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    ABSTRAKKabupaten Takalar merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Sulawesi Selatan yang kaya akan komoditi hasil perikanan dan pertanian, utamanya rumput laut yang dapat diolah menjadi karagenan dan umbi-umbian yang dapat diolah menjadi pati sebagai sumber bahan baku edible film. Edible film merupakan kemasan primer yang dapat dimakan dan ramah lingkungan yang telah banyak diaplikasikan pada produk pangan olahan. Salah satu produk olahan yang potensi untuk diaplikasikan edible film adalah dodol yang banyak diproduksi di Kabupaten Takalar. Tujuan umum dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah memberdayakan mitra ibu-ibu kelompok usaha Matahari untuk memanfaatkan produk turunan dari rumput laut dan umbi-umbian seperti karagenan dan pati menjadi edible film dan mengaplikasikan pada dodol. Mitra ini telah memiliki pengalaman memproduksi dodol rumput laut namun belum memiliki pengetahuan tentang kemasan primer yang baik, aspek keamanan pangan dan, belum memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang produksi kemasan primer dan aplikasinya pada pangan olahan basah seperti dodol. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan meliputi penyuluhan dan pelatihan. Metode penyuluhan dan pelatihan dilakukan untuk menjelaskan tentang manfaat edible film, cara membuat edible film, dan aspek keamanan pangan pada pembuatan dan aplikasi edible film. Sementara itu metode pelatihan diberikan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan ibu-ibu kelompok  Matahari membuat edible film dan menerapkan kemasan primer pada dodol. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah ibu-ibu kelompok usaha Matahari banyak memperoleh pemahaman dan keterampilan tentang edible film dan aplikasinya pada dodol. Selain itu peserta menyadari pentingnya keamanan pangan dalam proses produksi, pemilihan jenis bahan baku edible film dan cara penggunaan edible film pada dodol.Kata kunci: edible film, karagenan, pati, kemasan, keamanan pangan. ABSTRACTTakalar Regency, one of the districts in South Sulawesi Province, is rich in commodities of fisheries and agriculture. Carrageenan and starch, the derivative products of seaweed and tubers, are the raw materials of edible film. Edible films/coatings is a thin layer which is formed directly on the food surface or between different layers of components with many function such as a barrier of moisture, oxygen, and solute into the food and as a carrier ofaroma compounds. The objective of the community services is to empower the housewife of Matahari community to produce carageenan/starch based-edible film and its application to dodol, a processed food which is fabricated by Matahari community, a small entreprises in Takalar regency. Matahari community has experience producing dodol but they did not yet have good knowledge to produce edible film  and apply edible film to dodol  as well as lack of food safety aspects. The method used in the implementation knowledge and skills transfer to community were lecture and training. The lecture method was conducted to provide an explanation of the benefits of edible film, how to produce edible film and its application to dodol in-house scale, and how to keep the food safety. The community were very responsive to follow the training as well as the lecture. The community was very eager to follow the training activities and conducting practice edible film. After participating in these activities, the skill of the Matahari community to produce edible film in-house scale improved. In addition, awareness of food safety and proper packaging greatly enhanced. Keywords: edible film, carrageenan, starch, packaging, food safety


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    Communities, especially housewives, may be involved in food security programs by utilizing local based food materials. Banana is potentially to be developed in Talabangi district due to its production can reach 508,914 quintals/year or 52.48% of all fruit production in Pinrang Regency. Flavored banana sale with butter aroma is one of the derivative products of banana that has been potentially to be developed by the housewives at the district. The objectives of this community service were: (1) Developing local based food materials such as banana into flavored banana sale with butter aroma; 2) Providing an understanding of the diversification of to support food security and family economy. Methods in the implementation of community service programs included: (1) Socialization of the activity; (2) Problem mapping; (3) Organizing training involving residents; and (4) Community assistance in the term of banana processing. The outputs of this service are among others: (1) Enhancing the capacity of the community in diversifying banana-based businesses; (2) Increasing the involvement and reach of universities in the community service program; and (3) Increased adoption of the benefits of the results of research activities and community service.Keywords: Banana, banana sale, talabangi village, flavor.ABSTRAKMasyarakat khususnya ibu rumah tangga dapat dilibatkan pada program ketahanan pangan dengan memanfaatkan pangan lokal yang tersedia. Potensi pisang di Desa Talabangi Kecamatan Patampanua, Kabupaten Pinrang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mendukung perekonomian keluarga dikarenakan produksi buah pisang dapat mencapai 508.914 kuintal/tahun atau sebesar 52,48% dari seluruh produksi buah. Salah satu produk diversifikasi pisang yang berpotensi dikembangkan oleh ibu rumah tangga adalah pisang sale cokelat aroma butter. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah: (1) Memanfaatkan potensi buah pisang yang melimpah; (2) Memberikan pemahaman mengenai diversifikasi buah pisang menjadi pisang sale cokelat aroma butter agar dapat mendukung ketahanan pangan dan ekonomi keluarga. Metode dalam pelaksanaan program pengabdian masyarakat ini meliputi: (1) Sosialisasi kegiatan; (2) Pemetaan masalah; (3) Penyelenggaraan pelatihan dengan melibatkan warga yang memanfaatkan olahan pisang; dan (4) Pendampingan masyarakat berupa pembuatan pisang sale cokelat aroma butter. Output kegiatan pengabdian ini  antara lain: (1) Peningkatan kemampuan masyarakat dalam melakukan diversifikasi pisang; (2) Peningkatan keterlibatan dan jangkauan perguruan tinggi dalam program pengabdian kepada masyarakat; dan (3) Peningkatan adopsi kemanfaatan hasil kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat.Kata kunci: Pisang, pisang sale, Desa Tabalangi, flavor

    Effect of Sago Starch Concentration on Characteristic of Sago Glucose Syrup

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    Opportunity to use sago as a basic ingredient for syrup glucose is very large because of the high carbohydrate content reached 75.88% - 85.08%. Sago starch contains 27% amylose and 73% amylopectin. This study aims to determine the effect of sago starch substrate concentration on reducing sugar, total dissolved solids, dextrose equivalent, and sweetness level from the glucose syrup produced. This research was conducted in 3 stages, namely gelatinization, liquefaction, and saccharification. The use of sago substrate concentrations were 25%, 30%, and 35%. The use of amylase enzyme is 0.1% dry weight and glucoamylase enzyme is 0.008 g/g dry weight. This study used a completely randomized design with a factorial pattern with two replications and data analysis using Duncan test. The use of α-amylase and glucoamylase enzymes in the manufacture of glucose syrup from sago starch affects the glucose syrup produced. The best result is obtained from 30% substrate concentration with reducing sugar value is 186.07 g/L, total dissolved solid is 36.13%, dextrose equivalent value is 62.02%, and sweetness level value is 33.92 ºbrix.</p


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    Rumput laut merupakan salah satu komoditas hasil laut yang diunggulkan dikarenakan memiliki kandungan yodium yang tinggi. Tingginya kandungan yodium yang dimiliki rumput laut membuat komoditas ini dapat dikembangkan menjadi produk subsitusi tepung terigu menjadi produk pangan olahan khususnya ekado. Ekado merupakan makanan yang dibungkus dengan adonan kulit pangsit. Adonan kulit pangsit terbuat dari tepung terigu dengan penambahan rumput laut. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kelompok usaha Matahari dalam menghasilkan ekado; (2) Meningkatkan pengetahuan kelompok usaha Matahari mengenai aspek keamanan pangan dan pemilihan jenis kemasan yang tepat; (3) Meningkatkan pengetahuan manajemen dan strategi pemasaran produk. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan meliputi penyuluhan dan pelatihan. Metode penyuluhan dan pelatihan dilakukan untuk menjelaskan tentang manfaat ekado, cara membuat ekado, keamanan pangan dan pengetahuan manajemen dan strategi pemasaran. Sementara itu metode pelatihan diberikan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan ibu-ibu kelompok usaha Matahari membuat ekado dan mengemas vakum produk olahan rumput laut. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah ibu-ibu kelompok usaha Matahari banyak memperoleh pemahaman diversifikasi olahan rumput laut seperti ekado. Selain itu peserta menyadari pentingnya keamanan pangan dalam proses produksi, pemilihan jenis kemasan yang tepat dan mengetahui cara penggunaan kemasan vakum. Bahkan, peserta juga menyadari pentingnya kemasan yang menarik dalam memasarkan produk olahan dan cara memasarkan produk olahan ekado. Kata kunci: diversifikasi, rumput laut, ekado, kemasan, keamanan pangan, promosi

    Quality and Storability of Mango During Zero Energy Cool Chamber (ZECC)

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    Many researchhavefound thatthe use of zero energy coolchamber (ZECC) extend the shelf life of stored fruits and vegetables. There is a lack of study conducted in Indonesia about the use of ZECC to keep mangos after harvesting though. The present study, therefore, was aimed to understand the quality and storability of stored mangos in ZECC. Three different storage containers, a ZECC, ambient, and refrigerator with different average RH and temperature, were used to place selected ripe mangos (Mangifera indica L) that were manually harvested from farmers’ field nearby. The ZECC was set up at the residential complex for lecturer of Hasanuddin University as the experiment site. Results showed that mangos inside ZECC were acceptable until eleven days of storage after considering both quality and sensory evaluation. The result suggests that ZECC can maintain mango’s quality and extend its shelf life, which reveals that ZECC seems promisingfor commercial applicatio

    PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN ASAM ASKORBAT TERHADAP SIFAT FUNGSIONAL PATI UBI JALAR UNGU (Ipomea batatas L.): (The Effect of Ascorbic Acid Addition on Functional Characteristic of Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomea batatas L.) Starch)

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    Purple sweet potato starch is known for its anthocyanin content and has a high carbohydrate content, especially starch. Starch extraction in purple sweet potato can cause browning due to the presence of PPO enzymes which results in decreased anthocyanin content in the resulting starch. Ascorbic acid can be used as an anti-browning agent. The analysis results obtained are the drying of purple sweet potato starch can be done for 4 hours because at that time the water content has been constant for a long time of further drying. The anthocyanin content of purple sweet potato starch decreases with increasing concentration of the addition of ascorbic acid, but the addition of ascorbic acid causes an increase in antioxidants of purple sweet potato starch because ascorbic acid is one type of antioxidantPati ubi jalar ungu dikenal dengan kandungan antosianin serta memiliki kandungan karbohidrat terutama pati yang tinggi. Ekstraksi pati pada ubi jalar ungu dapat menyebabkan terjadinya browningkarena adanya enzim PPO yang mengakibatkan menurunnya kandungan antosianin dalam pati yang dihasilkan. Asam askorbat dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu agen anti browning. Hasil analisa yang diperoleh yaitu pengeringan pati ubi jalar ungu dapat dilakukan selama 4 jam karena pada lama waktu tersebut kadar air telah konstan untuk lama pengeringan selanjutnya. Kandungan antosianin pati ubi jalar ungu menurun dengan bertambahnya konsentrasi penambahan asam askorbat, namun penambahan asam askorbat menyebabkan peningkatan antioksidan pati ubi jalar ungu karena asam askorbat merupakan salah satu jenis antioksida

    PERUBAHAN SIFAT FISIKO-KIMIAWI SELAMA PROSES FERMENTASI BIJI KAKAO SEGAR: Changes in Physical-Chemical Properties During The Fresh Cocoa Fermentation Process

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    Cocoa is a plantation commodity that requires fermentation to improve the quality of flavor and aroma. Research on changes in physical and chemical properties during the spontaneous fermentation process of fresh cocoa beans for weight scales of 20, 40 and 60 kg have been carried out. This study aims to obtain information as an indicator of the success rate of the fermentation process of fresh cocoa beans, both on a small and large scale. The fermentation process lasts for 6 days with stirring starting on the second day until the sixth day, with an interval of 24 hours. The study design uses a randomized block design method (RBD) with two factors, namely the weight scale of seeds per box and fermentation time with three replications. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on the observed parameter indicators, namely temperature, pH and total acid, there was no significant difference in the profile of the physico-chemical properties during the fermentation process between the three weight scale levels. The physico-chemical condition shows a straight relationship with the quality of fermented cocoa beans, in accordance with the results of the cut test.Kakao merupakan komoditas perkebunan yang membutuhkan proses fermentasi untuk memperbaiki mutu citarasa dan aromanya. Penelitian tentang perubahan profil sifat fisiko-kimia selama proses fermentasi spontan biji kakao segar untuk skala berat 20, 40 dan 60 kg telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi sebagai indikator tingkat keberhasilan proses fermentasi biji kakao segar, baik pada skala kecil maupun besar. Proses fermentasi berlangsung selama 6 hari dengan pengadukan dimulai pada hari kedua hingga hari keenam, dengan selang waktu 24 jam. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan metode rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) pola petak terpisah dengan 2 faktor, yaitu skala berat biji per kotak dan waktu fermentasi dengan tiga kali ulangan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisa secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Berdasarkan indikator parameter yang diamati, yaitu suhu, pH dan total asam, tidak terdapat perbedaan nyata profil perubahan sifat fisiko-kimia selama proses fermentasi berlangsung diantara ketiga tingkat skala berat tersebut. Kondisi sifat fisiko-kimia tersebut memperlihatkan hubungan yang lurus dengan mutu biji kakao fermentasinya, sesuai dengan hasil cut testnya

    L'intégration multisensorielle comme stratégie pour compenser la réduction en sodium et matière grasse dans les aliments

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    Identifiant thèse : 2015DIJOS088In recent years;health authorities worldwide advise for a reduction of salt and fat in daily food consumption. However;foods with reduced salt and fat content are often not appreciated by consumers;Therefore;the formulation of low-salt-fat foods that maintain acceptability is a major concern in food research. In this thesis;the multi-sensory integration and release kinetics of flavor compounds were explored as strategies to compensate for salt and fat reduction in cheese products (model cheeses and real cheeses). The objective was to better understand the mechanisms leading to aroma and salt release during mastication and to evaluate how the matrix composition and structure influence salt and aroma release profile. Multisensory integration approach to compensate for salt and fat reduction was studied in a first step. The structure and sensory perception of 24 cheese models varying in composition (2 levels of fat;2 salt;2 pH at renneting) and flavored with either a sardine aroma (associated to salt);a butter aroma (associated to fat) or not flavoured (control) were characterised by rheological measurements (uniaxial compression) and sensory evaluation (descriptive analysis). The results demonstrated an influence of the composition on the products structure and perceived texture. Furthermore;a significant saltiness enhancement was induced by sardine aroma while significant fat perception enhancement was induced by butter aroma. However;this influence of the aroma on other sensory dimensions depends on the texture of the products thus on their composition and structure. These results have been extended to real cheeses but with specificities. If the sardine flavor enhanced the perception of salt;only butter-sardine-flavor enhanced the perception of fat. In a second step;a physico-chemical approach was developed to explore the release kinetic of flavor compounds during in vitro breakdown using a chewing simulator. The aim was to use these data to explain the influence of the structure of model cheeses and real cheeses and their breakdown during chewing on sensory effects observed in the first step. Volatile compounds release was monitored by connecting the chewing simulator to a proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry (PTR-MS);while salt release was monitored using a conductivity probe. Results showed that product composition and structure (fat;salt and pH at renneting) influenced aroma release;which however depends on the nature of the aroma: the more hydrophobic compounds are less sensitive to variations in fat content and more sensitive to variations in pH and therefore to the products structure. The salt release kinetic during in vitro chewing was also influenced by the composition and structure of the products. Indeed;beyond salt content which determined the amount of salt released;fat content and the pH at renneting modulated the release kinetic. In conclusion;this work showed a significant impact of the flavor compounds release kinetic and probably of temporality of sensations on the overall perception of salt and fat when consuming a complex food.Au cours des dernières années, les autorités sanitaires ont recommandé une réduction de la teneur en sel et en gras dans la consommation alimentaire quotidienne. Cependant, les aliments à teneur réduite en sel et en gras sont souvent peu appréciés par les consommateurs, ce qui a amené au développement des recherches sur les stratégies possibles pour maintenir l’acceptabilité des aliments tout en réduisant les teneurs en ces ingrédients. Dans cette thèse, l’intégration multi-sensorielle et les cinétiques de libération du sel et des arômes mesurées in vitro ont été étudiés pour évaluer leur potentialité à compenser une réduction en sel et matière grasse d’un fromage modèle de composition variable et d’un fromage réel (type trappiste). Dans une première étape, une approche sensorielle a permis d’étudier les interactions multi-sensorielles arômes-saveurs-texture pour les formages modèles et réels. La structure et la perception sensorielle de vingt-quatre modèles fromagers variant en composition (2 niveaux de gras, 2 de sel, 2 de pH à l’emprésurage) et aromatisés avec un arôme de sardine (associé au sel), d'un arôme de beurre (associé au gras) ou non aromatisés (témoin) ont été caractérisés par des mesures rhéologiques (compression uniaxiale) et des mesures sensorielles (profil descriptif). Les résultats ont montré une influence de la composition sur la structure et la texture perçue des produits. Par ailleurs, l’arôme sardine a conduit à une perception plus salé ; l’arôme de beurre a permis de renforcer la perception du caractère gras. Toutefois cette influence des arômes sur les autres dimensions sensorielles est fonction de la texture des produits donc de leur composition et de leur structure. Ces résultats ont été étendus à des fromages réels avec toutefois des spécificités. Si l’arôme sardine renforce la perception du sel, seul l’arôme de beurre associé à l’arôme de sardine permet de renforcer le caractère gras. Dans une deuxième étape, une approche physico-chimique a été développée pour explorer les cinétiques de libération des stimuli odorants et sapides dans des conditions simulant la mastication in vitro à l’aide d’un simulateur de mastication. L’objectif était d’utiliser les données ainsi obtenues pour expliquer l’influence de la structure des produits et de leur déstructuration lors de la mastication sur les effets sensoriels observés dans la première étape. Les modèles fromagers et les fromages réels ont été ainsi étudiés. La libération des composés volatils a été évaluée en connectant le simulateur de mastication à un spectromètre de masse à pression atmosphérique (PTR-MS) ; la libération du sodium a été suivie grâce à une sonde de conductivité. Les résultats ont montré une influence des trois paramètres de composition (teneur en matière grasse, en sel et pH à l’emprésurage) sur les cinétiques de libération des arômes. Cette variation dépend néanmoins de la nature de l’arôme suivi ; les arômes plus hydrophobes étant moins sensibles aux variations de la teneur en matière grasse et plus sensibles aux variations de pH et donc à la structure du produit. La cinétique de libération du sel lors de la mastication in vitro est aussi largement influencée par la composition et la structure des produits. Outre la teneur en sel qui conditionne les quantités libérées, la teneur en matière grasse et le pH à l’emprésurage module la cinétique de libération du sel. Au final, ces travaux montrent une importante contribution de la cinétique de libération et donc probablement de la temporalité des sensations dans perception globale du sel et de la matière grasse lors de la consommation d’un aliment complexe

    Reducing Sodium Content in Cheeses While Increasing Salty Taste and Fat Perception Using Aroma

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    International audienceExcess salt (NaCl) and fat intake are major causes of chronic diseases, but reducing such components without affecting acceptability is a major challenge. Here, we set out to examine whether added aroma in lower salt cheese can enhance saltiness and fat perception. Low-salt cheese samples were grated through a homogenizer, and then aroma solution, sardine aroma (salt-associated), butter aroma (fat-associated) and a mix of sardine and butter aromas were added. The results confirmed that grating changes cheese texture, leading to induced taste perception. In addition, a significant saltiness enhancement was induced by sardine aroma and to a lesser extent by butter aroma, while significant fat perception enhancement was only induced by blended aroma. These findings show that aroma addition can be a strategy to compensate for sodium reduction in commercial cheese. Concerning fat perception, the addition of aroma can be a good strategy to compensate for low-fat in commercial cheeses. However, the mechanisms involved seem complex and need to be elucidated