17 research outputs found


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    Background:The prevalence of risk behavior in adolescents is increasing and the impact is very worrying. Various data and facts related to risk behavior in adolescents, namely smoking, drinking alcohol, drug abuse, and premarital sexual relations.Objective:The purpose of this study was to examine more comprehensively related behavioral management as a form of prevention of smoking and alcohol consumption among adolescents in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia.Method: Qualitative research with a design case study. The informants in this study were adolescents aged 12-24 years who live in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia (Makassar City, Gowa Regency, Bone Regency, and Sinjai Regency). Result: The main factors causing the behavior of consuming alcohol and smoking are the sense of wanting to try, peer influence, and lack of access to information. Regarding the behavioral management of adolescent risk behavior, it is known that the role of parents, relatives, neighbors, neighborhood communities, peers, and health workers contributes to efforts to prevent smoking and alcohol consumption among adolescents.Conclusion: The contribution of parents is very necessarytosupervise the daily life or behavior of children. The government and health workers are required to be more effective in dealing with the problem of adolescent risk behavior by routinely providing guidance and counseling. The community can play an active role in monitoring adolescents who engage in risky behavior. However, this will not be effective if there is no collaboration between the perpetrators at risk themselves, parents, family, peers, and the neighborhood where they live


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    Background: Acute Respiratory Infectious Disease (ARI) is an acute infectious disease that affects one or more parts of the airway. Objective: This study aims to obtain information related to the implementation of promotive and preventivemanagement functions foracute respiratory infections  in Toddler.Method:The method used is qualitative with a case study approach. The informants consisted of the head of the Puskesmas, officers of the ARIand surveillance programs, health promotion efforts officers, environmental health effort officers, heads of administration, and several mothers of children under five who had suffered from ARI. Result: The results showed that the management function of the promotive and preventive ARI program was still part of the P2PL program in general. This is evidenced by the absence of a special plan made by the Puskesmas regarding the promotional efforts to prevent ARI so that management functions such as planning, organizing, mobilizing, monitoring, funding, and evaluating have not been able to minimize the number of ARI sufferers in children under five. Conclusion: The extension program in the community is still not evenly distributed around the work area of Puskesmas X. The head of the Puskesmas should make policies related to special planning and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) related to the prevention and control of ARI in children under five

    Subtitled Videos, Un-Subtitled Videos, and Indonesian EFL Students’ Writing Ability

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    This study aimed to examine the effects of viewing subtitled videos and un-subtitled videos on Indonesian EFL students’ writing ability. In order to achieve the purposes, a quasi-experimental study was conducted by involving 90 EFL students in a state university in Indonesia. The students were from three intact classes. The students in Class A (29 students) were asked to write procedure texts after watching subtitled videos; the students in Class B (31 students) were asked to write procedure texts after watching un-subtitled videos; and the students in Class C (30 students) were asked to write procedure texts without watching any video. The study took place for 14 meetings. At the end of the treatment, the students in the three classes were asked to write an essay in English. The results of the study indicated that there were significant differences in the writing ability of the students in the three classes. More particularly, the students who viewed subtitled videos performed a significantly higher level than those who viewed un-subtitled videos and those who did not view any video. In addition, the students who viewed un-subtitled videos performed better than those who did not view any video. This study offers some pedagogical implications focusing on the use of technology in the teaching of EFL writing. Thus, either subtitled videos or un-subtitled videos can be used to facilitate EFL students’ writing ability


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    Background: Currently PTM has become the biggest cause of deathin the world. As many as 38 million (68%) of the 56 million deaths in the world in 2012 were caused by PTM. Coronary heart disease is one of the non-communicable diseases with the largest mortality rate.Objective: This study aims to analyze the factors associated with a history of heart disease in the participants of the South Sulawesi Expo 2018.Method: The type of research used is quantitative analytic with a cross-sectional approach.Sampling using purposive sampling technique so that the number of samples is 107 peopleResult: There is a significant relationship between a history of diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, and cancer in the family against a history of heart disease (p 0.05) on the history of heart disease among participants in South Sulawesi Expo 2018.Conclusion: Government involvement is needed to provide education for the community related to the prevention of PTM, and for the community to continue to strive to improve patterns of life to avoid PTM

    Penguatan kearifan lokal dalam pencegahan hipertensi melalui penyuluhan pemanfaatan daun kelor

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    Hipertensi termasuk kedalam salah satu permasalahan kesehatan yang semakin meningkat prevalensinya dan berkontribusi pada sekitar setengah dari kasus stroke dan PTM lainnya di dunia. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap populasi target melalui edukasi pemanfataan daun kelor sebagai upaya pencegahan dan pengendalian hipertensi. Metode yang digunakan adalah pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui kegiatan penyuluhan dan program intervensi kesehatan masyarakat yang dilakukan dalam tiga tahapan (perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi). Populasi target pengabdian meliputi para lansia di Dusun Maccini Baji sebanyak 30 orang. Pelaksanaan penyuluhan menggunakan bantuan media komunikasi berupa poster. Intervensi yang dilakukan berupa praktik atau bina suasana pembuatan minuman antihipertensi dalam bentuk teh daun kelor. Evaluasi penyuluhan menggunakan kuisioner untuk mengukur pengetahuan dan sikap yang dibagikan kepada responden sebelum dan setelah penyuluhan dan dianalisis menggunakan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil uji menujukkan p-value aspek pengetahuan sebesar 0,005 dan aspek sikap sebesar 1,197 pada pada level signifikansi alpha=0,05. Sehingga, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan setelah dilakukan penyuluhan mengenai pencegahan dan penanggulangan hipertensi, akan tetapi tidak terdapat peningkatan pada aspek sikap

    Keracunan Pestisida Pada Petani Bawang Merah di Desa Pasui Kecamatan Buntu Batu Kabupaten Enrekang

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    Peningkatan hasil pertanian dan perkebunan dalam rangka memenuhi permintaan pasar, maka petani melakukan program berupa budi daya tanaman dengan cara pengolahan tanah, pemilihan bibit unggul, pemupukan yang tepat, perbaikan bercocok tanam serta sistem pengendalian atau pemberantasan hama terpacu dengan menggunakan pestisida. Petani sebagai pengguna pestisida mempunyai risiko tinggi terpapar pestisida yang mengakibatkan cacat tubuh dan kematian dan hasil peneliti menunjukkan tingginya angka kejadian keracunan di sebabkan oleh pestisida antara 20–50%. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui factor yang berhuungan dengan kejadian keracunan pestisida pada petani bawang merah di Desa Pasui Kecamatan Buntu Batu Kabupaten Enrekang. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Sampel sebanyak 157 orang dengan tehnik pengambilan secara Exhautice Sampling. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Pasui Kecamatan Buntu Batu Kabupaten Enrekang. Dari hasil pengumpulan dan pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan pengetahuan (p=0,000), sikap (p=0,000), penggunaan APD (p=0,000) dan Higiene Perorangan (p=0,000) dengan gejala keracunan pada petani bawang di Desa Pasui Kecamatan Buntu Batu Kabupaten Enrekang. Diharapkan kepada petani bawang di Desa Pasui Kecamatan Buntu Batu agar lebih meningkatkan pengetahuan, menjaga dan meningkatkan derajat kesehatannya, mengingat karena petani bawang tidak terlepas dari penggunaan pestisida sehingga ancaman keracunan akan semakin besar, maka sebaiknya mulai dini gunakan pestisida secara benar dan aman sehingga terhindar dari keracunan akibat pestisida   Kata Kunci: Pestisida, KeracunanPeningkatan hasil pertanian dan perkebunan dalam rangka memenuhi permintaan pasar, maka petani melakukan program berupa budi daya tanaman dengan cara pengolahan tanah, pemilihan bibit unggul, pemupukan yang tepat, perbaikan bercocok tanam serta sistem pengendalian atau pemberantasan hama terpacu dengan menggunakan pestisida. Petani sebagai pengguna pestisida mempunyai risiko tinggi terpapar pestisida yang mengakibatkan cacat tubuh dan kematian dan hasil peneliti menunjukkan tingginya angka kejadian keracunan di sebabkan oleh pestisida antara 20–50%. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui factor yang berhuungan dengan kejadian keracunan pestisida pada petani bawang merah di Desa Pasui Kecamatan Buntu Batu Kabupaten Enrekang. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Sampel sebanyak 157 orang dengan tehnik pengambilan secara Exhautice Sampling. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Pasui Kecamatan Buntu Batu Kabupaten Enrekang. Dari hasil pengumpulan dan pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan pengetahuan (p=0,000), sikap (p=0,000), penggunaan APD (p=0,000) dan Higiene Perorangan (p=0,000) dengan gejala keracunan pada petani bawang di Desa Pasui Kecamatan Buntu Batu Kabupaten Enrekang. Diharapkan kepada petani bawang di Desa Pasui Kecamatan Buntu Batu agar lebih meningkatkan pengetahuan, menjaga dan meningkatkan derajat kesehatannya, mengingat karena petani bawang tidak terlepas dari penggunaan pestisida sehingga ancaman keracunan akan semakin besar, maka sebaiknya mulai dini gunakan pestisida secara benar dan aman sehingga terhindar dari keracunan akibat pestisida   Kata Kunci: Pestisida, Keracuna

    Sumber dan Kondisi Fisik Air Bersih dengan Kejadian Diare di wilayah Kerja Puskesmas X Kabupaten Pinrang

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    Diarrheal disease is a major public health problem, especially in Indonesia. There are several factors related to the incidence of diarrhea, which are an inadequate supply of clean water, water contaminated by feces, lack of sanitary facilities, unhygienic disposal of feces, personal hygiene and poor environment, and improper food preparation and storage. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between sources and physical conditions of clean water with the incidence of diarrhea in Puskesmas X, Pinrang Regency. This research was an analytic observational study with a Cross-Sectional Study approach. The sample were 133 households carried out by a simple random sampling technique. Data were collected by interviews and observations. The results showed that there was no relationship between clean water sources (p = 0.882) and physical conditions (p = 0.980) and the incidence of diarrhea in Puskesmas X. The community needs to pay attention to spacing, improve the condition of facilities and place dug wells that meet the requirements and provide counseling on the importance of maintaining the quality of clean water sources.Key Words: Clean Water Source, Physical Condition of Water, Diarrhe

    Determinan Kejadian Stunting di Kabupaten Maros

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    Zain G, Kurniasari R. Literature Review: Pengaruh Bentuk Media Edukasi Gizi Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Ibu dalam Upaya Pencegahan Stunting pada Anak: Literature Review: The Influence of Nutrition Education Media Forms on Increasing Mother’s Knowledge to Prevent Stunting . J GIZI DAN Kesehat. 2023;15(1):131–9. UNICEF dan WHO. Levels and Trends in Child Malnutrition. 2018. Elsanti D, Sumarmi S. Pengaruh Pemberian Edukasi Video Audio Visual Terhadap Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Tentang Asupan Gizi Di Desa Sokaraja Lor: The Effect of Providing Audio-Visual Video Education on Pregnant Women’s Knowledge About Nutritional Intake in Sokaraja Lor Village. J Ilm Keperawatan (Scientific J Nursing). 2023;9(1):111–7. Anggraeni MR, Yudatama U, Maimunah M. Clustering Prevalensi Stunting Balita Menggunakan Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering. J MEDIA Inform BUDIDARMA. 2023;7(1):351–9. Nisa DMK, Sukesi TW. Hubungan Antara Kesehatan Lingkungan dengan Kejadian Stunting di Wilayah Puskesmas Kalasan Kabupaten Sleman. J Kesehat Lingkung Indones. 2022;21(2):219–24. Silaban TDS, Rahmadhani SP, Sugiman T. Perbedaan Tingkat Kecukupan Vitamin A, Zat Besi, dan Zink pada Balita Stunting dan Non Stunting di Kabupaten Banyuasin. J Kesehat Andalas. 2022;11(1):39–44. Fink G, Günther I, Hill K. The effect of water and sanitation on child health: evidence from the demographic and health surveys 1986–2007. Int J Epidemiol. 2011;40(5):1196–204. Hafid F, Djabu U. Efek Program SBABS Terhadap Pencegahan Stunting Anak Baduta di Kabupaten Banggai dan Sigi. Indones J Hum Nutr. 2017;4(2):79–87. Lestari PA, Dewi RS, Suroso S. Faktor Risiko Kejadian Stunting pada Balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Semurup. J Kesehat Masy Mulawarman. 2020;2(2):58–63. Adriani, M., Wirjatmadi B. Peranan Gizi dalam Siklus Kehidupan. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group. 2016. Mitra M. Permasalahan Anak Pendek (Stunting) dan Intervensi untuk Mencegah Terjadinya Stunting (Suatu Kajian Kepustakaan). J Kesehat Komunitas. 2015;2(6):254–61. Fatimah NSH, Wirjatmadi B. Tingkat kecukupan vitamin a, seng dan zat besi serta frekuensi infeksi pada balita stunting dan non stunting. Media Gizi Indones. 2018;13(2):168. Simanjuntak BY, Haya M, Suryani D, Ahmad CA. Early inititation of breastfeeding and vitamin a supplementation with nutritional status of children aged 6-59 months. Kesmas J Kesehat Masy Nas (National Public Heal Journal). 2018;12(3):107–13. Bahmat DO, Bahar H, Jus’at I. Hubungan Asupan Seng, Vitamin A, Zat Besi dan Kejadian Pada Balita (24-59 Bulan) dan Kejadian Stunting di Kepulauan Nusa Tenggara (Riskesdas 2010). Jakarta Univ Esa Unggul. 2010; Soeracmad YSY. Hubungan Sanitasi Lingkungan Rumah Tangga Dengan Kejadian Stunting Pada Anak Balita Di Puskesmas Wonomulyo Kabupaten polewali Mandar Tahun 2019. J-KESMAS J Kesehat Masy. 2019;5(2):138–50

    Pelaksanaan Posyandu di Masa Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru (Studi Kualitatif)

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    Background: Health service activities such as posyandu must still be carried out by implementing health protocols. Puskesmas must continue to encourage posyandu to be active in health services for infants and toddlers. Objective: This study aims to evaluate the input, process and output of the implementation of the toddler or immunization services at the posyandu. Method: This type of the study was a qualitative with purposive sampling of informants. There were 10 (ten) informants representing Lurah Malili, Babinsa, Kader Posyandu, parents of toddlers or caregivers, midwife, puskesmas officers and community leaders. The data collection technique used in-depth interview techniques with descriptive analysis. This research was carried out in one of the Posyandu for toddlers, Malili Village, Malili District, East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi Province in August and September 2021. Results: The results showed that the implementation of Posyandu in Malili Village in terms of personnel, funds, facilities and infrastructure, implementation of Health protocols and number of visits was in good category and carried out in accordance with applicable guidelines. Conclusion: Puskesmas Malili needs to evaluate its performance and programs every year. In addition, increasing the facilities and funds needed at the posyandu


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    Selama beberapa tahun terakhir,watermarking telah banyak dikembangkan untuk mengatasi masalah perlindungan hak cipta pada data multimedia. Dengan keunggulan karakteristik yang dimiliki,,Transformasi Wavelet Diskrit (DWT) dan Transformasi Kosinus Diskrit (DCT) sangat banyak digunakan pada watermarking domain transformasi. Namun, pada setiap teknik watermarking domain transformasi selalu muncul ketimpangan antara robustness dan imperceptibility.Makalah ini menyajikan hybrid DWT-DCT watermarkingmenggunakan teknik comparison-based correlation embedding. Metode yang diusulkan menggunakan dua buah pseudorandom sequence PN_0 dan PN_1yang tidak memiliki korelasi, untuk menyisipkan dan mengekstrak watermark.penyisipan dilakukan pada bagian frekuensi tengah dari blok 4x4 DCT, setelah transformasi DWT pada citra asli dilakukan sampai 3 level. Pengukuran hasil eksperimen dilakukan menggunakan PSNR dan NC. Meskipun attack berupa kompresi JPEG, Salt & Pepper noise, dan additive random noise dilakukan, hasil menunjukkan bahwa imperceptibility yang tinggi dapat dicapai tanpa mengabaikan robustness. Terlebih lagi, dibandingkan dengan penelitian yang pernah dilakukan menggunakan teknik serupa, metode yang diusulkan mampu mengungguli pencapaian dalam hal imperceptibility. Kata kunci : Watermarking, hybrid, DWT, DCT, pseudorandom sequenc