634 research outputs found

    Who done it, actually? Dissociative identity disorder for the criminologist

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    Through the analysis of clinical examples, the paper explores how decisions are made by a person with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), the notions of choice and ‘competent reasoning’, and the practical and ethical ways for interviewing a person with DID. Abstract Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is examined in this paper from the perspective of its relevance to the criminologist. As this psychiatric condition is linked to severe and prolonged childhood abuse, accounts of DID patients inevitably involve reports of serious crimes, in which the person was the victim, perpetrator or witness. These reports can thus contain crucial information for criminal investigations by the police or for court proceedings. However, due to the person’s dissociation, such reports are often very confusing, hard to follow, hard to believe and difficult to obtain. They also frequently state that the person had ‘no choice’, a thorny notion for the criminologist (as well as for the clinician). Through the analysis of clinical examples, the paper explores how decisions are made by a person with DID, the notions of choice and ‘competent reasoning’, and the practical and ethical ways for interviewing a person with DID

    Pemberdayaan UMKM Sebagai Penguatan Ekonomi Lokal di kabupaten Jombang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui model pemberdayaan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) sebagai penguatan ekonomi local di kabupaen Jombang. Penelitian ini menggunaakan metode deskriptif kualitatif . Analisis data menggunakan analisa kualitatif miles dan huberman yaitu 1. Reduksi data (2) penyajian data  dan (3) penarikan kesimpulan.  Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa Berdasarkan data penelitian dan pembahasan tentang pemberdayaan UMKM sebagai penguatan ekonomi Di kabupaten jombang, yang sudah dilakukan oleh peneliti maka telah disimpulkan sebagai berikut: Model pemberdayaan UMKM sebagai penguatan ekonomi local di kanupaten Jombang adalah penyediaan sarana prasarana tempat berjualan dengan merelokasi dari alon alon jombang kecluster “Kuliner Jombang” di jalan Dr Sutomo. Adapun  bentuk dari model penguatan dengan penyediaan sarana prasarana oleh pemerintah kabupaten jombang adalah:  (1) Tempat strategis (2) Pngelompokan Usaha Kuliner (3) Tarif Retribusi yang Terjangkau (4) Pemberlakuan jam penutupan jalan bagi kendaraan Roda

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Nasabah Pembiayaan Murabahah di Perbankan Syariah

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    The law No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection is organized in order to realize the assurance of legal certainty to provide legal protection to the consumers, including in the murabahah financing scheme applied in Islamic banks and the Islamic Financial Institution (Lembaga Keuangan Syariah/LKS). Related to the consumer protection, the existing regulation on murabahah already accommodates the consumer protection, except in the application of the standard contract. The standard contract, in which the clauses are set unilaterally, has the potential to harm the consumers or clients. Keywords: Legal protection, murabahah financeUU Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen disusun dalam rangka mewujudkan terjaminnya kepastian hukum untuk memberikan perlindungan hukum kepada konsumen, termasuk dalam skim pembiayaan murabahah yang diterapkan di bank Syariah atau Lembaga Keuangan Syariah (LKS). Terkait dengan upaya perlindungan konsumen, regulasi yang ada tentang murabahah sudah mengakomodir upaya perlindungan konsumen kecuali pada penerapan akad baku. Dalam akad baku yang klausulanya ditetapkan secara sepihak, berpotensi merugikan pihak nasabah atau konsumen. Kata kunci: perlindungan hukum dan pembiayaan murabahah

    Assessment of smoked fish packaging in Doron-Baga metropolis, Borno State, Nigeria

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    This study examined how smoked fish are being packaged in Doran-Baga metropolis. A random sampling technique was used purposely to select one hundred and fifty respondents who are currently involve in smoked fish packaging. Data were collected by means of structured questionnaire. Data collected were analyzed using percentages and frequency. Results revealed that smoked fish packaging is predominantly traditional in the study area. Modern method of smoked fish packaging is nearly absent when compared to smoked fisheries resources produced and packaged from the are


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    Adah Puadah. 1410130199. The Reference Analysis of Hortatory Text in Pathway to English. This research has two aims (1) to find out the common reference which used at hortatory text in Pathway to English, (2) to know the reference contribution in meaning construction. Textbook is one of instrument in teaching and learning progress. It has a great role in teaching learning, it is like guidance for teacher in teaching and it can be a reference for student in studying. Textbook is also any stretch of language which is held together cohesively in meaning ( Feez & Joyce, 2002: 4). Pathway to English textbook for the tenth grade is one of book which in newest curriculum that is 2013‟s curriculum which used as the student‟s book which has many activities and kinds of text on it. The hortatory is one text that students grade X should be mastery of it. Hortatory text is one of text which often we meet in public information such as magazines and newspapers (Sudarwari & Grace, 2013: 199). Hortatory text is reader‟s analysis from popular issues that has become his concern. Hortatory text is always send by reader to editor for publication, it may also be written as a support or opposition to the publication stand on a particular issues or as a commentary to another letter to editor. Meanwhile reference is defined as a type of linguistic expression that can be used to refer in a definable context for a particular purpose (Yoshida. E, 2011:15). So, reference used to analyze the context of text. This research method is discourse analysis research. It means that analyze the data(language) deeply by the cultural, context and situation (Brown and Yule, 1983). For the first question, „how does the common types of reference which found in hortatory text‟?. Based on the feature that have been found in the hortatory text, there are three feature; anaphoric, homophoric, and cataphoric. For the types of reference, the researcher found 38 (thirty-eight) reference which divide into three, those are; 11 (eleven) or (29%) personal reference, 17 (seventeen) or (44%) demonstrative reference, and 10 (ten) or (27%) demonstrative reference. It is indicate that the commonly reference type which found the hortatory text is demonstrative reference type. For the second question that is „how does selection reference contribute in meaning construction?‟. Here the researcher analyzed one hortatory text only which found in Pathway to English by the title “ Earthquakes don‟t Kill People, Poorly Constructed and Buildings do! “ that written by Iwan Gunawan in December, 3th 2009. The contribution of reference means to know the feature of the hortatory text by the feature of reference that found of it. It can be explain as 25 (twenty-five) of anaphoric reference feature, 18 (eighteen) of homophoric reference feature, and 5 (five) of cataphoric reference feature. Eggins (2004:334) stated that if there is anaphoric as the common feature in a text and homophoric happened in many times, it indicates the text is spoken mode. By those view, the researcher got the conclusion that the hortatory text is spoken mode

    Inconsistency in the Adoption of IFRS by Nigerian Microfinance Banks

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    The main objective of any financial reporting is affirmatively to communicate with the users, the true financial position of an enterprise in a summarized and standard form in order to facilitate understanding for economic and related decisions making process. In Nigeria, Statement of Accounting Standard (SAS) has been the official standard in practice before it is being replaced with International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS). From all respects, the SAS has similar objectives like the IFRS only that it operates within Nigeria. This study focuses on the Nigerian Microfinance Banks (MFBs), and the main problem is to address is whether it will be mandatory for these MFBs to adopt this new standard in preparing financial statements despite the high quality SAS, characteristics and uniqueness of these banks? The objective is to provide insights for suggested solution to this question through review of related literature. From the literatures’ findings, it can be concluded that due to the peculiarities of these banks and some challenges facing these banks, adoption of IFRS will not be feasible. This study recommends that the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) should include in its IFRS compliance financial reporting a special report to accommodate financial and operational activities of the MFBs and that if adoption of IFRS becomes a must for these MFBs, the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria (FRCN) and the apex body should fully sponsor the conversion costs including the continuous training until the banks can independently apply the standard. Keywords: central bank of Nigeria (CBN), IFRS, Nigerian GAAP, Nigerian microfinance banks

    Can We Predict and Manipulate Memory Intrusions in a Laboratory Setting?

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    Memory intrusions, a type of involuntary memory, are experienced by people on a daily basis yet are an under-researched phenomenon in psychology. This study examined how to better describe, manipulate, and predict memory intrusions. Participants (n=47) were tested using the stressful film paradigm to elicit memory intrusions, which were recorded over the following week. Three individual difference measures, working memory, physiological arousal, and anxiety sensitivity, were utilized for comparative analysis. The study was unable to manipulate memory intrusions with visuospatial or eye movement task conditions. Memory intrusion incidence was found to be correlated with anxiety sensitivity cognitive concerns and peaks in heart rate while no correlation with working memory was found. These results add to the current knowledge about memory intrusions phenomenology and correlates. Results also emphasize the need for future research on manipulating memory intrusions and curvilinear relationships between memory intrusion occurrence and both anxiety sensitivity and physiological arousal

    Effects of electromagnetic radiations on the male reproductive system

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    Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emitting from the natural environment, as well as from the use of industrial and everyday appliances, constantly influences the body of the animal. It is expected that the interactions between electromagnetic radiation and the living organism would depend on the amount and parameters of the transmitted energy and type of tissue exposed. Electromagnetic waves exert an influence on the male reproductive system causing spermatozoa to have decreased motility, morphometric abnormalities, increased peroxidation due to oxidative stress, histological aberrations in the testes and in some cases atrophy of the testicular tissue. This review presents from literature some of effects of electromagnetic radiations on the male reproductive system.Keywords: Electromagnetic Radiations, Male Reproductive System, Animals, Human

    Devices for Enlivening the Presentation of Shakespeare in the High School

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    Bimbingan dan konseling tidak masuk dalam struktur kurikulum, hal ini mengingat bimbingan dan konseling bukan merupakan mata pelajaran yang diberikan mealui proses pembelajaran, melainkan lebih pada proses pemberian layanan. Layanan bimbingan dan konseling lebih mengarah pada tindakan manajemen atau pengelolaan “masalah” peserta didik agar mampu tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai tugas perkembangannya. Tindakan pengelolaan masalah peserta didik oleh guru bimbingan dan konseling melalui layanan bimbingan dan konseling diharapkan mampu membantu mengentaskan hambatan yang dialaminya. Berbagai hambatan yang dialami peserta didik kelas VIII MTs Negeri 1 Lombok Barat antara lain dalam rasa percaya diri siswa. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini peneliti ingin melakukan bimbingan kepada peserta didik melalui bimbingan kelompok. Dalam bimbingan kelompok tersebut peserta didik diberi tugas untuk membahas materi yang diberikan oleh guru dengan mencoba menggunakan metode tutor sebaya. Setelah melakukan semua tahapan penelitian dari pengumpulan data,  analisis,  pemaparan  data sampai pembahasan terhadap semua temuan penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pemberian Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok dapat meningkatkan Percaya Diri khususnya pada siswa  MTs Negeri 1 Lombok Barat dilihat dari  rata-rata presentase pada siklus I yaitu sebesar 27,5% dan pada siklus II sebesar 76,25%, sehingga terjadi peningkatan sebesar  48,75%  pada tiap aspek yang ditelit
