24 research outputs found

    Peran Komitmen Afektif Dalam Memperkuat Dampak Dari Dimensi Iklim Kerja Etis Terhadap Perasaaan Berkewajiban Pegawai

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    Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi peran keterikatan psikis dan emosional Pegawai Negeri Sipil dalam memperkuat dimensi iklim kerja etis publik dalam upaya peningkatan kewajiban yang dirasakannya untuk membantu pencapaian tujuan dari sebuah organisasi publik. Oleh karenanya penelitian ini mencoba untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian tentang apakah komitmen afektif mampu memperkuat efek dari masing – masing dimensi iklim kerja etis pada peningkatan perasaan berkewajiban pegawai, dan mana diantara dimensi tersebut yang paling dominan dalam memberikan efek terbesar secara tidak langsung pada perasaan berkewajiban melalui komitmen afektif pegawai. Sebanyak 42 orang Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang bekerja di kantor Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat menjadi responden dalam penelitian ini. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan model persamaan struktural berbasis Partial Least Square. Temuan penelitian mengungkap bahwa seluruh dimensi iklim kerja etis mempunyai arti penting dalam membentuk keterikatan emosional pegawai dengan organisasinya, terutama dampak terbesar dihasilkan oleh rules and codes. Hal menarik yang terungkap adalah Hasil penelitian mengkonfirmasi bahwa keterikatan emosional pegawai dapat memberi dampak sangat besar terhadap peningkatan perasaan berkewajibannya kepada organisasi. Implikasi penting bagi organisasi publik adalah bagaimana memperkuat dimensi iklim kerja etis yang tidak hanya berangkat dari aturan semata

    An empirical evidence of ethical climate index in rural banks from Board of Directors Perspective

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    The existence of the common image that the management of the rural bank is  not yet professional because of some unethical practices are still happening. Rural bank that is well known for Indonesian people since its target markets are mostly in the rural area. The aim of the study is to investigate what are the most important factors that are reflecting ethical climate in rural banks. The studyinvolves 153  directors of rural banks in Indonesia as respondents. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to assess individual parameters in the model, feasibility and the statistical significance of the estimates parameter. The findings show that that ethical climate index is most reflected by collective moral sensitivity, but in contrary boards of directors in rural banks also recognize the lowest perception in this dimension. This would sense an urgency to fostering moral sensitivity among all hierarchies, from top management to the lowest levels in the rural banking

    Literature Review and Conceptual Models Development on Public Services Motivation

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    Public Service Motivation (PSM) has become a basic important thing in employee’s self who work in a public sector organization. It has been previously recognized that behavioural researchers in organizational studies make efforts to develop a new set of motivational theories that only apply in the context of public organization. The purpose of this article is to identify the exploration of various things related to public service motivation. By using literature review, this study identifies preliminary empirical and theoretical literature that particularly discusses public services motivation, particularly for preliminary research including in the category of causality research (cause and effect). Some findings in this study reveal the positive effects of the antecedents of Public Services Motivation that is the most recognizable, which are personal characteristics, job characteristics, and employee perceptions about organization. Furthermore, the main outcome form of Public Services Motivation is attitudes (satisfaction and commitment) and individual behaviour (such as employee performance, turnover intention, and additional role behaviour-ex. OCB (Organizational Citizenship Behaviour)). The results obtained in preliminary empirical outcomes that are shown in the form of theoretical and empirical mapping about antecedents and outcomes of public service motivation, in which could be used as a strong empirical basis of depth study about public service motivation in the future

    Penilaian risiko pada layanan pembayaran pensiun PT Asabri Bandung: Sebuah praktek terbaik untuk penguatan tata kelola perusahaan

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    The pension payment service is one of the important services carried out by PT Asabri, a BUMN that is trusted to manage pension funds for employees within the TNI and POLRI in Indonesia. Because every company does not want to suffer losses so it decides to manage risk properly. The purpose of this study is (1) to find out the risks that have the potential to arise in the pension payment service at PT Asabri Branch Bandung, (2) to explain the results of the risk assessment in the pension payment service based on the ISO 31000:2018 frame of reference. This research method includes qualitative research, using focus group discussions and document review as data collection techniques. From this study, six potential risks emerged, with one risk being at a moderately high level and five other risks including being at a moderately low level. The risk that needs more attention is the risk that the disbursement of funeral expense claims is received by the wrong person. The formulation of actions as risk mitigation that has been assessed has been presented in this article, along with practical recommendations for improving the application of Risk Management at PT Asabri Bandung

    Meningkatkan komitmen bagi Aparatur Sipil Negara: Perspektif teori pertukaran sosial dalam akuntabilitas organisasi publik

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    Organizational commitment is an important form of attitude from an employee towards his organization. The purpose of this study is to examine the importance of organizational commitment from the perspective of social exchange theory. With a social exchange perspective, the research model was built by integrating perceptions of organizational support and job satisfaction into having an impact on organizational commitment. The context of the situation during the pandemic has its own color in this study, especially with situations that require various jobs to be carried out remotely or away from home, so the extent to which employees remain committed to their organizations from the perspective of social exchange. This study takes a sample of ASN who are working in the Bandung Raya area. The data analysis technique uses path analysis, which aims to examine the effect of perceived organizational support on organizational commitment directly or indirectly through job satisfaction. The results showed that every relationship between variables found that the beta coefficient value was in the significant category. This confirms that empirically, social exchange theory can apply in pandemic conditions, especially in building ASN commitment to their organizations as a manifestation of the accountability of public sector organizations

    Stakeholder Theory Perspective in the Risk Identification Process in Village Government

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    The purpose of this article is to explore the idea of ​​the risk identification process in village government from the perspective of stakeholder theory. This article attempts to demonstrate the importance of risk management in village governance by considering what risks can be identified regarding key stakeholders. Stakeholder theory is used as a theoretical basis in exploring the roles and interests of stakeholders related to village governance.  Based on the findings drawn from risk identification process,  there are nine identified risks from the four main stakeholder categories of village governance. Based on the identification of stakeholders in the village government, it could be proposed that stakeholder management in integrated risk management in the village government can be carried out and increase the effectiveness on risk and stakeholder management and this would prompts further empirical research. Furthermore, future research directions are suggested by enabling the integration of risk management and stakeholders to benefit the management process and outcomes of risk and stakeholders management. There is potential in the effectiveness of risk management in village government through new ways of thinking, analyzing, and then managing risks and integrating them with stakeholders holistically, rather than traditional efforts in each area. In the future, integrating risk management and stakeholders is very challenging, but it can be a new way to improve the performance of village government with the feasibility and benefits that need to be studied further

    Pelaksanaan Review Kerangka Kerja Manajemen Risiko Pada Lembaga Administrasi Negara Republik Indonesia

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    Penerapan manajemen risiko dalam sebuah organisasi menjadi sebuah keharusan untuk mendukung tata kelola organisasi yang lebih baik dan efektif. Kegiatan  pengabdian  bertujuan untuk  mengupayakan peningkatan pemahaman  konsep risiko dan manajemen risiko pada pegawai serta mendiskusikan tentang penerapan manajemen risiko pada organisasi.  Kegiatan   pengabdian masyarakat dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode forum grup diskusi dengan melibatkan beberapa unsur pegawai yang mewakili satuan kerja (Satker) baik satker tingkat I atau II di lingkup Lembaga Administrasi Negara Republik Indonesia. Kegiatan dilakukan dalam bentuk review kerangka kerja manajemen risiko selama dua hari dengan menerapkan protokol kesahatan yang ketat.  Dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang telah dilakukan diperoleh hasil bahwa masih banyak pegawai yang belum sepenruhnya memahami secara jelas tentang konsep risiko. Selain itu hasil diskusi menunjukkan bahwa kerangka kerja Manajemen Risiko yang telah disusun masih dikategorikan belum sesuai atau belum memenuhi kriteria standar yang telah ditetapkan. Hal ini disinyalir karena masih kurangnya pemahaman tentang konsep dasar dari risiko itu sendiri. Melalui kegiatan ini pengetahuan pegawai tentang konsep risiko diharapkan menjadi lebih baik sehingga penyusunan Kerangka Kerja Manajemen Risiko di satuan kerja masing – masing menjadi lebih sesuai standar dan tujuan dari penerapan manajemen risiko di organisasi dapat tercapai

    Isu Konseptual Tentang Perasaan Berkewajiban (Felt Obligation) Individu Dalam Perspektif Kerangka Pertukaran Sosial

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    Teori pertukaran sosial telah menjadi landasan teoritis utama yang dapat menjelaskan fenomena hubungan antar individu dalam organisasi. Artikel ini menelaah isu konseptual dari perasaan berkewajiban (felt obligation) individu di organisasi dalam perspektif kerangka pertukaran sosial. Integrative literature review digunakan dalam artikel ini yang bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi isu terkait definisi, konsep, faktor dan atau variabel yang terkait. Sebagai catatan penting, artikel mengungkap tentang perlunya lebih menekankan pada perspektif kerangka pertukaran sosial (social exchange) pada telaah konsep perasaan berkewajiban untuk dapat membedakan secara konseptual dengan mekanisme sikap lainnya seperti komitmen normatif. Implikasi penting tulisan ini adalah kontribusi pada perluasan pemahaman tentang konsep perasaan berkewajiban dan bagaimana hal tersebut dapat ditelaah baik secara teoritis maupun empiris

    Mediating Role of Affective Commitment in The Effect of Ethical Work Climate on Felt Obligation Among Public Officers

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    Social exchange theory (SET) which explains the terms of the exchange agreement under the psychological contract assumes that what was promised is a key point in explaining individual responses at work. It was climate and support which will be argued as antecedents of individuals' attitudes and behaviors. Along with organizational support, ethical work climate was mostly examined only in relationship with intent-to leave. The purpose of this study was to determine felt obligation as the attitudinal outcome of ethical work climate, perceived organizational support, and affective commitment in terms of social exchange mechanism. This study is explanatory research based on primary data with a survey as the data gathered method. The result shows that one of five hypotheses rejected in this study. Furthermore, ethical work climate and perceived organizational support could affect felt obligation through affective commitment as mediation. Our findings are discussed below by considering the implications and limitations of this study