318 research outputs found

    Abnormal glycosylation in Joubert syndrome type 10.

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    BACKGROUND: The discovery of disease pathogenesis requires systematic agnostic screening of multiple homeostatic processes that may become deregulated. We illustrate this principle in the evaluation and diagnosis of a 5-year-old boy with Joubert syndrome type 10 (JBTS10). He carried the OFD1 mutation p.Gln886Lysfs*2 (NM_003611.2: c.2656del) and manifested features of Joubert syndrome. METHODS: We integrated exome sequencing, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry analyses of plasma and cultured dermal fibroblasts glycomes, and full clinical evaluation of the proband. Analyses of cilia formation and lectin staining were performed by immunofluorescence. Measurement of cellular nucleotide sugar levels was performed with high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection. Statistical analyses utilized the Student\u27s and Fisher\u27s exact t tests. RESULTS: Glycome analyses of plasma and cultured dermal fibroblasts identified abnormal N- and O-linked glycosylation profiles. These findings replicated in two unrelated males with OFD1 mutations. Cultured fibroblasts from affected individuals had a defect in ciliogenesis. The proband\u27s fibroblasts also had an abnormally elevated nuclear sialylation signature and increased total cellular levels of CMP-sialic acid. Ciliogenesis and each glycosylation anomaly were rescued by expression of wild-type OFD1. CONCLUSIONS: The rescue of ciliogenesis and glycosylation upon reintroduction of WT OFD1 suggests that both contribute to the pathogenesis of JBTS10

    Quantifying the effectiveness of shoreline armoring removal on coastal biota of Puget Sound

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    Shoreline armoring is prevalent around the world with unprecedented human population growth and urbanization along coastal habitats. Armoring structures, such as riprap and bulkheads, that are built to prevent beach erosion and protect coastal infrastructure from storms and flooding can cause deterioration of habitats for migratory fish species, disrupt aquatic–terrestrial connectivity, and reduce overall coastal ecosystem health. Relative to armored shorelines, natural shorelines retain valuable habitats for macroinvertebrates and other coastal biota. One question is whether the impacts of armoring are reversible, allowing restoration via armoring removal and related actions of sediment nourishment and replanting of native riparian vegetation. Armoring removal is targeted as a viable option for restoring some habitat functions, but few assessments of coastal biota response exist. Here, we use opportunistic sampling of pre- and post-restoration data for five biotic measures (wrack % cover, saltmarsh % cover, number of logs, and macroinvertebrate abundance and richness) from a set of six restored sites in Puget Sound, WA, USA. This broad suite of ecosystem metrics responded strongly and positively to armor removal, and these results were evident after less than one year. Restoration responses remained positive and statistically significant across different shoreline elevations and temporal trajectories. This analysis shows that removing shoreline armoring is effective for restoration projects aimed at improving the health and productivity of coastal ecosystems, and these results may be widely applicable

    Intrapopulation Diversity in Isotopic Niche Over Landscapes: Spatial Patterns Inform Conservation of Bear–Salmon Systems

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    Intrapopulation variability in resource acquisition (i.e., niche variation) influences population dynamics, with important implications for conservation planning. Spatial analyses of niche variation within and among populations can provide relevant information about ecological associations and their subsequent management. We used stable isotope analysis and kernel-weighted regression to examine spatial patterns in a keystone consumer–resource interaction: salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) consumption by grizzly and black bears (Ursus arctos horribilis, n = 886; and Ursus americanus, n = 557) from 1995 to 2014 in British Columbia (BC), Canada. In a region on the central coast of BC (22,000 km2 ), grizzly bears consumed far more salmon than black bears (median proportion of salmon in assimilated diet of 0.62 and 0.06, respectively). Males of both species consumed more salmon than females (median proportions of 0.63 and 0.57 for grizzly bears and 0.06 and 0.03 for black bears, respectively). Black bears showed considerably more spatial variation in salmon consumption than grizzlies. Protected areas on the coast captured no more habitat for bears with high-salmon diets (i.e., proportions \u3e0.5 of total diet) than did unprotected areas. In a continental region (~692,000 km2 ), which included the entire contemporary range of grizzlies in BC, males had higher salmon diets than females (median proportions of 0.41 and 0.04, respectively). High-salmon diets were concentrated in coastal areas for female grizzly bears, whereas males with high-salmon diets in interior areas were restricted to areas near major salmon watersheds. To safeguard this predator–prey association that spans coastal and interior regions, conservation planners and practitioners can consider managing across ecological and jurisdictional boundaries. More broadly, our approach highlights the importance of visualizing spatial patterns of dietary niche variation within populations to characterize ecological associations and inform management

    Multiabsorber Transition-Edge Sensors for X-Ray Astronomy

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    We are developing arrays of position-sensitive microcalorimeters for future x-ray astronomy applications. These position-sensitive devices commonly referred to as hydras consist of multiple x-ray absorbers, each with a different thermal coupling to a single-transition-edge sensor microcalorimeter. Their development is motivated by a desire to achieve very large pixel arrays with some modest compromise in performance. We report on the design, optimization, and first results from devices with small pitch pixels (<75 m) being developed for a high-angular and energy resolution imaging spectrometer for Lynx. The Lynx x-ray space telescope is a flagship mission concept under study for the National Academy of Science 2020 decadal survey. Broadband full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) resolution measurements on a 9-pixel hydra have demonstrated E(FWHM) = 2.23 0.14 eV at Al-K, E(FWHM) = 2.44 0.29 eV at Mn-K, and E(FWHM) = 3.39 0.23 eV at Cu-K. Position discrimination is demonstrated to energies below <1 keV and the device performance is well-described by a finite-element model. Results from a prototype 20-pixel hydra with absorbers on a 50-m pitch have shown E(FWHM) = 3.38 0.20 eV at Cr-K1. We are now optimizing designs specifically for Lynx and extending the number of absorbers up to 25/hydra. Numerical simulation suggests optimized designs could achieve 3 eV while being compatible with the bandwidth requirements of the state-of-the art multiplexed readout schemes, thus making a 100,000 pixel microcalorimeter instrument a realistic goal

    Transmission Spectra of Transiting Planet Atmospheres: Model Validation and Simulations of the Hot Neptune GJ 436b for JWST

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    We explore the transmission spectrum of the Neptune-class exoplanet GJ 436b, including the possibility that its atmospheric opacity is dominated by a variety of non- equilibrium chemical products. We also validate our transmission code by demonstrating close agreement with analytic models that use only Rayleigh scattering or water vapor opacity. We find broad disagreement with radius variations predicted by another published model. For GJ 436b, the relative coolness of the planet's atmosphere, along with its implied high metallicity, may make it dissimilar in character compared to "hot Jupiters." Some recent observational and modeling efforts suggest low relative abundances of H2O and CH4 present in GJ 436b's atmosphere, compared to calculations from equilibrium chemistry. We include these characteristics in our models and examine the effects of absorption from methane-derived higher order hydrocarbons. Significant absorption from HCN and C2H2 are found throughout the infrared, while C2H4 and C2H6 are less easily seen. We perform detailed simulations of JWST observations, including all likely noise sources, and find that we will be able to constrain chemical abundance regimes from this planet's transmission spectrum. For instance, the width of the features at 1.5, 3.3, and 7 microns indicates the amount of HCN versus C2H2 present. The NIRSpec prism mode will be useful due to its large spectral range and the relatively large number of photo-electrons recorded per spectral resolution element. However, extremely bright host stars like GJ 436 may be better observed with a higher spectroscopic resolution mode in order to avoid detector saturation. We find that observations with the MIRI low resolution spectrograph should also have high signal-to-noise in the 5 - 10 micron range due to the brightness of the star and the relatively low spectral resolution (R ~ 100) of this mode.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures, Accepted to Ap

    PHarmacist Avoidance or Reductions in Medical Costs in Patients Presenting the EMergency Department: PHARM-EM Study

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    Objectives: To comprehensively classify interventions performed by emergency medicine clinical pharmacists and quantify cost avoidance generated through their accepted interventions. Design: A multicenter, prospective, observational study was performed between August 2018 and January 2019. Setting: Community and academic hospitals in the United States. Participants: Emergency medicine clinical pharmacists. Interventions: Recommendations classified into one of 38 intervention categories associated with cost avoidance. Measurements and Main Results: Eighty-eight emergency medicine pharmacists at 49 centers performed 13,984 interventions during 917 shifts that were accepted on 8,602 patients and generated 7,531,862ofcostavoidance.Thequantityofacceptedinterventionsandcostavoidancegeneratedinsixestablishedcategorieswereasfollows:adversedrugeventprevention(1,631interventions;7,531,862 of cost avoidance. The quantity of accepted interventions and cost avoidance generated in six established categories were as follows: adverse drug event prevention (1,631 interventions; 2,225,049 cost avoidance), resource utilization (628; 310,582),individualizationofpatientcare(6,122;310,582), individualization of patient care (6,122; 1,787,170), prophylaxis (24; 22,804),hands−oncare(3,533;22,804), hands-on care (3,533; 2,836,811), and administrative/supportive tasks (2,046; 342,881).Meancostavoidancewas342,881). Mean cost avoidance was 538.61 per intervention, 875.60perpatient,and875.60 per patient, and 8,213.59 per emergency medicine pharmacist shift. The annualized cost avoidance from an emergency medicine pharmacist was 1,971,262.Themonetarycostavoidancetopharmacistsalaryratiowasbetween1,971,262. The monetary cost avoidance to pharmacist salary ratio was between 1.4:1 and 10.6:1.Conclusions:Pharmacistinvolvementinthecareofpatientspresentingtotheemergencydepartmentresultsinsignificantavoidanceofhealthcarecosts,particularlyintheareasofhands−oncareandadversedrugeventprevention.Thepotentialmonetarybenefit−to−costratioforemergencymedicinepharmacistsisbetween10.6:1. Conclusions: Pharmacist involvement in the care of patients presenting to the emergency department results in significant avoidance of healthcare costs, particularly in the areas of hands-on care and adverse drug event prevention. The potential monetary benefit-to-cost ratio for emergency medicine pharmacists is between 1.4:1 and $10.6:1

    The Magnetically-Tuned Transition-Edge Sensor

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    We present the first measurements on the proposed magnetically-tuned superconducting transition-edge sensor (MTES) and compare the modified resistive transition with the theoretical prediction. A TES's resistive transition is customarily characterized in terms of the unit less device parameters alpha and beta corresponding to the resistive response to changes in temperature and current respectively. We present a new relationship between measured IV quantities and the parameters alpha and beta and use these relations to confirm we have stably biased a TES with negative beta parameter with magnetic tuning. Motivated by access to this new unexplored parameter space, we investigate the conditions for bias stability of a TES taking into account both self and externally applied magnetic fields

    The key glycolytic enzyme phosphofructokinase is involved in resistance to antiplasmodial glycosides

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    ABSTRACT Plasmodium parasites rely heavily on glycolysis for ATP production and for precursors for essential anabolic pathways, such as the methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway. Here, we show that mutations in the Plasmodium falciparum glycolytic enzyme, phosphofructokinase (PfPFK9), are associated with in vitro resistance to a primary sulfonamide glycoside (PS-3). Flux through the upper glycolysis pathway was significantly reduced in PS-3-resistant parasites, which was associated with reduced ATP levels but increased flux into the pentose phosphate pathway. PS-3 may directly or indirectly target enzymes in these pathways, as PS-3-treated parasites had elevated levels of glycolytic and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates. PS-3 resistance also led to reduced MEP pathway intermediates, and PS-3-resistant parasites were hypersensitive to the MEP pathway inhibitor, fosmidomycin. Overall, this study suggests that PS-3 disrupts core pathways in central carbon metabolism, which is compensated for by mutations in PfPFK9, highlighting a novel metabolic drug resistance mechanism in P. falciparum. IMPORTANCE Malaria, caused by Plasmodium parasites, continues to be a devastating global health issue, causing 405,000 deaths and 228 million cases in 2018. Understanding key metabolic processes in malaria parasites is critical to the development of new drugs to combat this major infectious disease. The Plasmodium glycolytic pathway is essential to the malaria parasite, providing energy for growth and replication and supplying important biomolecules for other essential Plasmodium anabolic pathways. Despite this overreliance on glycolysis, no current drugs target glycolysis, and there is a paucity of information on critical glycolysis targets. Our work addresses this unmet need, providing new mechanistic insights into this key pathway
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