3,358 research outputs found

    The Indonesian Trade Law of 2014: the Provision on the Annulment of International Trade Agreement

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    In March 2014, the Government of the Republic Indonesia promulgated the Law No. 7 of 2014 on Trade. The Law is a new legislation. No law on trade has ever been promulgated before. The Law contains various issues on Trade. One of the controversial provisions embodied in the Law is the provision on the status of International trade agreement in Indonesia. The Law as embodied in Article 85, states that the government with the approval of the parliament, may review and annul the International trade agreements which have been signed by Indonesia. This provision is controversial because, the International agreement, including the International trade agreement, is the product of the consensus of the states participating in it. With the promulgation of the Law and especially the provision of article 85, can the Law be effectively implemented in the future

    Indiana Municipal Revenue Bond Financing

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    Algorithms for Spectral Analysis of Irregularly Sampled Time Series

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    In this paper, we present a spectral analysis method based upon least square approximation. Our method deals with nonuniform sampling. It provides meaningful phase information that varies in a predictable way as the samples are shifted in time. We compare least square approximations of real and complex series, analyze their properties for sample count towards infinity as well as estimator behaviour, and show the equivalence to the discrete Fourier transform applied onto uniformly sampled data as a special case. We propose a way to deal with the undesirable side effects of nonuniform sampling in the presence of constant offsets. By using weighted least square approximation, we introduce an analogue to the Morlet wavelet transform for nonuniformly sampled data. Asymptotically fast divide-and-conquer schemes for the computation of the variants of the proposed method are presented. The usefulness is demonstrated in some relevant applications.

    Die Amphicteniden, Ampharetiden und Terebelliden der Nord- und Ostsee

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    Thesis (doctoral)--Konigl. Christian-Albrechts-Universitat Kiel.Mode of access: Internet


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    Dalam penelitian ini membandingkan efisiensi alat pengering biji kopi yang telah diuji eksperimental. Desain pengering terdiri dari dua unit kolektor surya, satu ruang pengering dengan tiga rak, dan 2 kipas bertenaga surya yang terletak di saluran keluar pengering. Pengering dirancang dan dilakukan uji eksperimental di Departemen Magister Teknik Mesin USU . Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) digunakan untuk mengetahui distribusi temperature yang terjadi di alat pengering. Dari distribusi temerpatur tersebut kiat dapat menghitung efisiensi dari alat pengering secara numerik.Setelah dihitung didapatkan bahwa efisiensi dari kolektor surya 77% dan ruan penegering 89%. Sedangkan secara eksperimental efisiensi kolektor surya 74 % dan ruang pengering 90

    Algorithms for Spectral Analysis of Irregularly Sampled Time Series

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    In this paper, we present a spectral analysis method based upon least square approximation. Our method deals with nonuniform sampling. It provides meaningful phase information that varies in a predictable way as the samples are shifted in time. We compare least square approximations of real and complex series, analyze their properties for sample count towards infinity as well as estimator behaviour, and show the equivalence to the discrete Fourier transform applied onto uniformly sampled data as a special case. We propose a way to deal with the undesirable side effects of nonuniform sampling in the presence of constant offsets. By using weighted least square approximation, we introduce an analogue to the Morlet wavelet transform for nonuniformly sampled data. Asymptotically fast divide-and-conquer schemes for the computation of the variants of the proposed method are presented. The usefulness is demonstrated in some relevant applications

    Can an Optical Plankton Counter Produce Reasonable Estimates of Zooplankton Abundance and Biovolume in Water With High Detritus?

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    The Optical Plankton Counter (OPC) has been used in oceanic and fresh waters to estimate zooplankton abundance and biovolume. However, it is not clear whether the OPC can produce accurate estimates of zooplankton abundance and biovolume in waters with high detritus. In order to test the capability of the OPC to estimate zooplankton abundance and biovolume in Chesapeake Bay, two sets of laboratory experiments were conducted using water with high detritus concentrations collected from the upper Choptank estuary of Chesapeake Bay and laboratory cultured Artemia. Our results suggest that the OPC is able to produce accurate estimates of zooplankton biovolume after correcting for the influence of background detritus in all the detritus concentrations used, but accurate estimates of zooplankton abundance only in water with background detritus \u3c100 particles l-1. The relationship between light attenuation and OPC background particle concentrations provides a useful way to estimate OPC background particle concentrations when direct OPC background particle measurements are not available. Light attenuation corrected OPC particle abundance and particle volume gave accurate estimates of zooplankton abundance and biovolume. However, the accuracy of the corrected OPC measurements by the estimated background particle concentrations was not as high as the corrected OPC measurements by the direct background particle measurements

    Электрооборудование и электропривод механизма напора экскаватора ЭКГ-15

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    В работе произведён расчёт и выбор силового оборудования для электропривода механизма напора карьерного экскаватора.Произведен расчет силовой части электропривода. Рассчитаны и построены характеристики электропривода, построены переходные процессы.In operation, calculation and selection of power equipment for electric drive of pressure mechanism of mine excavator was performed. Electric drive power part was calculated. The characteristics of the electric drive have been calculated and built, and transitional processes have been built