116 research outputs found


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    Artikel ini adalah riset kepustakaan dan merupakan indikasi awal pengantar pada suatu interaksi unik yang terjadi antara kelompok Yahudi terhadap Sufisme dalam kurun abad pertengahan di masa pemerintahan Islam. Di tengah gejolak relasi Yahudi dan Muslim yang didominasi narasi-narasi antagonis, dalam sejarah sebenamya terjadi dinamika interaksi yang melampaui narasi konflik. Salah satunya adalah Mistisisme Yahudi yang mengadopsi Sufisme dalam pencapaian ideal-ideal spiritualnya pada abad pertengahan. Secara tentatif fenomena ini bisa disebut dengan "Sufisme Yahudi." Kata Kunci: Sufisme Yahudi, Interaksi antaragama, Sejarah Agama, Relasi Muslim- Yahud{ This article is a literary research and preliminary examination to a unique interaction between Jews and Sufism that taken place in medieval Islamic ruling. In the face of the present antagonistic posture of Jews and Muslims relationship that dominates the public sphere, in history, there are some examples of interaction of the two people beyond conflictual narrative. One of them is Jewish mysticism that adopted Sufism into their spiritual ideal, which took place in the medieval era. We might call the phenomenon tentatively as "Jewish Sufism." Keywords: Jewish mysticism, Interfaith interaction, History of Religion, Jewish-Muslim relationshi

    How to understand Pakistan’s hybrid regime: the importance of a multidimensional continuum

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    Pakistan has had a chequered democratic history but elections in 2013 marked a second turnover in power, and the first transition in Pakistan’s history from one freely elected government to another. How do we best categorize (and therefore understand) political developments in Pakistan? Is it now safe to categorize it as an electoral democracy or is it still a hybrid case of democracy? Using the Pakistani case as an example, this article argues that hybrid regimes deserve consideration as a separate case (rather than as a diminished sub type of democracy or authoritarianism), but must be categorised along a multidimensional continuum to understand the dynamics of power within the political system

    Performance of trichogrammatids as biocontrol agents of Pseudoplusia includens Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

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    Este estudo objetivou selecionar as linhagens de tricogramatídeos mais adequadas ao controle da lagarta falsa-medideira, Pseudoplusia includens Walker. Foram avaliados os parâmetros biológicos e a taxa de parasitismo de 11 linhagens de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, uma linhagem de Trichogramma atopovirilia Oatman & Platner e uma linhagem de Trichogrammatoidea annulata De Santis, criadas em ovos de P. includens. Entre as espécies/linhagens avaliadas, a linhagem T. pretiosum RV, coletada em Rio Verde, GO, apresentou o ciclo de desenvolvimento mais rápido e a maior porcentagem de parasitismo em ovos de P. includens. Não houve diferença no parasitismo e no número de parasitóides emergidos por ovo entre as espécies e linhagens de parasitóides avaliadas. De acordo com a análise de agrupamento (cluster analysis), a linhagem RV criada em ovos de P. includens teve o melhor desempenho. Apresentou maior taxa de parasitismo, menor duração do ciclo biológico, alta sobrevivência e predominância de fêmeas, sendo a mais indicada a ser utilizada em liberações de campo visando ao controle de P. includens.This research aimed to point out the most suitable trichogrammatid strains to control the soybean looper Pseudoplusia includes Walker. Biological parameters and parasitism ratio of 11 Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, one Trichogramma atopovirilia Oatman & Platner and one Trichogrammatoidea annulata De Santis strains reared on P. includens eggs were evaluated. Among all tested strains/species, T. pretiosum strain RV, collected in Rio Verde, GO, had the fastest development cycle and the highest percentage of parasitism of P. includens eggs. There was no difference in the parasitism and in the number of parasitoid emerged per egg among the tested parasitoid species and strains. Accordingly to the cluster analysis, T. pretiosum strain RV reared on P. includens eggs had the best performance. Considering the higher parasitism rate, shorter biological cycle, higher survival and sex ratio, T. pretiosum strain RV is the most appropriated to be used in field releases aiming at P. includens control

    Biological control as part of the soybean Integrated Pest Management (IPM) : potential and challenges

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    Soybean production is usually performed on large scales, requiring simple but efficient pest management to be successful. Soybean fields are inhabited by several species of arthropods, demanding constant development of management practices to prevent pest outbreaks. More recently, stink bugs have become the most important pest group of soybeans in the Neotropics, responsible for up to 60% of the applied insecticides in Brazil. Natural enemies represent an important mortality factor that can keep the damage caused by stink bugs below the economic threshold levels without additional control actions. Thus, Conservation Biological Control (CBC) strategies can be adopted to preserve or even promote the increase in such natural enemies in the fields, or alternatively, massive releases of biocontrol agents in Augmentative Biological Control (ABC) programs could be adopted. Simple practices such as reducing insecticide use (with the adoption of economic thresholds), prioritizing harmless insecticides or biopesticides, and planting resistant soybean cultivars have been adopted in Brazil with positive results. The challenges to increasing the adoption of more complex stink bug management in commodity crops such as soybean may be overcome using the more recent economic incentives in the global agenda of decarbonized agriculture. The potential and challenges of conservation and augmentative biological control are further discussed in this review

    Parasitismo natural de <i>Spodoptera frugiperda</i> em milho

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    Avaliou-se a freqüência e diversidade de parasitoides associados a larvas de Spodoptera frugiperda. Para tanto, foram realizadas amostragens em campos experimentais de milho da Embrapa Soja (Londrina, PR, Brasil), no ano agrícola 2013. Duas áreas foram amostradas, e em cada uma delas foram coletadas aproximadamente de 230 larvas, compreendendo os estádios fenológicos V3 a V12. As larvas foram criadas em laboratório a 25±2ºC, UR 70±10% e fotoperíodo de 14 horas, sendo alimentadas com dieta artificial e observadas diariamente. Os parasitoides mais freqüentes foram: Chelonus insulares (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Campoletis flavicincta (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) e Archytas marmoratus (Townsend) (Diptera: Tachinidae). Foi observado que o parasitismo total foi de 26% na área 1 e 31,7% na área 2. Os parasitoides pertencentes a ordem Diptera foram mais abundantes na área 1 (76,5%), em contrapartida, na área 2, foram mais abundantes os parasitoides da ordem Hymenoptera (98,6%).We evaluated the frequency and diversity of parasitoids associated with Spodoptera frugiperda larvae. For both, samples were collected in experimental corn fields of Embrapa Soja (Londrina, PR, Brazil), in the agricultural year 2013. Two areas were sampled, and each were collected approximately of 230 larvae, comprising the phenological stages V3-V12. The larvae were reared in the laboratory at 25±2°C, RH: 70±10% and photoperiod: 14 hours, being fed with artificial diet and observed daily. The most frequent parasitoids were Chelonus insulares (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Campoletis flavicincta (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and Archytas marmoratus (Townsend) (Diptera: Tachinidae). It was observed that the total parasitism was 26% in area 1 and 31.7% in the area 2. Parasitoids belonging to order Diptera were more abundant in the area 1 (76.5%), on the other hand, in area 2, were more abundant parasitoids of the order Hymenoptera (98.6%).Eje: A1 Sistemas de producción de base agroecológica (Trabajos científicos)Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Parasitismo natural de <i>Spodoptera frugiperda</i> em milho

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    Avaliou-se a freqüência e diversidade de parasitoides associados a larvas de Spodoptera frugiperda. Para tanto, foram realizadas amostragens em campos experimentais de milho da Embrapa Soja (Londrina, PR, Brasil), no ano agrícola 2013. Duas áreas foram amostradas, e em cada uma delas foram coletadas aproximadamente de 230 larvas, compreendendo os estádios fenológicos V3 a V12. As larvas foram criadas em laboratório a 25±2ºC, UR 70±10% e fotoperíodo de 14 horas, sendo alimentadas com dieta artificial e observadas diariamente. Os parasitoides mais freqüentes foram: Chelonus insulares (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Campoletis flavicincta (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) e Archytas marmoratus (Townsend) (Diptera: Tachinidae). Foi observado que o parasitismo total foi de 26% na área 1 e 31,7% na área 2. Os parasitoides pertencentes a ordem Diptera foram mais abundantes na área 1 (76,5%), em contrapartida, na área 2, foram mais abundantes os parasitoides da ordem Hymenoptera (98,6%).We evaluated the frequency and diversity of parasitoids associated with Spodoptera frugiperda larvae. For both, samples were collected in experimental corn fields of Embrapa Soja (Londrina, PR, Brazil), in the agricultural year 2013. Two areas were sampled, and each were collected approximately of 230 larvae, comprising the phenological stages V3-V12. The larvae were reared in the laboratory at 25±2°C, RH: 70±10% and photoperiod: 14 hours, being fed with artificial diet and observed daily. The most frequent parasitoids were Chelonus insulares (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Campoletis flavicincta (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and Archytas marmoratus (Townsend) (Diptera: Tachinidae). It was observed that the total parasitism was 26% in area 1 and 31.7% in the area 2. Parasitoids belonging to order Diptera were more abundant in the area 1 (76.5%), on the other hand, in area 2, were more abundant parasitoids of the order Hymenoptera (98.6%).Eje: A1 Sistemas de producción de base agroecológica (Trabajos científicos)Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Parasitismo natural de <i>Spodoptera frugiperda</i> em milho

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    Avaliou-se a freqüência e diversidade de parasitoides associados a larvas de Spodoptera frugiperda. Para tanto, foram realizadas amostragens em campos experimentais de milho da Embrapa Soja (Londrina, PR, Brasil), no ano agrícola 2013. Duas áreas foram amostradas, e em cada uma delas foram coletadas aproximadamente de 230 larvas, compreendendo os estádios fenológicos V3 a V12. As larvas foram criadas em laboratório a 25±2ºC, UR 70±10% e fotoperíodo de 14 horas, sendo alimentadas com dieta artificial e observadas diariamente. Os parasitoides mais freqüentes foram: Chelonus insulares (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Campoletis flavicincta (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) e Archytas marmoratus (Townsend) (Diptera: Tachinidae). Foi observado que o parasitismo total foi de 26% na área 1 e 31,7% na área 2. Os parasitoides pertencentes a ordem Diptera foram mais abundantes na área 1 (76,5%), em contrapartida, na área 2, foram mais abundantes os parasitoides da ordem Hymenoptera (98,6%).We evaluated the frequency and diversity of parasitoids associated with Spodoptera frugiperda larvae. For both, samples were collected in experimental corn fields of Embrapa Soja (Londrina, PR, Brazil), in the agricultural year 2013. Two areas were sampled, and each were collected approximately of 230 larvae, comprising the phenological stages V3-V12. The larvae were reared in the laboratory at 25±2°C, RH: 70±10% and photoperiod: 14 hours, being fed with artificial diet and observed daily. The most frequent parasitoids were Chelonus insulares (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Campoletis flavicincta (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and Archytas marmoratus (Townsend) (Diptera: Tachinidae). It was observed that the total parasitism was 26% in area 1 and 31.7% in the area 2. Parasitoids belonging to order Diptera were more abundant in the area 1 (76.5%), on the other hand, in area 2, were more abundant parasitoids of the order Hymenoptera (98.6%).Eje: A1 Sistemas de producción de base agroecológica (Trabajos científicos)Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Transgressing the moral economy: Wheelerism and management of the nationalised coal industry in Scotland

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    This article illuminates the links between managerial style and political economy in post-1945 Britain, and explores the origins of the 1984–1985 miners' strike, by examining in longer historical context the abrasive attitudes and policies of Albert Wheeler, Scottish Area Director of the National Coal Board (NCB). Wheeler built on an earlier emphasis on production and economic criteria, and his micro-management reflected pre-existing centralising tendencies in the industries. But he was innovative in one crucial aspect, transgressing the moral economy of the Scottish coalfield, which emphasised the value of economic security and changes by joint industrial agreement