1,644 research outputs found

    The Evaluation of the Official Development Assisstance Programme From Jica on the Maternal and Child Health Handbook at the Telogo Asri Village, Central Java

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    This article will describe one of the Official Development Assisstance (ODA) programme which had been introduced by the Japan International Cooperation Agency to increase the health condition of mother and children in such areas in Indonesia. The Maternal and Child Health (MCH) handbook programme had been undertaken for about 10 years and has shown different results in many different areas in Indonesia. This article will show the effect of the MCH handbook programme to the mother’s child health behaviour in one village in Central Java (for confidentiality, the name of village and informants used are pseudo names). The Telogo Asri village was chosen because of their involvement in the MCH handbook programme for about the last 9 years

    Goodness-of-fit analysis of the Cosmicflows-2 database of velocities

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    The goodness-of-fit (GoF) of the Cosmicflows-2 (CF2) database of peculiar velocities with the LCDM standard model of cosmology is presented. Standard application of the Chi^2 statistics of the full database, of its 4,838 data points, is hampered by the small scale nonlinear dynamics which is not accounted for by the (linear regime) velocity power spectrum. The bulk velocity constitutes a highly compressed representation of the data which filters out the small scales non-linear modes. Hence the statistics of the bulk flow provides an efficient tool for assessing the GoF of the data given a model. The particular approach introduced here is to use the (spherical top-hat window) bulk velocity extracted from the Wiener filter reconstruction of the 3D velocity field as a linear low pass filtered highly compressed representation of the CF2 data. An ensemble 2250 random linear realizations of the WMAP/LCDM model has been used to calculate the bulk velocity auto-covariance matrix. We find that the CF2 data is consistent with the WMAP/LCDM model to better than the 2 sigma confidence limits. This provides a further validation that the CF2 database is consistent with the standard model of cosmology.Comment: submitted to MNRAS, V2 : solved page sizing proble


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    R. Adi Deswijaya. 2013. Kajian Stilistika Babad Tanah Jawi Jilid 1-5 Karya Raden Ngabehi Yasadipura I. TESIS. Pembimbing I: Prof. Dr. H. Sumarlam, M.S., II: Dr. Tri Wiratno, M.A. Program Studi Linguistik, Minat Utama Deskriptif, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Kajian stilistika ini merupakan analisis kekhasan pemakaian bahasa di dalam Babad Tanah Jawi Jilid 1-5 karya Raden Ngabehi Yasadipura I. Permasalahan yang dibahas adalah 1) bagaimanakah kekhasan aspek bunyi bahasa yang terdapat di dalam naskah Babad Tanah Jawi jilid 1-5, karya Raden Ngabehi Yasadipura I, 2) bagaimanakah kekhasan pemanfaatan bentuk-bentuk kata arkais yang dapat mendukung keindahan di dalam naskah Babad Tanah Jawi jilid 1-5, karya Raden Ngabehi Yasadipura I, 3) bagaimanakah kekhasan penggunaan diksi di dalam naskah Babad Tanah Jawi jilid 1-5, karya Raden Ngabehi Yasadipura I, 4) bagaimanakah kekhasan penggunaan gaya bahasa kiasan, khususnya simile, metafora, perumpamaan epos, personifikasi, metonimi, sinekdoki, dan allegori di dalam naskah Babad Tanah Jawi jilid 1-5, karya Raden Ngabehi Yasadipura I, 5) bagaimanakah aspek pencitraan yang terdapat di dalam naskah Babad Tanah Jawi jilid 1-5, karya Raden Ngabehi Yasadipura I. Landasan teori dalam penelitian ini meliputi teori-teori: 1) naskah babad, 2) tembang macapat dan bahasanya, 3) stilistika, 4) diksi, 5) bentuk bunyi bahasa, 6) pemanfaatan bentuk-bentuk kata arkais di dalam tembang macapat, 7) bahasa figuratif, dan 8) pencitraan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling atau sampel bertujuan berdasarkan kriteria tertentu. Data di dalam penelitian adalah Babad Tanah Jawi jilid 1-5 tentang kekhasan aspek bunyi bahasa, kekhasan pemanfaatan bentukbentuk kata arkais yang dapat mendukung keindahan, penggunaan gaya bahasa kiasan, khususnya simile, metafora, perumpamaan epos, personifikasi, metonimia, sinekdoki, dan allegori, serta pencitraan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik pustaka, simak, dan catat. Hasil alihaksara dan terjemahan yang berupa huruf Latin tadi kemudian dilakukan pengambilan data dengan teknik simak dan catat. Analisis data yang dilakukan di dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode padan dan metode agih. Alatnya adalah daya pilah yang dimiliki peneliti berupa: 1) daya pilah sebagai pembeda organ wicara, 2) daya pilah sebagai pembeda referen, dan 3) daya pilah sebagai pembeda larik. Hasil kajian stilistika terhadap Babad Tanah Jawi jilid 1-5 karya Raden Ngabehi Yasadipura I dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut. R.Ng. Yasadipura I di dalam menyampaikan bahasa tembang macapat sering memanfaatkan pemakaian pola bunyi bahasa tertentu. Pola bunyi bahasa yang dominan muncul adalah purwakanthi guru swara (asonansi), purwakanthi guru sastra (aliterasi), dan purwakanthi lumaksita. Ketiga purwakanthi tersebut mampu membuat tembang macapat R.Ng. Yasasadipura I lebih indah. Pola pembentukan kata meliputi awalan {a-}, {ka-}, {pa-}, dan {pi-}, sisipan {-um-} dan {-in-}, serta pola xvii pembentukan kata reduplikasi meliputi dwipurwa, dwilingga salin swara, dan perulangan berkombinasi dengan imbuhan. Jarangnya pemakaian ketiga pola bentuk kata tersebut di dalam bahasa komunikasi sehari-hari, menandakan bahwa pemanfaatan pola bentuk kata tersebut merupakan ciri-ciri dari bentuk kata arkais yang digunakan di dalam bahasa pustaka dan memberikan kesan keindahan bagi para pembacanya. Pemilihan kata atau diksi yang digunakan R.Ng. Yasadipura I sangat beragam, antara lain tembung entar, tembung garba, pepindhan, plutan, sasmita tembang, baliswara, rurabasa, tembung wancah, dasanama, dan perubahan bunyi vokal untuk menyesuaikan guru lagu. R.Ng. Yasadipura I di dalam menyampaikan keinginan hatinya sering menggunakan gaya bahasa kiasan yang meliputi simile, metafora, perumpamaan epos, personifikasi, metonimia, sinekdoki, dan allegori. Salah satu daya tarik pengarang untuk menghidupkan imajinasi pembaca sehingga pembaca menjadi terpengaruh, terangsang dan timbul tautan antara pikiran dan panca inderanya, yaitu dengan hadirnya pencitraan meliputi: 1) citra penglihatan, 2) citra pendengaran, 3) citra gerak, 4) citra rabaan, 5) citra penciuman, dan 6) citra pencecapan. Kata kunci: Babad Tanah Jawi, bunyi bahasa, bentuk kata arkais, diksi, bahasa kiasan, pencitraan

    Youth Empowerment in the Poor Community of Urban Areas

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    Poverty in Indonesia is one of many problems that has always been discussed since the independence of Indonesia for about seven decades ago. However, the problem is not merely in the poverty itself, but in the way the people who live below the poverty line respond to their condition. Moreover, since the monetary and economic crisis was over, the number of people who live below the poverty line has increased drastically. Poverty also threatens the youths who live in poverty stricken slum areas. This article will describe community service activities that focus on empowering the youth to make them responsible and self-sufficient adults. The activities that have been developed in this article focus on economic empowerment for unemployed youth who live in poor areas in the city of Jakarta.     Keywords: Poverty, Youth and Community Empowermen


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    Local Economic Development (LED) revitalization objective to change view of stockholders included of Central Government, Regional Government, Non Government Institution, and community, for Local Economic Development (LED) to be instrument of developing economic activity was based on locally resources for increasing the sustainable of local community welfare. This research aims to give accuracy information for Regional Governmen of Sukoharjo used for make Local Economic Development (LED) action plan for sustainable, in short term, middle term, and long term. The method of this research was descriptive analysis. The analysis method used for Rapid Assesment Techniques For Local Economic Development (RAPID). The output of this research is including output identific of Local Economic Development factors, LED status and LED recommended in Sukoharjo Regency. The location of this research for LED status was Sukoharjo Regency, in accordance with LED frame work of Central Java Province based on developed of business clusters in Local Economic Development (LED) sectors. Object research of LED status was Sukoharjo Regency, whereas respondent are stockholders to hook with Local Economic Development (LED) in Sukoharjo Regency. Based on this research output from RALED, it can be concluded that Sukoharjo Regency include in well categories viewed from six aspect of LED dimension, namely Target Groups, Location Factor, Synergy and Policy Focused, Sustainable Development, Government System, and Management Process. Unfortunately, based on specific value of many aspect of LED dimension in Sukoharjo Regency, it is still necessary to obtain serious attention from all stockholders particularly LED or FEDEP Forume (Forume Economic Development and Employment Promotion) in Sukoharjo Regency in the future. Therefore, it can increase many aspect of LED dimension to grow Local Economic Development (LED) in Sukoharjo Regency, particularly related with many aspect of PEL dimension, among of Target Groups, Focus and Synergy Policies, Government System, and Management Process

    Pelibatan Masyarakat Lokal: Upaya Memberdayakan Masyarakat Menuju Hutan

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    Undang-undang No. 41 Tahun 1999 menyatakan bahwa hutan merupakan anugerah Tuhan yang wajib disyukuri, dilestarikan dan dikelola sehingga dapat memberikan manfaat kepada manusia. Dengan melihat arti pentingnya kawasan hutan sebagai penyangga kehidupan yang diharapkan mampu memberikan sebesar-besarnya manfaat bagi keberlangsungan hajat hidup orang banyak, maka keberadaan hutan harus dipertahankan secara optimal. Oleh karena itu, pengelolaan hutan yang berkelanjutan atau lestari mutlak diperlukan

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kepatuhan Pemilik USAha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) dalam Memenuhi Kewajiban Perpajakan (Studi pada Wajib Pajak Pemilik UMKM di Kpp Pratama Malang Selatan)

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    This research is based on the way of Government in giving facilitation to people regarding the implementation of tax obligation by establishing Government Regulation No. 46 2013. This research is purposed to explain influence variable of tax understanding, controlling, and Socialization significantly influence in taxpayers compliance. Research method that is used is explanatory research with quantitative approach. Data collection method by using questionnaire for 100 MSME owners who are registered in tax office pratama malang selatan. Using descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression helped by SPSS software version 21, this study showed that the variable tax understanding, controlling, and Socialization significantly influence in taxpayers compliance