2,279 research outputs found

    Risk Management in Scrum Projects: A Bibliometric Study

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    This article presents a bibliometric study of Risk Management in Scrum Projects. It was carried out an analysis involving the ISI Web of Knowledge and Scopus databases, identifying the main authors, countries and periodicals. It also identified the most cited authors by the analyzed articles, in addition to the keywords most frequently cited. These analyzes were performed using the reference maps, which were generated by CiteSpace® software, which offers a set of features to support bibliometrics. The objective was to identify the current scenario research of Risk Management applied in Scrum Projects in order to offer a consistent basis of information to researchers. The research verified that, despite the importance of the research topic, few scientific studies have been identified, which brings the need for new researches on the subject

    Electromagnetic wave propagation inside a material medium: an effective geometry interpretation

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    We present a method developed to deal with electromagnetic wave propagation inside a material medium that reacts, in general, non-linearly to the field strength. We work in the context of Maxwell' s theory in the low frequency limit and obtain a geometrical representation of light paths for each case presented. The isotropic case and artificial birefringence caused by an external electric field are analyzed as an application of the formalism and the effective geometry associated to the wave propagation is exhibited.Comment: REVTeX file, 6 pages. Version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Electromagnetic Self-Duality in a Lattice Model

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    We formulate a Euclidean lattice theory of interacting elementary spin-half electric and magnetic charges, which we refer to as electrons and magnetic monopoles respectively. The model uses the polymer representation of the fermion determinant, and exhibits a self-dual symmetry provided electric charge ee and magnetic charge gg obey the minimal Dirac quantisation condition eg=2πeg=2\pi. In a hopping parameter expansion at lowest order, we show that virtual electron and monopole loops contribute radiative corrections of opposite sign to the photon propagator. We argue that in the limit e0e\to0, fermion mass μ0\mu\to0, the model describes QED together with strongly interacting monopoles whose chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken. Prospects for the existence of an interacting continuum limit at the self-dual point e=ge=g are discussed.Comment: 29 pages plain TeX, 2 PostScript figures included using psfi

    Gamificação no ensino superior em ciência da computação: Uma revisão sistemática da literatura

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    Gamificação é a prática de aplicar elementos e princípios de jogos emambientes não relacionados a jogos. Esse recurso tem sido amplamente utilizado no ensino superior em diferentes áreas do conhecimento, incorporando elementos de elearning com gamificação, com o objetivo de melhorar a qualidade do ensino. Esta pesquisa, por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura, discutirá a eficácia da gamificação, seus benefícios e como ela vem sendo aplicada no âmbito da Ciência da Computação. A partir da revisão realizada foi verificado que a maioria das publicações apresentou resultados positivos com a gamificação, principalmente no engajamento e na motivação dos estudantes. Contudo, em alguns casos, foi identificada uma diminuição dos benefícios em longo prazo, dependente da forma como a prática é aplicada

    Arbitrary parameters in implicit regularization and democracy within perturbative description of 2-dimensional gravitational anomalies

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    We show that the Implicit Regularization Technique is useful to display quantum symmetry breaking in a complete regularization independent fashion. Arbitrary parameters are expressed by finite differences between integrals of the same superficial degree of divergence whose value is fixed on physical grounds (symmetry requirements or phenomenology). We study Weyl fermions on a classical gravitational background in two dimensions and show that, assuming Lorentz symmetry, the Weyl and Einstein Ward identities reduce to a set of algebraic equations for the arbitrary parameters which allows us to study the Ward identities on equal footing. We conclude in a renormalization independent way that the axial part of the Einstein Ward identity is always violated. Moreover whereas we can preserve the pure tensor part of the Einstein Ward identity at the expense of violating the Weyl Ward identities we may as well violate the former and preserve the latter.Comment: 8 pages, no figure

    Comparing different serious games strategies for teaching the SCRUM Framework

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    Access to new technologies is slowly changing classrooms and theirdynamics. Gamification has been a widely used approach, and its benefits are still being studied. This paper aims to present a serious game which assists in teaching the SCRUM (software development) framework in higher education disciplines. For this, a virtual game has been created containing two different ways of playing, and its performance as a support tool to traditional teaching methodologies has been analyzed. Through a planned experiment, it was possible to identify a direct positive impact on students Learning Gain

    Ferramentas de Apoio ao Ensino Introdutório de Programação: um Mapeamento Sistemático

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    Ao longo dos anos, várias ferramentas foram propostas na literatura visando auxiliar e apoiar o ensino de programação, sobretudo em disciplinas introdutórias. Essas ferramentas podem auxiliar o aprendizado dos estudantes ao mesmo tempo em que proporcionam dinamismo e inovação, contribuindo para o aumento da motivação no estudo do tema tratado e, por conseguinte, reduzindo os índices de evasão. Esta pesquisa visa analisar ferramentas educacionais de apoio ao ensino introdutório de programação por meio de um mapeamento sistemático da literatura. A principal contribuição do estudo consistiu na apresentação de uma classificação das ferramentas levantadas em nove categorias, podendo auxiliar docentes e discentes na busca de recursos mais adequados às suas necessidades


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    Given the miniaturization of electronic devices and the amount ofdata processed by them, the applications developed need to beefficient in terms of memory consumption and temporalcomplexity. Retroactive data structures are data structures inwhich it is possible to make a modification in the past and observethe effect of this modification on its timeline. These datastructures are used in some geometric problems and in problemsrelated with graphs, such as the minimum path problem indynamic graphs. However, the implementation of these datastructures in an optimized way is not trivial. In this scenario, thiswork presents the results of a research related to retroactive datastructures, in order to compare the performance of theimplementations proposed by several authors in relation to thetrivial implementations of these data structures. The researchmethod used was the study of the articles related to retroactivedata structures, from a systematic mapping, and the performanceanalysis of these data structures coded in C++ language. The datastructures identified in this study presented better results in termsof space consumption and processing time in relation to theirimplementations by brute force, but, in some cases, with highconstants.Face à miniaturização dos aparelhos eletrônicos e devido àquantidade de dados processados por eles, as aplicaçõesdesenvolvidas necessitam ser eficientes em termos de consumo dememória e complexidade temporal. Estruturas de dadosretroativas são estruturas em que é possível realizar umamodificação no passado e observar o efeito dessa modificação emsua linha temporal. Essas estruturas são utilizadas em algunsproblemas geométricos e em outros relacionados a grafos, como oproblema do caminho mínimo em grafos dinâmicos. Contudo, aimplementação dessas estruturas de maneira otimizada nemsempre é trivial. Diante desse cenário, este trabalho apresenta osresultados de uma pesquisa relacionada a estruturas de dadosretroativas, visando comparar o desempenho das implementaçõespropostas por variados autores em relação às implementaçõestriviais dessas estruturas. O método de pesquisa adotado foi oestudo dos artigos relacionados às estruturas de dados retroativas,a partir de um mapeamento sistemático, e a análise dedesempenho dessas estruturas codificadas na linguagem C++. Asestruturas identificadas nesse mapeamento apresentaram melhoresresultados no que tange ao consumo de espaço e tempo deprocessamento com relação às suas implementações por forçabruta, porém, em alguns casos, com constantes altas

    The BMV experiment : a novel apparatus to study the propagation of light in a transverse magnetic field

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    In this paper, we describe in detail the BMV (Bir\'efringence Magn\'etique du Vide) experiment, a novel apparatus to study the propagation of light in a transverse magnetic field. It is based on a very high finesse Fabry-Perot cavity and on pulsed magnets specially designed for this purpose. We justify our technical choices and we present the current status and perspectives.Comment: To be published in the European Physical Journal

    Risk Management in Scrum Projects: A Bibliometric Study

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    This article presents a bibliometric study of Risk Management in Scrum Projects. It was carried out an analysis involving the ISI Web of Knowledge and Scopus databases, identifying the main authors, countries and periodicals. It also identified the most cited authors by the analyzed articles, in addition to the keywords most frequently cited. These analyzes were performed using the reference maps, which were generated by CiteSpace® software, which offers a set of features to support bibliometrics. The objective was to identify the current scenario research of Risk Management applied in Scrum Projects in order to offer a consistent basis of information to researchers. The research verified that, despite the importance of the research topic, few scientific studies have been identified, which brings the need for new researches on the subject