433 research outputs found

    Studi tentang sistem komunikasi satelit

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    Reconstruction of the 1945 Constitution for strengthening the legal framework of Indonesia Environmental Law: Rekonstruksi UUD 1945 Menuju Penguatan Hukum Lingkungan Indonesia

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    The Anthropocene era was marked by a decline in the quality of the environment including being influenced by the law itself, for example the Job Creation Law was considered to have a negative impact on efforts to protect the environment. This research will analyze the development of legal instruments and the role of the Constitutional Court in environmental protection. This research will be conducted by studying legal literature. The urgency of changing the environmental law political paradigm (green policy) in Indonesia based on the ecocentrism paradigm will provide stronger environmental law political guidelines. Efforts to strengthen the paradigm of environmental protection are carried out by reconstructing the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia by granting rights to the environment and setting state obligations. There is a role for the Constitutional Court through Decision Number 32/PUU-VII/2010 and Number 18/PUU-XII/2014 by providing guidelines for the development of more comprehensive environmental law

    Analysis of The Effect of Service Quality, Product Quality, and Price on Customer Satisfaction on CV SMART

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of service quality,product quality and price on customer satisfaction at Cv smart semarang.  This research was conducted using quantitative methods. The number of research samples was 96 respondents who were consumers of cv smart semarang. The technique used in this study using purposive sampling technique. Quantitative analysis results include validity test,reliability test,classic assumption test (normality test,heteroscedasticity test and multicollinearity test), multiple linear regression test and the last hypothesis test using the T test, F test and the coefficient of determination (R2).  The research results show that service quality, product quality and price have a positive and significant. With the following regression equation Y = 0,222 X1+0,284 X2+0,391 X3. And the magnitude of the coefficient of determination (R2) is 0,609 which means 60,9 percent of consumer satisfaction is influenced by service quality,product quality,and price.

    SISTEM KENDAL1 SOFT-STOPPING PADA MOTOR INDUKSI TIGA FASE BERBASIS MIKROKONTROLER (Soft-Stopping Control System in Three Phases Induction Motor Based on Microcontroller)

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    Accurate timing is strongly needed in a moving control system in modern industries, especially in industries using three phases induction motor as .a part of their production equipment. This study was - intended to evaluate the performance of soft-stopping control system of three phases induction motor based on microcontroller by adding thyristor hold off angle for the purpose of timing. This control system detects time of null intersection of source tension and detect losing of current from ggl versus motor when the control do soft opening activity. Soft stopping process of the control begins from soft start to steady state condition and to soft stopping when loaded current reach minimum value. Within the process of soft-stopping, the addition of thyristor hold off angle gradually, wailing for the calculation of the working circle from its microcontroller, for the purpose of programmed timing. This study was carried out in three-phase induction motor of 220/380 Volt, power of 0.5 Hp, and load of 72.4 Watt. Result of this study indicated that minimum current when stopping was on thyristor hold off angle wide position (y) of 44.9D, mistake of timing during an hour was 0.34% (12.2 seconds late) in condition of unloaded motor and 0.35% (12.5 seconds late) in loaded motor condition. Keywords : Soft-stopping, Induction Motor, Timing, Mikrokontrole

    DIGITAL IMAGE WATERMARKING (DIW) YANG TAHAN TERHADAP TRANSFORMASI GEOMETRIS (Digital Image watermarking (DIW) Robust to Geometric Transformations)

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    Digital images can be easily copied and distributed illegally using widely available software tools. Watermarking methods that embed side information into images with the aim of protecting copyright have been proposed. So far, these methods have been defeated by simple attacks such as rotation, translation, and scaling. In this thesis,. a novel digital image watermarking system that takes advantage of the Wavelet Transform properties to embed a spread spectrum circular symmetric watermark in an image is proposed. Watermark robustness against translation, rotation, and scaling attacks is achieved by the proposed method. Successful experiments showed the performance of the method to geometric. Key words: watermarking, mark, wavelet, spread spectrum circular symmetri


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    oai:jurnal.ugm.ac.id:article/2346Batteries are chemical devices to save electricity. device capable of generating a DC voltage, ie by converting chemical energy contained in it into electrical energy through the reaction of electro clams, Redox (Reduction - Oxidation). The battery consists of several cells, these cells become energy storage in the form of chemical energy. Negative electrode called the cathode, which serve as electron donors. Positive electrode called the anode which serves as an electron acceptor. Between the anode and the cathode current will flow from the positive pole (anode) to the negative pole (cathode). While the electrons will flow from ktoda toward the anode.In this study, the batteries are designed to use sea water as electrolyte. Voltage measured for one cell is 0,75 Volt and measurable current of 100mA, to get the required voltage is 10 Volts 15 cells arranged in series. Testing is done by loading a flashlight with 5 LED, the results of this special design battery capable of powering 5 LED for seven days without stopping, this suggests that there are large energy stored in batteries. After charging the battery energy runs out of energy again just by replacing the sea water as electrolyte. These batteries are designed to be placed in the beach area and waterfront, it is intended that the sea water needs as the electrolyte can be easily obtained. The especially designed battery is one of the low technology and easy to be made, because the necessary materials readily available in the manufacture of batteries, the battery does not require extra maintenance, environmentally friendly and can be used for twenty-four hours as long as there is sea water

    Pengaruh besar varians masukandan derau keluaran pata tapis Kalman

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    ABSTRAK Teknik tapis yang dikembangkan oleh Kalman memberikan penyelesaian yang lebih umum un¬tuk masalah perancangan estimator keadaan (state) suatu sistem linear. Sistem linear yang ditinjau dapat berubah dengan waktu (time varying) dan berpeubah-jamak (multi-variable). Pada masukan dan keluaran dapat pula terdapat derau acak (random noise) untuk lebih mendekati keadaan sistem sistem nyata. Besar derau masukan maupun keluaran yang diwakili oleh varians-variansnya, berpengaruh terhadap kerja tapis Kalman yang diterapkan. Suatu model sistem tetap dan berpeubah-keadaan dua diambil untuk simulasi penerapan lapis Kalman. Perilaku tapis ini diamati untuk berbagai nilai varians derau normal pada masukan dan keluaran. Unjuk-kerja (performance) lapis ditinjau dari segi kecepatan dan kecermatan estimasi yang dihasilkan. Perkembangan besar "Kalman gain", dan peubah peubah lain, dengan naiknya nomer iterasi diperlihatkan secara grafis. Derau masukan berpengaruh positif terhadap unjuk-kerja tapis Kalman, sedang sebaliknya derau keluaran menyulitkan tugas tapis Kalman dalam mengestimasi peubah keadaan sistem Keywords: daerau keluaran, tapis Kalman, derau aca

    The human visual system\u27s modulation transfer function in other transform domains

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    ABSTRACT The Human Visual System\u27s (HVS\u27s) Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) has been utilized well in many image processing activities. However, its utilization is limited specifically in the Fourier Transform domain due to the nature of its parameters. On the other hand, many class of images are best represented in other Transform domains, such as the Cosine\u27s, the Sine\u27s, the Haar\u27s, the Slant-Haar\u27s. Here, we show how the MTFs in those other transform domains were constructed and how they look like in the 1-D version

    Performansi solar water heater tipe parabolic trough collector sistem open loop dengan variasi perubahan material pipa absorber

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    Solar water heater merupakan pemanas air tenaga surya yang mentransmisikan panas ke air berdasarkan prinsip perpindahan panas. Sistem Parabolic Trough Collector (PTC) digunakan sebagai media solar concentrator menuju pipa absorber. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui performansi suhu serta efisiensi yang dihasilkan dari sistem PTC. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen. PTC menggunakan material aluminium solar concentrator sebagai reflektor sinar matahari. Variasi jenis material pipa absorber yang digunakan adalah pipa aluminium dan pipa tembaga. Pipa absorber memiliki diameter ½ inch dan panjang total 450cm dengan debit laju aliran massa fluida 0.25 l/menit. Pengujian dilakukan pada pukul 11.00 – 14.00 wib dengan intensitas cahaya minimal 650w/m². Hasil pengujian menunjukkan suhu tertinggi yang dihasilkan oleh pipa aluminium sebesar 37,4 ºC pada intensitas matahari 813,7 w/m² dengan efisiensi sistem sebesar 16,13%. Pengujian menggunakan pipa tembaga menunjukkan suhu tertinggi sebesar 41,4 ºC pada intensitas matahari 792,37 w/m² dengan efisiensi sistem sebesar 29,18%. Berdasarkan pengujian yang dilakukan bahwa penggunaan pipa absorber dengan material tembaga memiliki performa lebih baik dibandingkan dengan material pipa aluminium. Kata kunci : efisiensi, parabolic trough collector, pipa absorber, solar water heater, tenaga sury
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