones) entre los programas, planes y proyectos y acciones con las variables más significativas del desarrollo social y económico del municipio.Palabras Clave: Competitividad, políticas públicas, desarrollo socio-económico.