47 research outputs found

    Labour-centred development in Latin America: two cases of alternative development

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    The ‘pink tide’ in Latin America, or what remains of it, is drawing increasing criticisms from the political left for its inability to confront existing socio-structural inequalities. This article contributes to these debates in two ways. First, as a means of understanding better the development strategies that have been followed by left-leaning governments, it highlights and critiques what it labels Elite Development Theory (EDT) encompassing Washington Consensus and Statist Political Economy. It shows how despite its self-stated objectives - the amelioration of the conditions of the poor and their uplifting - EDT is grounded in elite assumptions about social change: States and corporations are posited as prime-movers in the development process while collective efforts of labouring classes to pursue their own developmental strategies are ignored and/or de-legitimated. Exploitation, oppression and the ideological delegitimation of labouring class collective actions form the core of EDT. The second contribution of this article is to argue for an alternative form of what it terms labour-centred development (LCD). This argument is supported through an examination of the Chilean cordones industriales and Argentinian empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores (ERT) movements. The article concludes that whilst LCD may be a rarity, its existence offers the basis for alternative development theory and strategy

    Does changing from a teacher-centered to a learner-centered context promote self-regulated learning : A qualitative study in a Japanese undergraduate setting

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    Background: Previous studies indicate that a teacher-centered context could hinder undergraduates from self-regulated learning (SRL), whereas a learner-centered context could promote SRL. However, SRL development between a teacher-centered and a learner-centered context has not directly compared in undergraduate settings. Also, it is still unclear how a contextual change toward learner-centered learning could influence SRL in students, who are strongly accustomed to teacher-centered learning. Methods: We conducted three focus groups that examined 13 Japanese medical students who left a traditional curriculum composed of didactic lectures and frequent summative tests and entered a seven-month elective course (Free Course Student Doctor or FCSD). The FCSD emphasizes student-designed individualized learning with support and formative feedback from mentors chosen by students' preference. We also conducted two focus groups that examined 7 students who remained in the teacher-centered curriculum during the same period. Students were asked to discuss their 1) motivation, 2) learning strategies, and 3) self-reflection on self-study before and during the period. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis and code comparison between the two cohorts. Results: The non-FCSD participants described their motivational status as being one among a crowd set by the teacher's yardstick. Their reflection focused on minimizing the gap between themselves and the teacher-set yardstick with strategies considered monotonous and homogeneous (e.g. memorization). FCSD participants described losing the teacher-set yardstick and constructing their future self-image as an alternative yardstick. They compared gaps between their present status and future self-image by self-reflection. To fill these gaps, they actively employed learning strategies used by doctors or mentors, leading to diversification of their learning strategies. Conclusions: A contextual change toward learner-centered learning could promote SRL even in students strongly accustomed to teacher-centered learning. In the learner-centered context, students began to construct their self-image, conduct self-reflection, and seek diverse learning strategies by referring to future 'self' models

    Characterization of glycan substrates accumulating in GM1 Gangliosidosis

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    Introduction: GM1 gangliosidosis is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder caused by the disruption of the GLB1 gene that encodes β-galactosidase, a lysosomal hydrolase that removes β-linked galactose from the non-reducing end of glycans. Deficiency of this catabolic enzyme leads to the lysosomal accumulation of GM1 and its asialo derivative GA1 in β-galactosidase deficient patients and animal models. In addition to GM1 and GA1, there are other glycoconjugates that contain β-linked galactose whose metabolites are substrates for β-galactosidase. For example, a number of N-linked glycan structures that have galactose at their non-reducing end have been shown to accumulate in GM1 gangliosidosis patient tissues and biological fluids. Objective: In this study, we attempt to fully characterize the broad array of GLB1 substrates that require GLB1 for their lysosomal turnover. Results: Using tandem mass spectrometry and glycan reductive isotope labeling with data-dependent mass spectrometry, we have confirmed the accumulation of glycolipids (GM1 and GA1) and N-linked glycans with terminal beta-linked galactose. We have also discovered a novel set of core 1 and 2 O-linked glycan metabolites, many of which are part of structurally-related isobaric series that accumulate in disease. In the brain of GLB1 null mice, the levels of these glycan metabolites increased along with those of both GM1 and GA1 as a function of age. In addition to brain tissue, we found elevated levels of both N-linked and O-linked glycan metabolites in a number of peripheral tissues and in urine. Both brain and urine samples from human GM1 gangliosidosis patients exhibited large increases in steady state levels for the same glycan metabolites, demonstrating their correlation with this disease in humans as well. Conclusions: Our studies illustrate that GLB1 deficiency is not purely a ganglioside accumulation disorder, but instead a broad oligosaccharidosis that include representatives of many β-linked galactose containing glycans and glycoconjugates including glycolipids, N-linked glycans, and various O-linked glycans. Accounting for all β-galactosidase substrates that accumulate when this enzyme is deficient increases our understanding of this severe disorder by identifying metabolites that may drive certain aspects of the disease and may also serve as informative disease biomarkers to fully evaluate the efficacy of future therapies

    Limited effects from professional identity formation-oriented intervention on self-regulated learning in a preclinical setting: a randomized-controlled study in Japan

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    Background Developing self-regulated learning in preclinical settings is important for future lifelong learning. Previous studies indicate professional identity formation, i.e., formation of self-identity with internalized values and norms of professionalism, might promote self-regulated learning. We designed a professional identity formation-oriented reflection and learning plan format, then tested effectiveness on raising self-regulated learning in a preclinical year curriculum. Methods A randomized controlled crossover trial was conducted using 112 students at Jichi Medical University. In six one-day problem-based learning sessions in a 7-month pre-clinical year curriculum, Groups A (n = 56, female 18, mean age 21.5y ± 0.7) and B (n = 56, female 11, mean age 21.7y ± 1.0) experienced professional identity formation-oriented format: Group A had three sessions with the intervention format in the first half, B in the second half. Between-group identity stages and self-regulated learning levels were compared using professional identity essays and the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire. Results Two-level regression analyses showed no improvement in questionnaire categories but moderate improvement of professional identity stages over time (R2 = 0.069), regardless of timing of intervention. Conclusions Professional identity moderately forms during the pre-clinical year curriculum. However, neither identity nor self-regulated learning is raised significantly by limited intervention

    Community cooperation as a disaster medicine competency

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    Professional identity formation-oriented mentoring technique as a method to improve self-regulated learning:A mixed-method study

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    Introduction: Previous studies indicate that professional identity formation (PIF), the formation of a self-identity with the internalised values and norms of professionalism, may influence self-regulated learning (SRL). However, it remains unclear whether a PIF-oriented intervention can improve SRL in clinical education. The aim of this study was to explore whether a PIF-oriented mentoring platform improves SRL in a clinical clerkship. Methods: A mixed-methods study was conducted. Forty-one students in a community-based clinical clerkship (CBCC) used a PIF-oriented mentoring platform. They articulated the values and norms of professionalism in a professional identity essay, elaborated on future professional self-image, and reflected on their current compared to future selves. They made a study plan while referring to PIF-based self-reflection and completed it. The control group of 41 students completed CBCC without the PIF-oriented mentoring platform. Changes in SRL between the two groups were quantitatively compared using the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire. We explore how PIF elements in the platform affected SRL by qualitative analysis of questionnaire and interview data. Results: A moderate improvement in intrinsic goal orientation (p = 0.005, e2 = 0.096) and a mild improvement in critical thinking (p = 0.041, e2 = 0.051) were observed in the PIF-oriented platform group. Qualitative analysis revealed that the PIF-oriented platform fostered professional responsibility as a key to expanding learning goals. Gaining authentic knowledge professionally fostered critical thinking, and students began to elaborate knowledge in line with professional task processes. Conclusion: A PIF-oriented mentoring platform helped students improve SRL during a clinical clerkship