285 research outputs found

    Attachment styles and adolescents psychosocial functioning : case studies

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    Cel badań: Głównym celem badań było ustalenie związków między poszczególnymi stylami przywiązania a sposobem funkcjonowania młodzieży w sferze psychospołecznej. Przeprowadzone studia przypadków pozwoliły zrozumieć, w jaki sposób doświadczenia wczesnodziecięce, postawy wychowawcze rodziców oraz system rodzinny wpływają na zaburzenia w sferze emocji i zachowania, obserwowane u nastolatków. Metoda W badaniach zastosowano podejście jakościowe. Wykorzystano trzy metody zbierania i analizy materiału: analizę treści dokumentów i dziecięcych wytworów, systematyczną obserwację uczestniczącą oraz pogłębione wywiady z nastolatkami, ich opiekunami i członkami rodzin. Wyniki W badanej grupie wyróżniono trzy style przywiązania: lękowo-ambiwalentny, lękowo-unikający (w dwóch podtypach: lękowo-unikającym i odrzucająco-unikającym) oraz zdezorganizowany. Opisano charakterystyczny dla każdego typu przywiązania sposób funkcjonowania adolescentów w sferach: poznawczej, emocjonalnej, behawioralnej i społecznej. Do poszczególnych wzorców przywiązania przyporządkowano specyficzne zaburzenia i trudności psychiczne przejawiane przez badaną młodzież, a także dysfunkcje obserwowane w analizowanych systemach rodzinnych. Wnioski Negatywne doświadczenia, wyniesione z wczesnodziecięcej relacji przywiązania, można uznać za czynnik ryzyka wystąpienia poważnych problemów w adolescencji, obejmujących sferę emocjonalną, behawioralną i społeczną. Nadmiernie odrzucające lub permisywne postawy wychowawcze rodziców oraz zaburzona struktura i sposób funkcjonowania rodziny odgrywają kluczową rolę w tym procesie. Teoria przywiązania nie tylko tłumaczy etiologię zaburzeń okresu adolescencji, ale także oferuje wyczerpujące wyjaśnienie obserwowanych symptomów i użyteczne propozycje terapeutyczne.The main aim of the research was to establish the relations between the specific attachment styles and the disorders in adolescent psychosocial functioning. In order to understand how the early childhood experiences, parental attitudes and family system can lead to emotional and behavioural disorders in adolescence, a case study analysis was conducted. Three qualitative methods were applied in this study: content analysis, regular participating observation, in-depth interview with dolescents, their tutors and members of families. In the treatment group, three styles of attachment were distinguished: anxious-ambivalent, anxious-avoidant, and disorganized. Each attachment type is described in terms of its cognitive, emotional, behavioral and social characteristics. Moreover, each attachment style is related to specific child/adolescent mental problems, and to disorders observed in whole family functioning. It seems that early negative attachment experiences constitute a risk factor for developing serious behavioral, emotional or social problems during the adolescence. Rejecting or overly permissive parental attitudes and disorders in family functioning and structure play a crucial role in this process. The attachment theory provides not only a useful explanation of the etiology of such disorders, but also gives us an exhaustive explanation of the symptoms observed and provides useful proposals of treatment methods

    The formal composition of puns in Shakespeare’s "Love’s Labour’s Lost": A corpus-based study

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    The present paper is a corpus-based study seeking to demonstrate, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the formal composition of puns in one of Shakespeare’s early festive comedies, i.e. Love’s labour’s lost (c1593/4). Pun is defined here after Delabastita (1993: 57) as a phenomenon depending for its existence on the juxtaposition of (at least two) similar/identical forms and (at least two) dissimilar meanings, where, broadly speaking, the subtler the formal contrast and the sharper the semantic one, the finer the punning effect. The reason behind selecting this particular play for the examination has been the initial assumption that, rich in verbal experiments of all sorts, it might prove a fertile source of punning forms which, indeed, run altogether to 423 instances. The qualitative study is essentially two-partite and, initially, sets out to investigate linguistic phenomena which lay down the framework of formal relationships in a pun (and are, thus, in a mutually exclusive way, obligatory for its creation), namely homonymy, homophony and paronymy. Next, punning forms are grouped into interlingual puns, proper name puns as well as idiom- and compound- based puns. On top of that, a quantitative analysis is carried out which demonstrates (in a tabular and graphic form) the overall numerical and percentage distribution of all categories of puns established in the present research study

    Scared to death or scared to love? : terror management theory and close relationships seeking

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    To cope with paralyzing terror awakened by thoughts of their own death people usually use two defense mechanisms: cultural worldview and self-esteem. Recent studies suggest that also close relationships may function as a death anxiety buffer. The present research explores this phenomenon in an experimental paradigm. One hundred sixteen undergraduates completed a self-esteem scale, attachment scale, and a scale tapping ideal mate characteristics. After experimental manipulation each participant talked shortly with six unknown students of the opposite sex and rated their attractiveness. The results showed no effect of self-esteem either in the experimental or control condition. As for the attachment styles, we obtained significant interaction of avoidance and condition (non-avoidant participants were more favorable under mortality salience), and simple effect of anxiety (anxious participants increased the assessments regardless of the condition). Both effects were short-term and affected only the assessments of the first date

    Zwischen "hier" und "dort". Die Arbeitsmigration am Beispiel der pendelnden Schlesier im Oppelner Raum

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    This paper is devoted to the analysis of labour migration from Opole Silesia to Germany and Holland. The particuarity of these migrations, based on usage of ethnic origin and dual citizenship is demonstrated. The author discusses the outcomes of these migrations both for the migrants as well as the sending communities. She draws attention to the phenomenon of double marginalisation, taking place in the sending region as well as the receiving one. In the analysis, a number of complementary theoretical perspectives are applied: dual labour market theory, transnational social spaces theory, the theory of globalisation of migration and the periferies. A typology of migration, based on the strategies most often used by the migrants, is also drawn

    Biomarkers for arthritis: regulation of extracellular transglutaminase activity by non-conventional export

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    Transglutaminase 2 (TG2) is an enzyme with a predominant role in cell stress response and tissue repair. Dramatically increased production of this enzyme is associated with early changes in arthritis, and the activity of the protein has been shown to directly contribute to both inflammatory and degenerative arthritis, although through distinct molecular mechanisms. Aberrant TG2 activity during joint disease might lead to protein modifications that are not normally present in extracellular matrix components. Those novel epitopes can possibly serve as a qualitative biomarker besides their potential role in disease pathogenesis. TG2 is released from cells via a non-conventional route, and this mechanism controls its extracellular activity. This pathway is likely to be shared with other proteins undergoing alternative secretion, many of which are potent biological signaling molecules. The aim of this project is to investigate whether non-classical secretion of TG2 is mediated by activation of the ligand-gated ion channel 7 (P2X7R) in analogy to interleukin-1β processing and release. Specifically, we are exploring whether ATP, a P2X7R agonist, which might be released from damaged cells at the sites of injury, triggers active release of TG2 from cells. To test this hypothesis we first employed macrophage and breast cancer cell models, where P2X7R is endogenously expressed, to look for involvement of ATP signaling in TG2 externalization through microvesicle shedding. By establishing HEK293 cells stably expressing P2X7R we show for the first time that introduction of functional P2X7R alone is sufficient to reconstitute rapid non-conventional TG2 export in a cell model. P2X7R activation induced time-dependent release of TG2 but not other cytoplasmic proteins, and this response was blocked by a selective P2X7R inhibitor. TG2 release was dependent on Ca2+ influx triggered by P2X7R activation and might be related to P2X7R-dependent membrane pore formation. These results provide a mechanistic explanation for a link between active TG2 release and inflammatory responses

    Total anomalous pulmonary vein drainage in a 60-year-old woman diagnosed in an ECG-gated multidetector computed tomography : a case report and review of literature

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    Purpose: Total anomalous pulmonary vein drainage (TAPVD) is a congenital cardiac defect in which there is no connection between pulmonary veins and the left atrium. Pulmonary veins form a confluence independent of the left atrium and drain to a systemic vein. TAPVD types are: supracardiac, cardiac, infracardiac, and mixed. TAPVD accounts for approximately 1.5-2.2% of all congenital heart diseases. This anomaly is usually diagnosed in the neonatal period, and it coexists with atrial septal defect. Adult cases of TAPVD are rarely reported. Case report: We report a rare case of a 60-year-old woman with incidentally found, uncorrected TAPVD in ECG-gated multidetector computed tomography. In previous echocardiographic examinations partial anomalous pulmonary venous return and atrial septal defect were diagnosed. Conclusions: ECG-gated multidetector computed tomography is a valuable diagnostic method for adults with congenital heart disease. It enables evaluation of coronary arteries and simultaneously provides detailed anatomy of great vessels

    Sylwetka kobiet na polskim rynku pracy

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Titanium dioxide/silver nanoparticle bilayers prepared in self-assembly processes

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    A new method for the preparation of TiO2/Ag bilayers via colloid self-assembly process using well-characterized titanium dioxide and silver suspensions was developed. The titanium dioxide nanoparticles, forming a supporting layer, were 46 nm in diameter, exhibiting an isoelectric point at pH 6.4. The silver nanoparticles, forming an external layer of the diameter of 50 nm were prepared via a chemical reduction method with the presence inorganic phosphate salts. The electrophoretic mobility measurements revealed that the zeta potential of silver nanoparticles was highly negative for a broad range of pH and ionic strengths. By explaining this information, the optimum condition for the silver nanoparticle immobilization on TiO2 supporting layers were selected. The coverage of the first layer was adjusted by ionic strength of the suspensions and by the deposition time. Afterward, the silver nanoparticle monolayers of controlled coverage were deposited under the diffusion-controlled transport. Their coverage was determined by a direct enumeration of deposited nanoparticles from AFM images and SEM micrographs. The experimental results showed that for extended deposition times, the coverage of silver nanoparticle layers significantly increases with ionic strength. Therefore, it was proven that the formation of bilayers is mainly controlled by electrostatic interactions and that it is feasible to produce uniform TiO2/Ag materials of desired coverage and structure

    Fetomaternal hemorrhage - case report

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    Maternal fetal leakage (FMH) is a well-known cause of fetal anemia. We define it as the transition of the fetal erythrocytes into the maternal circulation. Its severity is determined by measuring the level of fetal hemoglobin in the mother's blood using the Kleinhauer-Betke test or the cytometric method (FCM). The paper presents a case of a newborn with massive maternal-fetal leakage. The maternal blood Kleinhauer test result was greater than 5% of the fetal blood cells, and the initial neonatal hemoglobin level was 3.5 g / dl. Correct treatment of fetal anemia is presented. The additional studies performed allowed for the exclusion of other causes as a result of the extremely severe condition of the newborn after delivery. Early diagnosis of fetal-maternal leak and its treatment through execution