248 research outputs found

    Capillary electrophoresis characterisation of a rapid prototyped PMMA chip for particle analysis

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    Màster en Nanociència i NanotecnologiaA rapid and cheap method has been developed for the fabrication of a capillary electrophoresis chip for the preliminary characterization of particles. The microfluidic chips were fabricated using polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) with integrated platinum electrodes without the need of using high technology microfabrication techniques. The chips were characterized using electroosmotic flow (EOF) with different channel treatments. The electrodes were characterised with impedance and conductivity measurements using both static and electrophoretic flow, respectively. Nine micron diameter particles were detected and their electrophoretic mobility determined using capillary electrophoresis and conductivity detection

    Qualitative Inquiry in an Age of Educationalese

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    In this introduction we reflect on two key questions that initiated this special issue on qualitative inquiry: What can qualitative researchers do to regain their post-paradigm-wars cache? How do we avoid distracting “science wars” in the future? We suggest that the strong tendency to narrow the research methods accepted as “scientific” – because they adopt quantitative perspectives and are presumed a priori to be more rigorous – has created an educationalese, a narrative of rigid categories that has not necessarily contributed to more effective or persuasive educational research. The article ends by suggesting that the use of “knowledge mobilization” strategies would help to strengthen qualitative research and educational research in general

    Why do racial disparities in school discipline exist? The role of policies, processes, people, and places

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    This brief is part of larger regional study of racial equity in discipline policies and practices conducted by Virginia Commonwealth University’s Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium (MERC). The goal of the broader project is to: (1) analyze racial disproportionality in discipline across the Richmond area, (2) explore various interventions designed to ameliorate disproportionality, and (3) provide recommendations that inform policymaking and practice in the Richmond region. This is the first of two research briefs on racially inequitable school discipline. The subsequent brief will examine the history and theory of action behind different discipline models or interventions, as well as evidence of their impact on racial disproportionality. At the end of this brief, five of the key research studies on this topic are summarized

    Language Manipulation in CNN's Presentation of the Syrian Crisis: A Critical Discourse Analysis

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    This research is about the critical discourse analysis (henceforth, CDA) of the news which tackles the Syrian crisis in the American Cable News Network (henceforth, CNN). It aims to show how language is manipulated in the reports that focus on the Syrian crisis on CNN, as well as find out the effect of Russia's intervention in Syria on the Syrian News in the channel. To achieve its aim, the study hypothesizes that 1) CNN utilises discursive strategies in order to manipulate langue for ideological purposes that serve the channels orientation, and 2) Russia's military involvement in Syria affect the way CNN reports its news. In order to test its hypothesis, the study adopts the following procedures: 1) present a theoretical background about the field of CDA. 2) Analyze (6) report from CNN that tackle the Syrian crisis, (3) reports before and (3) after the Russian involvement. 3) Rely on van Dijk's In-group and Out-group presentation, as well as the Discursive Strategies found in his model Ideological Discourse Analysis (1995) and in analyzing the data. Keywords: CDA, Manipulation, Syrian Crisi

    Kemahiran keusahawanan pelatih wanita kursus rekaan fesyen pakaian di institut latihan kemahiran

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    Program Rekaan Fesyen Pakaian adalah salah satu program teknikal dan vokasional yang masih dikuasai pelatih wanita di institut latihan. Kajian ini adalah bertujuan bagi mengenalpasti ciri–ciri keusahawanan dan kemahiran keusahawanan dalam kalangan 130 orang pelatih wanita Program Rekaan Fesyen Pakaian Institut Latihan Kemahiran. Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk tinjauan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif bagi mengkaji penerapan elemen ciri-ciri usahawan dan kemahiran keusahawanan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa min keseluruhan bagi setiap ciri-ciri usahawanan seperti kreatif dan inovasi, berani mengambil risiko, keyakinan diri, dan motivasi mendapat aras persetujuan yang tinggi. Selain itu, kemahiran komunikasi dan kemahiran teknologi maklumat berada pada aras persetujuan sederhana tinggi manakala kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah, kemahiran mengurus perniagaan, dan kemahiran kepimpinan berada aras persetujuan yang tinggi. Malahan, terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan dalam ciri-ciri usahawan antara dua institut latihan yang dikaji dalam aspek berani mengambil risiko dan keyakinan diri. Terdapat perbezaan dalam kemahiran keusahawanan antara dua institut latihan dalam aspek kemahiran teknologi maklumat. Justeru, ciri-ciri dan elemen kemahiran keusahawanan sangat perlu diserapkan di institut latihan kemahiran yang dikaji bagi melahirkan gologan usahawan yang berdaya saing dalam bidang rekaan fesyen khususnya untuk golongan belia wanita

    Examinando a narrativa-mestra do “grit”: Contra-narrativas com alunos negros e latino-americanos com deficiências durante uma era de testes “high-stakes”

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    In this study we trouble the notion of “grit” and “high-stakes” testing by focusing on the experiences and perspectives of Black and Latinx students labeled with dis/abilities with the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). Through interviews, focus groups, and classroom observations with 15 Black and Latinx students labeled with dis/abilities, we utilize the power of student voice and counterstories to problematize the master narrative of a “grit”/no “grit” binary in education policy discourse. This binary has contributed to an educational culture that reinforces victim blaming, reifies inequities for Black and Latinx students with dis/abilities, and undermines students’ emotional wellbeing. Harnessing the power of the students’ experiences and perspectives, we conclude with recommendations for policy and practice.En este estudio, examinamos la noción de pruebas de “grit” y de “high-stakes” centrándonos en las experiencias y perspectivas de los estudiantes negros y latinx con discapacidades con el California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). A través de entrevistas, grupos focales y observaciones en el aula con 15 estudiantes negros y latinx con discapacidades, utilizamos el poder de las voces y las contra-narratives de los estudiantes para problematizar la narrativa magistral de un discurso binario “grit” / no “grit” dentro de política educativa. Este binario ha contribuido a una cultura educativa que refuerza el culpar a las víctimas, refuerza las inequidades para los estudiantes con discapacidades y socava el bienestar emocional de los estudiantes. Aprovechando el poder de las experiencias y perspectivas de los estudiantes, concluimos con recomendaciones para políticas y prácticas.Neste estudo, examinamos a noção de “grit” e “high-stakes” com foco nas experiências e perspectivas de alunos negros e latinos com deficiência, com o California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). Por meio de entrevistas, grupos focais e observações em sala de aula com 15 alunos negros e latinos com deficiências, utilizamos o poder das vozes e contra-narrativas dos alunos para problematizar a narrativa-mestra de um discurso binário “grit” / “não grit” dentro da política educacional. Esse binário tem contribuído para uma cultura educacional que reforça a responsabilização das vítimas, reforça as desigualdades para os alunos com deficiência e prejudica o bem-estar emocional dos estudantes. Aproveitando o poder das experiências e perspectivas dos alunos, concluímos com recomendações de políticas e práticas

    FDTD simulations of transmission increase in corrugated tip of near-field scanning optical microscope

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    This paper studies mechanisms of nano-focusing and transport of energy of a light through a tip with a sub-wavelength aperture diameter for scanning near-field optical microscopy (NSOM). In particular, we considered the problem of increasing the transmission of energy through the tip of the microscope. One way to improve transmission is to create a periodic metal-dielectric interface, which provides a coupling effect of the plasmon-polariton waves propagating at the boundary of the interface

    Using Lexical Items for Achieving the Impression of Self-promotion and Self-supplication: A Critical Pragmatic Analysis

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    تتعامل الدراسة الحالية مع استخدام توم هاردي للمفردات من أجل تحقيق الانطباع الخاص بالترويج للنفس واستجداء الشفقة للذات. تتعامل هذه الدراسة مع استخدام توم هاردي مختلف المفردات أداة في مرحلة على مستوى المايكرو؛ ليُنظر إليه بوصفه ممثل هوليوود الناجح الذي مثل في أفلام ناجحة، وكذلك لينظر إليه بوصفه شابا عاجزا الذي ارتكب أعمال غير قانونية لكونه غير ناضج للحصول على الانطباع الخاص بالترويج للذات واستجداء شفقة الاخرين. مشكلة هذه الدراسة هو استخدام توم هاردي للمفردات اللغوية لتحقيق الانطباع الخاص بالترويج للذات واستجداء شفقة الآخرين، لم يتناوله من وجهة نظر تداولية نقدية. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى إيجاد أنواع المفردات اللغوية التي استخدمها توم هاردي في عرض جوناثان روس للترويج للذات واستجداء شفقة الآخرين. تفترض هذه الدراسة أن توم هاردي استخدم بشكل أساسي المفردات اللغوية التي تحمل المعنى التجريبي لينظر اليه بوصفه ممثلا ناجحا و شابا عاجزا. هذه الدراسة مهمة؛ لأنها تتعامل مع استخدام الاستيراتيجيات التي تخص علم النفس الاجتماعي من ممثل للتأثير على الجمهور وتناول هذه الدراسة من وجهة نظر تداولية نقدية. The present study deals with the use of lexical items by Tom Hardy for self-promotion and Self-supplication. It deals with the use of different lexical items as a micro level device by Tom Hardy to be viewed as the successful Hollywood actor who acts in successful films besides being viewed as the helpless young man who made illegal actions for being immature to gain more fame, wealth, new turns in films and passing the ideology of Americanism to the audience. The problem of this study is that the use lexical items by Tom Hardy for gaining the impressions of self-promotion and supplication has not been tackled within the field of critical pragmatics. This study aims at finding out the types of lexical items used by Tom Hardy in Jonothan Ross Show for self-promotion and self-supplication. This study hypothesizes that Tom Hardy uses mainly lexical items with experiential value to be viewed as a successful actor and helpless young man. This study is significant since it deals with the use of social psychological strategies by an actor for influencing the audience from a critical pragmatic perceptive

    Understanding Racial Inequity in School Discipline Across the Richmond Region

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    This report comes from the MERC Achieving Racial Equity in School Disciplinary Policies and Practices study. Launched in the spring of 2015, the purpose of this mixed- method study was to understand the factors related to disproportionate school discipline outcomes in MERC division schools. The study had two phases. Phase one (quantitative) used primary and secondary data to explore racial disparities in school discipline in the MERC region as well as discipline programs schools use to address them. Phase two (qualitative) explored the implementation of discipline programs in three MERC region schools, as well as educator and student perceptions of school discipline and racial disproportionality. This report shares findings from both phases of our study and offers numerous implications and recommendations for research, policy, and practice