30 research outputs found

    Media Pembelajaran Matematika Menggunakan Kinemater Dimasa Pademi Covid-19

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    Abstrak: Pandemi covid-19 melanda Indonesia sudah hampir dua tahun pandemi covid-19 berasal dari negara cina lebih tepatnya di uhan cina, pandemic covid -19 digadang-gadang merupakan penyakit yang mematikan, penyakit ini berupa virus yang bisa menular melalui benda yang di pegang dan berbicara secara langsung. Pandemi covid-19 menimbulkan keresahan bagi masyarakat, karena dari covid-19 menimbulkan barbagai dampak terhadap kehidupan di dunia, semenjak dunia dilanda musibah wabah penyakit yang di sebut dengan covid-19 semua aktifitas masyarakat di luar rumah terhenti, semua kegitan di pindahkan di rumah saja, lembaga yang sangat merasakan dampak dari covid-19 ini adalah sekolah sekolah yang dahulunya dilaksanakan secara tatap muka namun sekarang proses pembelajaran dikalukan secara daring atau online, selama pembelajaran online siswa tidak bisa mengikuti pembelajaran dengan baik, karena banyak fator yang menyebabkan terkendalanya siswa pada saat belajar, pembelajaran selama daring siswa atau bahkan mahasiswa mengikuti pemeblajaran melalui aplikasi yang terdapat di laptop atau smartphone saja. Pembelajaran pada masa pandemi ini tidak efektif dan kondusif, maka dari semua kendala proses selama pembelajaran tersebut guru dituntut aktif dalam menyampaikan materi supaya bisa memahami materi yang diajarkan, selain itu guru juga dituntut kreatif dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran untuk mata pelajaran matematik SD Negeri 13 bintunggan dan media yang dibuat oleh guru tersebut harus menarik agar siswa lebih tertarik dalam belajar dan membantu siswa memahami materi.dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran guru bisa memanfaatkan aplikasi yang sudah tesedia salah satunya yaitu aplikasi kinemaster. Untuk membut video pembelajaran untuk mempermudah siswa Kata Kunci: KineMaster, Media Pembelajaran, Peserta Didi

    The Development of Interactive Multimedia Using Lectora Inspire Application in Arabic Language Learning

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    Interactive learning media that were used in schools, in general, were still less innovative, only use the media available in the school environment, and do not utilize technology. The aim of this study developed interactive multimedia using Lectora Inspire application in learning Arabic Language class VII at Islamic Junior High School Thawalib Tanjung Limau. The goal to be achieved was to produce interactive multimedia using the Lectora Inspire application that was valid, practical, and effective. The researcher used Research and Development model. The results showed that interactive multimedia using the Lectora Inspire application in Arabic learning that was developed had met valid criteria with the characteristics of media content in accordance with the curriculum, design and layout that was clear, ease of operation of the media. The results of observations and questionnaires show that learning media were already practical with characteristics that have precise contents and goals. In addition, the developed media has also in increasing student activity and learning outcomes, with 85.8% mastery learning. Keywords: Lectora Inspire, Interactive Multimedia, Arabi


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    Abstrak Pembelajaran jarak  jauh adalah pembelajaran yang dilakukan secara daring antara guru dengan siswa, jadi guru harus membuat media pembelajaran yang mmenarik yaitu berbentuk vidio, agar kualitas vidio bagus, salah satu cara yang penting dilakukan yaitu dengan cara editing, adapun aplikasi yang cocok digunakan adalah aplikasi kinemaster. Aplikasi kinemaster sangat dibutuhkan oleh guru untuk pengeditan vidio pembelajaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui cara pemanfaatan aplikasi kinemaster dalam membuat vidio pembelajaran PKN Kelas III di SDN 03 Suka Jadi Maligi, Pasaman Barat, serta langkah-langkah yang digunakan dalam mengedit vidio. Adapun pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi landung ke lokasi dan melakukan wawancara kepada guru. Kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kreatifitas dalam membuat vidio pembelajaran di masa pandemi covid-19 dan menarik minat belajar siswa. Hasil dari kegiatan penelitian ini ternyata masih banyak guru SDN 03 Suka Jadi Maligi yang belum bisa menggunakan aplikasi kinemaster untuk mengedit vidio. Kata Kunci: Kinemaster, Media Pembelajaran, Pandem

    Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Canva dalam Proses Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di MAN Gunung Padang Panjang

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    This article examines the use of Canva software in the Arabic learning process. Canva is a graphic design application that helps users to more easily design various types of creativity from the inspiration of their own thoughts. In the learning process, this software is indispensable. This software arose from the thought of designing tools that help produce work in learning, and can be done anywhere. This is of course in line with the learning needs during the COVID-19 virus pandemic, where the government prefers to carry out activities at home. The subject of the research is a teacher who has teaching experience in class XI MAN Gunung Padang Panjang. Research is directed at describing the steps, features and benefits of learning to use Canva. The results of the study found that teachers followed a step-by-step tutorial to use Canva which has various features, so that users can use it to produce a work in the form of a poster. Teachers feel the benefits of using Canva more towards graphic design in learning. Not only learning languages, Canva is proven to encourage students' creativity.Artikel ini mengkaji tentang pemanfaatan software Canva pada proses pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Canva merupakan aplikasi desain grafis yg membantu penggunanya supaya lebih simpel merancang aneka macam jenis kreatifitas dari inspirasi pemikiran sendiri. Dalam proses pembelajaran, software ini sangat diperlukan. Software ini muncul dari pemikiran untuk merancang alat yang membantu menghasilkan karya dalam pembelajaran, dan dapat dilakukan di mana saja. Hal ini tentu sejalan dengan kebutuhan pembelajaran saat pandemi virus COVID-19, di mana pemerintah lebih menyarankan untuk melakukan kegiatan di rumah. Subjek dari penelitian adalah guru yang memiliki pengalaman mengajar di kelas XI MAN Gunung Padang Panjang. Penelitian diarahkan pada upaya mendeskripsikan langkah-langkah, fitur serta manfaat dari pembelajaran menggunakan Canva. Hasil penelitian mendapati bahwa guru mengikuti tutorial langkah-langkah untuk menggunakan Canva yang memiliki fitur beragam, sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh pengguna untuk menghasilkan sebuah karya berbentuk poster. Guru merasakan manfaat dari penggunaan Canva ini lebih ke arah desain grafis dalam pembelajaran. Tidak hanya belajar bahasa, Canva terbukti dapat mendorong munculnya kreatifitas siswa

    Canva Application Development for Distance Learning on Arabic Language Learning in MTs Thawalib Tanjung Limau Tanah Datar

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    This study aims to find out the effectiveness and practicality of Canva applications that can be used online in Video format. The video is developed as a learning medium during distance learning for Arabic language learning. The method used in this study is the R & D (Research and Development) method by following the Borg and Gall models. This research model has ten steps of development, these are: 1) Research and information collection, 2) Planning, 3) Develop a preliminary form of product, 4) Preliminary field testing, 5) Main product revision, 6) Main field testing, 7) Operation product revision, 8) Operational field testing, 9) Final product revision, 10) Dissemination and implementation. This study only comes to the sixth step which at that step focuses only on field trials. The results of the field trials are the results of content verification on audiovisual learning media using the Canva application for distance learning with an average of 4.66 or in an excellent category with a maximum score of 5.00. While the average field test score on students' responses to learning media using the Canva app for distance learning is 3.78 and the maximum score is 5.00

    Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Plotagon Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Kelas X MAN

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     The use of learning media to teach Arabic language subjects in the 21st century era must continue to grow and develop because of the challenges and needs of life as technological advances continue to increase and even feel very threatening. Therefore, there is a need for the development of Arabic language learning media so that it does not lag far behind with technological advances so that learning Arabic no longer feels boring for students. Such as by applying the Plotagon application-based learning media that is very suitable for the type of life of millennial children who have a hobby by looking at photos, videos and even movies. The method used in this research is a descrciptive qualitative method by collecting student data based on research results, which the purpose of this research is to introduce and to facilitate learners in the learning process and useful to know the meaning of the material presented, so that students can benefit such applications on learning Arabic


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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan materi pembelajaran ilmu pengetahuan sosial berbasis aplikasi kinemaster. Metode penelitian dengan menelusuri kajian pustaka sebagai rujukan untuk mendapatkan data yang dapat dipercaya. hasil dari vidio pembelajaran untuk pelajaran IPS di sekolah dasar diantaranya : vidio presentasi. ketika akan memulai proses pembelajaran hal yang perlu dilakukan atau diperhatikan : 1. perangkat pendukung (laptop, spiker, dan proyektor), 2. keterampilan guru dalam menggunakan vidio pembelajaran, 3. vidio seperti kesesuaian vidio dengan tema, kualitas vidio (gambar yang ditampilkan jernih) dan durasi vidio ( 3-7 menit), 4. Mengapload media pembelajaran berupa vidio pembelajaran di youtube sehingga dapat di akses oleh peserta didik dengan mudah sehingga pembelajaran dapat berjalan seperti biasa meski di rumah saja. adapun keunggulan dari vidio pembelajran berbasis kinemaster yaitu dapat memberi pengalaman secara langsung dengan lebih nyata dan merupakan media pembelajaran yang mudah digunakan dan kelemahan media tersebut tidak interaktif.This article aims to explain social science learning materials based on the kinemaster application. The research method is by tracing the literature review as a reference to obtain reliable data. the results of learning videos for social studies lessons in elementary schools include: video presentations. when going to start the learning process things that need to be done or considered: 1. supporting devices (laptops, speakers, and projectors), 2. teacher skills in using learning videos, 3. videos such as the suitability of the video with the theme, video quality (the images displayed are clear ) and the duration of the video (3-7 minutes), 4. Uploading learning media in the form of learning videos on YouTube so that it can be accessed by students easily so that learning can run as usual even at home. The advantages of kinemaster-based learning videos are that they can provide direct, more real experience and are easy-to-use learning media and the weaknesses of the media are not interactive


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    This study aims to find out related to the need to be able to develop animated video media from the nva application in Social Sciences (IPS) lessons. The instrument used in this study used a closed questionnaire with the type of quantitative data. This questionnaire is distributed through a google form. The results of this analysis show that from 10 educators and 163 fourth grade students (four) in nine elementary schools (SD) in Sungai Tarab, it proved that 90% of teachers stated the need and agreed that using animated video media based on the Canva application was interesting, 90% of educators said they needed and agreed to use Canva application-based animated video media is good and 83.4% of students said they needed to use Canva application video media in social science learning. Based on the research, it can be concluded that there must be the development of animated video media based on the Canva application in social studies science lesson

    Implementation Of Integrated Learning of Islamic Religious Education to Improve Student's Social Attitude Competence

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    This study aims to analyze the improvement of students' social attitudes through integrated learning on Islamic Religious Education subjects at MIN 1 Tanah Datar. The research method used is a quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group design. The research data was obtained using interviews and a questionnaire sheet that had been validated and then tested with the Tesmer model. Interview guidelines were distributed to four PAI teachers and a questionnaire to collect data on the social competence of 51 fourth graders. The data obtained were then analyzed using descriptive analysis to determine the percentage of students' social competence through integrated learning. This study shows a significant increase in students' social attitudes through integrated learning. Integrated learning is carried out in order to provide opportunities for students to be more active in a more inclusive learning process