4,828 research outputs found

    Priming to promote fluent motor skill execution: Exploring attentional demands

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    The effect of priming on the speed and accuracy of skilled performance and on a probe-reaction time task designed to measure residual attentional capacity, was assessed. Twenty-four skilled soccer players completed a dribbling task under three prime conditions (fluency, skill-focus, and neutral) and a control condition. Results revealed changes in trial completion time and secondary task performance in line with successfully priming autonomous and skill-focused attention. Retention test data for task completion time and probe-reaction time indicated a linear decrease in the priming effect such that the effect was nonsignificant after 30 min. Results provide further support for the efficacy of priming and provide the first evidence of concurrent changes in attentional demands, consistent with promoting or disrupting automatic skill execution

    Active inference and oculomotor pursuit: the dynamic causal modelling of eye movements.

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    This paper introduces a new paradigm that allows one to quantify the Bayesian beliefs evidenced by subjects during oculomotor pursuit. Subjects' eye tracking responses to a partially occluded sinusoidal target were recorded non-invasively and averaged. These response averages were then analysed using dynamic causal modelling (DCM). In DCM, observed responses are modelled using biologically plausible generative or forward models - usually biophysical models of neuronal activity

    Active inference, eye movements and oculomotor delays.

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    This paper considers the problem of sensorimotor delays in the optimal control of (smooth) eye movements under uncertainty. Specifically, we consider delays in the visuo-oculomotor loop and their implications for active inference. Active inference uses a generalisation of Kalman filtering to provide Bayes optimal estimates of hidden states and action in generalised coordinates of motion. Representing hidden states in generalised coordinates provides a simple way of compensating for both sensory and oculomotor delays. The efficacy of this scheme is illustrated using neuronal simulations of pursuit initiation responses, with and without compensation. We then consider an extension of the generative model to simulate smooth pursuit eye movements-in which the visuo-oculomotor system believes both the target and its centre of gaze are attracted to a (hidden) point moving in the visual field. Finally, the generative model is equipped with a hierarchical structure, so that it can recognise and remember unseen (occluded) trajectories and emit anticipatory responses. These simulations speak to a straightforward and neurobiologically plausible solution to the generic problem of integrating information from different sources with different temporal delays and the particular difficulties encountered when a system-like the oculomotor system-tries to control its environment with delayed signals

    Closely Related Tree Species Differentially Influence the Transfer of Carbon and Nitrogen from Leaf Litter Up the Aquatic Food Web

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    Decomposing leaf litter in streams provides habitat and nutrition for aquatic insects. Despite large differences in the nutritional qualities of litter among different plant species, their effects on aquatic insects are often difficult to detect. We evaluated how leaf litter of two dominant riparian species (Populus fremontii and P. angustifolia) influenced carbon and nitrogen assimilation by aquatic insect communities, quantifying assimilation rates using stable isotope tracers (13C, 15N). We tested the hypothesis that element fluxes from litter of different plant species better define aquatic insect community structure than insect relative abundances, which often fail. We found that (1) functional communities (defined by fluxes of carbon and nitrogen from leaf litter to insects) were different between leaf litter species, whereas more traditional insect communities (defined by relativized taxa abundances) were not different between leaf litter species, (2) insects assimilated N, but not C, at a higher rate from P. angustifolia litter compared to P. fremontii, even though P. angustifolia decomposes more slowly, and (3) the C:N ratio of material assimilated by aquatic insects was lower for P. angustifolia compared to P. fremontii, indicating higher nutritional quality, despite similar initial litter C:N ratios. These findings provide new evidence for the effects of terrestrial plant species on aquatic ecosystems via their direct influence on the transfer of elements up the food web. We demonstrate how isotopically labeled leaf litter can be used to assess the functioning of insect communities, uncovering patterns undetected by traditional approaches and improving our understanding of the association between food web structure and element cycling

    Deep Active Inference for Partially Observable MDPs

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    Deep active inference has been proposed as a scalable approach to perception and action that deals with large policy and state spaces. However, current models are limited to fully observable domains. In this paper, we describe a deep active inference model that can learn successful policies directly from high-dimensional sensory inputs. The deep learning architecture optimizes a variant of the expected free energy and encodes the continuous state representation by means of a variational autoencoder. We show, in the OpenAI benchmark, that our approach has comparable or better performance than deep Q-learning, a state-of-the-art deep reinforcement learning algorithm.Comment: 1st International Workshop on Active inference, European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML/PCKDD 2020

    Veterinary provision of analgesia for domestic cats (Felis catus) undergoing gonadectomy: a comparison of samples from New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom

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    AIM: To compare the use and provision of analgesia to cats undergoing gonadectomy by a sample of veterinarians in New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom. METHODS: Small animal veterinarians’ views and practices on provision of analgesia to cats at three different time phases (pre/intra-operatively, post-operatively and post-discharge) were gathered using an electronic questionnaire. Respondents were also asked to state the pharmacological agent(s) used and the dosage rate(s). Differences in provision of analgesia were assessed relative to the respondent using binary logistic regression. The effects of sex of the patient and time of provision were explored using McNewar’s Test and Cochran’s Q respectively. Differences between drug types used amongst countries was tested using a cross-tabulation. RESULTS: There were 717 responses to the survey. Of these 249 (34.7%) were from New Zealand, 269 (37.5%) were from the UK and 199 (27.8%) from Australia. The prevalence of analgesia provision declined across the three different time phases for spaying and castration (both p<0.001). Provision of analgesia for castration was less than for spaying at each of the pre/intra-operative (p=0.002), post-operative (p<0.001) and after discharge (p<0.001) phases. Post-operative provision of analgesia following both castration (p<0.001) and spaying (p<0.001) differed amongst countries of practice. Veterinarians in Australia and New Zealand were more likely to provide post-operative analgesia for both castration and spaying than those from the UK (p<0.001). Veterinarians from the UK more commonly used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) in the pre/intra-operative phase (p<0.001) than veterinarians from either New Zealand or Australia. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Contemporary use of analgesics for cats appears focused on provision at clinic and may not address the effects of surgery beyond the first 24 hours. The UK, Australia and New Zealand clearly differ in the types of analgesia administered, possibly reflecting differing professional considerations of the risks associated with the use of NSAID. In the interests of animal welfare, pain relief should perhaps be provided or offered more frequently for owner administration

    Comparative effects of single-mode vs. duration-matched concurrent exercise training on body composition, low-grade inflammation, and glucose regulation in sedentary, overweight, middle-aged men

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    The effect of duration-matched concurrent exercise training (CET) (50% resistance (RET) and 50% endurance (EET) training) on physiological training outcomes in untrained middle-aged men remains to be elucidated. Forty-seven men (age, 48.1 ± 6.8 years; body mass index, 30.4 ± 4.1 kg·m-2) were randomized into 12-weeks of EET (40-60 min of cycling), RET (10 exercises; 3-4 sets × 8-10 repetitions), CET (50% serial completion of RET and EET), or control condition. The following were determined: intervention-based changes in fitness and strength; abdominal visceral adipose tissue (VAT), total body fat (TB-FM) and fat-free (TB-FFM) mass; plasma cytokines (C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) interleukin-6 (IL-6)); muscle protein content of p110α and glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4); mRNA expression of GLUT4, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1α-β, cytochrome c oxidase, hexokinase II, citrate synthase; oral glucose tolerance; and estimated insulin sensitivity. CET promoted commensurate improvements of aerobic capacity and muscular strength and reduced VAT and TB-FM equivalently to EET and RET (p 0.05). EET reduced area under the curve for glucose, insulin, and C-peptide, whilst CET and RET respectively reduced insulin and C-peptide, and C-peptide only (p 0.05). In middle-aged men, 12 weeks of durationmatched CET promoted commensurate changes in fitness and strength, abdominal VAT, plasma cytokines and insulin sensitivity, and an equidistant glucose tolerance response to EET and RET; despite no change of measured muscle mechanisms associative to insulin action, glucose transport, and mitochondrial function

    Effects of aerobic, strength or combined exercise on perceived appetite and appetite-related hormones in inactive middle-aged men

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    © 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc. Aerobic exercise (AE) and strength exercise (SE) are reported to induce discrete and specific appetite-related responses; however, the effect of combining AE and SE (i.e., combined exercise; CE) remains relatively unknown. Twelve inactive overweight men (age: 48 ± 5 y; BMI: 29.9 ± 1.9 kg·m2) completed four conditions in a random order: 1) nonexercise control (CON) (50 min seated rest); 2) AE (50 min cycling; 75% VO2peak); 3) SE (10 × 8 leg extensions; 75% 1RM); and 4) CE (50% SE + 50% AE). Perceived appetite, and appetiterelated peptides and metabolites were assessed before and up to 2 h postcondition (0P, 30P, 60P, 90P, 120P). Perceived appetite did not differ between trials (p < .05). Acylated ghrelin was lower at 0P in AE compared with CON (p = .039), while pancreatic polypeptide (PP) was elevated following AE compared with CON and CE. Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIPtotal) was greater following all exercise conditions compared with CON, as was glucagon, although concentrations were generally highest in AE (p < .05). Glucose was acutely increased with SE and AE (p < .05), while insulin and C-peptide were higher after SE compared with all other conditions (p < .05). In inactive, middle-aged men AE, SE and CE each have their own distinct effects on circulating appetite-related peptides and metabolites. Despite these differential exercise-induced hormone responses, exercise mode appears to have little effect on perceived appetite compared with a resting control in this population

    Three-photon electromagnetically induced transparency using Rydberg states

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    We demonstrate electromagnetically induced transparency in a four-level cascade system where the upper level is a Rydberg state. The observed spectral features are sub-Doppler and can be enhanced due to the compensation of Doppler shifts with AC Stark shifts. A theoretical description of the system is developed that agrees well with the experimental results, and an expression for the optimum parameters is derived

    Fake meat

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