10 research outputs found

    Imam Ali (Ali Ibn Abi Ṭalib), The Peak Personality Who Shaped Arabic Poetry with His Wise Words

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    Imam Ali, the sultan of wise words, who had a good command of the Qur'an, hadiths, and poems of the period of ignorance (Jahiliyyah), used literary sentences even in his everyday conversations. He proved to be the pinnacle of literature by skillfully bringing together words in his poems with deep meanings. His poems were examined in Arab and Turkish sources to reveal the literary power of Imam Ali and the beauty of the used language. Studies on the literary aspect of Imam Ali in the Arabic field are more than the studies in the Turkish field. In the literature, much research was conducted about Imam Ali, but very few of these studies examined his literary language side. As he was the basis of Islamic sciences and the master of scholars who grew up in these fields, he occupied a great place in the literature of Muslim countries. We tried to make up for the lack of analysis of Imam Ali's literary language in this context. Imam Ali was a great person who needed to be examined in every aspect of literature. We tried to reveal his literary side, which was a guide for those who came after him

    The Aspects of Technology That Slow Down Foreign Language Learning

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    Due to the rapid development of the world in all aspects, social, economic, educational, etc. among nations, interactions have reached a high level. As a result of interactions, the need to learn a foreign language has arisen and the importance given to it has increased. Due to the importance given to foreign language, many traditional and technological ways have been used to teach the target language. Today, technological paths are at their peak. In this study, we tried to draw attention to the negative aspects of technology, which has a wide range if not paid attention to, on students trying to learn a foreign language. This article is discussed in order to show that the speed and convenience of technology when used unconsciously will spend students more than the language learning time they are aiming for

    Copernicus Ocean State Report, issue 6

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    The 6th issue of the Copernicus OSR incorporates a large range of topics for the blue, white and green ocean for all European regional seas, and the global ocean over 1993–2020 with a special focus on 2020

    Development of brain metastases in breast cancer predicted

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    Meme kanseri hastalığı olan ve meme kanserine bağlı tanı anında veya takipleri sırasında beyin metastazı tespit edilen toplam 63 kadın hastanın verileri geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Kontrol grubu olarak bu hastalardan sonra polikliniğe başvurmuş aynı sayıda, tanı anında veya izlemde metastaz gelişmiş olan ancak beyin metastazı olmayan meme kanserli kadın hastalar alındı. Beyin metastazı olan hasta grubunda hastaların ortanca yaşları 49 yıl, kontrol grubunda 50 yıldı. Hasta grubunda vakaların ortanca vücut kitle indeks (VKI)'leri 27 kg/m², kontrol grubunda 27 kg/m² idi. Hasta grubunda vakaların 28 (%44,4)'i postmenapozal dönemde iken kontrol grubunda 36 (%57,1)'sı postmenapozal dönemdeydi. Hasta grubunda ortalama takip süresi 51 ay, kontrol grubunda 58,52 aydı. Hasta grubunda ilk metastazdan sonra ortanca sağkalım 22,6 ay, kontrol grubunda 39,0 aydı. Hasta grubunda 5 yıllık yaşam oranı %12 iken kontrol grubunda %31 idi. Hasta grubunda vakaların %80,9'u (n=51) ölmüştü, kontrol grubunda hastaların %34,9 (n=22)'u ölmüştü. Hasta grubunda ilk metastazdan beyin metastazına kadar geçen ortanca süre 8,5 ay, beyin metastazı tespit edildikten sonra ortanca yaşam süresi 6,9 aydı. Vakaların tek değişkenli analizleri incelendiğinde hasta grubunda vakalarda daha çok vasküler invazyon görülmesi, daha fazla Human Epidermal Büyüme Faktör Reseptörü-2 (HER-2) pozitifliği kontrol grubunda ise tümörde histolojik olarak invaziv lobüler karsinom (İLK) komponenetinin daha fazla görülmesi, ER (östrojen reseptörü) pozitifliğinin daha fazla görülmesi, kemik ve karaciğer metastazının daha fazla görülmesi, ilk metastazdan sonra kemoterapi (KT) verilme oranının istatiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu görüldü. Grupların çok değişkenli analizinde ise hasta grubunda HER-2 pozitifliğinin daha fazla olması, kontrol grubunda ise hastaların kemik metastazının bulunması ve saptanan metastaz sonrası daha fazla KT almalarının istatiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu saptandı. Data of 63 female patients with breast cancer and brain metastasis were retrospectively analyzed. As control group, same numbers of female patients who have applied to the outpatient clinic with application numbers following the previous ones and who were also diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer without brain metastasis were taken into consideration. Median age for the patient group with brain metastasis was 49 years and for the control group patients, it was 50 years. While average Body Mass Index (BMI) for the patient group was 27 kg/m²æ it was 27 kg/m² for the control group. 28 of the cases (44,4%) in the patient group were at post menopausal stage while 36 of the control group (57,1%) were in the post menopausal stage. Mean follow-up period for the patient group was 51 months while it was 58,52 months for the control group. The median survival from the first metatasis diagnosis was 22,6 months for the patient group, while it was 39,0 months for the control group. 5 years survival rate for the patient group was %12, while it was % 31 for the control group. %80,9 (n=51) of the cases in patient group have died. % 34,92 (n= 22) of the patients in control group have died. Median period from first diagnose until the development of brain metastasis was 8,5 months in the patient group. Average survival period after detection of brain metastasis was 6,9 months for the patient group. Univariate analysis showed that the following were found significant: Majority of the cases in patient group were higher vascular involvement in patient group, ER being more negative at the patient group, HER-2 level being more positive in patient group in comparison to control group, while ER being more positive , bone and liver metastasis were seen more much in control group, the component of invasive lobular carcinoma in histology was higher in the control group and rate of given chemotherapy after metastasis was higher in the control group in comparison to patient group. In multivariate analyses detection of HER-2 level being more positive in patient group versus control group and having more much bone metastasis and chemotherapy requirement after the metastasis were found significant

    The factors that have an impact on the development of brain metastasis in the patients with breast cancer

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    Background: To evaluate the factors that have an impact on the development of brain metastasis in patients with breast cancer. Materials and Methods: Among the patients who were followed-up and treated for breast cancer between January 2000 and January 2010, the ones with brain metastasis were included to the analysis. Metastatic breast cancer patients without brain metastasis, which had similar duration of follow-up and median age were included as the control group. Both group were compared for prognostic and predictive factors in terms of relationship between with or without brain metastasis and survival. Results: There were a total of 63 female patients with metastatic breast cancer who had brain metastasis and the researchers enrolled the same number of female patients as the control group. In the univariate analysis, as a significant finding, it was found that, the patients with breast cancer who had brain metastasis had vascular invasion positivity, human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER-2) positivity, a rare detection of invasive lobular carcinoma component in the tumor, estrogen receptor negativity, and no bone and liver metastasis and they did not receive chemotherapy due to several reasons after the detection of metastasis in any organ. In the multivariate analysis, HER-2 positivity, no bone and liver metastasis and not receiving chemotherapy due to several reasons after the detection of metastasis in any organ were detected as significant findings. Conclusions: As the prognostic and predictive factors showing the development of brain metastasis in breast cancer patients may be identified, follow-up also including the brain is important in order to take preventive measures

    Biological Subtypes and Survival Outcomes in Breast Cancer Patients with Brain Metastases (Study of the Anatolian Society of Medical Oncology)

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    Background: The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the survival outcomes and biological subtype in breast cancer patients with brain metastases. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated clinical data from 422 breast cancer patients with brain metastases between 2001 and 2011 from referral centers in Turkey. The study population was divided into four biological subtypes according to their hormone receptor status and HER2 expression. Results: Systemic treatment prolonged median overall survival (OS) after brain metastases in the entire group (14 vs. 3.2 months, p < 0.001). It also prolonged median OS after brain metastases in the triple negative (7.5 vs. 1.6 months, p = 0.010) and luminal A (14.3 vs. 7.1 months, p = 0.003) subgroups. The median OS for untreated patients, chemotherapy and/or hormonal therapy receiving patients, and chemotherapy and/or hormonal therapy plus targeted therapy receivers was 2, 5.8, and 17.7 months, respectively (p < 0.001), in the HER2-overexpressing subgroup. In the luminal B subgroup, it was 3.7, 5.3, and 15.4 months, respectively (p = 0.003). Conclusions: The use of systemic therapy improves OS after brain metastases in all biological subgroups. Targeted therapies also improve OS after brain metastases in HER2-positive patients. The combined use of targeted therapies and lapatinib are superior to single use and trastuzumab, respectively, in these patients. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Base

    Withdrawal of Staphylococcus aureus from intensive care units in Turkey

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    WOS: 000326241700021PubMed ID: 23663858Background: In the past, Staphylococcus aureus infections have displayed various patterns of epidemiologic curves in hospitals, particularly in intensive care units (ICUs). This study aimed to characterize the current trend in a nationwide survey of ICUs in Turkey. Methods: A total of 88 ICUs from 36 Turkish tertiary hospitals were included in this retrospective study, which was performed during the first 3 months of both 2008 (period [P] 1) and 2011 (P2). A P value <=.01 was considered significant. Results: Although overall rates of hospital-acquired infection (HAI) and device-associated infection densities were similar in P1 and P2, the densities of HAIs due to S aureus and methicillin-resistant S aureus (MRSA) were significantly lower in P2 (P < .0001). However, the proportion of HAIs due to Acinetobacter was significantly higher in P2 (P < .0001). Conclusions: The incidence of S aureus infections is declining rapidly in Turkish ICUs, with potential impacts on empirical treatment strategies in these ICUs. Copyright (C) 2013 by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved