7 research outputs found

    Mesin Pencacah Batang Buah Naga sebagai Alat Pembuat Pupuk Organik di Dusun Wadungdolah Desa Kaligondo Kecamatan Genteng Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    Kabupaten Banyuwangi merupakan kabupaten yang terletak di ujung paling timur pulau Jawa, perkembangan ekonomi khususnya sektor pertanian dan pariwisata di wilayah Kabupaten Banyuwangi menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang lebih cepat dari pada sektor lainnya, kabupaten ini dikenal sebagai sentra penghasil buah naga di Jawa Timur. Setelah proses panen tanaman buah naga akan dipangkas untuk mengurangi kebutuhan hara dan merangsang tumbuhnya bunga baru. Batang buah naga yang dipangkas seringkali hanya dibuang karena dianggap limbah. Petani di Dusun Wadungdolah Desa Kaligondo telah memanfaatkan limbah batang buah naga sebagai pupuk organic. Batang buah naga harus dicacah terlebih dahulu untuk mempercepat proses pembusukan. Selama ini petani mencacah batang dengan cara manual sehingga membutuhkan waktu dan tenaga yang banyak. Pembuatan mesin pencacah batang buah naga diharapkan dapat mengefisienkan waktu pencacahan dan dapat merangsang petani-petani untuk semakin giat menggunakan pupuk organik demi terwujudnya green farming yang ramah lingkungan dan berkelanjutan


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    The purpose of this study was to formulate a competitive strategy to maintain the existence of Prol Tape Primadona. The study used a case study approach with UD. Primadona as the research object. The data were analyzed by using a value chain approach to determine the internal and external conditions that influence Prol Tape Primadona and using analysis of IFE, EFE, CPM, IE, SWOT, and QSPM to develop competitive strategies for Prol Tape Primadona. The results show that the strategies that can be recommended to UD. Primadona are as follows: 1) increasing production capacity, 2) creating website/blog to promote Prol Tape, 3) adding the variants of Prol Tape, 4) stricting quality control to maintain strong brand equity, and 5) establishing coordination with the district government of Jember to make Prol Tape as a superior product.Keywords: competitive strategy, Prol Tape Primadona, UD. Primadona, QSPM, SWOTAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan strategi bersaing sehingga dapat menjaga eksistensi Prol Tape Primadona. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus dengan UD. Primadona sebagai objek penelitiannya. Data dianalisis dengan pendekatan rantai nilai untuk mengetahui kondisi internal dan eksternal yang berpengaruh terhadap prol tape Primadona kemudian menggunakan analisis IFE, EFE, CPM, IE, SWOT, dan QSPM untuk menyusun strategi bersaing Prol Tape Primadona. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi-straegi prioritas yang dapat direkomendasikan kepada UD. Primadona yaitu 1) peningkatan kapasitas produksi, 2) membuat situs web/blog untuk mempromosikan Prol Tape, 3) melakukan penambahan varian Prol Tape, 4) pengendalian  mutu yang ketat untuk menjaga ekuitas merek yang kuat, dan 5) melakukan koordinasi dengan pemerintah kabupaten Jember untuk menjadikan Prol Tape sebagai salah satu produk unggulan.Kata kunci: strategi bersaing, Prol Tape Primadona, UD. Primadona, QSPM, SWO

    Destination Branding Pantai Blimbingsari sebagai Sentra Kuliner Ikan Bakar di Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    Blimbingsari beach is one of a kind of Banyuwangi’s beach that have a high potential on grilled fish special culinary aspect This beach became the pioneer of Banyuwangi’s very first seafood and grilled fish restaurant with ‘lesehan’ type, and that was the brand was formed ever since. Thus also makes the image of Blimbingsari skyrocket and built perspective of tourists for years and the paradigm brings many people to come and try the dish by themselves. However, Blimbingsari beach has not optimalize the brand identity they have and has no tagline or destination icon to increase the branding yet. The main purpose of this research is to formulate of priority strategies of Blimbingsari destination branding as a grilled fish culinary center which lies in Banyuwangi.This research is using qualitative descriptive with SWOT analysis and AHP for making desicion in a path of top priority strategies. And the result itself, shows that the culinary potential has been being built by brand and long-journey tourist perspective, the taste of the grilled fish itself, best price dishes and comfortable ambiance. The highest strenght factor owned Blimbingsari beach is having a strategic location, the main weakness factor is inadequate food utensils. The major opportunity of factor is the sinergy between to communities to increase regional profit and the main threat factor is the emergence of new competitors. In addition, this research also produced five priority strategies.Keywords: Blimbingsari beach, destination branding, grilled fish culinaryAbstrakPantai Blimbingsari merupakan salah satu pantai di Kabupaten Banyuwangi yang memiliki potensi kuliner yaitu ikan bakar. Citra kuliner ini terbentuk karena Pantai Blimbingsari menjadi pionir warung dengan sajian ikan bakar yang mengusung tema lesehan di Banyuwangi. Hal ini menjadikan citra kuliner Pantai Blimbingsari melejit dan membangun perspektif wisatawan selama bertahun-tahun. Namun, Pantai Blimbingsari belum memaksimalkan brand identity yang dimiliki seperti belum ada ikon dan tagline destinasi untuk meningkatkan branding-nya. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah merumuskan strategi prioritas destination branding Pantai Blimbingsari sebagai sentra kuliner ikan bakar di Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik analisis SWOT serta AHP sebagai metode pengambilan keputusan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan potensi kuliner ikan bakar meliputi citra dan perspektif wisatawan yang telah terbentuk sejak lama, cita rasa yang lezat, harga yang terjangkau serta suasananya yang nyaman. Faktor kekuatan tertingginya adalah lokasinya yang strategis dan faktor kelemahan utamanya adalah penggunaan alat-alat saji yang kurang layak. Serta faktor peluang tertingginya adalah sinergi antar masyarakat untuk meningkatkan profit daerah dan ancaman utamanya adalah munculnya kompetitor baru. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menghasilkan 5 strategi prioritas.Kata kunci: destination branding, kuliner ikan bakar, pantai Blimbingsar

    Penekuk Bambu Sistem Roll untuk Meningkatkan Kapasitas Produksi di Widya Handicraft Gintangan

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    Handicraft from bamboo is a product of bamboo processing, which will later have to be shaped as desired so that it becomes a decoration or used item that has a selling value in the Gintangan area. The process from working bamboo to become a handicraft includes the following methods: cutting bamboo, splitting, cutting, bending, and finally, the weaving process. With the bamboo roll machine, it can use to turn the bamboo strips according to the wishes and needs of the craftsmen, so that this can help overcome difficulties in the process of bending the slices which have many size variations. This activity begins with the identification of problems with partners, planning the rolling machine, mentoring / counseling, and handing over tools. The result of this activity is to help craftsmen to accelerate the process of bending bamboo strips because the production capacity of bending is increased five times for a 5 mm thick slice and 120 times for a 0.25 mm slice thickness, thereby accelerating and accelerating production. Partners expressed hope that the activity would continue in the future because the process used was primarily manual

    Forecasting Model for Tourist Numbers: A Case Study of Tamansari Banyuwangi Tourism Village

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    Developing a successful tourism village requires effective management, which includes forecasting tourist numbers. This study forecasts the number of visitors to Tamansari Banyuwangi Tourism Village, one of four tourist villages with independent status who had received national and international recognition. The Covid-19 pandemic from early 2020 to the end of 2022 had a considerable effect on tourist traffic around Tamansari Village’s popular destinations, including Kawah Ijen, Sendang Seruni, and Taman Gandung Terakota, as well as the management of Tamansari Tourism Village; specifically, BUMDesa Ijen Lestari. Time series forecasting was performed using the decomposition method and Holt-Winter exponential smoothing based on tourist data from 2016 to September 2023. Based on the smaller RMSE and MAPE values, the Holt- Winter forecasting model is better, with α = 0.05; β = 0.12; and γ = 0.35 as the utilized smoothing parameters. Additionally, the Holt-Winter method suggests an increasing trend for the following year’s forecasting results, with seasonal data being present in the July and December periods. Overall, it delivers more accurate information. The study’s findings can serve as a foundation for BUMDesa Ijen Lestari to create policies for the expansion of Tamansari Tourism Village and its surrounding destinations. Keywords: decomposition, Holt-Winter, Tamansari Banyuwangi tourism village, time series forecastin

    Analysis of Nutrients (N,P,K) in Bio Seeding Block Based on Sugarcane Waste

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    Macronutrients are very important in plants, because they have a significant role in the development of lants and very required to fulfill. Nitrogen, Potassium, and also Phosphorus are three important macronutrients. Bio seeding block is a seeding media made by soil block, it consists of a sugarcane waste. It is good for an environment, sensible, and rich in natural matters. The aims in this research, is to analyze the nutrient composition in bio seeding block. Bio seeding block products used waste from sugarcane, that consisted of bagasse, sugarcane filter cake, and ash from sugarcane. There are 4 treatments to analyze bio seeding block such as : Treatment A, with ratio between sugarcane filter cake : bagasse : and ash are 4 : 4 : 1, treatment B, with ratio are 5 : 3 : 1, treatment C, with ratio are 6 : 2 : 1, and treatment D, with ratio 7 : 1 : 1. The results show that the highest amount of N is in treatment D that is 0,439; the highest amount of P is in treatment B that is 2,170; and the highest amount of K is in treatment A that is 0,480. Based on plant growth tests (plant height, leaf width, and stem diameter) show that medium A is the fastest growing medium in the first 15 days and also has high number of main nutrients

    The Examining Tourist Push-pull Motivation on Revisit Intention in Banyuwangi Tourism Destination

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    The motivation of tourists to travel can be changed by various factors. One of which is the pandemic that occurred 1 year ago. The pandemic is likely affect or even chang the pattern of tourist motivation in determining their tourist destinations. Analysis related to motivation is increasingly important when it is related to tourism as a phenomenon of the world community, where tourist behavior is influenced by various motivations when going on a trip. This research aims to analyze the motivation of push and pull tourists toward the revisit intention in Banyuwangi destination. The respondents of this research were 100 foreign tourists. Data were analyzed using a quantitative approach obtained through surveys with questionnaires as the main research instrument. The analytical tool used to confirm the model of tourist motivation on revisit intention is PLS-PM structural model analysis. The findings of this research show that five push factors of foreign tourist motivation do not affect tourist revisit intention. Those factors are adventure motivation, culture experience motivation, escape motivation, noveltyseeking motivation, and social contact motivation. The pull factors of attractiveness motivation and infrastructure motivation have a significant positive effect on revisit intention. Meanwhile, facilities motivation has no effect on revisiting foreign tourists in Banyuwangi Destination. Keywords: push factors, pull factors, tourist motivation, revisit intention, partial least square, Banyuwang